
468 lines
13 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2019-07-31 14:33:04 -06:00
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include "fmt/format.h"
#include "fmt/printf.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <map>
#include <bitset>
#include <curses.h>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
using namespace std;
struct EofException{};
uint8_t getUint8()
int c;
c = fgetc(stdin);
if(c == -1)
throw EofException();
return (uint8_t) c;
uint16_t getUint16()
uint16_t ret;
int res = fread(&ret, 1, sizeof(ret), stdin);
if(res != sizeof(ret))
throw EofException();
// ret = ntohs(ret);
return ret;
/* lovingly lifted from RTKLIB */
unsigned int getbitu(const unsigned char *buff, int pos, int len)
unsigned int bits=0;
int i;
for (i=pos;i<pos+len;i++) bits=(bits<<1)+((buff[i/8]>>(7-i%8))&1u);
return bits;
extern int getbits(const unsigned char *buff, int pos, int len)
unsigned int bits=getbitu(buff,pos,len);
if (len<=0||32<=len||!(bits&(1u<<(len-1)))) return (int)bits;
return (int)(bits|(~0u<<len)); /* extend sign */
uint16_t calcUbxChecksum(uint8_t ubxClass, uint8_t ubxType, std::basic_string_view<uint8_t> str)
uint8_t CK_A = 0, CK_B = 0;
auto update = [&CK_A, &CK_B](uint8_t c) {
CK_A = CK_A + c;
CK_B = CK_B + CK_A;
uint16_t len = str.size();
for(unsigned int I=0; I < str.size(); I++) {
return (CK_B << 8) + CK_A;
struct SVIOD
std::bitset<32> words;
uint32_t t0e;
uint8_t sisa;
bool complete() const
return words[1] && words[3];
void addWord(std::basic_string_view<uint8_t> page);
void SVIOD::addWord(std::basic_string_view<uint8_t> page)
uint8_t wtype = getbitu(&page[0], 0, 6);
if(wtype == 1) {
t0e = 60*getbitu(&page[0], 16, 14);
else if(wtype == 3) {
sisa = getbitu(&page[0], 120, 8);
struct SVStat
uint8_t e5bhs{0}, e1bhs{0};
bool e5bdvs{false}, e1bdvs{false};
bool disturb1{false}, disturb2{false}, disturb3{false}, disturb4{false}, disturb5{false};
uint16_t wn{0};
uint32_t tow{0}; // "last seen"
uint32_t a0{0}, a1{0};
int el{0}, db{0};
map<int, SVIOD> iods;
void addWord(std::basic_string_view<uint8_t> page);
bool completeIOD() const;
uint16_t getIOD() const;
SVIOD liveIOD() const;
bool SVStat::completeIOD() const
for(const auto& iod : iods)
return true;
return false;
uint16_t SVStat::getIOD() const
for(const auto& iod : iods)
return iod.first;
throw std::runtime_error("Asked for unknown IOD");
SVIOD SVStat::liveIOD() const
if(auto iter = iods.find(getIOD()); iter != iods.end())
return iter->second;
throw std::runtime_error("Asked for unknown IOD");
void SVStat::addWord(std::basic_string_view<uint8_t> page)
uint8_t wtype = getbitu(&page[0], 0, 6);
if(wtype >=1 && wtype <= 4) { // ephemeris
uint16_t iod = getbitu(&page[0], 6, 10);
if(iods[iod].complete()) {
SVIOD latest = iods[iod];
iods[iod] = latest;
else if(wtype==5) { // disturbance, health, time
e5bhs = getbitu(&page[0], 67, 2);
e1bhs = getbitu(&page[0], 69, 2);
e5bdvs = getbitu(&page[0], 71, 1);
e1bdvs = getbitu(&page[0], 72, 1);
wn = getbitu(&page[0], 73, 12);
tow = getbitu(&page[0], 85, 20);
// cout<<"Setting tow to "<<tow<<endl;
struct WinKeeper
struct Window
WINDOW *header, *text;
int sv;
void setHeader(std::string_view line)
wmove(header, 0, 0);
wattron(header, A_BOLD | A_UNDERLINE);
wprintw(header, "%s", &line[0]);
wattroff(header, A_BOLD | A_UNDERLINE);
void setStatus(std::string_view line)
wmove(header, 1, 0);
wattron(header, A_BOLD);
wprintw(header, "%s", &line[0]);
wattroff(header, A_BOLD);
void emitLine(std::string_view line)
wprintw(text, "%s\n", &line[0]);
vector<Window> d_windows;
static int d_h, d_w;
void emitLine(int sv, std::string_view line);
void setStatus(int sv, std::string_view line);
int WinKeeper::d_h;
int WinKeeper::d_w;
getmaxyx(stdscr, d_h, d_w);
int winwidth = d_w / 7;
for(int n=0; n < 8 ; ++n) {
newwin(3, winwidth, 0, n*(winwidth+2)),
newwin(d_h-3, winwidth, 3, n*(winwidth+2)),
scrollok(d_windows[n].text, 1);
void WinKeeper::emitLine(int sv, std::string_view line)
for(auto& w: d_windows) {
if( == sv) {
// nothing matched
for(auto& w: d_windows) {
if(! { = sv;
throw std::runtime_error("Ran out of windows searching for sv "+std::to_string(sv));
void WinKeeper::setStatus(int sv, std::string_view line)
for(auto& w: d_windows) {
if( == sv) {
// nothing matched
for(auto& w: d_windows) {
if(! { = sv;
throw std::runtime_error("Ran out of windows searching for sv "+std::to_string(sv));
std::map<int, SVStat> g_svstats;
int main()
WinKeeper wk;
// unsigned int tow=0, wn=0;
ofstream csv("iod.csv");
ofstream csv2("toe.csv");
csv<<"timestamp sv iod sisa"<<endl;
csv2<<"timestamp sv tow toe"<<endl;
int tow=0, wn=0;
string line;
for(;;) {
auto c = getUint8();
if(c != 0xb5) {
// cout << (char)c;
if(c=='\n') {
if(line.rfind("$GAGSV", 0)==0) {
vector<string> strs;
for(unsigned int n=4; n + 4 < strs.size(); n += 4) {
int sv = atoi(strs[n].c_str());
g_svstats[sv].el = atoi(strs[n+1].c_str());
g_svstats[sv].db = atoi(strs[n+3].c_str());
c = getUint8();
if(c != 0x62) {
ungetc(c, stdin); // might be 0xb5
// if we are here, just had ubx header
uint8_t ubxClass = getUint8();
uint8_t ubxType = getUint8();
uint16_t msgLen = getUint16();
// cout <<"Had an ubx message of class "<<(int) ubxClass <<" and type "<< (int) ubxType << " of " << msgLen <<" bytes"<<endl;
std::basic_string<uint8_t> msg;
for(int n=0; n < msgLen; ++n)
msg.append(1, getUint8());
uint16_t ubxChecksum = getUint16();
if(ubxChecksum != calcUbxChecksum(ubxClass, ubxType, msg)) {
cout<<"Checksum: "<<ubxChecksum<< ", calculated: "<<
calcUbxChecksum(ubxClass, ubxType, msg)<<"\n";
if(ubxClass == 2 && ubxType == 89) { // SAR
string hexstring;
for(int n = 0; n < 15; ++n)
hexstring+=fmt::format("%x", (int)getbitu(msg.c_str(), 36 + 4*n, 4));
int sv = (int)msg[2];
wk.emitLine(sv, "SAR "+hexstring);
// cout<<"SAR: sv = "<< (int)msg[2] <<" ";
// for(int n=4; n < 12; ++n)
// fmt::printf("%02x", (int)msg[n]);
// for(int n = 0; n < 15; ++n)
// fmt::printf("%x", (int)getbitu(msg.c_str(), 36 + 4*n, 4));
// cout << " Type: "<< (int) msg[12] <<"\n";
// cout<<"Parameter: (len = "<<msg.length()<<") ";
// for(unsigned int n = 13; n < msg.length(); ++n)
// fmt::printf("%02x ", (int)msg[n]);
// cout<<"\n";
if(ubxClass == 2 && ubxType == 19) { //UBX-RXM-SFRBX
// cout<<"SFRBX GNSSID "<< (int)msg[0]<<", SV "<< (int)msg[1];
// cout<<" words "<< (int)msg[4]<<", version "<< (int)msg[6];
// cout<<"\n";
if(msg[0] != 2) // version field
// 7 is reserved
// cout << ((msg[8]&128) ? "Even " : "Odd ");
// cout << ((msg[8]&64) ? "Alert " : "Nominal ");
unsigned int wtype = (int)(msg[11] & (~(64+128)));
unsigned int sv = (int)msg[1];
// cout << "Word type "<< (int)(msg[11] & (~(64+128))) <<" SV " << (int)msg[1]<<"\n";
// for(unsigned int n = 8; n < msg.size() ; ++n) {
// fmt::printf("%02x ", msg[n]);
// }
// cout<<"\n";
std::basic_string<uint8_t> payload;
for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < (msg.size() - 8) / 4; ++i)
for(int j=1; j <= 4; ++j)
payload.append(1, msg[8 + (i+1) * 4 -j]);
// for(auto& c : payload)
// fmt::printf("%02x ", c);
// cout<<"\n";
std::basic_string<uint8_t> inav;
unsigned int i,j;
for (i=0,j=2; i<14; i++, j+=8)
inav.append(1, (unsigned char)getbitu(payload.c_str() ,j,8));
for (i=0,j=2; i< 2; i++, j+=8)
inav.append(1, (unsigned char)getbitu(payload.c_str()+16,j,8));
// cout<<"inav for "<<wtype<<" for sv "<<sv<<": ";
// for(auto& c : inav)
// fmt::printf("%02x ", c);
if(wtype >=1 && wtype <= 4) { // ephemeris
uint16_t iod = getbitu(&inav[0], 6, 10);
if(wtype == 1 && tow) {
int t0e = 60*getbitu(&inav[0], 16, 14);
int age = (tow - t0e)/60;
uint32_t e = getbitu(&inav[0], 6+10+14+32, 32);
wk.emitLine(sv, "Eph" +std::to_string(wtype)+", e=" + to_string(e)+", age="+to_string(age)+"m" );
else if(wtype == 3) {
unsigned int sisa = getbitu(&inav[0], 120, 8);
wk.emitLine(sv, "Eph3, iod="+to_string(iod)+", sisa="+to_string(sisa));
wk.emitLine(sv, "Eph" +std::to_string(wtype)+", iod=" + to_string(iod));
else if(!wtype) {
wk.emitLine(sv, ".");
if(getbitu(&inav[0], 6,2) == 2) {
wn = getbitu(&inav[0], 96, 12);
tow = getbitu(&inav[0], 108, 20);
else if(wtype == 5) {
string out="IonoBGDHealth ";
for(int n=0; n <5; ++n)
out.append(1, getbitu(&inav[0], 42+n, 1) ? '1' : '0');
out+=" ";
out += to_string(getbitu(&inav[0], 67,2))+to_string(getbitu(&inav[0], 69,2))+to_string(getbitu(&inav[0], 70,1))+to_string(getbitu(&inav[0], 71,1));
wk.emitLine(sv, out);
wk.setStatus(sv, "Hlth: "+std::to_string(getbitu(&inav[0], 67, 2)) +", el="+to_string(g_svstats[sv].el)+", db="+to_string(g_svstats[sv].db) );
tow = getbitu(&inav[0], 85, 20);
wn = getbitu(&inav[0], 73, 12);
else if(wtype == 6) {
int a0 = getbits(&inav[0], 6, 32);
int a1 = getbits(&inav[0], 38, 24);
int t0t = getbitu(&inav[0], 70, 8);
uint8_t wn0t = getbits(&inav[0], 78, 8);
int dw = (uint8_t)wn - wn0t;
if(tow && wn)
wk.emitLine(sv, "GST-UTC6, a0="+to_string(a0)+", a1="+to_string(a1)+", age="+to_string(tow/3600-t0t)+"h, dw="+to_string(dw)
+", wn0t="+to_string(wn0t)+", wn8="+to_string(wn&0xff));
wk.emitLine(sv, "GST-UTC6, a0="+to_string(a0)+", a1="+to_string(a1));
else if(wtype >= 7 && wtype <= 9) {
uint16_t ioda = getbitu(&inav[0], 6, 4);
wk.emitLine(sv, "Alm"+to_string(wtype)+" IODa="+to_string(ioda));
else if(wtype == 10) {
int a0g = getbits(&inav[0], 86, 16);
int a1g = getbits(&inav[0], 102, 12);
int t0g = getbitu(&inav[0], 114, 8);
uint8_t wn0g = getbitu(&inav[0], 122, 6);
int dw = (((uint8_t)wn)&(1+2+4+8+16+32)) - wn0g;
if(tow && wn) {
time_t t = 935280000 + wn * 7*86400 + tow;
struct tm tm;
gmtime_r(&t, &tm);
int age = tow - t0g * 3600;
// a0g = 2^-32 s, a1 = 2^-50 s/s
// int shift = a0g * (1U<<16) + a1g * age; // in 2^-51 seconds units
wk.emitLine(sv, "GST-GPS, a0g="+to_string(a0g)+", a1g="+to_string(a1g)+", t0g="+to_string(t0g)+", age="+to_string(tow/3600-t0g)+"h, dw="+to_string(dw)
+", wn0g="+to_string(wn0g)+", wn6="+to_string(wn&(1+2+4+8+16+32)));
wk.emitLine(sv, "Word "+std::to_string(wtype));
// time_t t = 935280000 + wn * 7*86400 + tow;
for(const auto& ent : g_svstats) {
// 12 iod t0e
fmt::printf("%2d\t", ent.first);
if(ent.second.completeIOD()) {
cout << ent.second.getIOD() << "\t" << ( ent.second.tow - ent.second.liveIOD().t0e ) << "\t" << (unsigned int)ent.second.liveIOD().sisa;
catch(EofException& e)