
365 lines
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// particlesystem.cpp
// Particle system file loader.
// Copyright (C) 2008, Chris Laurel <claurel@gmail.com>
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
#include "particlesystemfile.h"
#include "particlesystem.h"
#include "texmanager.h"
#include <sstream>
using namespace Eigen;
using namespace std;
/* !!! IMPORTANT !!!
* The particle system code is still under development; the complete
* set of particle system features has not been decided and the cpart
* format is not even close time final. There are most certainly bugs.
* DO NOT enable this code and invest a lot of time in creating your
* own particle system files until development is further along.
ParticleSystemLoader::ParticleSystemLoader(istream& in) :
ParticleSystem* particleSystem = new ParticleSystem();
while (m_tokenizer.nextToken() != Tokenizer::TokenEnd)
string objType;
if (m_tokenizer.getTokenType() != Tokenizer::TokenName)
raiseError("Error parsing particle system");
delete particleSystem;
return NULL;
objType = m_tokenizer.getNameValue();
if (objType != "Emitter")
ostringstream stream;
stream << "Unexpected object '" << objType << "' in particle system file";
delete particleSystem;
return NULL;
Value* objParamsValue = m_parser.readValue();
if (objParamsValue == NULL || objParamsValue->getType() != Value::HashType)
raiseError("Error parsing particle system");
delete particleSystem;
return NULL;
Hash* objParams = objParamsValue->getHash();
if (objType == "Emitter")
ParticleEmitter* emitter = parseEmitter(objParams);
if (emitter == NULL)
delete particleSystem;
return NULL;
return particleSystem;
ParticleSystemLoader::parseGenerator(Hash* params)
Vector3f constantValue(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
if (params->getVector("Constant", constantValue))
return new ConstantGenerator(constantValue);
Value* generatorValue = NULL;
generatorValue = params->getValue("Box");
if (generatorValue != NULL)
if (generatorValue->getType() != Value::HashType)
raiseError("Error in Box syntax");
return NULL;
Hash* boxParams = generatorValue->getHash();
Vector3f center(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
Vector3f size(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
boxParams->getVector("Center", center);
boxParams->getVector("Size", size);
return new BoxGenerator(center, size);
generatorValue = params->getValue("Line");
if (generatorValue != NULL)
if (generatorValue->getType() != Value::HashType)
raiseError("Error in Line syntax");
return NULL;
Hash* lineParams = generatorValue->getHash();
Vector3f p0(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
Vector3f p1(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
lineParams->getVector("Point1", p0);
lineParams->getVector("Point2", p1);
return new LineGenerator(p0, p1);
generatorValue = params->getValue("EllipsoidSurface");
if (generatorValue != NULL)
if (generatorValue->getType() != Value::HashType)
raiseError("Error in EllipsoidSurface syntax");
return NULL;
Hash* ellipsoidSurfaceParams = generatorValue->getHash();
Vector3f center(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
Vector3f size(2.0f, 2.0f, 2.0f);
ellipsoidSurfaceParams->getVector("Center", center);
ellipsoidSurfaceParams->getVector("Size", size);
return new EllipsoidSurfaceGenerator(center, size * 0.5f);
generatorValue = params->getValue("Cone");
if (generatorValue != NULL)
if (generatorValue->getType() != Value::HashType)
raiseError("Error in Cone syntax");
return NULL;
Hash* coneParams = generatorValue->getHash();
double minAngle = 0.0;
double maxAngle = 0.0;
double minSpeed = 0.0;
double maxSpeed = 1.0;
coneParams->getNumber("MinAngle", minAngle);
coneParams->getNumber("MaxAngle", maxAngle);
coneParams->getNumber("MinSpeed", minSpeed);
coneParams->getNumber("MaxSpeed", maxSpeed);
return new ConeGenerator((float) degToRad(minAngle), (float) degToRad(maxAngle), (float) minSpeed, (float) maxSpeed);
generatorValue = params->getValue("GaussianDisc");
if (generatorValue != NULL)
if (generatorValue->getType() != Value::HashType)
raiseError("Error in GaussianDisc syntax");
return NULL;
Hash* gaussianDiscParams = generatorValue->getHash();
double sigma = 1.0;
gaussianDiscParams->getNumber("Sigma", sigma);
return new GaussianDiscGenerator((float) sigma);
raiseError("Missing generator for emitter");
return NULL;
ParticleSystemLoader::parseEmitter(Hash* params)
string textureFileName;
ResourceHandle textureHandle = InvalidResource;
if (params->getString("Texture", textureFileName))
textureHandle = GetTextureManager()->getHandle(TextureInfo(textureFileName, getTexturePath(), TextureInfo::BorderClamp));
double rate = 1.0;
double lifetime = 1.0;
params->getNumber("Rate", rate);
params->getNumber("Lifetime", lifetime);
double startSize = 1.0;
double endSize = 1.0;
params->getNumber("StartSize", startSize);
params->getNumber("EndSize", endSize);
Color startColor(Color::White);
Color endColor(Color::Black);
float startOpacity = 0.0f;
float endOpacity = 0.0f;
params->getColor("StartColor", startColor);
params->getNumber("StartOpacity", startOpacity);
params->getColor("EndColor", endColor);
params->getNumber("EndOpacity", endOpacity);
VectorGenerator* initialPositionGenerator = NULL;
Value* positionValue = params->getValue("InitialPosition");
if (positionValue == NULL)
initialPositionGenerator = new ConstantGenerator(Vector3f::Zero());
if (positionValue->getType() != Value::HashType)
raiseError("Error in InitialPosition syntax");
initialPositionGenerator = parseGenerator(positionValue->getHash());
if (initialPositionGenerator == NULL)
return NULL;
VectorGenerator* initialVelocityGenerator = NULL;
Value* velocityValue = params->getValue("InitialVelocity");
if (velocityValue == NULL)
initialVelocityGenerator = new ConstantGenerator(Vector3f::Zero());
if (velocityValue->getType() != Value::HashType)
raiseError("Error in InitialVelocity syntax");
initialVelocityGenerator = parseGenerator(velocityValue->getHash());
if (initialVelocityGenerator == NULL)
delete initialPositionGenerator;
return NULL;
Vector3f acceleration;
params->getVector("Acceleration", acceleration);
double startTime = -numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
double endTime = numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
params->getNumber("Beginning", startTime);
params->getNumber("Ending", endTime);
double minRotationRate = 0.0;
double maxRotationRate = 0.0;
params->getNumber("MinRotationRate", minRotationRate);
params->getNumber("MaxRotationRate", maxRotationRate);
ParticleEmitter* emitter = new ParticleEmitter();
emitter->m_texture = textureHandle;
emitter->m_rate = (float) rate;
emitter->m_lifetime = (float) lifetime;
emitter->m_startColor = Color(startColor, startOpacity);
emitter->m_endColor = Color(endColor, endOpacity);
emitter->m_startSize = (float) startSize;
emitter->m_endSize = (float) endSize;
emitter->m_positionGenerator = initialPositionGenerator;
emitter->m_velocityGenerator = initialVelocityGenerator;
emitter->setLifespan(startTime, endTime);
emitter->setRotationRateRange((float) degToRad(minRotationRate), (float) degToRad(maxRotationRate));
return emitter;
ParticleSystemLoader::raiseError(const string& errorMessage)
m_errorMessage = errorMessage;
const string&
ParticleSystemLoader::getErrorMessage() const
return m_errorMessage;
ParticleSystemLoader::setTexturePath(const string& texPath)
m_texPath = texPath;
const string&
ParticleSystemLoader::getTexturePath() const
return m_texPath;
LoadParticleSystem(istream& in, const string& texPath)
ParticleSystemLoader* loader = new ParticleSystemLoader(in);
if (loader == NULL)
return NULL;
ParticleSystem* particleSystem = loader->load();
if (particleSystem == NULL)
cerr << "Error in particle system file: " << loader->getErrorMessage() << '\n';
delete loader;
return particleSystem;