move and fix up geo2 work

bert hubert 2019-11-15 22:28:25 +01:00
parent 6ea5907c5d
commit 906c95041e
7 changed files with 981 additions and 1553 deletions

View File

@ -1,268 +0,0 @@
body {
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
margin: 0;
float: left;
background-color: #ccc;
font-family: verdana, helvetica, arial, sans-serif;
h1 {
margin-top: 0px;
margin-bottom: 5px;
padding: 0px;
#galmongeo {
border: blue 1px solid;
margin: 5px;
padding: 10px;
width: 98%;
background-color: white;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
#galmoninfo {
border-top: blue 1px solid;
margin-bottom: 0px;
display: block;
#galmontext {
margin-top: 5px;
margin-bottom: 5px;
float: left;
font-size: 20px;
#galmonchoice {
margin-top: 5px;
margin-bottom: 5px;
float: right;
font-size: 20px;
#combined {
display: inline-block;
position: relative;
background-color: transparent;
height: 620px;
width: 100%;
//margin-left: auto;
//margin-right: auto;
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;
border: gray 1px solid;
#svgworld {
position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0;
display: inline-block;
// border: green 1px solid;
#svggraticule {
position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0;
display: inline-block;
// border: blue 1px solid;
#svgobservers {
position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0;
display: inline-block;
// border: blue 1px solid;
#svgalmanac {
position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0;
display: inline-block;
// border: blue 1px solid;
#controls {
position: absolute; bottom: 0; right: 0;
display: inline-block;
margin: 5px;
#rotation {
position: absolute; bottom: 0; left: 0;
display: inline-block;
margin: 5px;
svg {
//padding: 20px;
// #Coverage_95: { fill: #800; fill-opacity: 0.2; }
// #Coverage_95: { fill: #800; fill-opacity: 0.2; }
// #Coverage_95: { fill: #800; fill-opacity: 0.2; }
// #Coverage_98: { fill: #800; fill-opacity: 0.2; }
// #Coverage_99: { fill: #800; fill-opacity: 0.2; }
path.countries {
background: yellow;
stroke-width: 1;
stroke: #75739F;
fill: #7ECFE6;
path.coverage {
stroke-width: 1;
stroke: #888;
fill: #888;
fill-opacity: 0.1;
path.coverage.down {
stroke-width: 0;
fill: transparent;
fill-opacity: 0;
path.observers {
stroke-width: 1;
stroke: black;
fill: black;
fill-opacity: .75;
path.observers.down {
stroke-width: 1;
stroke: red;
fill: red;
fill-opacity: .75;
text.observers {
font-family: courier new, courier;
font-style: italic;
font-size: 12px;
color: #888;
text.observers.down {
color: red;
circle.satellites {
stroke-width: 1;
stroke: #4F442B;
.radials {
stroke-width: 1;
stroke: red;
fill: none;
text.labels {
font-family: courier new, courier;
font-style: italic;
circle.centroid {
fill: #75739F;
pointer-events: none;
rect.bbox {
fill: none;
stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
stroke: #75739F;
stroke-width: 2;
pointer-events: none;
path.graticule {
fill: none;
stroke-width: 1;
stroke: #9A8B7A;
path.graticule.line {
stroke: #E5E1DE;
path.graticule.outline {
stroke: #9A8B7A;
path.merged {
fill: #9A8B7A;
stroke: #4F442B;
stroke-width: 2px;
.tooltip {
font-family: courier new, courier;
font-style: italic;
font-size: 12px;
width: 200px;
position: relative;
background-color: #ddd;
border: solid;
border-width: 1px;
border-radius: 2px;
padding: 2px;
.mybutton {
display: inline-block;
position: relative;
padding-left: 35px;
margin-top: 0px;
margin-bottom: 0px;
cursor: pointer;
font-size: 20px;
-webkit-user-select: none;
-moz-user-select: none;
-ms-user-select: none;
user-select: none;
.checkmark {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
height: 25px;
width: 25px;
background-color: #eee;
.mybutton:hover input ~ .checkmark {
background-color: #ccc;
.mybutton input {
display: none;
.mybutton input:checked ~ .checkmark {
background-color: #2196F3;
.mybutton input:checked ~ .checkmark:after {
display: block;
.checkmark:after {
content: "";
position: absolute;
display: none;
.mybutton .checkmark:after {
left: 9px;
top: 5px;
width: 5px;
height: 10px;
border: solid white;
border-width: 0 3px 3px 0;
-webkit-transform: rotate(45deg);
-ms-transform: rotate(45deg);
transform: rotate(45deg);
.rotatetable {
display: table;
border-collapse: separate;
border-spacing: 0px;
.rotatetable td {
vertical-align: middle;
padding: 0px 3px 0px 3px;
margin: 0px;
.myrotate {
cursor: pointer;
font-size: 20px;
-webkit-user-select: none;
-moz-user-select: none;
-ms-user-select: none;
user-select: none;
#controls {
margin: 0px 5px 5px 0px;
#rotation {
margin: 0px 0px 5px 5px;
border: 1px gray solid;
background: #eee;

View File

@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<title> geo</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="geo.css">
<script src='//'></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="galmongeo">
<h1> geo</h1>
<div id="galmoninfo">
<span id="galmontext">
This is a live map from the <a href="/"></a> project
<span id="galmonchoice">
<label id="observer_map" class="mybutton">Observer<input type="checkbox" checked="checked" ><span class="checkmark"></span></label>
<label id="coverage_map" class="mybutton">Coverage<input type="checkbox" checked="checked" ><span class="checkmark"></span></label>
<label id="constilation1" class="mybutton">GPS <input type="checkbox" checked="checked" ><span class="checkmark"></span></label>
<label id="constilation2" class="mybutton">Galileo <input type="checkbox" checked="checked" ><span class="checkmark"></span></label>
<label id="constilation3" class="mybutton">BeiBou <input type="checkbox" checked="checked" ><span class="checkmark"></span></label>
<label id="constilation4" class="mybutton">IMES <input type="checkbox" disabled="disabled"><span class="checkmark"></span></label>
<label id="constilation5" class="mybutton">QZSS <input type="checkbox" disabled="disabled"><span class="checkmark"></span></label>
<label id="constilation6" class="mybutton">GLONASS <input type="checkbox" checked="checked" ><span class="checkmark"></span></label>
<div id="combined">
<svg id="svgworld"></svg>
<svg id="svggraticule"></svg>
<svg id="svgobservers"></svg>
<svg id="svgalmanac"></svg>
<span id="controls">
<label id="display_all" class="mybutton">Display All<input type="checkbox"><span class="checkmark"></span></label>
<label id="show_history" class="mybutton">History<input type="checkbox"><span class="checkmark"></span></label>
<label id="show_animate" class="mybutton">Animate<input type="checkbox"><span class="checkmark"></span></label>
<label id="update_projection" class="mybutton">Projection<span class="checkmark"></span></label>
<span id="rotation">
<table class="rotatetable">
<td><span id="rotate_north" class="myrotate">&#8679;</span></td>
<td><span id="rotate_west" class="myrotate">&#8678;</span></td>
<td><span id="rotate_center" class="myrotate">&#9711;</span></td>
<td><span id="rotate_east" class="myrotate">&#8680;</span></td>
<td><span id="rotate_south" class="myrotate">&#8681;</span></td>
<script src="geo.js"></script>

View File

@ -1,930 +0,0 @@
var fileWorld = 'world.geojson';
var fileAlmanac = '//'
var fileObservers = '//'
var projectionChoices = [
'Fahey', // The prefered one
'Aitoff', // Interesting; but like Fahey
// 'Orthographic', // 3d globe - not perfectly coded for now XXX
'CylindricalStereographic', // Beyond square
'Equirectangular', // The boring one
var projectionChoice = 0;
var svgWorld ='#svgworld');
var idWorld = document.getElementById('svgworld');
var svgGraticule ='#svggraticule');
var idGraticule = document.getElementById('svggraticule');
var svgObservers ='#svgobservers');
var idObservers = document.getElementById('svgobservers');
var svgAlmanac ='#svgalmanac');
var idAlmanac = document.getElementById('svgalmanac');
var geoPath;
var aProjection;
var speed = 1e-2;
var start = now();
function now()
return Math.round( / 1000);
function draw_world(data_world)
.attr("class", "countries")
.attr("d", geoPath);
function draw_graticule()
var graticule = d3.geoGraticule();
.attr("class", "graticule line")
.attr("id", function(d) {
var c = d.coordinates;
if (c[0][0] == c[1][0]) {
return (c[0][0] < 0) ? -c[0][0] + "W" : +c[0][0] + "E";
} else if (c[0][1] == c[1][1]) {
return (c[0][1] < 0) ? -c[0][1] + "S" : c[0][1] + "N";
.attr("d", geoPath);
var draw_text = false;
if (draw_text) {
.text(function(d) {
var c = d.coordinates;
if ((c[0][0] == c[1][0]) && (c[0][0] % 30 == 0)) {
return (c[0][0]);
} else if (c[0][1] == c[1][1]) {
return (c[0][1]);
.attr("class", "label")
.attr("style", function(d) {
var c = d.coordinates;
return (c[0][1] == c[1][1]) ? "text-anchor: end" : "text-anchor: middle";
.attr("dx", function(d) {
var c = d.coordinates;
return (c[0][1] == c[1][1]) ? -10 : 0;
.attr("dy", function(d) {
var c = d.coordinates;
return (c[0][1] == c[1][1]) ? 4 : 10;
.attr('transform', function(d) {
var c = d.coordinates;
return ('translate(' + aProjection(c[0]) + ')')
var draw_outline = true;
if (draw_outline) {
.attr("class", "graticule outline")
.attr("d", geoPath);
function get_almanac_valid(data_almanac)
var a = [];
Object.keys(data_almanac).forEach(function(e) {
var o = data_almanac[e]; = e;
if (o["eph-latitude"] != null) {
o.eph_latitude = o["eph-latitude"]; // json variables with dashes - bad bad
o.eph_longitude = o["eph-longitude"];
return a;
var Tooltip;
function create_tooltop()
// create a tooltip
Tooltip ="#combined")
.attr("class", "tooltip")
.attr("id", "tooltip")
.style("opacity", 0);
function to2(num)
return parseFloat(num).toFixed(2);
function draw_radials(satellite, observer)
// in order to draw the line between observer and satellite we need long/lat vs x/y
var observer_center = aProjection.invert(geoPath.centroid(observer)); // find the center of the projected rectangle
var satellite_center = aProjection.invert([satellite.attr("cx"), satellite.attr("cy")]); // center of satellite
.attr("class", "radials")
.attr("d", function(r) { return geoPath({type: "LineString", coordinates: [observer_center, satellite_center]}); });
function draw_satellite_to_operator(d)
// get list of observers for this satellite
satellite ="#Satellite_" +;
a = observers_list_almanac_raw(d);
for (aa=0;aa<a.length;aa++) {
observer_id = a[aa];
observer = observer_shape[observer_id];
if (!observer) {
// should not happen
draw_radials(satellite, observer);
function draw_operator_to_satellite(d)
observer_id =;
// get list of satellites for this observer
observer = observer_shape[observer_id];
if (!observer) {
// should not happen
a = svs_list_observer_raw(d);
for (aa=0;aa<a.length;aa++) {
satellite_id = a[aa];
// check the satellite is seen in almanac data - ie. double check.
if (!data_almanac[satellite_id] || !data_almanac[satellite_id].observed) {
// no line needed
var s = $("[id^='Satellite_" + satellite_id + "']");
if (!":visible")) {
satellite ="#Satellite_" + satellite_id);
draw_radials(satellite, observer);
function color_of(r)
switch (r.gnssid) {
case 0: return "green"; // GPS
case 1: return "gray"; // SBAS - not coded
case 2: return "blue"; // Galileo
case 3: return "red"; // BeiDou
case 4: return "gray"; // IMES - not coded
case 5: return "gray"; // QZSS - not coded
case 6: return "yellow"; // GLONASS
return "magenta"; // - should not happen
var tooltop_deltax = 10; // was 30
function draw_almanac(data_almanac)
var arr = get_almanac_valid(data_almanac);
// Three function that change the tooltip when user hover / move / leave a cell
var mouseover = function(d) {
var o = observers_list_almanac(d);
s = + " [" + to2(d.eph_longitude) + "," + to2(d.eph_latitude) + "] " + ((o == "") ? "" : " seen by " + o);
.style("opacity", 1)
.style("left", (d3.mouse(this)[0] + tooltop_deltax) + "px")
.style("top", (d3.mouse(this)[1]) + "px");
var mousemove = function(d) {
var o = observers_list_almanac(d);
s = + " [" + to2(d.eph_longitude) + "," + to2(d.eph_latitude) + "] " + ((o == "") ? "" : " seen by " + o);
.style("left", (d3.mouse(this)[0] + tooltop_deltax) + "px")
.style("top", (d3.mouse(this)[1]) + "px");
var mouseleave = function(d) {
.style("opacity", 0);
// text first as we want the satellite circles to be always above them!
.text(r =>
.attr("class", "labels")
.attr("id", r => "Satellite_" + + "_label")
.attr("dx", r => (aProjection([r.eph_longitude, r.eph_latitude])[0] + 0))
.attr("dy", r => (aProjection([r.eph_longitude, r.eph_latitude])[1] + 0))
.attr("fill", r => ((r.observed) ? "black" : "#666666"))
.attr("text-anchor", r => ((r.eph_longitude > 0) ? "start" : "end"))
.attr("baseline-shift", r => ((r.eph_latitude > 0) ? "+30%" : "-90%"))
.attr("fill-opacity", r => ((r.observed) ? "1.0" : ".5"))
.attr("stroke-opacity", r => ((r.observed) ? "1.0" : ".5"))
.attr("font-weight", r => ((r.observed) ? "bold" : null));
.attr("class", "satellites")
.attr("id", r => "Satellite_" +
.attr("r", 3)
.attr("cx", r => aProjection([r.eph_longitude, r.eph_latitude])[0])
.attr("cy", r => aProjection([r.eph_longitude, r.eph_latitude])[1])
.attr("fill", r => color_of(r))
.attr("fill-opacity", r => ((r.observed) ? "1.0" : ".5"))
.attr("stroke-opacity", r => ((r.observed) ? "1.0" : ".5"))
.on("mouseover", mouseover)
.on("mousemove", mousemove)
.on("mouseleave", mouseleave);
function age_in_seconds(t)
return now() - t;
function a_to_s(a)
var r = "";
for (aa=0;aa<a.length;aa++) {
r += a[aa] + " ";
if (r.length > 0) {
r = r.slice(0, -1);
return r;
function svs_list_observer_raw(d)
var r = []
var svs = d.svs;
for (s in svs) {
// check the satellite is seen in almanac data - ie. double check.
if (data_almanac[svs[s].name]) {
return r;
function observers_list_almanac_raw(d)
var a = [];
var s_id =;
for (oo=0;oo<data_observers.length;oo++) {
o = data_observers[oo];
o_id =;
for (s in o.svs) {
if (s_id == o.svs[s].name) {
return a;
function observers_list_almanac(d)
return a_to_s(observers_list_almanac_raw(d));
function svs_list_observer(d)
return a_to_s(svs_list_observer_raw(d));
function observer_up(r)
var considered_old = 15 * 60; // 15 mins
if (age_in_seconds(r["last-seen"]) > considered_old) {
// data is old
return false;
if (Object.keys(r.svs).length == 0) {
// nothing visible
return false;
return true;
var observer_shape = [];
function draw_observers(data_observers)
// Three function that change the tooltip when user hover / move / leave a cell
var mouseover = function(d) {
var o = svs_list_observer(d);
s = + ": [" + to2(d.longitude) + "," + to2(d.latitude) + "]" + ((o == "") ? "" : " sees " + svs_list_observer(d));
.style("opacity", 1)
.style("left", (d3.mouse(this)[0] + tooltop_deltax) + "px")
.style("top", (d3.mouse(this)[1]) + "px");
// redraw only the one coverage circle
coverages = $("[id^='Coverage_']");
coverages = $("[id^='Coverage_" + + "']");;
var mousemove = function(d) {
var o = svs_list_observer(d);
s = + ": [" + to2(d.longitude) + "," + to2(d.latitude) + "]" + ((o == "") ? "" : " sees " + svs_list_observer(d));
.style("left", (d3.mouse(this)[0] + tooltop_deltax) + "px")
.style("top", (d3.mouse(this)[1]) + "px");
var mouseleave = function(d) {
.style("opacity", 0);
// text first as we want the observer rectangle to be always above them!
.text(r =>
.attr("class", r => (observer_up(r) ? "observers" : "observers down"))
.attr("id", r => "Observer_" + + "_label")
.attr("dx", r => (aProjection([r.longitude, r.latitude])[0]))
.attr("dy", r => (aProjection([r.longitude, r.latitude])[1]))
.attr("fill", r => (observer_up(r) ? "black" : "#666666"))
.attr("text-anchor", r => ((r.longitude > 0) ? "start" : "end"))
.attr("baseline-shift", r => ((r.latitude > 0) ? "+30%" : "-90%"))
.attr("fill-opacity", r => (observer_up(r) ? "1.0" : ".5"))
.attr("stroke-opacity", r => (observer_up(r) ? "1.0" : ".5"))
.attr("font-weight", r => (observer_up(r) ? "bold" : null));
// we draw a geo correct observer rectangle - mapped onto whatever globe we have projected
var observer_degrees = 2.5;
.attr("class", r => (observer_up(r) ? "observers" : "observers down"))
.attr("id", r => ("Observer_" +
.attr("d", function(r) {
var path = {
type: "LineString",
coordinates: [
[r.longitude - observer_degrees/2, r.latitude - observer_degrees/2],
[r.longitude - observer_degrees/2, r.latitude + observer_degrees/2],
[r.longitude + observer_degrees/2, r.latitude + observer_degrees/2],
[r.longitude + observer_degrees/2, r.latitude - observer_degrees/2],
observer_shape[] = path; // save away for later
return geoPath(path);
.on("mouseover", mouseover)
.on("mousemove", mousemove)
.on("mouseleave", mouseleave);
// kick off the annimation - if needed
var down_timer;
function annimate_down_observers()
var down = document.getElementsByClassName('observers down');
if (down.length > 0) {
// if we have an observer that is down - lets annoutate it!
for (var ii=0, ll=down.length; ii<ll; ii++){
//if (down[ii].classList.contains('down')) {
// down[ii].classList.remove('down');
//} else {
// down[ii].classList.add('down');
down[ii].style.fill = (down[ii].style.fill == "black") ? "red" : "black";
down[ii].style.stroke = (down[ii].style.stroke == "black") ? "red" : "black";
var seconds = 2;
down_timer = setTimeout(annimate_down_observers, seconds * 1000.0);
function draw_observers_coverage(data_observers)
var radius = 65; // XXX fix
var geoCircle = d3.geoCircle();
// we draw a geo correct circle
.attr("class", r => (observer_up(r) ? "coverage" : "coverage down"))
.attr("id", r => ("Coverage_" +
.attr("d", function(r) { return geoPath([r.longitude, r.latitude]).radius(radius)());
var data_almanac = null;
var data_observers = null;
var time_last_data_received = 0;
function do_update_almanac_observers(error, results)
var updated_almanac = false;
var updated_observers = false;
if (results && results.length > 0 && results[0]) {
data_almanac = results[0];
updated_almanac = true;
time_last_data_received = now();
if (results.length > 1 && results[1]) {
data_observers = results[1];
updated_observers = true;
time_last_data_received = now();
// XXX cheat for now - we need until we fix d3/svg bug above
updated_almanac = true;
updated_observers = true;
if (updated_almanac) {
// We write into the svgalmanac area - so clean it and rewrite it
if (draw_almanac) {
// now hide/show the ones that should be seen
if (updated_observers) {
if (data_observers) {
var redisplay_timer = null;
var display_observers_count = 0;
function stop_redisplay_timer()
redisplay_timer = null;
function do_redisplay_timer()
if ((now() - time_last_data_received) >= 55) {
// refresh data from afar
if (display_observers_count == 0) {
// observers does not need that much updating!
.defer(d3.json, fileAlmanac + '?t=' + now())
.defer(d3.json, fileObservers + '?t=' + now())
display_observers_count = 10;
} else {
// just queue an update to almanac
.defer(d3.json, fileAlmanac + '?t=' + now())
} else {
// just use existing data
do_update_almanac_observers(null, []);
var seconds = 60;
redisplay_timer = setTimeout(do_redisplay_timer, seconds * 1000.0);
function set_projection(data_world)
// var aProjection = d3.geoMercator().scale(100).translate([250, 250]);
// all this complexity is so we can scale to full screen.
// see:
var center = [0, 0]; // This is very Euro-centric - but that's how these projections works.
var scale = 191; // No idea what this does
var svgCombined ='#combined');
var idCombined = document.getElementById("combined");
svgWorld ="#svgworld");
idWorld = document.getElementById("svgworld");
svgGraticule ="#svggraticule");
idGraticule = document.getElementById("svggraticule");
var offset = [idCombined.clientWidth/2, idCombined.clientHeight/2];
switch(projectionChoices[projectionChoice]) {
// fall thru to Equirectangular
case 'Equirectangular':
aProjection = d3.geoEquirectangular()
case 'Aitoff':
aProjection = d3.geoAitoff()
case 'CylindricalStereographic':
aProjection = d3.geoCylindricalStereographic()
case 'Fahey':
aProjection = d3.geoFahey()
case 'Orthographic':
aProjection = d3.geoOrthographic()
geoPath = d3.geoPath()
// using the path determine the bounds of the current map and use
// these to determine better values for the scale and translation
var bounds = geoPath.bounds(data_world);
var hscale = scale * (idCombined.clientWidth - 40) / (bounds[1][0] - bounds[0][0]);
var vscale = scale * (idCombined.clientHeight - 40) / (bounds[1][1] - bounds[0][1]);
scale = (hscale < vscale) ? hscale : vscale;
var offset = [
idCombined.clientWidth - (bounds[0][0] + bounds[1][0])/2,
idCombined.clientHeight - (bounds[0][1] + bounds[1][1])/2
if (0) {
// new projection
switch(projectionChoices[projectionChoice]) {
// fall thru to Equirectangular
case 'Equirectangular':
aProjection = d3.geoEquirectangular()
case 'Aitoff':
aProjection = d3.geoAitoff()
.center(center) .scale(scale)
case 'CylindricalStereographic':
aProjection = d3.geoCylindricalStereographic()
case 'Fahey':
aProjection = d3.geoFahey()
case 'Orthographic':
aProjection = d3.geoOrthographic()
svgCombined.attr("width", idCombined.clientWidth);
svgCombined.attr("height", idCombined.clientHeight);
padding = 0 // 20 - see svg: padding in css
svgWorld.attr("width", idCombined.clientWidth - padding * 2);
svgWorld.attr("height", idCombined.clientHeight - padding * 2);
svgObservers.attr("width", idCombined.clientWidth - padding * 2);
svgObservers.attr("height", idCombined.clientHeight - padding * 2);
svgGraticule.attr("width", idCombined.clientWidth - padding * 2);
svgGraticule.attr("height", idCombined.clientHeight - padding * 2);
svgAlmanac.attr("width", idCombined.clientWidth - padding * 2);
svgAlmanac.attr("height", idCombined.clientHeight - padding * 2);
function do_draw_world(data_world)
aProjection.rotate([globe_rotate.lambda, globe_rotate.phi]); // show globe where it belongs for current timezone
if (0) {
// XXX recode - this is bad.
if (projectionChoice == 'Orthographic') {
// rotating globe is done with a constant timer
d3.timer(function() {
var lambda = speed * ( - start); // λ
var phi = -15; // φ
aProjection.rotate([lambda + 180, -phi]);
do_update_almanac_observers(null, [])
// XXX this will work one day ...
// var node = {id: "rotate_west"}; // The "id" is the only part used.
// rotate_globe(node)
var data_world = null;
function read_world()
if (data_world == null) {
d3.json(fileWorld, function(result) {
data_world = result;
// after the world is read in and displayed - then start the timers!
// we don't redraw the world!
} else {
// after the world is read in and displayed - then start the timers!
// we don't redraw the world!
var globe_rotate = {lambda: 0.0, phi: 0.0};
var globe_rotate_center = {lambda: 0.0, phi: 0.0};
function set_rotate_from_tz()
var offset = new Date().getTimezoneOffset(); // in minutes from UTC
globe_rotate_center.lambda = (offset/(60.0*24.0)) * 360.0;
globe_rotate_center.phi = 0.0;
globe_rotate.lambda = globe_rotate_center.lambda;
globe_rotate.phi = globe_rotate_center.phi;
function geo_start()
//"body").onresize = do_redisplay_timer;
var constellation_state = {G: true, E: true, C: true, I: false, J: false, R: true};
function constellation_click(node)
// Satellites are named LETTER+NUMBERS
var c = node.innerText.trim();
if (c == "GPS") { c = "G"; } // G = GPS (American)
else if (c == "Galileo") { c = "E"; } // E = Europe
else if (c == "BeiBou") { c = "C"; } // C = China
else if (c == "IMES") { c = "I"; } // I = Indoor QZSS (doubtfully seen)
else if (c == "QZSS") { c = "J"; } // J = Japan
else if (c == "GLONASS") { c = "R"; } // R = Russia
satellites = $("[id^='Satellite_" + c + "']");
if (node.childNodes[1].checked) {;
constellation_state[c] = true;
} else {
constellation_state[c] = false;
function constellation_refresh()
for (c in constellation_state) {
satellites = $("[id^='Satellite_" + c + "']");
if (constellation_state[c]) {;
} else {
var coverage_map_state = true;
var observer_map_state = true;
function coverage_map_click(node)
if (node.childNodes[1].checked) {
coverage_map_state = true;
} else {
coverage_map_state = false;
function coverage_map_refresh()
coverages = $("[id^='Coverage_']");
if (coverage_map_state) {;
} else {
function observer_map_click(node)
if (node.childNodes[1].checked) {
observer_map_state = true;
} else {
observer_map_state = false;
function observer_map_refresh()
observers = $("[id^='Observer_']");
if (observer_map_state) {;
} else {
var display_all_state = false;
function display_all_click(node)
if (node.childNodes[1].checked) {
display_all_state = true;
} else {
display_all_state = false;
function display_all_refresh()
if (display_all_state) {
for (d in data_observers) {
} else {
function show_history_click(node)
var c = node.innerText.trim();
if (node.childNodes[1].checked) {
// XXX
console.log(c + " :checked");
} else {
// XXX
console.log(c + " :not checked");
function show_animate_click(node)
var c = node.innerText.trim();
if (node.childNodes[1].checked) {
// XXX
console.log(c + " :checked");
} else {
// XXX
console.log(c + " :not checked");
function update_projection_click(node)
// cycle thru known globe projections
if (projectionChoice >= projectionChoices.length)
projectionChoice = 0;
// now redraw everything!
function rotate_globe(node)
var t =;
if (t == "rotate_north") {
globe_rotate.phi += 10; // North
} else if (t == "rotate_west") {
globe_rotate.lambda -= 5; // West
} else if (t == "rotate_center") {
globe_rotate.lambda = globe_rotate_center.lambda;
globe_rotate.phi = globe_rotate_center.phi; // Reset to center
} else if (t == "rotate_east") {
globe_rotate.lambda += 5; // East
} else if (t == "rotate_south") {
globe_rotate.phi -= 10; // South
// JQuery also has a startup
$(document).ready(function () {
$("[id^='constilation']").click(function() { constellation_click(this); });
$('#coverage_map').click(function() { coverage_map_click(this); });
$('#observer_map').click(function() { observer_map_click(this); });
$('#display_all').click(function() { display_all_click(this); });
$('#show_history').click(function() { show_history_click(this); });
$('#show_animate').click(function() { show_animate_click(this); });
$('#update_projection').click(function() { update_projection_click(this); });
$("[id^='rotate_']").click(function() { rotate_globe(this); });

html/ext/jquery.min.js vendored 100644

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -1,12 +1,18 @@
body { body {
height: 100%; height: 100%;
margin: 0;
width: 100%; width: 100%;
margin: 0;
float: left; float: left;
background-color: #ccc; background-color: #ccc;
font-family: verdana, helvetica, arial, sans-serif; font-family: verdana, helvetica, arial, sans-serif;
} }
h1 {
margin-top: 0px;
margin-bottom: 5px;
padding: 0px;
#galmongeo { #galmongeo {
border: blue 1px solid; border: blue 1px solid;
margin: 5px; margin: 5px;
@ -19,64 +25,85 @@ body {
#galmoninfo { #galmoninfo {
border-top: blue 1px solid; border-top: blue 1px solid;
margin-bottom: 0px;
display: block;
#galmontext {
margin-top: 5px;
margin-bottom: 5px;
float: left;
font-size: 20px;
#galmonchoice {
margin-top: 5px;
margin-bottom: 5px;
float: right;
font-size: 20px;
} }
#combined { #combined {
display: inline-block; display: inline-block;
position: relative; position: relative;
background-color: transparent; background-color: transparent;
// background-color: yellow; height: 620px;
height: 700px;
width: 100%; width: 100%;
//margin-left: auto; //margin-left: auto;
//margin-right: auto; //margin-right: auto;
margin: 10px; margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;
border: gray 1px solid;
} }
#svgworld { #svgworld {
position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0;
// border: blue 1px solid;
display: inline-block; display: inline-block;
// margin-left: auto; // border: green 1px solid;
// margin-right: auto;
} }
#svggraticule { #svggraticule {
position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0;
// border: blue 1px solid;
display: inline-block; display: inline-block;
// margin-left: auto; // border: blue 1px solid;
// margin-right: auto;
} }
#svgobservers { #svgobservers {
position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0;
// border: blue 1px solid;
display: inline-block; display: inline-block;
// margin-left: auto; // border: blue 1px solid;
// margin-right: auto;
} }
#svgalmanac { #svgalmanac {
position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0;
// border: blue 1px solid;
display: inline-block; display: inline-block;
// margin-left: auto; // border: blue 1px solid;
// margin-right: auto; }
#controls {
position: absolute; bottom: 0; right: 0;
display: inline-block;
margin: 5px;
#rotation {
position: absolute; bottom: 0; left: 0;
display: inline-block;
margin: 5px;
} }
svg { svg {
// border: red 1px solid; //padding: 20px;
// background-color: transparent;
padding: 0px 20px 20px 20px;
// margin-left: auto;
// margin-right: auto;
} }
// #Coverage_95: { fill: #800; fill-opacity: 0.2; }
// #Coverage_95: { fill: #800; fill-opacity: 0.2; }
// #Coverage_95: { fill: #800; fill-opacity: 0.2; }
// #Coverage_98: { fill: #800; fill-opacity: 0.2; }
// #Coverage_99: { fill: #800; fill-opacity: 0.2; }
path.countries { path.countries {
background: yellow;
stroke-width: 1; stroke-width: 1;
stroke: #75739F; stroke: #75739F;
fill: #5EAFC6; fill: #7ECFE6;
} }
path.coverage { path.coverage {
stroke-width: 1; stroke-width: 1;
@ -84,15 +111,42 @@ path.coverage {
fill: #888; fill: #888;
fill-opacity: 0.1; fill-opacity: 0.1;
} }
circle.sats { path.coverage.down {
stroke-width: 0;
fill: transparent;
fill-opacity: 0;
path.observers {
stroke-width: 1;
stroke: black;
fill: black;
fill-opacity: .75;
path.observers.down {
stroke-width: 1;
stroke: red;
fill: red;
fill-opacity: .75;
text.observers {
font-family: courier new, courier;
font-style: italic;
font-size: 12px;
color: #888;
text.observers.down {
color: red;
circle.satellites {
stroke-width: 1; stroke-width: 1;
stroke: #4F442B; stroke: #4F442B;
//fill: #FCBC34; }
.radials {
stroke-width: 1;
stroke: red;
fill: none;
} }
text.labels { text.labels {
// stroke-width: 1;
// stroke: #4F442B;
// fill: #FCBC34;
font-family: courier new, courier; font-family: courier new, courier;
font-style: italic; font-style: italic;
} }
@ -124,13 +178,91 @@ path.merged {
stroke: #4F442B; stroke: #4F442B;
stroke-width: 2px; stroke-width: 2px;
} }
.tooltip {
font-family: courier new, courier;
font-style: italic;
font-size: 12px;
width: 200px;
position: relative;
background-color: #ddd;
border: solid;
border-width: 1px;
border-radius: 2px;
padding: 2px;
label { .mybutton {
cursor: pointer; display: inline-block;
position: relative;
padding-left: 35px;
margin-top: 0px;
margin-bottom: 0px;
cursor: pointer;
font-size: 20px;
-webkit-user-select: none;
-moz-user-select: none;
-ms-user-select: none;
user-select: none;
} }
input[type="checkbox"] { .checkmark {
cursor: pointer; position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
height: 25px;
width: 25px;
background-color: #eee;
} }
#options_other { .mybutton:hover input ~ .checkmark {
padding-top:10px; background-color: #ccc;
.mybutton input {
display: none;
.mybutton input:checked ~ .checkmark {
background-color: #2196F3;
.mybutton input:checked ~ .checkmark:after {
display: block;
.checkmark:after {
content: "";
position: absolute;
display: none;
.mybutton .checkmark:after {
left: 9px;
top: 5px;
width: 5px;
height: 10px;
border: solid white;
border-width: 0 3px 3px 0;
-webkit-transform: rotate(45deg);
-ms-transform: rotate(45deg);
transform: rotate(45deg);
.rotatetable {
display: table;
border-collapse: separate;
border-spacing: 0px;
.rotatetable td {
vertical-align: middle;
padding: 0px 3px 0px 3px;
margin: 0px;
.myrotate {
cursor: pointer;
font-size: 20px;
-webkit-user-select: none;
-moz-user-select: none;
-ms-user-select: none;
user-select: none;
#controls {
margin: 0px 5px 5px 0px;
#rotation {
margin: 0px 0px 5px 5px;
border: 1px gray solid;
background: #eee;
} }

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
<title> geo</title> <title> geo</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="geo.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="geo.css">
<script src='../ext/jquery.min.js'></script>
<script src="../d3.v4.min.js"></script> <script src="../d3.v4.min.js"></script>
<script src="../ext/topojson.v1.min.js"></script> <script src="../ext/topojson.v1.min.js"></script>
<script src="../ext/d3-geo-projection.v2.min.js"></script> <script src="../ext/d3-geo-projection.v2.min.js"></script>
@ -13,27 +15,62 @@
<div id="galmongeo"> <div id="galmongeo">
<h1> geo</h1> <h1> geo</h1>
<div id="galmoninfo"> <div id="galmoninfo">
<span id="galmontext">
This is a live map from the <a href="/"></a> project This is a live map from the <a href="/"></a> project
<span id="galmonchoice">
<label id="observer_map" class="mybutton">Observer<input type="checkbox" checked="checked" ><span class="checkmark"></span></label>
<label id="coverage_map" class="mybutton">Coverage<input type="checkbox" checked="checked" ><span class="checkmark"></span></label>
<label id="constilation1" class="mybutton">GPS <input type="checkbox" checked="checked" ><span class="checkmark"></span></label>
<label id="constilation2" class="mybutton">Galileo <input type="checkbox" checked="checked" ><span class="checkmark"></span></label>
<label id="constilation3" class="mybutton">BeiDou <input type="checkbox" checked="checked" ><span class="checkmark"></span></label>
<label id="constilation4" class="mybutton">IMES <input type="checkbox" disabled="disabled"><span class="checkmark"></span></label>
<label id="constilation5" class="mybutton">QZSS <input type="checkbox" disabled="disabled"><span class="checkmark"></span></label>
<label id="constilation6" class="mybutton">GLONASS <input type="checkbox" checked="checked" ><span class="checkmark"></span></label>
</div> </div>
<center id="options_sats">
<input type="checkbox" id="Gal" onclick="do_timer();" checked> <label for="Gal">Galileo</label> &nbsp;&nbsp;
<input type="checkbox" id="BeiDou" onclick="do_timer();" checked> <label for="BeiDou">BeiDou</label> &nbsp;&nbsp;
<input type="checkbox" id="Glonass" onclick="do_timer();" checked> <label for="Glonass">Glonass</label> &nbsp;&nbsp;
<input type="checkbox" id="GPS" onclick="do_timer();" checked> <label for="GPS">GPS</label>
<center id="options_other">
<input type="checkbox" id="Obs" onclick="do_timer();" checked> <label for="Obs">Observers</label> &nbsp;&nbsp;
<div id="combined"> <div id="combined">
<svg id="svgworld"></svg> <svg id="svgworld"></svg>
<svg id="svggraticule"></svg> <svg id="svggraticule"></svg>
<svg id="svgobservers"></svg> <svg id="svgobservers"></svg>
<svg id="svgalmanac"></svg> <svg id="svgalmanac"></svg>
<span id="controls">
<label id="display_all" class="mybutton">Display All<input type="checkbox"><span class="checkmark"></span></label>
<label id="show_history" class="mybutton">History<input type="checkbox"><span class="checkmark"></span></label>
<label id="show_animate" class="mybutton">Animate<input type="checkbox"><span class="checkmark"></span></label>
<label id="update_projection" class="mybutton">Projection<span class="checkmark"></span></label>
<span id="rotation">
<table class="rotatetable">
<td><span id="rotate_north" class="myrotate">&#8679;</span></td>
<td><span id="rotate_west" class="myrotate">&#8678;</span></td>
<td><span id="rotate_center" class="myrotate">&#9711;</span></td>
<td><span id="rotate_east" class="myrotate">&#8680;</span></td>
<td><span id="rotate_south" class="myrotate">&#8681;</span></td>
</div> </div>
</div> </div>
<script src="geo.js"></script> <script src="geo.js"></script>
</body> </body>
</html> </html>