
2508 lines
78 KiB

// celx_celestia.cpp
// Copyright (C) 2003-2008, the Celestia Development Team
// Lua script extensions for Celestia: Celestia object
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
#include <celutil/gettext.h>
#include <celutil/logger.h>
#include "celttf/truetypefont.h"
#include <fmt/printf.h>
#include <celengine/category.h>
#include <celengine/texture.h>
#include <celcompat/filesystem.h>
#include "celx.h"
#include "celx_internal.h"
#include "celx_celestia.h"
#include "celx_frame.h"
#include "celx_misc.h"
#include "celx_observer.h"
#include "celx_object.h"
#include "celx_position.h"
#include "celx_rotation.h"
#include "celx_vector.h"
#include "celx_category.h"
#include <celestia/url.h>
#include <celestia/celestiacore.h>
#include <celestia/view.h>
#include <celscript/common/scriptmaps.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace Eigen;
using namespace celestia::scripts;
using celestia::util::GetLogger;
extern const char* KbdCallback;
extern const char* CleanupCallback;
extern const char* EventHandlers;
extern const char* KeyHandler;
extern const char* TickHandler;
extern const char* MouseDownHandler;
extern const char* MouseUpHandler;
LuaState *getLuaStateObject(lua_State*);
void PushClass(lua_State*, int);
void setTable(lua_State*, const char*, lua_Number);
ObserverFrame::CoordinateSystem parseCoordSys(const string&);
static fs::path GetScriptPath(lua_State* l)
lua_Debug ar;
lua_getstack(l, 1, &ar);
lua_getinfo(l, "S", &ar);
auto* base_dir = ar.source; // Lua file from which we are called
if (base_dir[0] == '@')
return fs::path(base_dir).parent_path();
// ==================== Celestia-object ====================
int celestia_new(lua_State* l, CelestiaCore* appCore)
CelestiaCore** ud = reinterpret_cast<CelestiaCore**>(lua_newuserdata(l, sizeof(CelestiaCore*)));
*ud = appCore;
Celx_SetClass(l, Celx_Celestia);
return 1;
CelestiaCore* to_celestia(lua_State* l, int index)
auto** appCore = static_cast<CelestiaCore**>(Celx_CheckUserData(l, index, Celx_Celestia));
return appCore ? *appCore : nullptr;
CelestiaCore* this_celestia(lua_State* l)
CelestiaCore* appCore = to_celestia(l, 1);
if (appCore == nullptr)
Celx_DoError(l, "Bad celestia object!");
return appCore;
static int celestia_flash(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 2, 3, "One or two arguments expected to function celestia:flash");
CelestiaCore* appCore = this_celestia(l);
const char* s = Celx_SafeGetString(l, 2, AllErrors, "First argument to celestia:flash must be a string");
double duration = Celx_SafeGetNumber(l, 3, WrongType, "Second argument to celestia:flash must be a number", 1.5);
if (duration < 0.0)
duration = 1.5;
appCore->flash(s, duration);
return 0;
static int celestia_print(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 2, 7, "One to six arguments expected to function celestia:print");
CelestiaCore* appCore = this_celestia(l);
const char* s = Celx_SafeGetString(l, 2, AllErrors, "First argument to celestia:print must be a string");
double duration = Celx_SafeGetNumber(l, 3, WrongType, "Second argument to celestia:print must be a number", 1.5);
int horig = (int)Celx_SafeGetNumber(l, 4, WrongType, "Third argument to celestia:print must be a number", -1.0);
int vorig = (int)Celx_SafeGetNumber(l, 5, WrongType, "Fourth argument to celestia:print must be a number", -1.0);
int hoff = (int)Celx_SafeGetNumber(l, 6, WrongType, "Fifth argument to celestia:print must be a number", 0.0);
int voff = (int)Celx_SafeGetNumber(l, 7, WrongType, "Sixth argument to celestia:print must be a number", 5.0);
if (duration < 0.0)
duration = 1.5;
appCore->showText(s, horig, vorig, hoff, voff, duration);
return 0;
static int celestia_gettextwidth(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 2, 2, "One argument expected to function celestia:gettextwidth");
CelestiaCore* appCore = this_celestia(l);
const char* s = Celx_SafeGetString(l, 2, AllErrors, "First argument to celestia:gettextwidth must be a string");
lua_pushnumber(l, appCore->getTextWidth(s));
return 1;
static int celestia_getaltazimuthmode(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 1, 1, "No arguments expected for celestia:getaltazimuthmode()");
CelestiaCore* appCore = this_celestia(l);
lua_pushboolean(l, appCore->getAltAzimuthMode());
return 1;
static int celestia_setaltazimuthmode(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 2, 2, "One argument expected to function celestia:setaltazimuthmode");
bool enable = false;
if (!lua_isboolean(l, -1))
Celx_DoError(l, "Argument for celestia:setaltazimuthmode must be a boolean");
return 0;
enable = lua_toboolean(l, -1) != 0;
CelestiaCore* appCore = this_celestia(l);
lua_pop(l, 1);
return 0;
static int celestia_show(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 1, 1000, "Wrong number of arguments to celestia:show");
CelestiaCore* appCore = this_celestia(l);
int argc = lua_gettop(l);
uint64_t flags = 0;
auto &RenderFlagMap = appCore->scriptMaps()->RenderFlagMap;
for (int i = 2; i <= argc; i++)
string renderFlag = Celx_SafeGetString(l, i, AllErrors, "Arguments to celestia:show() must be strings");
if (renderFlag == "lightdelay")
else if (RenderFlagMap.count(renderFlag) > 0)
flags |= RenderFlagMap[renderFlag];
Renderer* r = appCore->getRenderer();
r->setRenderFlags(r->getRenderFlags() | flags);
return 0;
static int celestia_hide(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 1, 1000, "Wrong number of arguments to celestia:hide");
CelestiaCore* appCore = this_celestia(l);
int argc = lua_gettop(l);
uint64_t flags = 0;
auto &RenderFlagMap = appCore->scriptMaps()->RenderFlagMap;
for (int i = 2; i <= argc; i++)
string renderFlag = Celx_SafeGetString(l, i, AllErrors, "Arguments to celestia:hide() must be strings");
if (renderFlag == "lightdelay")
else if (RenderFlagMap.count(renderFlag) > 0)
flags |= RenderFlagMap[renderFlag];
Renderer* r = appCore->getRenderer();
r->setRenderFlags(r->getRenderFlags() & ~flags);
return 0;
static int celestia_setrenderflags(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 2, 2, "One argument expected for celestia:setrenderflags()");
CelestiaCore* appCore = this_celestia(l);
if (!lua_istable(l, 2))
Celx_DoError(l, "Argument to celestia:setrenderflags() must be a table");
return 0;
uint64_t renderFlags = appCore->getRenderer()->getRenderFlags();
while (lua_next(l, -2) != 0)
string key;
bool value = false;
if (lua_isstring(l, -2))
key = lua_tostring(l, -2);
Celx_DoError(l, "Keys in table-argument to celestia:setrenderflags() must be strings");
return 0;
if (lua_isboolean(l, -1))
value = lua_toboolean(l, -1) != 0;
Celx_DoError(l, "Values in table-argument to celestia:setrenderflags() must be boolean");
return 0;
if (key == "lightdelay")
else if (appCore->scriptMaps()->RenderFlagMap.count(key) > 0)
uint64_t flag = appCore->scriptMaps()->RenderFlagMap[key];
if (value)
renderFlags |= flag;
renderFlags &= ~flag;
GetLogger()->warn("Unknown key: {}\n", key);
return 0;
static int celestia_getrenderflags(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 1, 1, "No arguments expected for celestia:getrenderflags()");
CelestiaCore* appCore = this_celestia(l);
const uint64_t renderFlags = appCore->getRenderer()->getRenderFlags();
std::string rfmString;
for (const auto& rfm : appCore->scriptMaps()->RenderFlagMap)
lua_pushstring(l, rfmString.c_str());
lua_pushboolean(l, (rfm.second & renderFlags) != 0);
lua_pushstring(l, "lightdelay");
lua_pushboolean(l, appCore->getLightDelayActive());
lua_settable(l, -3);
return 1;
int celestia_getscreendimension(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 1, 1, "No arguments expected for celestia:getscreendimension()");
// error checking only:
// Get the dimensions of the current viewport
int w, h;
CelestiaCore* appCore = to_celestia(l, 1);
appCore->getRenderer()->getViewport(nullptr, nullptr, &w, &h);
lua_pushnumber(l, w);
lua_pushnumber(l, h);
return 2;
static int celestia_showlabel(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 1, 1000, "Bad method call!");
CelestiaCore* appCore = this_celestia(l);
int argc = lua_gettop(l);
int flags = 0;
auto &LabelFlagMap = appCore->scriptMaps()->LabelFlagMap;
for (int i = 2; i <= argc; i++)
string labelFlag = Celx_SafeGetString(l, i, AllErrors, "Arguments to celestia:showlabel() must be strings");
if (LabelFlagMap.count(labelFlag) > 0)
flags |= LabelFlagMap[labelFlag];
Renderer* r = appCore->getRenderer();
r->setLabelMode(r->getLabelMode() | flags);
return 0;
static int celestia_hidelabel(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 1, 1000, "Invalid number of arguments in celestia:hidelabel");
CelestiaCore* appCore = this_celestia(l);
int argc = lua_gettop(l);
int flags = 0;
auto &LabelFlagMap = appCore->scriptMaps()->LabelFlagMap;
for (int i = 2; i <= argc; i++)
string labelFlag = Celx_SafeGetString(l, i, AllErrors, "Arguments to celestia:hidelabel() must be strings");
if (LabelFlagMap.count(labelFlag) > 0)
flags |= LabelFlagMap[labelFlag];
Renderer* r = appCore->getRenderer();
r->setLabelMode(r->getLabelMode() & ~flags);
return 0;
static int celestia_setlabelflags(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 2, 2, "One argument expected for celestia:setlabelflags()");
CelestiaCore* appCore = this_celestia(l);
if (!lua_istable(l, 2))
Celx_DoError(l, "Argument to celestia:setlabelflags() must be a table");
return 0;
int labelFlags = appCore->getRenderer()->getLabelMode();
auto &LabelFlagMap = appCore->scriptMaps()->LabelFlagMap;
while (lua_next(l, -2) != 0)
string key;
bool value = false;
if (lua_isstring(l, -2))
key = lua_tostring(l, -2);
Celx_DoError(l, "Keys in table-argument to celestia:setlabelflags() must be strings");
return 0;
if (lua_isboolean(l, -1))
value = lua_toboolean(l, -1) != 0;
Celx_DoError(l, "Values in table-argument to celestia:setlabelflags() must be boolean");
return 0;
if (LabelFlagMap.count(key) == 0)
GetLogger()->warn("Unknown key: {}\n", key);
int flag = LabelFlagMap[key];
if (value)
labelFlags |= flag;
labelFlags &= ~flag;
return 0;
static int celestia_getlabelflags(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 1, 1, "No arguments expected for celestia:getlabelflags()");
CelestiaCore* appCore = this_celestia(l);
const int labelFlags = appCore->getRenderer()->getLabelMode();
std::string lfmString;
for (const auto& lfm : appCore->scriptMaps()->LabelFlagMap)
lua_pushstring(l, lfmString.c_str());
lua_pushboolean(l, (lfm.second & labelFlags) != 0);
return 1;
static int celestia_setorbitflags(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 2, 2, "One argument expected for celestia:setorbitflags()");
CelestiaCore* appCore = this_celestia(l);
if (!lua_istable(l, 2))
Celx_DoError(l, "Argument to celestia:setorbitflags() must be a table");
return 0;
int orbitFlags = appCore->getRenderer()->getOrbitMask();
auto &BodyTypeMap = appCore->scriptMaps()->BodyTypeMap;
while (lua_next(l, -2) != 0)
string key;
bool value = false;
if (lua_isstring(l, -2))
key = lua_tostring(l, -2);
Celx_DoError(l, "Keys in table-argument to celestia:setorbitflags() must be strings");
return 0;
if (lua_isboolean(l, -1))
value = lua_toboolean(l, -1) != 0;
Celx_DoError(l, "Values in table-argument to celestia:setorbitflags() must be boolean");
return 0;
if (BodyTypeMap.count(key) == 0)
GetLogger()->warn("Unknown key: {}\n", key);
int flag = BodyTypeMap[key];
if (value)
orbitFlags |= flag;
orbitFlags &= ~flag;
return 0;
static int celestia_getorbitflags(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 1, 1, "No arguments expected for celestia:getorbitflags()");
CelestiaCore* appCore = this_celestia(l);
const int orbitFlags = appCore->getRenderer()->getOrbitMask();
std::string btmString;
for (const auto& btm : appCore->scriptMaps()->BodyTypeMap)
lua_pushstring(l, btmString.c_str());
lua_pushboolean(l, (btm.second & orbitFlags) != 0);
return 1;
static int celestia_showconstellations(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 1, 2, "Expected no or one argument to celestia:showconstellations()");
CelestiaCore* appCore = getAppCore(l, AllErrors);
Universe* u = appCore->getSimulation()->getUniverse();
AsterismList* asterisms = u->getAsterisms();
if (lua_type(l, 2) == LUA_TNONE) // No argument passed
for (const auto ast : *asterisms)
else if (!lua_istable(l, 2))
Celx_DoError(l, "Argument to celestia:showconstellations() must be a table");
return 0;
while (lua_next(l, -2) != 0)
const char* constellation = "";
if (lua_isstring(l, -1))
constellation = lua_tostring(l, -1);
Celx_DoError(l, "Values in table-argument to celestia:showconstellations() must be strings");
return 0;
for (const auto ast : *asterisms)
if (compareIgnoringCase(constellation, ast->getName(false)) == 0)
return 0;
static int celestia_hideconstellations(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 1, 2, "Expected no or one argument to celestia:hideconstellations()");
CelestiaCore* appCore = getAppCore(l, AllErrors);
Universe* u = appCore->getSimulation()->getUniverse();
AsterismList* asterisms = u->getAsterisms();
if (lua_type(l, 2) == LUA_TNONE) // No argument passed
for (const auto ast : *asterisms)
else if (!lua_istable(l, 2))
Celx_DoError(l, "Argument to celestia:hideconstellations() must be a table");
return 0;
while (lua_next(l, -2) != 0)
const char* constellation = "";
if (lua_isstring(l, -1))
constellation = lua_tostring(l, -1);
Celx_DoError(l, "Values in table-argument to celestia:hideconstellations() must be strings");
return 0;
for (const auto ast : *asterisms)
if (compareIgnoringCase(constellation, ast->getName(false)) == 0)
return 0;
static int celestia_setconstellationcolor(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 4, 5, "Expected three or four arguments to celestia:setconstellationcolor()");
CelestiaCore* appCore = getAppCore(l, AllErrors);
Universe* u = appCore->getSimulation()->getUniverse();
AsterismList* asterisms = u->getAsterisms();
float r = (float) Celx_SafeGetNumber(l, 2, WrongType, "First argument to celestia:setconstellationcolor() must be a number", 0.0);
float g = (float) Celx_SafeGetNumber(l, 3, WrongType, "Second argument to celestia:setconstellationcolor() must be a number", 0.0);
float b = (float) Celx_SafeGetNumber(l, 4, WrongType, "Third argument to celestia:setconstellationcolor() must be a number", 0.0);
Color constellationColor(r, g, b);
if (lua_type(l, 5) == LUA_TNONE) // Fourth argument omited
for (const auto ast : *asterisms)
else if (!lua_istable(l, 5))
Celx_DoError(l, "Fourth argument to celestia:setconstellationcolor() must be a table");
return 0;
while (lua_next(l, -2) != 0)
if (lua_isstring(l, -1))
const char* constellation = lua_tostring(l, -1);
for (const auto ast : *asterisms)
if (compareIgnoringCase(constellation, ast->getName(false)) == 0)
Celx_DoError(l, "Values in table-argument to celestia:setconstellationcolor() must be strings");
return 0;
return 0;
static int celestia_setoverlayelements(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 2, 2, "One argument expected for celestia:setoverlayelements()");
CelestiaCore* appCore = this_celestia(l);
if (!lua_istable(l, 2))
Celx_DoError(l, "Argument to celestia:setoverlayelements() must be a table");
return 0;
int overlayElements = appCore->getOverlayElements();
auto &OverlayElementMap = appCore->scriptMaps()->OverlayElementMap;
while (lua_next(l, -2) != 0)
string key;
bool value = false;
if (lua_isstring(l, -2))
key = lua_tostring(l, -2);
Celx_DoError(l, "Keys in table-argument to celestia:setoverlayelements() must be strings");
return 0;
if (lua_isboolean(l, -1))
value = lua_toboolean(l, -1) != 0;
Celx_DoError(l, "Values in table-argument to celestia:setoverlayelements() must be boolean");
return 0;
if (OverlayElementMap.count(key) == 0)
GetLogger()->warn("Unknown key: {}\n", key);
int element = OverlayElementMap[key];
if (value)
overlayElements |= element;
overlayElements &= ~element;
return 0;
static int celestia_getoverlayelements(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 1, 1, "No arguments expected for celestia:getoverlayelements()");
CelestiaCore* appCore = this_celestia(l);
const int overlayElements = appCore->getOverlayElements();
std::string oemString;
for (const auto& oem : appCore->scriptMaps()->OverlayElementMap)
lua_pushstring(l, oemString.c_str());
lua_pushboolean(l, (oem.second & overlayElements) != 0);
return 1;
static int celestia_settextcolor(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 4, 4, "Three arguments expected for celestia:settextcolor()");
CelestiaCore* appCore = this_celestia(l);
Color color;
double red = Celx_SafeGetNumber(l, 2, WrongType, "settextcolor: color values must be numbers", 1.0);
double green = Celx_SafeGetNumber(l, 3, WrongType, "settextcolor: color values must be numbers", 1.0);
double blue = Celx_SafeGetNumber(l, 4, WrongType, "settextcolor: color values must be numbers", 1.0);
// opacity currently not settable
double opacity = 1.0;
color = Color((float) red, (float) green, (float) blue, (float) opacity);
return 0;
static int celestia_gettextcolor(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 1, 1, "No arguments expected for celestia:getgalaxylightgain()");
CelestiaCore* appCore = this_celestia(l);
Color color = appCore->getTextColor();
lua_pushnumber(l, color.red());
lua_pushnumber(l, color.green());
lua_pushnumber(l, color.blue());
return 3;
static int celestia_setlabelcolor(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 5, 5, "Four arguments expected for celestia:setlabelcolor()");
if (!lua_isstring(l, 2))
Celx_DoError(l, "First argument to celestia:setlabelstyle() must be a string");
return 0;
Color* color = nullptr;
string key;
key = lua_tostring(l, 2);
auto &LabelColorMap = this_celestia(l)->scriptMaps()->LabelColorMap;
if (LabelColorMap.count(key) == 0)
GetLogger()->warn("Unknown label style: {}\n", key);
color = LabelColorMap[key];
double red = Celx_SafeGetNumber(l, 3, AllErrors, "setlabelcolor: color values must be numbers");
double green = Celx_SafeGetNumber(l, 4, AllErrors, "setlabelcolor: color values must be numbers");
double blue = Celx_SafeGetNumber(l, 5, AllErrors, "setlabelcolor: color values must be numbers");
// opacity currently not settable
double opacity = 1.0;
if (color != nullptr)
*color = Color((float) red, (float) green, (float) blue, (float) opacity);
return 1;
static int celestia_getlabelcolor(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 2, 2, "One argument expected for celestia:getlabelcolor()");
string key = Celx_SafeGetString(l, 2, AllErrors, "Argument to celestia:getlabelcolor() must be a string");
Color* labelColor = nullptr;
auto &LabelColorMap = this_celestia(l)->scriptMaps()->LabelColorMap;
if (LabelColorMap.count(key) == 0)
GetLogger()->error("Unknown label style: {}\n", key);
return 0;
labelColor = LabelColorMap[key];
lua_pushnumber(l, labelColor->red());
lua_pushnumber(l, labelColor->green());
lua_pushnumber(l, labelColor->blue());
return 3;
static int celestia_setlinecolor(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 5, 5, "Four arguments expected for celestia:setlinecolor()");
if (!lua_isstring(l, 2))
Celx_DoError(l, "First argument to celestia:setlinecolor() must be a string");
return 0;
Color* color = nullptr;
string key;
key = lua_tostring(l, 2);
auto &LineColorMap = this_celestia(l)->scriptMaps()->LineColorMap;
if (LineColorMap.count(key) == 0)
GetLogger()->warn("Unknown line style: {}\n", key);
color = LineColorMap[key];
double red = Celx_SafeGetNumber(l, 3, AllErrors, "setlinecolor: color values must be numbers");
double green = Celx_SafeGetNumber(l, 4, AllErrors, "setlinecolor: color values must be numbers");
double blue = Celx_SafeGetNumber(l, 5, AllErrors, "setlinecolor: color values must be numbers");
// opacity currently not settable
double opacity = 1.0;
if (color != nullptr)
*color = Color((float) red, (float) green, (float) blue, (float) opacity);
return 1;
static int celestia_getlinecolor(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 2, 2, "One argument expected for celestia:getlinecolor()");
string key = Celx_SafeGetString(l, 2, AllErrors, "Argument to celestia:getlinecolor() must be a string");
auto &LineColorMap = this_celestia(l)->scriptMaps()->LineColorMap;
if (LineColorMap.count(key) == 0)
GetLogger()->error("Unknown line style: {}\n", key);
return 0;
Color* lineColor = LineColorMap[key];
lua_pushnumber(l, lineColor->red());
lua_pushnumber(l, lineColor->green());
lua_pushnumber(l, lineColor->blue());
return 3;
static int celestia_setfaintestvisible(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 2, 2, "One argument expected for celestia:setfaintestvisible()");
CelestiaCore* appCore = this_celestia(l);
float faintest = (float)Celx_SafeGetNumber(l, 2, AllErrors, "Argument to celestia:setfaintestvisible() must be a number");
if ((appCore->getRenderer()->getRenderFlags() & Renderer::ShowAutoMag) == 0)
faintest = min(15.0f, max(1.0f, faintest));
faintest = min(12.0f, max(6.0f, faintest));
return 0;
static int celestia_getfaintestvisible(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 1, 1, "No arguments expected for celestia:getfaintestvisible()");
CelestiaCore* appCore = this_celestia(l);
if ((appCore->getRenderer()->getRenderFlags() & Renderer::ShowAutoMag) == 0)
lua_pushnumber(l, appCore->getSimulation()->getFaintestVisible());
lua_pushnumber(l, appCore->getRenderer()->getFaintestAM45deg());
return 1;
static int celestia_setgalaxylightgain(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 2, 2, "One argument expected for celestia:setgalaxylightgain()");
float lightgain = (float)Celx_SafeGetNumber(l, 2, AllErrors, "Argument to celestia:setgalaxylightgain() must be a number");
lightgain = min(1.0f, max(0.0f, lightgain));
return 0;
static int celestia_getgalaxylightgain(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 1, 1, "No arguments expected for celestia:getgalaxylightgain()");
lua_pushnumber(l, Galaxy::getLightGain());
return 1;
static int celestia_setminfeaturesize(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 2, 2, "One argument expected for celestia:setminfeaturesize()");
CelestiaCore* appCore = this_celestia(l);
float minFeatureSize = (float)Celx_SafeGetNumber(l, 2, AllErrors, "Argument to celestia:setminfeaturesize() must be a number");
minFeatureSize = max(0.0f, minFeatureSize);
return 0;
static int celestia_getminfeaturesize(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 1, 1, "No arguments expected for celestia:getminfeaturesize()");
CelestiaCore* appCore = this_celestia(l);
lua_pushnumber(l, appCore->getRenderer()->getMinimumFeatureSize());
return 1;
static int celestia_getobserver(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 1, 1, "No arguments expected for celestia:getobserver()");
CelestiaCore* appCore = this_celestia(l);
Observer* o = appCore->getSimulation()->getActiveObserver();
if (o == nullptr)
observer_new(l, o);
return 1;
static int celestia_getobservers(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 1, 1, "No arguments expected for celestia:getobservers()");
CelestiaCore* appCore = this_celestia(l);
vector<Observer*> observer_list;
getObservers(appCore, observer_list);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < observer_list.size(); i++)
observer_new(l, observer_list[i]);
lua_rawseti(l, -2, i + 1);
return 1;
static int celestia_getselection(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 1, 1, "No arguments expected to celestia:getselection()");
CelestiaCore* appCore = this_celestia(l);
Selection sel = appCore->getSimulation()->getSelection();
object_new(l, sel);
return 1;
static int celestia_find(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 2, 2, "One argument expected for function celestia:find()");
if (!lua_isstring(l, 2))
Celx_DoError(l, "Argument to find must be a string");
return 0;
CelestiaCore* appCore = this_celestia(l);
Simulation* sim = appCore->getSimulation();
// Should use universe not simulation for finding objects
Selection sel = sim->findObjectFromPath(lua_tostring(l, 2));
object_new(l, sel);
return 1;
static int celestia_select(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 2, 2, "One argument expected for celestia:select()");
CelestiaCore* appCore = this_celestia(l);
Simulation* sim = appCore->getSimulation();
Selection* sel = to_object(l, 2);
// If the argument is an object, set the selection; if it's anything else
// clear the selection.
if (sel != nullptr)
return 0;
static int celestia_mark(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 2, 2, "One argument expected to function celestia:mark");
CelestiaCore* appCore = this_celestia(l);
Simulation* sim = appCore->getSimulation();
Selection* sel = to_object(l, 2);
if (sel != nullptr)
celestia::MarkerRepresentation markerRep(celestia::MarkerRepresentation::Diamond);
markerRep.setColor(Color(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f));
sim->getUniverse()->markObject(*sel, markerRep, 1);
Celx_DoError(l, "Argument to celestia:mark must be an object");
return 0;
static int celestia_unmark(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 2, 2, "One argument expected to function celestia:unmark");
CelestiaCore* appCore = this_celestia(l);
Simulation* sim = appCore->getSimulation();
Selection* sel = to_object(l, 2);
if (sel != nullptr)
sim->getUniverse()->unmarkObject(*sel, 1);
Celx_DoError(l, "Argument to celestia:unmark must be an object");
return 0;
static int celestia_gettime(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 1, 1, "No argument expected to function celestia:gettime");
CelestiaCore* appCore = this_celestia(l);
Simulation* sim = appCore->getSimulation();
lua_pushnumber(l, sim->getTime());
return 1;
static int celestia_gettimescale(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 1, 1, "No argument expected to function celestia:gettimescale");
CelestiaCore* appCore = this_celestia(l);
lua_pushnumber(l, appCore->getSimulation()->getTimeScale());
return 1;
static int celestia_settime(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 2, 2, "One argument expected to function celestia:settime");
CelestiaCore* appCore = this_celestia(l);
double t = Celx_SafeGetNumber(l, 2, AllErrors, "First arg to celestia:settime must be a number");
return 0;
static int celestia_ispaused(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 1, 1, "No argument expected to function celestia:ispaused");
CelestiaCore* appCore = this_celestia(l);
lua_pushboolean(l, appCore->getSimulation()->getPauseState());
return 1;
static int celestia_pause(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 1, 2, "No or one argument expected to function celestia:paused");
CelestiaCore* appCore = this_celestia(l);
bool cur_state = appCore->getSimulation()->getPauseState();
bool new_state;
if (lua_type(l, 2) != LUA_TNONE) // An argument passed
if (!lua_isboolean(l, -1))
Celx_DoError(l, "Value passed to celestia:paused must be boolean");
return 0;
// set pause state according to a passed value
new_state = lua_toboolean(l, -1);
// toggle the current pause state
new_state = !cur_state;
// set a new state
// and return the previous one
lua_pushboolean(l, cur_state);
return 1;
static int celestia_synchronizetime(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 2, 2, "One argument expected to function celestia:synchronizetime");
CelestiaCore* appCore = this_celestia(l);
bool sync = Celx_SafeGetBoolean(l, 2, AllErrors, "Argument to celestia:synchronizetime must be a boolean");
return 0;
static int celestia_istimesynchronized(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 1, 1, "No argument expected to function celestia:istimesynchronized");
CelestiaCore* appCore = this_celestia(l);
lua_pushboolean(l, appCore->getSimulation()->getSyncTime());
return 1;
static int celestia_settimescale(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 2, 2, "One argument expected to function celestia:settimescale");
CelestiaCore* appCore = this_celestia(l);
double t = Celx_SafeGetNumber(l, 2, AllErrors, "Second arg to celestia:settimescale must be a number");
return 0;
static int celestia_tojulianday(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 2, 7, "Wrong number of arguments to function celestia:tojulianday");
// for error checking only:
int year = (int)Celx_SafeGetNumber(l, 2, AllErrors, "First arg to celestia:tojulianday must be a number", 0.0);
int month = (int)Celx_SafeGetNumber(l, 3, WrongType, "Second arg to celestia:tojulianday must be a number", 1.0);
int day = (int)Celx_SafeGetNumber(l, 4, WrongType, "Third arg to celestia:tojulianday must be a number", 1.0);
int hour = (int)Celx_SafeGetNumber(l, 5, WrongType, "Fourth arg to celestia:tojulianday must be a number", 0.0);
int minute = (int)Celx_SafeGetNumber(l, 6, WrongType, "Fifth arg to celestia:tojulianday must be a number", 0.0);
double seconds = Celx_SafeGetNumber(l, 7, WrongType, "Sixth arg to celestia:tojulianday must be a number", 0.0);
astro::Date date(year, month, day);
date.hour = hour;
date.minute = minute;
date.seconds = seconds;
double jd = (double) date;
lua_pushnumber(l, jd);
return 1;
static int celestia_fromjulianday(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 2, 2, "Wrong number of arguments to function celestia:fromjulianday");
// for error checking only:
double jd = Celx_SafeGetNumber(l, 2, AllErrors, "First arg to celestia:fromjulianday must be a number", 0.0);
astro::Date date(jd);
setTable(l, "year", (double)date.year);
setTable(l, "month", (double)date.month);
setTable(l, "day", (double)date.day);
setTable(l, "hour", (double)date.hour);
setTable(l, "minute", (double)date.minute);
setTable(l, "seconds", date.seconds);
return 1;
// Convert a UTC Julian date to a TDB Julian day
// TODO: also support a single table argument of the form output by
// celestia_tdbtoutc.
static int celestia_utctotdb(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 2, 7, "Wrong number of arguments to function celestia:utctotdb");
// for error checking only:
int year = (int) Celx_SafeGetNumber(l, 2, AllErrors, "First arg to celestia:utctotdb must be a number", 0.0);
int month = (int) Celx_SafeGetNumber(l, 3, WrongType, "Second arg to celestia:utctotdb must be a number", 1.0);
int day = (int) Celx_SafeGetNumber(l, 4, WrongType, "Third arg to celestia:utctotdb must be a number", 1.0);
int hour = (int)Celx_SafeGetNumber(l, 5, WrongType, "Fourth arg to celestia:utctotdb must be a number", 0.0);
int minute = (int)Celx_SafeGetNumber(l, 6, WrongType, "Fifth arg to celestia:utctotdb must be a number", 0.0);
double seconds = Celx_SafeGetNumber(l, 7, WrongType, "Sixth arg to celestia:utctotdb must be a number", 0.0);
astro::Date date(year, month, day);
date.hour = hour;
date.minute = minute;
date.seconds = seconds;
double jd = astro::UTCtoTDB(date);
lua_pushnumber(l, jd);
return 1;
// Convert a TDB Julian day to a UTC Julian date (table format)
static int celestia_tdbtoutc(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 2, 2, "Wrong number of arguments to function celestia:tdbtoutc");
// for error checking only:
double jd = Celx_SafeGetNumber(l, 2, AllErrors, "First arg to celestia:tdbtoutc must be a number", 0.0);
astro::Date date = astro::TDBtoUTC(jd);
setTable(l, "year", (double)date.year);
setTable(l, "month", (double)date.month);
setTable(l, "day", (double)date.day);
setTable(l, "hour", (double)date.hour);
setTable(l, "minute", (double)date.minute);
setTable(l, "seconds", date.seconds);
return 1;
static int celestia_getsystemtime(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 1, 1, "No argument expected to function celestia:getsystemtime");
astro::Date d = astro::Date::systemDate();
lua_pushnumber(l, astro::UTCtoTDB(d));
return 1;
static int celestia_unmarkall(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 1, 1, "No arguments expected to function celestia:unmarkall");
CelestiaCore* appCore = this_celestia(l);
Simulation* sim = appCore->getSimulation();
return 0;
static int celestia_getstarcount(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 1, 1, "No arguments expected to function celestia:getstarcount");
CelestiaCore* appCore = this_celestia(l);
Universe* u = appCore->getSimulation()->getUniverse();
lua_pushnumber(l, u->getStarCatalog()->size());
return 1;
// Stars iterator function; two upvalues expected
static int celestia_stars_iter(lua_State* l)
CelestiaCore* appCore = to_celestia(l, lua_upvalueindex(1));
if (appCore == nullptr)
Celx_DoError(l, "Bad celestia object!");
return 0;
auto i = (uint32_t) lua_tonumber(l, lua_upvalueindex(2));
Universe* u = appCore->getSimulation()->getUniverse();
if (i < u->getStarCatalog()->size())
// Increment the counter
lua_pushnumber(l, i + 1);
lua_replace(l, lua_upvalueindex(2));
Star* star = u->getStarCatalog()->getStar(i);
if (star == nullptr)
object_new(l, Selection(star));
return 1;
// Return nil when we've enumerated all the stars
return 0;
static int celestia_stars(lua_State* l)
// Push a closure with two upvalues: the celestia object and a
// counter.
lua_pushvalue(l, 1); // Celestia object
lua_pushnumber(l, 0); // counter
lua_pushcclosure(l, celestia_stars_iter, 2);
return 1;
static int celestia_getdsocount(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 1, 1, "No arguments expected to function celestia:getdsocount");
CelestiaCore* appCore = this_celestia(l);
Universe* u = appCore->getSimulation()->getUniverse();
lua_pushnumber(l, u->getDSOCatalog()->size());
return 1;
// DSOs iterator function; two upvalues expected
static int celestia_dsos_iter(lua_State* l)
CelestiaCore* appCore = to_celestia(l, lua_upvalueindex(1));
if (appCore == nullptr)
Celx_DoError(l, "Bad celestia object!");
return 0;
auto i = (uint32_t) lua_tonumber(l, lua_upvalueindex(2));
Universe* u = appCore->getSimulation()->getUniverse();
if (i < u->getDSOCatalog()->size())
// Increment the counter
lua_pushnumber(l, i + 1);
lua_replace(l, lua_upvalueindex(2));
DeepSkyObject* dso = u->getDSOCatalog()->getDSO(i);
if (dso == nullptr)
object_new(l, Selection(dso));
return 1;
// Return nil when we've enumerated all the DSOs
return 0;
static int celestia_dsos(lua_State* l)
// Push a closure with two upvalues: the celestia object and a
// counter.
lua_pushvalue(l, 1); // Celestia object
lua_pushnumber(l, 0); // counter
lua_pushcclosure(l, celestia_dsos_iter, 2);
return 1;
static int celestia_setambient(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 2, 2, "One argument expected in celestia:setambient");
CelestiaCore* appCore = this_celestia(l);
Renderer* renderer = appCore->getRenderer();
double ambientLightLevel = Celx_SafeGetNumber(l, 2, AllErrors, "Argument to celestia:setambient must be a number");
if (ambientLightLevel > 1.0)
ambientLightLevel = 1.0;
if (ambientLightLevel < 0.0)
ambientLightLevel = 0.0;
if (renderer != nullptr)
return 0;
static int celestia_getambient(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 1, 1, "No argument expected in celestia:setambient");
CelestiaCore* appCore = this_celestia(l);
Renderer* renderer = appCore->getRenderer();
if (renderer == nullptr)
Celx_DoError(l, "Internal Error: renderer is nullptr!");
return 0;
lua_pushnumber(l, renderer->getAmbientLightLevel());
return 1;
static int celestia_setminorbitsize(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 2, 2, "One argument expected in celestia:setminorbitsize");
CelestiaCore* appCore = this_celestia(l);
double orbitSize = Celx_SafeGetNumber(l, 2, AllErrors, "Argument to celestia:setminorbitsize() must be a number");
Renderer* renderer = appCore->getRenderer();
if (renderer == nullptr)
Celx_DoError(l, "Internal Error: renderer is nullptr!");
return 0;
orbitSize = max(0.0, orbitSize);
return 0;
static int celestia_getminorbitsize(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 1, 1, "No argument expected in celestia:getminorbitsize");
CelestiaCore* appCore = this_celestia(l);
Renderer* renderer = appCore->getRenderer();
if (renderer == nullptr)
Celx_DoError(l, "Internal Error: renderer is nullptr!");
return 0;
lua_pushnumber(l, renderer->getMinimumOrbitSize());
return 1;
static int celestia_setstardistancelimit(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 2, 2, "One argument expected in celestia:setstardistancelimit");
CelestiaCore* appCore = this_celestia(l);
double distanceLimit = Celx_SafeGetNumber(l, 2, AllErrors, "Argument to celestia:setstardistancelimit() must be a number");
Renderer* renderer = appCore->getRenderer();
if (renderer == nullptr)
Celx_DoError(l, "Internal Error: renderer is nullptr!");
return 0;
return 0;
static int celestia_getstardistancelimit(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 1, 1, "No argument expected in celestia:getstardistancelimit");
CelestiaCore* appCore = this_celestia(l);
Renderer* renderer = appCore->getRenderer();
if (renderer == nullptr)
Celx_DoError(l, "Internal Error: renderer is nullptr!");
return 0;
lua_pushnumber(l, renderer->getDistanceLimit());
return 1;
static int celestia_getstarstyle(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 1, 1, "No argument expected in celestia:getstarstyle");
CelestiaCore* appCore = this_celestia(l);
Renderer* renderer = appCore->getRenderer();
if (renderer == nullptr)
Celx_DoError(l, "Internal Error: renderer is nullptr!");
return 0;
Renderer::StarStyle starStyle = renderer->getStarStyle();
switch (starStyle)
case Renderer::FuzzyPointStars:
lua_pushstring(l, "fuzzy"); break;
case Renderer::PointStars:
lua_pushstring(l, "point"); break;
case Renderer::ScaledDiscStars:
lua_pushstring(l, "disc"); break;
lua_pushstring(l, "invalid starstyle");
return 1;
static int celestia_setstarstyle(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 2, 2, "One argument expected in celestia:setstarstyle");
CelestiaCore* appCore = this_celestia(l);
string starStyle = Celx_SafeGetString(l, 2, AllErrors, "Argument to celestia:setstarstyle must be a string");
Renderer* renderer = appCore->getRenderer();
if (renderer == nullptr)
Celx_DoError(l, "Internal Error: renderer is nullptr!");
return 0;
if (starStyle == "fuzzy")
else if (starStyle == "point")
else if (starStyle == "disc")
Celx_DoError(l, "Invalid starstyle");
return 0;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Star Color
static int celestia_getstarcolor(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 1, 1, "No argument expected in celestia:getstarcolor");
CelestiaCore* appCore = this_celestia(l);
Renderer* renderer = appCore->getRenderer();
if (renderer == nullptr)
Celx_DoError(l, "Internal Error: renderer is nullptr!");
return 0;
const ColorTemperatureTable* starColor = renderer->getStarColorTable();
if (starColor == GetStarColorTable(ColorTable_Enhanced))
lua_pushstring(l, "enhanced");
else if (starColor == GetStarColorTable(ColorTable_Blackbody_D65))
lua_pushstring(l, "blackbody_d65");
lua_pushstring(l, "invalid starcolor");
return 1;
static int celestia_setstarcolor(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 2, 2, "One argument expected in celestia:setstarcolor");
CelestiaCore* appCore = this_celestia(l);
string starColor = Celx_SafeGetString(l, 2, AllErrors, "Argument to celestia:setstarcolor must be a string");
Renderer* renderer = appCore->getRenderer();
if (renderer == nullptr)
Celx_DoError(l, "Internal Error: renderer is nullptr!");
return 0;
if (starColor == "blackbody_d65")
else if (starColor == "enhanced")
Celx_DoError(l, "Invalid starcolor");
return 0;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static int celestia_gettextureresolution(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 1, 1, "No argument expected in celestia:gettextureresolution");
CelestiaCore* appCore = this_celestia(l);
Renderer* renderer = appCore->getRenderer();
if (renderer == nullptr)
Celx_DoError(l, "Internal Error: renderer is nullptr!");
return 0;
lua_pushnumber(l, renderer->getResolution());
return 1;
static int celestia_settextureresolution(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 2, 2, "One argument expected in celestia:settextureresolution");
CelestiaCore* appCore = this_celestia(l);
unsigned int textureRes = (unsigned int) Celx_SafeGetNumber(l, 2, AllErrors, "Argument to celestia:settextureresolution must be a number");
Renderer* renderer = appCore->getRenderer();
if (renderer == nullptr)
Celx_DoError(l, "Internal Error: renderer is nullptr!");
return 0;
return 0;
static int celestia_getstar(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 2, 2, "One argument expected to function celestia:getstar");
CelestiaCore* appCore = this_celestia(l);
double starIndex = Celx_SafeGetNumber(l, 2, AllErrors, "First arg to celestia:getstar must be a number");
Universe* u = appCore->getSimulation()->getUniverse();
Star* star = u->getStarCatalog()->find((uint32_t) starIndex);
if (star == nullptr)
object_new(l, Selection(star));
return 1;
static int celestia_getdso(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 2, 2, "One argument expected to function celestia:getdso");
CelestiaCore* appCore = this_celestia(l);
double dsoIndex = Celx_SafeGetNumber(l, 2, AllErrors, "First arg to celestia:getdso must be a number");
Universe* u = appCore->getSimulation()->getUniverse();
DeepSkyObject* dso = u->getDSOCatalog()->find((uint32_t) dsoIndex);
if (dso == nullptr)
object_new(l, Selection(dso));
return 1;
static int celestia_newvector(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 4, 4, "Expected 3 arguments for celestia:newvector");
// for error checking only:
double x = Celx_SafeGetNumber(l, 2, AllErrors, "First arg to celestia:newvector must be a number");
double y = Celx_SafeGetNumber(l, 3, AllErrors, "Second arg to celestia:newvector must be a number");
double z = Celx_SafeGetNumber(l, 4, AllErrors, "Third arg to celestia:newvector must be a number");
vector_new(l, Vector3d(x,y,z));
return 1;
static int celestia_newposition(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 4, 4, "Expected 3 arguments for celestia:newposition");
// for error checking only:
BigFix components[3];
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
if (lua_isnumber(l, i+2))
double v = lua_tonumber(l, i+2);
components[i] = BigFix(v);
else if (lua_isstring(l, i+2))
components[i] = BigFix::fromBase64(lua_tostring(l, i+2));
Celx_DoError(l, "Arguments to celestia:newposition must be either numbers or strings");
return 0;
position_new(l, UniversalCoord(components[0], components[1], components[2]));
return 1;
static int celestia_newrotation(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 3, 5, "Need 2 or 4 arguments for celestia:newrotation");
// for error checking only:
if (lua_gettop(l) > 3)
// if (lua_gettop == 4), Celx_SafeGetNumber will catch the error
double w = Celx_SafeGetNumber(l, 2, AllErrors, "arguments to celestia:newrotation must either be (vec, number) or four numbers");
double x = Celx_SafeGetNumber(l, 3, AllErrors, "arguments to celestia:newrotation must either be (vec, number) or four numbers");
double y = Celx_SafeGetNumber(l, 4, AllErrors, "arguments to celestia:newrotation must either be (vec, number) or four numbers");
double z = Celx_SafeGetNumber(l, 5, AllErrors, "arguments to celestia:newrotation must either be (vec, number) or four numbers");
Quaterniond q(w, x, y, z);
rotation_new(l, q);
auto v = to_vector(l, 2);
if (v == nullptr)
Celx_DoError(l, "newrotation: first argument must be a vector");
return 0;
double angle = Celx_SafeGetNumber(l, 3, AllErrors, "second argument to celestia:newrotation must be a number");
Quaterniond q(AngleAxisd(angle, v->normalized()));
rotation_new(l, q);
return 1;
static int celestia_getscripttime(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 1, 1, "No arguments expected for celestia:getscripttime");
// for error checking only:
LuaState* luastate_ptr = getLuaStateObject(l);
lua_pushnumber(l, luastate_ptr->getTime());
return 1;
static int celestia_newframe(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 2, 4, "One to three arguments expected for function celestia:newframe");
int argc = lua_gettop(l);
// for error checking only:
const char* coordsysName = Celx_SafeGetString(l, 2, AllErrors, "newframe: first argument must be a string");
ObserverFrame::CoordinateSystem coordSys = parseCoordSys(coordsysName);
Selection* ref = nullptr;
Selection* target = nullptr;
if (coordSys == ObserverFrame::Universal)
frame_new(l, ObserverFrame());
else if (coordSys == ObserverFrame::PhaseLock)
if (argc >= 4)
ref = to_object(l, 3);
target = to_object(l, 4);
if (ref == nullptr || target == nullptr)
Celx_DoError(l, "newframe: two objects required for lock frame");
return 0;
frame_new(l, ObserverFrame(coordSys, *ref, *target));
if (argc >= 3)
ref = to_object(l, 3);
if (ref == nullptr)
Celx_DoError(l, "newframe: one object argument required for frame");
return 0;
frame_new(l, ObserverFrame(coordSys, *ref));
return 1;
static int celestia_requestkeyboard(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 2, 2, "Need one arguments for celestia:requestkeyboard");
CelestiaCore* appCore = this_celestia(l);
if (!lua_isboolean(l, 2))
Celx_DoError(l, "First argument for celestia:requestkeyboard must be a boolean");
return 0;
int mode = appCore->getTextEnterMode();
if (lua_toboolean(l, 2))
// Check for existence of charEntered:
lua_getglobal(l, KbdCallback);
if (lua_isnil(l, -1))
Celx_DoError(l, "script requested keyboard, but did not provide callback");
lua_remove(l, -1);
mode = mode | CelestiaCore::KbPassToScript;
mode = mode & ~CelestiaCore::KbPassToScript;
return 0;
static int celestia_registereventhandler(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 3, 3, "Two arguments required for celestia:registereventhandler");
//CelestiaCore* appCore = this_celestia(l);
if (!lua_isstring(l, 2))
Celx_DoError(l, "First argument for celestia:registereventhandler must be a string");
return 0;
if (!lua_isfunction(l, 3) && !lua_isnil(l, 3))
Celx_DoError(l, "Second argument for celestia:registereventhandler must be a function or nil");
return 0;
lua_pushstring(l, EventHandlers);
lua_gettable(l, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);
if (lua_isnil(l, -1))
// This should never happen--the table should be created when a new Celestia Lua
// state is initialized.
Celx_DoError(l, "Event handler table not created");
return 0;
lua_pushvalue(l, 2);
lua_pushvalue(l, 3);
lua_settable(l, -3);
return 0;
static int celestia_geteventhandler(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 2, 2, "One argument expected for celestia:registereventhandler");
//CelestiaCore* appCore = this_celestia(l);
if (!lua_isstring(l, 2))
Celx_DoError(l, "Argument to celestia:geteventhandler must be a string");
return 0;
lua_pushstring(l, EventHandlers);
lua_gettable(l, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);
if (lua_isnil(l, -1))
// This should never happen--the table should be created when a new Celestia Lua
// state is initialized.
Celx_DoError(l, "Event handler table not created");
return 0;
lua_pushvalue(l, 2);
lua_gettable(l, -2);
return 1;
static int celestia_takescreenshot(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 1, 3, "Need 0 to 2 arguments for celestia:takescreenshot");
CelestiaCore* appCore = this_celestia(l);
LuaState* luastate = getLuaStateObject(l);
// make sure we don't timeout because of taking a screenshot:
double timeToTimeout = luastate->timeout - luastate->getTime();
const char* filetype = Celx_SafeGetString(l, 2, WrongType, "First argument to celestia:takescreenshot must be a string");
if (filetype == nullptr)
filetype = "png";
// Let the script safely contribute one part of the filename:
const char* fileid_ptr = Celx_SafeGetString(l, 3, WrongType, "Second argument to celestia:takescreenshot must be a string");
if (fileid_ptr == nullptr)
fileid_ptr = "";
string fileid(fileid_ptr);
// be paranoid about the fileid, make sure it only contains 'A-Za-z0-9_':
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fileid.length(); i++)
char ch = fileid[i];
if (!((ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') ||
(fileid[i] >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') ||
(ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') ) )
fileid[i] = '_';
// limit length of string
if (fileid.length() > 16)
fileid = fileid.substr(0, 16);
if (fileid.length() > 0)
bool success = false;
string filenamestem;
filenamestem = fmt::sprintf("screenshot-%s%06i", fileid, luastate->screenshotCount);
fs::path path = appCore->getConfig()->scriptScreenshotDirectory;
fs::path filepath = path / fmt::sprintf("%s.%s", filenamestem, filetype);
success = appCore->saveScreenShot(filepath);
lua_pushboolean(l, success);
// no matter how long it really took, make it look like 0.1s to timeout check:
luastate->timeout = luastate->getTime() + timeToTimeout - 0.1;
return 1;
static int celestia_createcelscript(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 2, 2, "Need one argument for celestia:createcelscript()");
string scripttext = Celx_SafeGetString(l, 2, AllErrors, "Argument to celestia:createcelscript() must be a string");
return celscript_from_string(l, scripttext);
static int celestia_requestsystemaccess(lua_State* l)
// ignore possible argument for future extensions
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 1, 2, "No argument expected for celestia:requestsystemaccess()");
LuaState* luastate = getLuaStateObject(l);
return 0;
static int celestia_getscriptpath(lua_State* l)
// ignore possible argument for future extensions
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 1, 1, "No argument expected for celestia:getscriptpath()");
lua_pushstring(l, "celestia-scriptpath");
lua_gettable(l, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);
return 1;
static int celestia_runscript(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 2, 2, "One argument expected for celestia:runscript");
string scriptfile = Celx_SafeGetString(l, 2, AllErrors, "Argument to celestia:runscript must be a string");
fs::path base_dir = GetScriptPath(l);
CelestiaCore* appCore = this_celestia(l);
appCore->runScript(base_dir / scriptfile);
return 0;
static int celestia_tostring(lua_State* l)
lua_pushstring(l, "[Celestia]");
return 1;
static int celestia_windowbordersvisible(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 1, 1, "No argument expected for celestia:windowbordersvisible");
CelestiaCore* appCore = this_celestia(l);
lua_pushboolean(l, appCore->getFramesVisible());
return 1;
static int celestia_setwindowbordersvisible(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 2, 2, "One argument expected for celestia:windowbordersvisible");
CelestiaCore* appCore = this_celestia(l);
bool visible = Celx_SafeGetBoolean(l, 2, AllErrors, "Argument to celestia:setwindowbordersvisible must be a boolean", true);
return 0;
static int celestia_seturl(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 2, 3, "One or two arguments expected for celestia:seturl");
CelestiaCore* appCore = this_celestia(l);
string url = Celx_SafeGetString(l, 2, AllErrors, "First argument to celestia:seturl must be a string");
Observer* obs = to_observer(l, 3);
if (obs == nullptr)
obs = appCore->getSimulation()->getActiveObserver();
View* view = getViewByObserver(appCore, obs);
return 0;
static int celestia_geturl(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 1, 2, "None or one argument expected for celestia:geturl");
CelestiaCore* appCore = this_celestia(l);
Observer* obs = to_observer(l, 2);
if (obs == nullptr)
obs = appCore->getSimulation()->getActiveObserver();
View* view = getViewByObserver(appCore, obs);
CelestiaState appState(appCore);
Url url(appState);
lua_pushstring(l, url.getAsString().c_str());
return 1;
static int celestia_overlay(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 2, 7, "One to Six arguments expected to function celestia:overlay");
CelestiaCore* appCore = this_celestia(l);
float duration = Celx_SafeGetNumber(l, 2, WrongType, "First argument to celestia:overlay must be a number (duration)", 3.0);
float xoffset = Celx_SafeGetNumber(l, 3, WrongType, "Second argument to celestia:overlay must be a number (xoffset)", 0.0);
float yoffset = Celx_SafeGetNumber(l, 4, WrongType, "Third argument to celestia:overlay must be a number (yoffset)", 0.0);
float alpha = Celx_SafeGetNumber(l, 5, WrongType, "Fourth argument to celestia:overlay must be a number (alpha)", 1.0);
const char* filename = Celx_SafeGetString(l, 6, AllErrors, "Fifth argument to celestia:overlay must be a string (filename)");
bool fitscreen;
if (lua_isboolean(l, 7))
fitscreen = lua_toboolean(l, 7);
fitscreen = (bool) Celx_SafeGetNumber(l, 7, WrongType, "Sixth argument to celestia:overlay must be a number or a boolean(fitscreen)", 0);
auto image = unique_ptr<OverlayImage>(new OverlayImage(filename, appCore->getRenderer()));
image->setFadeAfter(duration); // FIXME
image->setOffset(xoffset, yoffset);
image->setColor({Color::White, alpha}); // FIXME
return 0;
static int celestia_verbosity(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 2, 2, "One argument expected to function celestia:verbosity");
CelestiaCore* appCore = this_celestia(l);
int level = Celx_SafeGetNumber(l, 2, WrongType, "First argument to celestia:verbosity must be a number (level)", 2.0);
return 0;
static int celestia_play(lua_State*)
return 0;
static int celestia_loadfragment(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 3, 4, "Function celestia:from_ssc requires two or three arguments");
CelestiaCore* appCore = this_celestia(l);
const char* type = Celx_SafeGetString(l, 2, AllErrors, "First argument to celestia:loadfragment must be a string");
const char* frag = Celx_SafeGetString(l, 3, AllErrors, "Second argument to celestia:loadfragment must be a string");
if (type == nullptr || frag == nullptr)
lua_pushboolean(l, false);
return 1;
const char* dir = Celx_SafeGetString(l, 3, WrongType, "Third argument to celestia:loadfragment must be a string");
if (dir == nullptr)
dir = "";
bool ret = false;
Universe *u = appCore->getSimulation()->getUniverse();
istringstream in(frag);
if (compareIgnoringCase(type, "ssc") == 0)
ret = LoadSolarSystemObjects(in, *u, dir);
else if (compareIgnoringCase(type, "stc") == 0)
ret = u->getStarCatalog()->load(in, dir);
else if (compareIgnoringCase(type, "dsc") == 0)
ret = u->getDSOCatalog()->load(in, dir);
lua_pushboolean(l, ret);
return 1;
static int celestia_version(lua_State* l)
lua_pushstring(l, "1.7.0");
return 1;
void CreateCelestiaMetaTable(lua_State* l)
Celx_CreateClassMetatable(l, Celx_Celestia);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "__tostring", celestia_tostring);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "flash", celestia_flash);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "print", celestia_print);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "gettextwidth", celestia_gettextwidth);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "show", celestia_show);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "setaltazimuthmode", celestia_setaltazimuthmode);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "getaltazimuthmode", celestia_getaltazimuthmode);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "hide", celestia_hide);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "getrenderflags", celestia_getrenderflags);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "setrenderflags", celestia_setrenderflags);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "getscreendimension", celestia_getscreendimension);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "showlabel", celestia_showlabel);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "hidelabel", celestia_hidelabel);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "getlabelflags", celestia_getlabelflags);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "setlabelflags", celestia_setlabelflags);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "getorbitflags", celestia_getorbitflags);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "setorbitflags", celestia_setorbitflags);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "showconstellations", celestia_showconstellations);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "hideconstellations", celestia_hideconstellations);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "setconstellationcolor", celestia_setconstellationcolor);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "setlabelcolor", celestia_setlabelcolor);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "getlabelcolor", celestia_getlabelcolor);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "setlinecolor", celestia_setlinecolor);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "getlinecolor", celestia_getlinecolor);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "settextcolor", celestia_settextcolor);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "gettextcolor", celestia_gettextcolor);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "getoverlayelements", celestia_getoverlayelements);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "setoverlayelements", celestia_setoverlayelements);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "getfaintestvisible", celestia_getfaintestvisible);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "setfaintestvisible", celestia_setfaintestvisible);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "getgalaxylightgain", celestia_getgalaxylightgain);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "setgalaxylightgain", celestia_setgalaxylightgain);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "setminfeaturesize", celestia_setminfeaturesize);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "getminfeaturesize", celestia_getminfeaturesize);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "getobserver", celestia_getobserver);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "getobservers", celestia_getobservers);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "getselection", celestia_getselection);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "find", celestia_find);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "select", celestia_select);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "mark", celestia_mark);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "unmark", celestia_unmark);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "unmarkall", celestia_unmarkall);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "gettime", celestia_gettime);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "settime", celestia_settime);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "ispaused", celestia_ispaused);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "pause", celestia_pause);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "synchronizetime", celestia_synchronizetime);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "istimesynchronized", celestia_istimesynchronized);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "gettimescale", celestia_gettimescale);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "settimescale", celestia_settimescale);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "getambient", celestia_getambient);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "setambient", celestia_setambient);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "getminorbitsize", celestia_getminorbitsize);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "setminorbitsize", celestia_setminorbitsize);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "getstardistancelimit", celestia_getstardistancelimit);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "setstardistancelimit", celestia_setstardistancelimit);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "getstarstyle", celestia_getstarstyle);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "setstarstyle", celestia_setstarstyle);
// New CELX command for Star Color
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "getstarcolor", celestia_getstarcolor);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "setstarcolor", celestia_setstarcolor);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "gettextureresolution", celestia_gettextureresolution);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "settextureresolution", celestia_settextureresolution);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "tojulianday", celestia_tojulianday);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "fromjulianday", celestia_fromjulianday);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "utctotdb", celestia_utctotdb);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "tdbtoutc", celestia_tdbtoutc);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "getsystemtime", celestia_getsystemtime);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "getstarcount", celestia_getstarcount);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "getdsocount", celestia_getdsocount);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "getstar", celestia_getstar);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "getdso", celestia_getdso);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "newframe", celestia_newframe);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "newvector", celestia_newvector);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "newposition", celestia_newposition);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "newrotation", celestia_newrotation);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "getscripttime", celestia_getscripttime);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "requestkeyboard", celestia_requestkeyboard);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "takescreenshot", celestia_takescreenshot);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "createcelscript", celestia_createcelscript);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "requestsystemaccess", celestia_requestsystemaccess);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "getscriptpath", celestia_getscriptpath);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "runscript", celestia_runscript);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "registereventhandler", celestia_registereventhandler);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "geteventhandler", celestia_geteventhandler);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "stars", celestia_stars);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "dsos", celestia_dsos);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "windowbordersvisible", celestia_windowbordersvisible);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "setwindowbordersvisible", celestia_setwindowbordersvisible);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "seturl", celestia_seturl);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "geturl", celestia_geturl);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "overlay", celestia_overlay);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "verbosity", celestia_verbosity);
// Dummy command for compatibility purpose
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "play", celestia_play);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "loadfragment", celestia_loadfragment);
Celx_RegisterMethod(l, "version", celestia_version);
lua_pop(l, 1);
// ==================== celestia extensions ====================
static int celestia_log(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 2, 2, "One argument expected to function celestia:log");
const char* s = Celx_SafeGetString(l, 2, AllErrors, "First argument to celestia:log must be a string");
clog << s << "\n"; clog.flush();
return 0;
static int celestia_getparamstring(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 2, 2, "One argument expected to celestia:getparamstring()");
CelestiaCore* appCore = this_celestia(l);
const char* s = Celx_SafeGetString(l, 2, AllErrors, "Argument to celestia:getparamstring must be a string");
std::string paramString; // HWR
CelestiaConfig* config = appCore->getConfig();
config->configParams->getString(s, paramString);
return 1;
static int celestia_loadtexture(lua_State* l)
CelxLua celx(l);
celx.checkArgs(2, 2, "Need one argument for celestia:loadtexture()");
string s = celx.safeGetString(2, AllErrors, "Argument to celestia:loadtexture() must be a string");
fs::path base_dir = GetScriptPath(l);
Texture* t = LoadTextureFromFile(base_dir / s);
if (t == nullptr) return 0;
return celx.pushClass(t);
static int celestia_loadfont(lua_State* l)
CelxLua celx(l);
celx.checkArgs(2, 2, "Need one argument for celestia:loadtexture()");
string s = celx.safeGetString(2, AllErrors, "Argument to celestia:loadfont() must be a string");
CelestiaCore* appCore = getAppCore(l, AllErrors);
auto font = LoadTextureFont(appCore->getRenderer(), s);
if (font == nullptr) return 0;
return celx.pushClass(font);
std::shared_ptr<TextureFont> getFont(CelestiaCore* appCore)
return appCore->font;
static int celestia_getfont(lua_State* l)
CelxLua celx(l);
celx.checkArgs(1, 1, "No arguments expected to function celestia:getTitleFont");
CelestiaCore* appCore = getAppCore(l, AllErrors);
auto font = getFont(appCore);
if (font == nullptr)
return 0;
return celx.pushClass(font);
std::shared_ptr<TextureFont> getTitleFont(CelestiaCore* appCore)
return appCore->titleFont;
static int celestia_gettitlefont(lua_State* l)
CelxLua celx(l);
celx.checkArgs(1, 1, "No arguments expected to function celestia:getTitleFont");
CelestiaCore* appCore = getAppCore(l, AllErrors);
auto font = getTitleFont(appCore);
if (font == nullptr)
return 0;
return celx.pushClass(font);
static int celestia_settimeslice(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 2, 2, "One argument required for celestia:settimeslice");
//CelestiaCore* appCore = this_celestia(l);
if (!lua_isnumber(l, 2) && !lua_isnil(l, 2))
Celx_DoError(l, "Argument for celestia:settimeslice must be a number");
return 0;
double timeslice = Celx_SafeGetNumber(l, 2, AllErrors, "Argument to celestia:settimeslice must be a number");
if (timeslice == 0.0)
timeslice = 0.1;
LuaState* luastate = getLuaStateObject(l);
luastate->timeout = luastate->getTime() + timeslice;
return 0;
static int celestia_setluahook(lua_State* l)
Celx_CheckArgs(l, 2, 2, "One argument required for celestia:setluahook");
CelestiaCore* appCore = this_celestia(l);
if (!lua_istable(l, 2) && !lua_isnil(l, 2))
Celx_DoError(l, "Argument for celestia:setluahook must be a table or nil");
return 0;
LuaState* luastate = getLuaStateObject(l);
if (luastate != nullptr)
luastate->setLuaHookEventHandlerEnabled(lua_istable(l, 2));
lua_pushlightuserdata(l, appCore);
lua_pushvalue(l, -2);
lua_settable(l, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);
return 0;
static int celestia_newcategory(lua_State *l)
CelxLua celx(l);
const char *emsg = "Argument of celestia:newcategory must be a string!";
const char *name = celx.safeGetString(2, AllErrors, emsg);
const char *domain = "";
if (name == nullptr)
return 0;
if (celx.isString(2))
domain = celx.getString(2);
UserCategory *c = UserCategory::createRoot(name, domain);
if (c == nullptr)
return 0;
return celx.pushClass(c);
static int celestia_findcategory(lua_State *l)
CelxLua celx(l);
const char *emsg = "Argument of celestia:fndcategory must be a string.";
const char *name = celx.safeGetString(2, AllErrors, emsg);
if (name == nullptr)
return 0;
UserCategory *c = UserCategory::find(name);
if (c == nullptr)
return 0;
return celx.pushClass(c);
static int celestia_deletecategory(lua_State *l)
CelxLua celx(l);
bool ret;
const char *emsg = "Argument of celestia:deletecategory() must be a string or userdata.";
if (celx.isString(2))
const char *n = celx.safeGetString(2, AllErrors, emsg);
if (n == nullptr)
return 0;
ret = UserCategory::deleteCategory(n);
UserCategory *c = *celx.safeGetClass<UserCategory*>(2, AllErrors, emsg);
if (c == nullptr)
return 0;
ret = UserCategory::deleteCategory(c);
return celx.push(ret);
static int celestia_getcategories(lua_State *l)
CelxLua celx(l);
UserCategory::CategoryMap map = UserCategory::getAll();
return celx.pushIterable<UserCategory*>(map);
static int celestia_getrootcategories(lua_State *l)
CelxLua celx(l);
UserCategory::CategorySet set = UserCategory::getRoots();
return celx.pushIterable<UserCategory*>(set);
static int celestia_bindtranslationdomain(lua_State *l)
CelxLua celx(l);
const char *domain = celx.safeGetNonEmptyString(2, AllErrors, "First argument of celestia:bindtranslationdomain must be domain name string.");
const char *dir = celx.safeGetString(3, AllErrors, "Second argument of celestia:bindtranslationdomain must be directory name string.");
const char *newdir = bindtextdomain(domain, dir);
if (newdir == nullptr)
return 0;
return celx.push(newdir);
return 0;
void ExtendCelestiaMetaTable(lua_State* l)
CelxLua celx(l);
lua_rawget(l, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);
if (lua_type(l, -1) != LUA_TTABLE)
cout << "Metatable for " << CelxLua::ClassNames[Celx_Celestia] << " not found!\n";
celx.registerMethod("log", celestia_log);
celx.registerMethod("settimeslice", celestia_settimeslice);
celx.registerMethod("setluahook", celestia_setluahook);
celx.registerMethod("getparamstring", celestia_getparamstring);
celx.registerMethod("getfont", celestia_getfont);
celx.registerMethod("gettitlefont", celestia_gettitlefont);
celx.registerMethod("loadtexture", celestia_loadtexture);
celx.registerMethod("loadfont", celestia_loadfont);
celx.registerMethod("loadfont", celestia_loadfont);
celx.registerMethod("newcategory", celestia_newcategory);
celx.registerMethod("findcategory", celestia_findcategory);
celx.registerMethod("deletecategory", celestia_deletecategory);
celx.registerMethod("getcategories", celestia_getcategories);
celx.registerMethod("getrootcategories", celestia_getrootcategories);
celx.registerMethod("bindtranslationdomain", celestia_bindtranslationdomain);