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// particlesystem.cpp
// Stateless particle system renderer.
// Copyright (C) 2008, Chris Laurel <claurel@gmail.com>
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
#include "celutil/util.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <limits>
#include "modelgeometry.h"
#include "particlesystem.h"
#include "glsupport.h"
#include "vecgl.h"
#include "rendcontext.h"
#include "texmanager.h"
using namespace cmod;
using namespace Eigen;
using namespace std;
/* !!! IMPORTANT !!!
* The particle system code is still under development; the complete
* set of particle system features has not been decided and the cpart
* format is not even close time final. There are most certainly bugs.
* DO NOT enable this code and invest a lot of time in creating your
* own particle system files until development is further along.
* In a typical particle system, initial particle states are generated
* and stored in array. At each time step, particles have their states
* updated and are then drawn. A typical sequence is:
* - Compute the forces acting on the particles
* - Update particle positions and velocities
* - Age the particles (updating state such as color and size)
* - Render the particles
* This process is well-suited to a simulation where the time steps are
* relatively uniform. But, we cannot rely on a uniform time step in Celestia.
* The user may skip ahead instantly to times in the distance past or future,
* change the time rate to over a billion times normal, or reverse time.
* Numerical integration of particle positions is completely impractical.
* Instead, Celestia uses 'stateless' particle systems. From the particle
* system description, the particle positions and appearances can be generated
* for any time. Initial states are generated from a pseudorandom sequence
* and state at the current time is computed analytically from those initial
* values. The fact that motions must be calculated analytically means that
* only very simply force models may be used; still, a large variety of
* effects are still practical.
* A particle system is just a list of particle emitters. Each emitter has
* a fixed emission rate (particles per second), start time, and end time.
* There are few properties that apply to all particles produced by an emitter:
* texture, lifetime, start/end color, and start/end size
* Color and size are linearly interpolated between start and end values over
* the lifetime of a particle.
* An emitter has two different 'generators': one produces initial particle
* velocities, the other initial positions.
* Emitter generators are fed with values from a linear congruential
* generator. Other pseudorandom number generators can produce sequences with
* better distributions and can have better performance at generating values.
* However, seeding these other generators is very slow, and seeding must
* be every time a particle is to be drawn. The well-known defects in
* pseudorandom sequences produced by an LCG are not visible in a particle
* system (and lack of apparent visual artifacts is the *only* requirement here.)
// Same values as rand48()
static const uint64_t A = ((uint64_t) 0x5deece66ul << 4) | 0xd;
static const uint64_t C = 0xb;
static const uint64_t M = ((uint64_t) 1 << 48) - 1;
/*! Linear congruential random number generator that emulates
* rand48()
class LCGRandomGenerator
LCGRandomGenerator() : previous(0) = default;
LCGRandomGenerator(uint64_t seed) :
uint64_t randUint64()
previous = (A * previous + C) & M;
return previous;
/*! Return a random integer between -2^31 and 2^31 - 1
int32_t randInt32()
return (int32_t) (randUint64() >> 16);
/*! Return a random integer between 0 and 2^32 - 1
uint32_t randUint32()
return (uint32_t) (randUint64() >> 16);
/*! Generate a random floating point value in [ 0, 1 )
* This function directly manipulates the bits of a floating
* point number, and will not work properly on a system that
* doesn't use IEEE754 floats.
float randFloat()
uint32_t randBits = randInt32();
randBits = (randBits & 0x007fffff) | 0x3f800000;
return *reinterpret_cast<float*>(&randBits) - 1.0f;
/*! Generate a random floating point value in [ -1, 1 )
* This function directly manipulates the bits of a floating
* point number, and will not work properly on a system that
* doesn't use IEEE754 floats.
float randSfloat()
uint32_t randBits = (uint32_t) (randUint64() >> 16);
randBits = (randBits & 0x007fffff) | 0x40000000;
return *reinterpret_cast<float*>(&randBits) - 3.0f;
uint64_t previous;
/**** Generator implementations ****/
ConstantGenerator::generate(LCGRandomGenerator& /* gen */) const
return m_value;
BoxGenerator::generate(LCGRandomGenerator& gen) const
return Vector3f(gen.randSfloat() * m_semiAxes.x(),
gen.randSfloat() * m_semiAxes.y(),
gen.randSfloat() * m_semiAxes.z()) + m_center;
LineGenerator::generate(LCGRandomGenerator& gen) const
return m_origin + m_direction * gen.randFloat();
EllipsoidSurfaceGenerator::generate(LCGRandomGenerator& gen) const
float theta = (float) PI * gen.randSfloat();
float cosPhi = gen.randSfloat();
float sinPhi = std::sqrt(1.0f - cosPhi * cosPhi);
if (cosPhi < 0.0f)
sinPhi = -sinPhi;
float s = std::sin(theta);
float c = std::cos(theta);
return Vector3f(sinPhi * c * m_semiAxes.x(), sinPhi * s * m_semiAxes.y(), cosPhi * m_semiAxes.z()) + m_center;
ConeGenerator::generate(LCGRandomGenerator& gen) const
float theta = (float) PI * gen.randSfloat();
float cosPhi = 1.0f - m_cosMinAngle - gen.randFloat() * m_cosAngleVariance;
float sinPhi = std::sqrt(1.0f - cosPhi * cosPhi);
if (cosPhi < 0.0f)
sinPhi = -sinPhi;
float s = std::sin(theta);
float c = std::cos(theta);
return Vector3f(sinPhi * c, sinPhi * s, cosPhi) * (m_minLength + gen.randFloat() * m_lengthVariance);
GaussianDiscGenerator::generate(LCGRandomGenerator& gen) const
float r1 = 0.0f;
float r2 = 0.0f;
float s = 0.0f;
r1 = gen.randSfloat();
r2 = gen.randSfloat();
s = r1 * r1 + r2 * r2;
} while (s > 1.0f);
// Choose angle uniformly distributed in [ 0, 2*PI ), radius
// with a Gaussian distribution. Use the polar form of the
// Box-Muller transform to produce a normally distributed
// random number.
float r = r1 * std::sqrt(-2.0f * std::log(s) / s) * m_sigma;
float theta = r2 * 2.0f * (float) PI;
return Vector3f(r * std::cos(theta), r * std::sin(theta), 0.0f);
ParticleEmitter::ParticleEmitter() :
m_startColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f),
m_endColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f),
delete m_positionGenerator;
delete m_velocityGenerator;
ParticleEmitter::setLifespan(double startTime, double endTime)
m_startTime = startTime;
m_endTime = endTime;
ParticleEmitter::setRotationRateRange(float minRate, float maxRate)
m_rotationEnabled = minRate != 0.0f || maxRate != 0.0f;
m_minRotationRate = minRate;
m_rotationRateVariance = maxRate - minRate;
ParticleEmitter::setAcceleration(const Vector3f& acceleration)
m_acceleration = acceleration;
m_nonZeroAcceleration = m_acceleration != Vector3f::Zero();
ParticleEmitter::setBlendMode(cmod::Material::BlendMode blendMode)
m_blendMode = blendMode;
static const uint64_t scrambleMask = (uint64_t(0xcccccccc) << 32) | 0xcccccccc;
ParticleEmitter::render(double tsec,
RenderContext& rc,
ParticleVertex* particleBuffer,
unsigned int particleBufferCapacity) const
double t = tsec;
bool startBounded = m_startTime > -numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
bool endBounded = m_endTime < numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
// Return immediately if we're far enough past the end time that no
// particles remain.
if (endBounded)
if (t > m_endTime + m_lifetime)
// If a start time is specified, set t to be relative to the start time.
// Return immediately if we haven't reached the start time yet.
if (startBounded)
t -= m_startTime;
if (t < 0.0)
Matrix3f modelViewMatrix = rc.getCameraOrientation().conjugate().toRotationMatrix();
Vector3f v0 = modelViewMatrix * Vector3f(-1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f);
Vector3f v1 = modelViewMatrix * Vector3f( 1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f);
Vector3f v2 = modelViewMatrix * Vector3f( 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
Vector3f v3 = modelViewMatrix * Vector3f(-1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
Texture* texture = nullptr;
if (m_texture != InvalidResource)
texture = GetTextureManager()->find(m_texture);
if (texture != nullptr)
// Use premultiplied alpha
double emissionInterval = 1.0 / m_rate;
double dserial = std::fmod(t * m_rate, (double) (1 << 31));
auto serial = (int) (dserial);
double age = (dserial - serial) * emissionInterval;
auto invLifetime = (float) (1.0 / m_lifetime);
double maxAge = m_lifetime;
if (startBounded)
maxAge = std::min((double) m_lifetime, t);
if (endBounded && tsec > m_endTime)
auto skipParticles = (int) ((tsec - m_endTime) * m_rate);
serial -= skipParticles;
age += skipParticles * emissionInterval;
Vec4f startColor(m_startColor.red(), m_startColor.green(), m_startColor.blue(), m_startColor.alpha());
Vec4f endColor(m_endColor.red(), m_endColor.green(), m_endColor.blue(), m_endColor.alpha());
unsigned int particleCount = 0;
while (age < maxAge)
// When the particle buffer is full, render the particles and flush it
if (particleCount == particleBufferCapacity)
glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN, 0, particleCount * 4);
particleCount = 0;
float alpha = (float) age * invLifetime;
float beta = 1.0f - alpha;
float size = alpha * m_endSize + beta * m_startSize;
// Scramble the random number generator seed so that we don't end up with
// artifacts from using regularly incrementing values.
// TODO: consider whether the generator could be seeded just once before
// the first particle is drawn. This would entail further restrictions,
// such as no 'branching' (variable number of calls to LCG::generate()) in
// particle state calculation.
LCGRandomGenerator gen(uint64_t(serial) * uint64_t(0x128ef719) ^ scrambleMask);
// Calculate the color of the particle
// TODO: switch to using a lookup table for color and opacity
unsigned char color[4];
color[Color::Red] = (unsigned char) ((alpha * endColor.x + beta * startColor.x) * 255.99f);
color[Color::Green] = (unsigned char) ((alpha * endColor.y + beta * startColor.y) * 255.99f);
color[Color::Blue] = (unsigned char) ((alpha * endColor.z + beta * startColor.z) * 255.99f);
color[Color::Alpha] = (unsigned char) ((alpha * endColor.w + beta * startColor.w) * 255.99f);
Vector3f v = m_velocityGenerator->generate(gen);
Vector3f center = m_positionGenerator->generate(gen) + v * (float) age;
if (m_nonZeroAcceleration)
center += m_acceleration * (float) (age * age);
if (!m_rotationEnabled)
particleBuffer[particleCount * 4 + 0].set(center + v0 * size, Vector2f(0.0f, 1.0f), color);
particleBuffer[particleCount * 4 + 1].set(center + v1 * size, Vector2f(1.0f, 1.0f), color);
particleBuffer[particleCount * 4 + 2].set(center + v2 * size, Vector2f(1.0f, 0.0f), color);
particleBuffer[particleCount * 4 + 3].set(center + v3 * size, Vector2f(0.0f, 0.0f), color);
float rotationRate = m_minRotationRate + m_rotationRateVariance * gen.randFloat();
float rotation = rotationRate * (float) age;
float c = std::cos(rotation);
float s = std::sin(rotation);
particleBuffer[particleCount * 4 + 0].set(center + (modelViewMatrix * Vector3f(-c + s, -s - c, 0.0f)) * size, Vector2f(0.0f, 1.0f), color);
particleBuffer[particleCount * 4 + 1].set(center + (modelViewMatrix * Vector3f( c + s, s - c, 0.0f)) * size, Vector2f(1.0f, 1.0f), color);
particleBuffer[particleCount * 4 + 2].set(center + (modelViewMatrix * Vector3f( c - s, s + c, 0.0f)) * size, Vector2f(1.0f, 0.0f), color);
particleBuffer[particleCount * 4 + 3].set(center + (modelViewMatrix * Vector3f(-c - s, -s + c, 0.0f)) * size, Vector2f(0.0f, 0.0f), color);
age += emissionInterval;
// Render any remaining particles in the buffer
if (particleCount > 0)
glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN, 0, particleCount * 4);
m_material.diffuse = cmod::Material::Color(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
m_material.emissive = cmod::Material::Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
m_material.blend = m_blendMode;
m_material.opacity = 0.99f;
m_material.maps[0] = new CelestiaTextureResource(m_texture);
#define STRUCT_OFFSET(s, memberName) ((uint32_t) (reinterpret_cast<char*>(&(s).memberName) - reinterpret_cast<char*>(&(s))))
ParticleSystem::ParticleSystem() :
m_particleCapacity = 1000;
m_vertexData = new ParticleVertex[m_particleCapacity * 4];
// Create the vertex description; currently, it is the same for all
// particle systems.
ParticleVertex temp;
Mesh::VertexAttribute attributes[3];
attributes[0] = cmod::Mesh::VertexAttribute(Mesh::Position, Mesh::Float3, STRUCT_OFFSET(temp, position));
attributes[1] = Mesh::VertexAttribute(Mesh::Texture0, Mesh::Float2, STRUCT_OFFSET(temp, texCoord));
attributes[2] = Mesh::VertexAttribute(Mesh::Color0, Mesh::UByte4, STRUCT_OFFSET(temp, color));
m_vertexDesc = new Mesh::VertexDescription(sizeof(ParticleVertex), 3, attributes);
for (const auto emitter : m_emitterList)
delete emitter;
delete[] m_vertexData;
delete m_vertexDesc;
ParticleSystem::render(RenderContext& rc, double tsec)
rc.setVertexArrays(*m_vertexDesc, m_vertexData);
for (const auto emitter : m_emitterList)
emitter->render(tsec, rc, m_vertexData, m_particleCapacity);
ParticleSystem::pick(const Eigen::ParametrizedLine<double, 3>& /* r */, double& /* distance */) const
// Pick selection for particle systems not supported (because it's
// not typically desirable.)
return false;
ParticleSystem::isOpaque() const
return false;
ParticleSystem::addEmitter(ParticleEmitter* emitter)