
1020 lines
32 KiB

// cmdparser.cpp
// Parse Celestia command files and turn them into CommandSequences.
// Copyright (C) 2001 Chris Laurel <claurel@shatters.net>
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
#include <config.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <sstream>
#include <Eigen/Geometry>
#include <celutil/util.h>
#include <celutil/debug.h>
#include <celmath/mathlib.h>
#include <celengine/astro.h>
#include <celengine/render.h>
#include <celengine/tokenizer.h>
#include <celengine/glcontext.h>
#include <celscript/common/scriptmaps.h>
#include "cmdparser.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace celmath;
using namespace celestia::scripts;
static uint64_t parseRenderFlags(const string&, const FlagMap64&);
static int parseLabelFlags(const string&, const FlagMap&);
static int parseOrbitFlags(const string&, const FlagMap&);
static int parseConstellations(CommandConstellations* cmd, const string &s, int act);
int parseConstellationColor(CommandConstellationColor* cmd, const string &s, Eigen::Vector3d *col, int act);
CommandParser::CommandParser(istream& in, const shared_ptr<ScriptMaps> &sm) :
tokenizer = new Tokenizer(&in);
parser = new Parser(tokenizer);
CommandParser::CommandParser(Tokenizer& tok, const shared_ptr<ScriptMaps> &sm) :
tokenizer = &tok;
parser = new Parser(tokenizer);
delete parser;
delete tokenizer;
CommandSequence* CommandParser::parse()
CommandSequence* seq = new CommandSequence();
if (tokenizer->nextToken() != Tokenizer::TokenBeginGroup)
error("'{' expected at start of script.");
delete seq;
return nullptr;
Tokenizer::TokenType ttype = tokenizer->nextToken();
while (ttype != Tokenizer::TokenEnd && ttype != Tokenizer::TokenEndGroup)
Command* cmd = parseCommand();
if (cmd == nullptr)
for_each(seq->begin(), seq->end(), deleteFunc<Command*>());;
delete seq;
return nullptr;
ttype = tokenizer->nextToken();
if (ttype != Tokenizer::TokenEndGroup)
error("Missing '}' at end of script.");
for_each(seq->begin(), seq->end(), deleteFunc<Command*>());;
delete seq;
return nullptr;
return seq;
const vector<string>* CommandParser::getErrors() const
return &errorList;
void CommandParser::error(const string errMsg)
static ObserverFrame::CoordinateSystem parseCoordinateSystem(const string& name)
// 'geographic' is a deprecated name for the bodyfixed coordinate system,
// maintained here for compatibility with older scripts.
if (compareIgnoringCase(name, "observer") == 0)
return ObserverFrame::ObserverLocal;
else if (compareIgnoringCase(name, "bodyfixed") == 0)
return ObserverFrame::BodyFixed;
else if (compareIgnoringCase(name, "geographic") == 0)
return ObserverFrame::BodyFixed;
else if (compareIgnoringCase(name, "equatorial") == 0)
return ObserverFrame::Equatorial;
else if (compareIgnoringCase(name, "ecliptical") == 0)
return ObserverFrame::Ecliptical;
else if (compareIgnoringCase(name, "universal") == 0)
return ObserverFrame::Universal;
else if (compareIgnoringCase(name, "lock") == 0)
return ObserverFrame::PhaseLock;
else if (compareIgnoringCase(name, "chase") == 0)
return ObserverFrame::Chase;
return ObserverFrame::ObserverLocal;
Command* CommandParser::parseCommand()
if (tokenizer->nextToken() != Tokenizer::TokenName)
error("Invalid command name");
return nullptr;
string commandName = tokenizer->getStringValue();
Value* paramListValue = parser->readValue();
if (paramListValue == nullptr || paramListValue->getType() != Value::HashType)
error("Bad parameter list");
return nullptr;
Hash* paramList = paramListValue->getHash();
Command* cmd = nullptr;
if (commandName == "wait")
double duration = 1.0;
paramList->getNumber("duration", duration);
cmd = new CommandWait(duration);
else if (commandName == "set")
double value = 0.0;
string name;
paramList->getString("name", name);
if (!paramList->getNumber("value", value))
// Some values may be specified via strings
string valstr;
if (paramList->getString("value", valstr))
if (compareIgnoringCase(valstr, "fuzzypoints") == 0)
value = (double) Renderer::FuzzyPointStars;
else if (compareIgnoringCase(valstr, "points") == 0)
value = (double) Renderer::PointStars;
else if (compareIgnoringCase(valstr, "scaleddiscs") == 0)
value = (double) Renderer::ScaledDiscStars;
cmd = new CommandSet(name, value);
else if (commandName == "select")
string object;
paramList->getString("object", object);
cmd = new CommandSelect(object);
else if (commandName == "setframe")
string refName;
paramList->getString("ref", refName);
string targetName;
paramList->getString("target", targetName);
string coordSysName;
ObserverFrame::CoordinateSystem coordSys = ObserverFrame::Universal;
if (paramList->getString("coordsys", coordSysName))
coordSys = parseCoordinateSystem(coordSysName);
cmd = new CommandSetFrame(coordSys, refName, targetName);
else if (commandName == "setsurface")
string name;
paramList->getString("name", name);
cmd = new CommandSetSurface(name);
else if (commandName == "goto")
double t = 1.0;
paramList->getNumber("time", t);
double distance = 5.0;
paramList->getNumber("distance", distance);
ObserverFrame::CoordinateSystem upFrame = ObserverFrame::ObserverLocal;
string frameString;
if (paramList->getString("upframe", frameString))
upFrame = parseCoordinateSystem(frameString);
Eigen::Vector3d up(Eigen::Vector3d::UnitY());
paramList->getVector("up", up);
cmd = new CommandGoto(t,
else if (commandName == "gotolonglat")
double t = 1.0;
paramList->getNumber("time", t);
double distance = 5.0;
paramList->getNumber("distance", distance);
Eigen::Vector3d up(Eigen::Vector3d::UnitY());
paramList->getVector("up", up);
double longitude;
paramList->getNumber("longitude", longitude);
double latitude;
paramList->getNumber("latitude", latitude);
cmd = new CommandGotoLongLat(t,
(float) degToRad(longitude),
(float) degToRad(latitude),
else if (commandName == "gotoloc")
double t = 1.0;
paramList->getNumber("time", t);
Eigen::Vector3d pos(Eigen::Vector3d::UnitY());
if (paramList->getVector("position", pos))
pos = pos * astro::kilometersToMicroLightYears(1.0);
double xrot = 0.0;
paramList->getNumber("xrot", xrot);
double yrot = 0.0;
paramList->getNumber("yrot", yrot);
double zrot = 0.0;
paramList->getNumber("zrot", zrot);
zrot = degToRad(zrot);
auto rotation = Eigen::Quaterniond(Eigen::AngleAxisd(degToRad(xrot), Eigen::Vector3d::UnitX()) *
Eigen::AngleAxisd(degToRad(yrot), Eigen::Vector3d::UnitY()) *
Eigen::AngleAxisd(degToRad(zrot), Eigen::Vector3d::UnitZ()));
cmd = new CommandGotoLocation(t, pos, rotation);
std::string x, y, z;
paramList->getString("x", x);
paramList->getString("y", y);
paramList->getString("z", z);
double ow, ox, oy, oz;
paramList->getNumber("ow", ow);
paramList->getNumber("ox", ox);
paramList->getNumber("oy", oy);
paramList->getNumber("oz", oz);
Eigen::Quaterniond orientation(ow, ox, oy, oz);
cmd = new CommandGotoLocation(t, Eigen::Vector3d((double)BigFix(x), (double)BigFix(y), (double)BigFix(z)),
else if (commandName == "seturl")
std::string url;
paramList->getString("url", url);
cmd = new CommandSetUrl(url);
else if (commandName == "center")
double t = 1.0;
paramList->getNumber("time", t);
cmd = new CommandCenter(t);
else if (commandName == "follow")
cmd = new CommandFollow();
else if (commandName == "synchronous")
cmd = new CommandSynchronous();
else if (commandName == "lock")
cmd = new CommandLock();
else if (commandName == "chase")
cmd = new CommandChase();
else if (commandName == "track")
cmd = new CommandTrack();
else if (commandName == "cancel")
cmd = new CommandCancel();
else if (commandName == "exit")
cmd = new CommandExit();
else if (commandName == "print")
string text;
string origin;
int horig = -1;
int vorig = -1;
double hoff = 0;
double voff = 0;
double duration = 1.0e9;
paramList->getString("text", text);
paramList->getString("origin", origin);
paramList->getNumber("duration", duration);
paramList->getNumber("row", voff);
paramList->getNumber("column", hoff);
if (compareIgnoringCase(origin, "left") == 0)
horig = -1;
vorig = 0;
else if (compareIgnoringCase(origin, "right") == 0)
horig = 1;
vorig = 0;
else if (compareIgnoringCase(origin, "center") == 0)
horig = 0;
vorig = 0;
else if (compareIgnoringCase(origin, "left") == 0)
horig = -1;
vorig = 0;
else if (compareIgnoringCase(origin, "top") == 0)
horig = 0;
vorig = 1;
else if (compareIgnoringCase(origin, "bottom") == 0)
horig = 0;
vorig = -1;
else if (compareIgnoringCase(origin, "topright") == 0)
horig = 1;
vorig = 1;
else if (compareIgnoringCase(origin, "topleft") == 0)
horig = -1;
vorig = 1;
else if (compareIgnoringCase(origin, "bottomleft") == 0)
horig = -1;
vorig = -1;
else if (compareIgnoringCase(origin, "bottomright") == 0)
horig = 1;
vorig = -1;
cmd = new CommandPrint(text,
horig, vorig, (int) hoff, (int) -voff,
else if (commandName == "cls")
cmd = new CommandClearScreen();
else if (commandName == "time")
double jd = 2451545;
if (!paramList->getNumber("jd", jd))
std::string utc;
paramList->getString("utc", utc);
astro::Date date = astro::Date(0.0);
sscanf(utc.c_str(), "%d-%d-%dT%d:%d:%lf",
&date.year, &date.month, &date.day,
&date.hour, &date.minute, &date.seconds);
jd = (double)date;
cmd = new CommandSetTime(jd);
else if (commandName == "timerate")
double rate = 1.0;
paramList->getNumber("rate", rate);
cmd = new CommandSetTimeRate(rate);
else if (commandName == "changedistance")
double rate = 0.0;
double duration = 1.0;
paramList->getNumber("rate", rate);
paramList->getNumber("duration", duration);
cmd = new CommandChangeDistance(duration, rate);
else if (commandName == "orbit")
double rate = 0.0;
double duration = 1.0;
Eigen::Vector3d axis(Eigen::Vector3d::Zero());
paramList->getNumber("duration", duration);
paramList->getNumber("rate", rate);
paramList->getVector("axis", axis);
cmd = new CommandOrbit(duration,
(float) degToRad(rate));
else if (commandName == "rotate")
double rate = 0.0;
double duration = 1.0;
Eigen::Vector3d axis(Eigen::Vector3d::Zero());
paramList->getNumber("duration", duration);
paramList->getNumber("rate", rate);
paramList->getVector("axis", axis);
cmd = new CommandRotate(duration,
(float) degToRad(rate));
else if (commandName == "move")
Eigen::Vector3d velocity(Eigen::Vector3d::Zero());
double duration;
paramList->getNumber("duration", duration);
paramList->getVector("velocity", velocity);
cmd = new CommandMove(duration, velocity * astro::kilometersToMicroLightYears(1.0));
else if (commandName == "setposition")
// Base position in light years, offset in kilometers
Eigen::Vector3d base, offset;
if (paramList->getVector("base", base))
paramList->getVector("offset", offset);
Eigen::Vector3f basef = base.cast<float>();
UniversalCoord basePosition = UniversalCoord::CreateLy(basef.cast<double>());
cmd = new CommandSetPosition(basePosition.offsetKm(offset));
std::string x, y, z;
paramList->getString("x", x);
paramList->getString("y", y);
paramList->getString("z", z);
cmd = new CommandSetPosition(UniversalCoord(BigFix(x), BigFix(y), BigFix(z)));
else if (commandName == "setorientation")
Eigen::Vector3d axis(Eigen::Vector3d::Zero());
double angle;
if (paramList->getNumber("angle", angle))
paramList->getVector("axis", axis);
auto orientation = Eigen::Quaternionf(Eigen::AngleAxisf((float) degToRad(angle),
cmd = new CommandSetOrientation(orientation);
double ow, ox, oy, oz;
paramList->getNumber("ow", ow);
paramList->getNumber("ox", ox);
paramList->getNumber("oy", oy);
paramList->getNumber("oz", oz);
Eigen::Quaternionf orientation(ow, ox, oy, oz);
cmd = new CommandSetOrientation(orientation);
else if (commandName == "lookback")
cmd = new CommandLookBack();
else if (commandName == "renderflags")
uint64_t setFlags = 0;
uint64_t clearFlags = 0;
string s;
if (paramList->getString("set", s))
setFlags = parseRenderFlags(s, scriptMaps->RenderFlagMap);
if (paramList->getString("clear", s))
clearFlags = parseRenderFlags(s, scriptMaps->RenderFlagMap);
cmd = new CommandRenderFlags(setFlags, clearFlags);
else if (commandName == "labels")
int setFlags = 0;
int clearFlags = 0;
string s;
if (paramList->getString("set", s))
setFlags = parseLabelFlags(s, scriptMaps->LabelFlagMap);
if (paramList->getString("clear", s))
clearFlags = parseLabelFlags(s, scriptMaps->LabelFlagMap);
cmd = new CommandLabels(setFlags, clearFlags);
else if (commandName == "orbitflags")
int setFlags = 0;
int clearFlags = 0;
string s;
if (paramList->getString("set", s))
setFlags = parseOrbitFlags(s, scriptMaps->OrbitVisibilityMap);
if (paramList->getString("clear", s))
clearFlags = parseOrbitFlags(s, scriptMaps->OrbitVisibilityMap);
cmd = new CommandOrbitFlags(setFlags, clearFlags);
else if (commandName == "constellations")
string s;
CommandConstellations *cmdcons= new CommandConstellations();
if (paramList->getString("set", s))
parseConstellations(cmdcons, s, 1);
if (paramList->getString("clear", s))
parseConstellations(cmdcons, s, 0);
cmd = cmdcons;
else if (commandName == "constellationcolor")
string s;
CommandConstellationColor *cmdconcol= new CommandConstellationColor();
Eigen::Vector3d colorv(Eigen::Vector3d::UnitX());
paramList->getVector("color", colorv);
if (paramList->getString("set", s))
parseConstellationColor(cmdconcol, s, &colorv, 1);
if (paramList->getString("clear", s))
parseConstellationColor(cmdconcol, s, &colorv, 0);
cmd = cmdconcol;
else if (commandName == "setvisibilitylimit")
double mag = 6.0;
paramList->getNumber("magnitude", mag);
cmd = new CommandSetVisibilityLimit(mag);
else if (commandName == "setfaintestautomag45deg")
double mag = 8.5;
paramList->getNumber("magnitude", mag);
cmd = new CommandSetFaintestAutoMag45deg(mag);
else if (commandName == "setambientlight")
double brightness = 0.0;
paramList->getNumber("brightness", brightness);
cmd = new CommandSetAmbientLight((float) brightness);
else if (commandName == "setgalaxylightgain")
double gain = 0.0;
paramList->getNumber("gain", gain);
cmd = new CommandSetGalaxyLightGain((float) gain);
else if (commandName == "settextureresolution")
string textureRes;
unsigned int res = 1;
paramList->getString("resolution", textureRes);
if (compareIgnoringCase(textureRes, "low") == 0)
res = 0;
else if (compareIgnoringCase(textureRes, "medium") == 0)
res = 1;
else if (compareIgnoringCase(textureRes, "high") == 0)
res = 2;
cmd = new CommandSetTextureResolution(res);
else if (commandName == "preloadtex")
string object;
paramList->getString("object", object);
cmd = new CommandPreloadTextures(object);
else if (commandName == "mark")
string object;
paramList->getString("object", object);
double size = 10.0f;
paramList->getNumber("size", size);
Eigen::Vector3d colorv(Eigen::Vector3d::UnitX());
paramList->getVector("color", colorv);
double alpha = 0.9f;
paramList->getNumber("alpha", alpha);
Color color((float) colorv.x(), (float) colorv.y(), (float) colorv.z(), (float) alpha);
MarkerRepresentation rep(MarkerRepresentation::Diamond);
string symbolString;
if (paramList->getString("symbol", symbolString))
if (compareIgnoringCase(symbolString, "diamond") == 0)
rep = MarkerRepresentation(MarkerRepresentation::Diamond);
else if (compareIgnoringCase(symbolString, "triangle") == 0)
rep = MarkerRepresentation(MarkerRepresentation::Triangle);
else if (compareIgnoringCase(symbolString, "square") == 0)
rep = MarkerRepresentation(MarkerRepresentation::Square);
else if (compareIgnoringCase(symbolString, "filledsquare") == 0)
rep = MarkerRepresentation(MarkerRepresentation::FilledSquare);
else if (compareIgnoringCase(symbolString, "plus") == 0)
rep = MarkerRepresentation(MarkerRepresentation::Plus);
else if (compareIgnoringCase(symbolString, "x") == 0)
rep = MarkerRepresentation(MarkerRepresentation::X);
else if (compareIgnoringCase(symbolString, "leftarrow") == 0)
rep = MarkerRepresentation(MarkerRepresentation::LeftArrow);
else if (compareIgnoringCase(symbolString, "rightarrow") == 0)
rep = MarkerRepresentation(MarkerRepresentation::RightArrow);
else if (compareIgnoringCase(symbolString, "uparrow") == 0)
rep = MarkerRepresentation(MarkerRepresentation::UpArrow);
else if (compareIgnoringCase(symbolString, "downarrow") == 0)
rep = MarkerRepresentation(MarkerRepresentation::DownArrow);
else if (compareIgnoringCase(symbolString, "circle") == 0)
rep = MarkerRepresentation(MarkerRepresentation::Circle);
else if (compareIgnoringCase(symbolString, "disk") == 0)
rep = MarkerRepresentation(MarkerRepresentation::Disk);
string label;
paramList->getString("label", label);
rep.setSize((float) size);
bool occludable = true;
paramList->getBoolean("occludable", occludable);
cmd = new CommandMark(object, rep, occludable);
else if (commandName == "unmark")
string object;
paramList->getString("object", object);
cmd = new CommandUnmark(object);
else if (commandName == "unmarkall")
cmd = new CommandUnmarkAll();
else if (commandName == "capture")
string type, filename;
paramList->getString("type", type);
paramList->getString("filename", filename);
cmd = new CommandCapture(type, filename);
else if (commandName == "renderpath")
#if 0
GLContext::GLRenderPath glcpath = GLContext::GLPath_GLSL;
string path;
paramList->getString("path", path);
if (compareIgnoringCase(path, "glsl") == 0)
glcpath = GLContext::GLPath_GLSL;
cmd = new CommandRenderPath(glcpath);
cmd = new CommandRenderPath(GLContext::GLPath_GLSL);
else if (commandName == "splitview")
unsigned int view = 1;
paramList->getNumber("view", view);
string splitType;
paramList->getString("type", splitType);
double splitPos = 0.5;
paramList->getNumber("position", splitPos);
cmd = new CommandSplitView(view, splitType, (float) splitPos);
else if (commandName == "deleteview")
unsigned int view = 1;
paramList->getNumber("view", view);
cmd = new CommandDeleteView(view);
else if (commandName == "singleview")
cmd = new CommandSingleView();
else if (commandName == "setactiveview")
unsigned int view = 1;
paramList->getNumber("view", view);
cmd = new CommandSetActiveView(view);
else if (commandName == "setradius")
string object;
paramList->getString("object", object);
double radius = 1.0;
paramList->getNumber("radius", radius);
cmd = new CommandSetRadius(object, (float) radius);
else if (commandName == "setlinecolor")
string item;
paramList->getString("item", item);
Eigen::Vector3d colorv(Eigen::Vector3d::UnitX());
paramList->getVector("color", colorv);
Color color((float) colorv.x(), (float) colorv.y(), (float) colorv.z());
cmd = new CommandSetLineColor(item, color);
else if (commandName == "setlabelcolor")
string item;
paramList->getString("item", item);
Eigen::Vector3d colorv(Eigen::Vector3d::UnitX());
paramList->getVector("color", colorv);
Color color((float) colorv.x(), (float) colorv.y(), (float) colorv.z());
cmd = new CommandSetLabelColor(item, color);
else if (commandName == "settextcolor")
Eigen::Vector3d colorv(Eigen::Vector3d::Ones());
paramList->getVector("color", colorv);
Color color((float) colorv.x(), (float) colorv.y(), (float) colorv.z());
cmd = new CommandSetTextColor(color);
else if(commandName == "play")
cmd = new CommandWait(0);
else if (commandName == "overlay")
float duration = 3.0f;
float fadeafter;
float xoffset = 0.0f;
float yoffset = 0.0f;
float alpha = 1.0f;
bool hasAlpha = true;
string filename;
bool fitscreen = false;
Color color(Color::White);
paramList->getNumber("duration", duration);
paramList->getNumber("xoffset", xoffset);
paramList->getNumber("yoffset", yoffset);
if (paramList->getNumber("alpha", alpha))
hasAlpha = true;
paramList->getString("filename", filename);
if (!paramList->getBoolean("fitscreen", fitscreen))
int f;
// backward compatibility with celestia ed implementation
if (paramList->getNumber("fitscreen", f))
fitscreen = (bool) f;
array<Color, 4> colors;
paramList->getColor("color", color);
colors.fill(hasAlpha ? Color(color, alpha) : color);
if (paramList->getColor("colortop", color))
colors[0] = colors[1] = hasAlpha ? Color(color, alpha) : color;
if (paramList->getColor("colorbottom", color))
colors[2] = colors[3] = hasAlpha ? Color(color, alpha) : color;
if (paramList->getColor("colortopleft", color))
colors[0] = hasAlpha ? Color(color, alpha) : color;
if (paramList->getColor("colortopright", color))
colors[1] = hasAlpha ? Color(color, alpha) : color;
if (paramList->getColor("colorbottomright", color))
colors[2] = hasAlpha ? Color(color, alpha) : color;
if (paramList->getColor("colorbottomleft", color))
colors[3] = hasAlpha ? Color(color, alpha) : color;
if (!paramList->getNumber("fadeafter", fadeafter))
fadeafter = duration;
cmd = new CommandScriptImage(duration, fadeafter, xoffset, yoffset, filename, fitscreen, colors);
else if (commandName == "verbosity")
int level;
if (!paramList->getNumber("level", level))
level = 2;
cmd = new CommandVerbosity(level);
else if (commandName == "setwindowbordersvisible")
bool visible;
if (!paramList->getBoolean("visible", visible))
visible = true;
cmd = new CommandSetWindowBordersVisible(visible);
else if (commandName == "setringstexture")
string object, texture, path;
paramList->getString("object", object);
paramList->getString("texture", texture);
paramList->getString("path", path);
cmd = new CommandSetRingsTexture(object, texture, path);
else if (commandName == "loadfragment")
string type, fragment, dir;
paramList->getString("type", type);
paramList->getString("fragment", fragment);
paramList->getString("dir", dir);
cmd = new CommandLoadFragment(type, fragment, dir);
error("Unknown command name '" + commandName + "'");
cmd = nullptr;
delete paramListValue;
return cmd;
uint64_t parseRenderFlags(const string &s, const FlagMap64& RenderFlagMap)
istringstream in(s);
Tokenizer tokenizer(&in);
uint64_t flags = 0;
Tokenizer::TokenType ttype = tokenizer.nextToken();
while (ttype != Tokenizer::TokenEnd)
if (ttype == Tokenizer::TokenName)
string name = tokenizer.getNameValue();
if (RenderFlagMap.count(name) == 0)
cerr << "Unknown render flag: " << name << "\n";
flags |= RenderFlagMap.at(name);
ttype = tokenizer.nextToken();
if (ttype == Tokenizer::TokenBar)
ttype = tokenizer.nextToken();
return flags;
int parseLabelFlags(const string &s, const FlagMap &LabelFlagMap)
istringstream in(s);
Tokenizer tokenizer(&in);
int flags = 0;
Tokenizer::TokenType ttype = tokenizer.nextToken();
while (ttype != Tokenizer::TokenEnd)
if (ttype == Tokenizer::TokenName)
string name = tokenizer.getNameValue();
if (LabelFlagMap.count(name) == 0)
cerr << "Unknown label flag: " << name << "\n";
flags |= LabelFlagMap.at(name);
ttype = tokenizer.nextToken();
if (ttype == Tokenizer::TokenBar)
ttype = tokenizer.nextToken();
return flags;
int parseOrbitFlags(const string &s, const FlagMap &BodyTypeMap)
istringstream in(s);
Tokenizer tokenizer(&in);
int flags = 0;
Tokenizer::TokenType ttype = tokenizer.nextToken();
while (ttype != Tokenizer::TokenEnd)
if (ttype == Tokenizer::TokenName)
string name = tokenizer.getNameValue();
name[0] = toupper(name[0]);
if (BodyTypeMap.count(name) == 0)
cerr << "Unknown orbit flag: " << name << "\n";
flags |= BodyTypeMap.at(name);
ttype = tokenizer.nextToken();
if (ttype == Tokenizer::TokenBar)
ttype = tokenizer.nextToken();
return flags;
int parseConstellations(CommandConstellations* cmd, const string &s, int act)
istringstream in(s);
Tokenizer tokenizer(&in);
int flags = 0;
Tokenizer::TokenType ttype = tokenizer.nextToken();
while (ttype != Tokenizer::TokenEnd)
if (ttype == Tokenizer::TokenName)
string name = tokenizer.getNameValue();
if (compareIgnoringCase(name, "all") == 0 && act==1)
cmd->flags.all = true;
else if (compareIgnoringCase(name, "all") == 0 && act==0)
cmd->flags.none = true;
cmd->setValues(name, act);
ttype = tokenizer.nextToken();
if (ttype == Tokenizer::TokenBar)
ttype = tokenizer.nextToken();
DPRINTF(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Command Parser: error parsing render flags\n");
return 0;
return flags;
int parseConstellationColor(CommandConstellationColor* cmd, const string &s, Eigen::Vector3d *col, int act)
istringstream in(s);
Tokenizer tokenizer(&in);
int flags = 0;
cmd->setColor((float)col->x(), (float)col->y(), (float)col->z());
Tokenizer::TokenType ttype = tokenizer.nextToken();
while (ttype != Tokenizer::TokenEnd)
if (ttype == Tokenizer::TokenName)
string name = tokenizer.getNameValue();
if (compareIgnoringCase(name, "all") == 0 && act==1)
cmd->flags.all = true;
else if (compareIgnoringCase(name, "all") == 0 && act==0)
cmd->flags.none = true;
ttype = tokenizer.nextToken();
if (ttype == Tokenizer::TokenBar)
ttype = tokenizer.nextToken();
DPRINTF(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Command Parser: error parsing render flags\n");
return 0;
return flags;