
189 lines
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// dsorenderer.cpp
// Copyright (C) 2001-2020, the Celestia Development Team
// Original version by Chris Laurel <claurel@gmail.com>
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
#include <celengine/dsodb.h>
#include <celengine/deepskyobj.h>
#include <celmath/geomutil.h>
#include "glsupport.h"
#include "render.h"
#include "vecgl.h"
#include "dsorenderer.h"
using namespace Eigen;
using namespace celestia;
using namespace celmath;
// The parameter 'enhance' adjusts the DSO brightness as viewed from "inside"
// (e.g. MilkyWay as seen from Earth). It provides an enhanced apparent core
// brightness appMag ~ absMag - enhance. 'enhance' thus serves to uniformly
// enhance the too low sprite luminosity at close distance.
constexpr const double enhance = 4.0;
constexpr const double pc10 = 32.6167; // 10 parsecs
static const float CubeCornerToCenterDistance = sqrt(3.0f);
DSORenderer::DSORenderer() :
ObjectRenderer<DeepSkyObject*, double>(DSO_OCTREE_ROOT_SIZE)
void DSORenderer::process(DeepSkyObject* const &dso,
double distanceToDSO,
float absMag)
if (distanceToDSO > distanceLimit || !dso->isVisible())
Vector3f relPos = (dso->getPosition() - obsPos).cast<float>();
Vector3f center = orientationMatrix.transpose() * relPos;
// Test the object's bounding sphere against the view frustum. If we
// avoid this stage, overcrowded octree cells may hit performance badly:
// each object (even if it's not visible) would be sent to the OpenGL
// pipeline.
double dsoRadius = dso->getBoundingSphereRadius();
if (frustum.testSphere(center, (float) dsoRadius) == Frustum::Outside)
float appMag;
if (distanceToDSO >= pc10)
appMag = (float) astro::absToAppMag((double) absMag, distanceToDSO);
appMag = absMag + (float) (enhance * tanh(distanceToDSO/pc10 - 1.0));
if ((renderFlags & dso->getRenderMask()) != 0)
// Input: display looks satisfactory for 0.2 < brightness < O(1.0)
// Ansatz: brightness = a - b * appMag(distanceToDSO), emulating eye sensitivity...
// determine a,b such that
// a - b * absMag = absMag / avgAbsMag ~ 1; a - b * faintestMag = 0.2.
// The 2nd eq. guarantees that the faintest galaxies are still visible.
if (!strcmp(dso->getObjTypeName(), "globular"))
avgAbsMag = -6.86; // average over 150 globulars in globulars.dsc.
else if (!strcmp(dso->getObjTypeName(), "galaxy"))
avgAbsMag = -19.04; // average over 10937 galaxies in galaxies.dsc.
float r = absMag / (float)avgAbsMag;
float brightness = r - (r - 0.2f) * (absMag - appMag) / (absMag - faintestMag);
// obviously, brightness(appMag = absMag) = r and
// brightness(appMag = faintestMag) = 0.2, as desired.
brightness *= 2.3f * (faintestMag - 4.75f) / renderer->getFaintestAM45deg();
#ifdef USE_HDR
brightness *= exposure;
if (brightness < 0)
brightness = 0;
Matrix4f mv = vecgl::translate(renderer->getModelViewMatrix(), relPos);
Matrix4f pr;
if (dsoRadius < 1000.0)
// Small objects may be prone to clipping; give them special
// handling. We don't want to always set the projection
// matrix, since that could be expensive with large galaxy
// catalogs.
auto nearZ = (float)(distanceToDSO / 2);
auto farZ = (float)(distanceToDSO + dsoRadius * 2 * CubeCornerToCenterDistance);
if (nearZ < dsoRadius * 0.001)
nearZ = (float)(dsoRadius * 0.001);
farZ = nearZ * 10000.0f;
float t = (float)wWidth / (float)wHeight;
if (renderer->getProjectionMode() == Renderer::ProjectionMode::FisheyeMode)
pr = Ortho(-t, t, -1.0f, 1.0f, nearZ, farZ);
pr = Perspective(fov, t, nearZ, farZ);
pr = renderer->getProjectionMatrix();
dso->render(relPos, observer->getOrientationf(), brightness,
pixelSize, { &pr, &mv }, renderer);
} // renderFlags check
// Only render those labels that are in front of the camera:
// Place labels for DSOs brighter than the specified label threshold brightness
unsigned int labelMask = dso->getLabelMask();
if ((labelMask & labelMode) != 0)
Color labelColor;
float appMagEff = 6.0f;
float step = 6.0f;
float symbolSize = 0.0f;
MarkerRepresentation* rep = nullptr;
// Use magnitude based fading for galaxies, and distance based
// fading for nebulae and open clusters.
switch (labelMask)
case Renderer::NebulaLabels:
rep = &renderer->nebulaRep;
labelColor = Renderer::NebulaLabelColor;
appMagEff = astro::absToAppMag(-7.5f, (float)distanceToDSO);
symbolSize = (float)(dso->getRadius() / distanceToDSO) / pixelSize;
step = 6.0f;
case Renderer::OpenClusterLabels:
rep = &renderer->openClusterRep;
labelColor = Renderer::OpenClusterLabelColor;
appMagEff = astro::absToAppMag(-6.0f, (float)distanceToDSO);
symbolSize = (float)(dso->getRadius() / distanceToDSO) / pixelSize;
step = 4.0f;
case Renderer::GalaxyLabels:
labelColor = Renderer::GalaxyLabelColor;
appMagEff = appMag;
step = 6.0f;
case Renderer::GlobularLabels:
labelColor = Renderer::GlobularLabelColor;
appMagEff = appMag;
step = 3.0f;
// Unrecognized object class
labelColor = Color::White;
appMagEff = appMag;
step = 6.0f;
if (appMagEff < labelThresholdMag)
// introduce distance dependent label transparency.
float distr = step * (labelThresholdMag - appMagEff) / labelThresholdMag;
if (distr > 1.0f)
distr = 1.0f;
labelColor.alpha(distr * labelColor.alpha());
dsoDB->getDSOName(dso, true),
} // labels enabled