2003-02-18 07:37:04 +00:00

57 lines
1.5 KiB

# Compute ring illumination. Assumes rings made of spherical particles,
# and no occlusion or shadowing between ring particles. We also compute the
# texture coordinates for the projected shadow of a planet.
ATTRIB iPos = vertex.position;
ATTRIB iTex0 = vertex.texcoord[0];
PARAM mvp[4] = { state.matrix.mvp };
PARAM eyePos = program.env[1];
PARAM lightDir = program.env[0];
PARAM diffuse = program.env[2];
PARAM ambient = state.lightmodel.ambient;
PARAM texgen_s = program.env[10];
PARAM texgen_t = program.env[11];
PARAM half = 0.5;
PARAM one = 1;
OUTPUT oPos = result.position;
OUTPUT oColor = result.color;
OUTPUT oTex0 = result.texcoord[0];
OUTPUT oTex1 = result.texcoord[1];
TEMP illum;
TEMP eyeVec;
# Transform the vertex by the modelview matrix
DP4 oPos.x, mvp[0], iPos;
DP4 oPos.y, mvp[1], iPos;
DP4 oPos.z, mvp[2], iPos;
DP4 oPos.w, mvp[3], iPos;
# Get the vector from the eye to the vertex
SUB eyeVec, eyePos, iPos;
# Normalize it
DP3 eyeVec.w, eyeVec, eyeVec;
RSQ eyeVec.w, eyeVec.w;
MUL eyeVec, eyeVec, eyeVec.w;
# Compute the illumination
DP3 illum.x, eyeVec, lightDir;
ADD illum.x, illum.x, one;
MUL illum.x, illum.x, half;
# Output the texture
MOV oTex0, iTex0;
# The second texture is the shadow; we need to compute the
# it from the vertex coordinate.
DP4 oTex1.x, texgen_s, iPos;
DP4 oTex1.y, texgen_t, iPos;
# Output the primary color
MAD oColor, diffuse, illum.x, ambient;