Christophe Teyssier 7ea9583af3 Updated translations
New Italian translation by Mauro Santandrea
2006-08-12 12:04:44 +00:00

381 lines
7.1 KiB
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# Ukrainian translations for celestia package
# Copyright (C) 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is distributed under the same license as the celestia package.
# <dubyk@library.lviv.ua>, 2006.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: \n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: chris@teyssier.org\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2006-02-18 16:09+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2006-03-02 00:40+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Serhij Dubyk <dubyk@library.lviv.ua>\n"
"Language-Team: Ukrainian <ru@li.org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%"
"10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
"X-Poedit-Language: Ukrainian\n"
"X-Poedit-Country: UKRAINE\n"
"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
#: data/constellations.cpp:1
msgid "Andromeda"
msgstr "Андромеда"
#: data/constellations.cpp:2
msgid "Antlia"
msgstr "Насос"
#: data/constellations.cpp:3
msgid "Apus"
msgstr "Райская птица"
#: data/constellations.cpp:4
msgid "Aquarius"
msgstr "Водолей"
#: data/constellations.cpp:5
msgid "Aquila"
msgstr "Орел"
#: data/constellations.cpp:6
msgid "Ara"
msgstr "Жертвенник"
#: data/constellations.cpp:7
msgid "Aries"
msgstr "Овен"
#: data/constellations.cpp:8
msgid "Auriga"
msgstr "Возничий"
#: data/constellations.cpp:9
#, fuzzy
msgid "Boötes"
msgstr "Волопас"
#: data/constellations.cpp:10
msgid "Caelum"
msgstr "Резец"
#: data/constellations.cpp:11
msgid "Camelopardalis"
msgstr "Жираф"
#: data/constellations.cpp:12
msgid "Cancer"
msgstr "Рак"
#: data/constellations.cpp:13
msgid "Canes Venatici"
msgstr "Гончие псы"
#: data/constellations.cpp:14
msgid "Canis Major"
msgstr "Большой пес"
#: data/constellations.cpp:15
msgid "Canis Minor"
msgstr "Малый пес"
#: data/constellations.cpp:16
msgid "Capricornus"
msgstr "Козерог"
#: data/constellations.cpp:17
msgid "Carina"
msgstr "Киль"
#: data/constellations.cpp:18
msgid "Cassiopeia"
msgstr "Кассиопея"
#: data/constellations.cpp:19
msgid "Centaurus"
msgstr "Центавр"
#: data/constellations.cpp:20
msgid "Cepheus"
msgstr "Цефей"
#: data/constellations.cpp:21
msgid "Cetus"
msgstr "Кит"
#: data/constellations.cpp:22
msgid "Chamaeleon"
msgstr "Хамелеон"
#: data/constellations.cpp:23
msgid "Circinus"
msgstr "Циркуль"
#: data/constellations.cpp:24
msgid "Columba"
msgstr "Голубь"
#: data/constellations.cpp:25
msgid "Coma Berenices"
msgstr "Волосы Вероники"
#: data/constellations.cpp:26
msgid "Corona Australis"
msgstr "Южная корона"
#: data/constellations.cpp:27
msgid "Corona Borealis"
msgstr "Северная корона"
#: data/constellations.cpp:28
msgid "Corvus"
msgstr "Ворон"
#: data/constellations.cpp:29
msgid "Crater"
msgstr "Чаша"
#: data/constellations.cpp:30
msgid "Crux"
msgstr "Южный крест"
#: data/constellations.cpp:31
msgid "Cygnus"
msgstr "Лебедь"
#: data/constellations.cpp:32
msgid "Delphinus"
msgstr "Дельфин"
#: data/constellations.cpp:33
msgid "Dorado"
msgstr "Золотая рыба"
#: data/constellations.cpp:34
msgid "Draco"
msgstr "Дракон"
#: data/constellations.cpp:35
msgid "Equuleus"
msgstr "Малый конь"
#: data/constellations.cpp:36
msgid "Eridanus"
msgstr "Эридан"
#: data/constellations.cpp:37
msgid "Fornax"
msgstr "Печь"
#: data/constellations.cpp:38
msgid "Gemini"
msgstr "Близнецы"
#: data/constellations.cpp:39
msgid "Grus"
msgstr "Журавль"
#: data/constellations.cpp:40
msgid "Hercules"
msgstr "Геркулес"
#: data/constellations.cpp:41
msgid "Horologium"
msgstr "Часы"
#: data/constellations.cpp:42
msgid "Hydra"
msgstr "Гидра"
#: data/constellations.cpp:43
msgid "Hydrus"
msgstr "Южная гидра"
#: data/constellations.cpp:44
msgid "Indus"
msgstr "Индеец"
#: data/constellations.cpp:45
msgid "Lacerta"
msgstr "Ящерица"
#: data/constellations.cpp:46
msgid "Leo"
msgstr "Лев"
#: data/constellations.cpp:47
msgid "Leo Minor"
msgstr "Малый лев"
#: data/constellations.cpp:48
msgid "Lepus"
msgstr "Заяц"
#: data/constellations.cpp:49
msgid "Libra"
msgstr "Весы"
#: data/constellations.cpp:50
msgid "Lupus"
msgstr "Волк"
#: data/constellations.cpp:51
msgid "Lynx"
msgstr "Рысь"
#: data/constellations.cpp:52
msgid "Lyra"
msgstr "Лира"
#: data/constellations.cpp:53
msgid "Mensa"
msgstr "Столовая гора"
#: data/constellations.cpp:54
msgid "Microscopium"
msgstr "Микроскоп"
#: data/constellations.cpp:55
msgid "Monoceros"
msgstr "Единорог"
#: data/constellations.cpp:56
msgid "Musca"
msgstr "Муха"
#: data/constellations.cpp:57
msgid "Norma"
msgstr "Наугольник"
#: data/constellations.cpp:58
msgid "Octans"
msgstr "Октант"
#: data/constellations.cpp:59
msgid "Ophiuchus"
msgstr "Змееносец"
#: data/constellations.cpp:60
msgid "Orion"
msgstr "Орион"
#: data/constellations.cpp:61
msgid "Pavo"
msgstr "Павлин"
#: data/constellations.cpp:62
msgid "Pegasus"
msgstr "Пегас"
#: data/constellations.cpp:63
msgid "Perseus"
msgstr "Персей"
#: data/constellations.cpp:64
msgid "Phoenix"
msgstr "Феникс"
#: data/constellations.cpp:65
msgid "Pictor"
msgstr "Живописец"
#: data/constellations.cpp:66
msgid "Pisces"
msgstr "Рыбы"
#: data/constellations.cpp:67
msgid "Piscis Austrinus"
msgstr "Южная Рыба"
#: data/constellations.cpp:68
msgid "Puppis"
msgstr "Корма"
#: data/constellations.cpp:69
msgid "Pyxis"
msgstr "Компас"
#: data/constellations.cpp:70
msgid "Reticulum"
msgstr "Сетка"
#: data/constellations.cpp:71
msgid "Sagitta"
msgstr "Стрела"
#: data/constellations.cpp:72
msgid "Sagittarius"
msgstr "Стрелец"
#: data/constellations.cpp:73
msgid "Scorpius"
msgstr "Скорпион"
#: data/constellations.cpp:74
msgid "Sculptor"
msgstr "Скульптор"
#: data/constellations.cpp:75
msgid "Scutum"
msgstr "Щит"
#: data/constellations.cpp:76
#, fuzzy
msgid "Serpens Caput"
msgstr "Змея"
#: data/constellations.cpp:77
#, fuzzy
msgid "Serpens Cauda"
msgstr "Змея"
#: data/constellations.cpp:78
msgid "Sextans"
msgstr "Секстант"
#: data/constellations.cpp:79
msgid "Taurus"
msgstr "Телец"
#: data/constellations.cpp:80
msgid "Telescopium"
msgstr "Телескоп"
#: data/constellations.cpp:81
msgid "Triangulum"
msgstr "Треугольник"
#: data/constellations.cpp:82
msgid "Triangulum Australe"
msgstr "Южный треугольник"
#: data/constellations.cpp:83
msgid "Tucana"
msgstr "Тукан"
#: data/constellations.cpp:84
msgid "Ursa Major"
msgstr "Большая медведица"
#: data/constellations.cpp:85
msgid "Ursa Minor"
msgstr "Малая медведица"
#: data/constellations.cpp:86
msgid "Vela"
msgstr "Паруса"
#: data/constellations.cpp:87
msgid "Virgo"
msgstr "Дева"
#: data/constellations.cpp:88
msgid "Volans"
msgstr "Летучая рыба"
#: data/constellations.cpp:89
msgid "Vulpecula"
msgstr "Лисичка"