
818 lines
17 KiB

#include "StepperControlAxis.h"
lastCalcLog = 0;
pinStep = 0;
pinDirection = 0;
pinEnable = 0;
pin2Step = 0;
pin2Direction = 0;
pin2Enable = 0;
pinMin = 0;
pinMax = 0;
axisActive = false;
coordSourcePoint = 0;
coordCurrentPoint = 0;
coordDestinationPoint = 0;
coordHomeAxis = 0;
movementUp = false;
movementToHome = false;
movementAccelerating = false;
movementDecelerating = false;
movementCruising = false;
movementCrawling = false;
movementMotorActive = false;
movementMoving = false;
stepIsOn = false;
setMotorStepWrite = &StepperControlAxis::setMotorStepWriteDefault;
setMotorStepWrite2 = &StepperControlAxis::setMotorStepWriteDefault2;
resetMotorStepWrite = &StepperControlAxis::resetMotorStepWriteDefault;
resetMotorStepWrite2 = &StepperControlAxis::resetMotorStepWriteDefault2;
void StepperControlAxis::test()
Serial.print(" cur loc = ");
//Serial.print(" enc loc = ");
//Serial.print(" cons steps missed = ");
unsigned int StepperControlAxis::calculateSpeed(long sourcePosition, long currentPosition, long destinationPosition, long minSpeed, long maxSpeed, long stepsAccDec)
int newSpeed = 0;
long curPos = abs(currentPosition);
long staPos;
long endPos;
movementAccelerating = false;
movementDecelerating = false;
movementCruising = false;
movementCrawling = false;
movementMoving = false;
if (abs(sourcePosition) < abs(destinationPosition))
staPos = abs(sourcePosition);
endPos = abs(destinationPosition);
staPos = abs(destinationPosition);
endPos = abs(sourcePosition);
// Set the possible negative coordinates to all positive numbers
// so the calculation code still works after the changes
staPos = 0;
endPos = abs(destinationPosition - sourcePosition);
if (sourcePosition < destinationPosition)
curPos = currentPosition - sourcePosition;
curPos = currentPosition - destinationPosition;
unsigned long halfway = ((endPos - staPos) / 2) + staPos;
//unsigned long halfway = ((destinationPosition - sourcePosition) / 2) + sourcePosition;
// Set the homing speed if the position would be out of bounds
if (
(curPos < staPos || curPos > endPos)
// ||
// Also limit the speed to a crawl when the move would pass the home position
// (sourcePosition > 0 && destinationPosition < 0) || (sourcePosition < 0 && destinationPosition > 0)
// (!motorHomeIsUp && currentPosition <= 0) || (motorHomeIsUp && currentPosition >= 0) ||)
newSpeed = motorSpeedHome;
//newSpeed = minSpeed;
movementCrawling = true;
movementMoving = true;
if (curPos >= staPos && curPos <= halfway)
// accelerating
if (curPos > (staPos + stepsAccDec))
// now beyond the accelleration point to go full speed
newSpeed = maxSpeed + 1;
movementCruising = true;
movementMoving = true;
// speeding up, increase speed linear within the first period
newSpeed = (1.0 * (curPos - staPos) / stepsAccDec * (maxSpeed - minSpeed)) + minSpeed;
movementAccelerating = true;
movementMoving = true;
// decelerating
if (curPos < (endPos - stepsAccDec))
// still before the deceleration point so keep going at full speed
newSpeed = maxSpeed + 2;
movementCruising = true;
movementMoving = true;
// speeding up, increase speed linear within the first period
newSpeed = (1.0 * (endPos - curPos) / stepsAccDec * (maxSpeed - minSpeed)) + minSpeed;
movementDecelerating = true;
movementMoving = true;
if (debugPrint && (millis() - lastCalcLog > 1000))
lastCalcLog = millis();
Serial.print(" sta ");
Serial.print(" cur ");
Serial.print(" end ");
Serial.print(" half ");
Serial.print(" len ");
Serial.print(" min ");
Serial.print(" max ");
Serial.print(" spd ");
Serial.print(" ");
// Return the calculated speed, in steps per second
return newSpeed;
void StepperControlAxis::checkAxisDirection()
if (coordHomeAxis)
// When home is active, the direction is fixed
movementUp = motorHomeIsUp;
movementToHome = true;
// For normal movement, move in direction of destination
movementUp = (coordCurrentPoint < coordDestinationPoint);
movementToHome = (abs(coordCurrentPoint) >= abs(coordDestinationPoint));
if (coordCurrentPoint == 0)
// Go slow when theoretical end point reached but there is no end stop siganl
axisSpeed = motorSpeedMin;
void StepperControlAxis::setDirectionAxis()
if (((!coordHomeAxis && coordCurrentPoint < coordDestinationPoint) || (coordHomeAxis && motorHomeIsUp)))
void StepperControlAxis::checkMovement()
// Handle movement if destination is not already reached or surpassed
if (
(coordDestinationPoint > coordSourcePoint && coordCurrentPoint < coordDestinationPoint) ||
(coordDestinationPoint < coordSourcePoint && coordCurrentPoint > coordDestinationPoint) ||
coordHomeAxis) &&
// home or destination not reached, keep moving
// If end stop reached or the encoder doesn't move anymore, stop moving motor, otherwise set the timing for the next step
if ((coordHomeAxis && !endStopAxisReached(false)) || (!coordHomeAxis && !endStopAxisReached(!movementToHome)))
// Get the axis speed, in steps per second
axisSpeed = calculateSpeed(coordSourcePoint, coordCurrentPoint, coordDestinationPoint,
motorSpeedMin, motorSpeedMax, motorStepsAcc);
// // Set the moments when the step is set to true and false
// if (axisSpeed > 0)
// {
// Take the requested speed (steps / second) and divide by the interrupt speed (interrupts per seconde)
// This gives the number of interrupts (called ticks here) before the pulse needs to be set for the next step
// stepOnTick = moveTicks + (1000.0 * 1000.0 / motorInterruptSpeed / axisSpeed / 2);
// stepOffTick = moveTicks + (1000.0 * 1000.0 / motorInterruptSpeed / axisSpeed);
// }
axisActive = false;
// Destination or home reached. Deactivate the axis.
axisActive = false;
// If end stop for home is active, set the position to zero
if (endStopAxisReached(false))
coordCurrentPoint = 0;
void StepperControlAxis::incrementTick()
if (axisActive)
void StepperControlAxis::checkTiming()
//int i;
// moveTicks++;
if (stepIsOn)
if (moveTicks >= stepOffTick)
// Negative flank for the steps
//stepOnTick = moveTicks + (500000.0 / motorInterruptSpeed / axisSpeed);
if (axisActive)
if (moveTicks >= stepOnTick)
// Positive flank for the steps
//stepOffTick = moveTicks + (1000000.0 / motorInterruptSpeed / axisSpeed);
void StepperControlAxis::setTicks()
// Take the requested speed (steps / second) and divide by the interrupt speed (interrupts per seconde)
// This gives the number of interrupts (called ticks here) before the pulse needs to be set for the next step
stepOnTick = moveTicks + (1000.0 * 1000.0 / motorInterruptSpeed / axisSpeed / 2);
stepOffTick = moveTicks + (1000.0 * 1000.0 / motorInterruptSpeed / axisSpeed);
void StepperControlAxis::setStepAxis()
stepIsOn = true;
if (movementUp)
// set a step on the motors
bool StepperControlAxis::endStopAxisReached(bool movement_forward)
bool min_endstop = false;
bool max_endstop = false;
bool invert = false;
if (motorEndStopInv)
invert = true;
// for the axis to check, retrieve the end stop status
if (!invert)
min_endstop = endStopMin();
max_endstop = endStopMax();
min_endstop = endStopMax();
max_endstop = endStopMin();
// if moving forward, only check the end stop max
// for moving backwards, check only the end stop min
if ((!movement_forward && min_endstop) || (movement_forward && max_endstop))
return 1;
return 0;
void StepperControlAxis::StepperControlAxis::loadPinNumbers(int step, int dir, int enable, int min, int max, int step2, int dir2, int enable2)
pinStep = step;
pinDirection = dir;
pinEnable = enable;
pin2Step = step2;
pin2Direction = dir2;
pin2Enable = enable2;
pinMin = min;
pinMax = max;
void StepperControlAxis::loadMotorSettings(
long speedMax, long speedMin, long speedHome, long stepsAcc, long timeOut, bool homeIsUp, bool motorInv,
bool endStInv, bool endStInv2, long interruptSpeed, bool motor2Enbl, bool motor2Inv, bool endStEnbl,
bool stopAtHome, long maxSize, bool stopAtMax)
motorSpeedMax = speedMax;
motorSpeedMin = speedMin;
motorSpeedHome = speedHome;
motorStepsAcc = stepsAcc;
motorTimeOut = timeOut;
motorHomeIsUp = homeIsUp;
motorMotorInv = motorInv;
motorEndStopInv = endStInv;
motorEndStopInv2 = endStInv2;
motorEndStopEnbl = endStEnbl;
motorInterruptSpeed = interruptSpeed;
motorMotor2Enl = motor2Enbl;
motorMotor2Inv = motor2Inv;
motorStopAtHome = stopAtHome;
motorMaxSize = maxSize;
motorStopAtMax = stopAtMax;
if (pinStep == 54)
setMotorStepWrite = &StepperControlAxis::setMotorStepWrite54;
resetMotorStepWrite = &StepperControlAxis::resetMotorStepWrite54;
if (pinStep == 60)
setMotorStepWrite = &StepperControlAxis::setMotorStepWrite60;
resetMotorStepWrite = &StepperControlAxis::resetMotorStepWrite60;
if (pinStep == 46)
setMotorStepWrite = &StepperControlAxis::setMotorStepWrite46;
resetMotorStepWrite = &StepperControlAxis::resetMotorStepWrite46;
if (pin2Step == 26)
setMotorStepWrite2 = &StepperControlAxis::setMotorStepWrite26;
resetMotorStepWrite2 = &StepperControlAxis::resetMotorStepWrite26;
bool StepperControlAxis::loadCoordinates(long sourcePoint, long destinationPoint, bool home)
coordSourcePoint = sourcePoint;
coordCurrentPoint = sourcePoint;
coordDestinationPoint = destinationPoint;
coordHomeAxis = home;
bool changed = false;
// Limit normal movement to the home position
if (motorStopAtHome)
if (!motorHomeIsUp && coordDestinationPoint < 0)
coordDestinationPoint = 0;
changed = true;
if (motorHomeIsUp && coordDestinationPoint > 0)
coordDestinationPoint = 0;
changed = true;
// limit the maximum size the bot can move, when there is a size present
if (motorMaxSize > 0 && motorStopAtMax)
if (abs(coordDestinationPoint) > abs(motorMaxSize))
if (coordDestinationPoint < 0)
coordDestinationPoint = -abs(motorMaxSize);
changed = true;
coordDestinationPoint = abs(motorMaxSize);
changed = true;
// Initialize movement variables
moveTicks = 0;
axisActive = true;
return changed;
void StepperControlAxis::enableMotor()
digitalWrite(pinEnable, LOW);
if (motorMotor2Enl)
digitalWrite(pin2Enable, LOW);
movementMotorActive = true;
void StepperControlAxis::disableMotor()
digitalWrite(pinEnable, HIGH);
if (motorMotor2Enl)
digitalWrite(pin2Enable, HIGH);
movementMotorActive = false;
void StepperControlAxis::setDirectionUp()
if (motorMotorInv)
digitalWrite(pinDirection, LOW);
digitalWrite(pinDirection, HIGH);
if (motorMotor2Enl && motorMotor2Inv)
digitalWrite(pin2Direction, LOW);
digitalWrite(pin2Direction, HIGH);
void StepperControlAxis::setDirectionDown()
if (motorMotorInv)
digitalWrite(pinDirection, HIGH);
digitalWrite(pinDirection, LOW);
if (motorMotor2Enl && motorMotor2Inv)
digitalWrite(pin2Direction, HIGH);
digitalWrite(pin2Direction, LOW);
void StepperControlAxis::setMovementUp()
movementUp = true;
void StepperControlAxis::setMovementDown()
movementUp = false;
void StepperControlAxis::setDirectionHome()
if (motorHomeIsUp)
void StepperControlAxis::setDirectionAway()
if (motorHomeIsUp)
unsigned long StepperControlAxis::getLength(long l1, long l2)
if (l1 > l2)
return l1 - l2;
return l2 - l1;
bool StepperControlAxis::endStopsReached()
return ((digitalRead(pinMin) == motorEndStopInv2) || (digitalRead(pinMax) == motorEndStopInv2)) && motorEndStopEnbl;
bool StepperControlAxis::endStopMin()
//return ((digitalRead(pinMin) == motorEndStopInv) || (digitalRead(pinMax) == motorEndStopInv));
return ((digitalRead(pinMin) == motorEndStopInv2) && motorEndStopEnbl);
bool StepperControlAxis::endStopMax()
//return ((digitalRead(pinMin) == motorEndStopInv) || (digitalRead(pinMax) == motorEndStopInv));
return ((digitalRead(pinMax) == motorEndStopInv2) && motorEndStopEnbl);
bool StepperControlAxis::isAxisActive()
return axisActive;
void StepperControlAxis::deactivateAxis()
axisActive = false;
void StepperControlAxis::setMotorStep()
stepIsOn = true;
//digitalWrite(pinStep, HIGH);
if (pin2Enable)
//digitalWrite(pin2Step, HIGH);
void StepperControlAxis::resetMotorStep()
stepIsOn = false;
movementStepDone = true;
digitalWrite(pinStep, LOW);
if (pin2Enable)
digitalWrite(pin2Step, LOW);
bool StepperControlAxis::pointReached(long currentPoint, long destinationPoint)
return (destinationPoint == currentPoint);
long StepperControlAxis::currentPosition()
return coordCurrentPoint;
void StepperControlAxis::setCurrentPosition(long newPos)
coordCurrentPoint = newPos;
long StepperControlAxis::destinationPosition()
return coordDestinationPoint;
void StepperControlAxis::setMaxSpeed(long speed)
motorSpeedMax = speed;
void StepperControlAxis::activateDebugPrint()
debugPrint = true;
bool StepperControlAxis::isStepDone()
return movementStepDone;
void StepperControlAxis::resetStepDone()
movementStepDone = false;
bool StepperControlAxis::movingToHome()
return movementToHome;
bool StepperControlAxis::movingUp()
return movementUp;
bool StepperControlAxis::isAccelerating()
return movementAccelerating;
bool StepperControlAxis::isDecelerating()
return movementDecelerating;
bool StepperControlAxis::isCruising()
return movementCruising;
bool StepperControlAxis::isCrawling()
return movementCrawling;
bool StepperControlAxis::isMotorActive()
return movementMotorActive;
/// Functions for pin writing using alternative method
// Pin write default functions
void StepperControlAxis::setMotorStepWriteDefault()
digitalWrite(pinStep, HIGH);
void StepperControlAxis::setMotorStepWriteDefault2()
digitalWrite(pin2Step, HIGH);
void StepperControlAxis::resetMotorStepWriteDefault()
digitalWrite(pinStep, LOW);
void StepperControlAxis::resetMotorStepWriteDefault2()
digitalWrite(pin2Step, LOW);
// X step
void StepperControlAxis::setMotorStepWrite54()
PORTF |= B00000001;
void StepperControlAxis::resetMotorStepWrite54()
PORTF &= B11111110;
// X step 2
void StepperControlAxis::setMotorStepWrite26()
PORTA |= B00010000;
void StepperControlAxis::resetMotorStepWrite26()
PORTA &= B11101111;
// Y step
void StepperControlAxis::setMotorStepWrite60()
PORTF |= B01000000;
void StepperControlAxis::resetMotorStepWrite60()
PORTF &= B10111111;
// Z step
void StepperControlAxis::setMotorStepWrite46()
PORTL |= B00001000;
void StepperControlAxis::resetMotorStepWrite46()
PORTL &= B11110111;