error message and logfile cleanup. --debug for debug, --logfile for logfile. humanTimeNow() used for all debug/error messages

Martin Levy 2019-10-15 05:51:39 -07:00
parent 57e915d9dc
commit f9349e4c00
3 changed files with 162 additions and 108 deletions

View File

@ -29,13 +29,27 @@ size_t readn2(int fd, void* buffer, size_t len)
return len;
std::string humanTimeNow()
time_t now = time(0);
return humanTime(now);
std::string humanTime(time_t t)
static bool set_tz = false;
struct tm tm={0};
gmtime_r(&t, &tm);
if (!set_tz) {
setenv("TZ", "UTC", 1); // We think in UTC.
set_tz = true;
char buffer[80];
strftime(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z", &tm);
// strftime(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%F %T ", &tm);
return buffer;

View File

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
struct EofException{};
size_t readn2(int fd, void* buffer, size_t len);
std::string humanTimeNow();
std::string humanTime(time_t t);
std::string humanTime(time_t t, uint32_t nanoseconds);
struct SatID

View File

@ -32,6 +32,9 @@
#include "swrappers.hh"
#include "sclasses.hh"
bool doDEBUG{false};
bool doLOGFILE{false};
struct timespec g_gnssutc;
uint16_t g_galwn;
@ -144,12 +147,14 @@ bool g_fromFile{false};
std::pair<UBXMessage, struct timeval> getUBXMessage(int fd)
static int logfile;
static int logfile=0;
if (doLOGFILE) {
if(!logfile && !g_fromFile) {
logfile = open("./logfile", O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_APPEND|O_LARGEFILE, 0600);
throw std::runtime_error("Failed to open logfile for writing");
uint8_t marker[2]={0};
for(;;) {
marker[0] = marker[1];
@ -158,11 +163,8 @@ std::pair<UBXMessage, struct timeval> getUBXMessage(int fd)
if(res < 0)
throw EofException();
// cerr<<"marker now: "<< (int)marker[0]<<" " <<(int)marker[1]<<endl;
// if (doDEBUG) { cerr<<humanTimeNow()<<" marker now: "<< (int)marker[0]<<" " <<(int)marker[1]<<endl; }
if(marker[0]==0xb5 && marker[1]==0x62) { // bingo
struct timeval tv;
gettimeofday(&tv, 0);
basic_string<uint8_t> msg;
@ -172,13 +174,15 @@ std::pair<UBXMessage, struct timeval> getUBXMessage(int fd)
msg.append(b, 4); // class, type, len1, len2
uint16_t len = b[2] + 256*b[3];
// cerr<<"Got class "<<(int)msg[2]<<" type "<<(int)msg[3]<<", len = "<<len<<endl;
// if (doDEBUG) { cerr<<humanTimeNow()<<" Got class "<<(int)msg[2]<<" type "<<(int)msg[3]<<", len = "<<len<<endl; }
uint8_t buffer[len+2];
res=readn2(fd, buffer, len+2);
msg.append(buffer, len+2); // checksum
if (doLOGFILE) {
writen2(logfile, msg.c_str(), msg.size());
return make_pair(UBXMessage(msg), tv);
@ -194,7 +198,7 @@ UBXMessage waitForUBX(int fd, int seconds, uint8_t ubxClass, uint8_t ubxType)
return msg;
cerr<<"Got: "<<(int)msg.getClass() << " " <<(int)msg.getType() <<" while waiting for "<<(int)ubxClass<<" " <<(int)ubxType<<endl;
if (doDEBUG) { cerr<<humanTimeNow()<<" Got: "<<(int)msg.getClass() << " " <<(int)msg.getType() <<" while waiting for "<<(int)ubxClass<<" " <<(int)ubxType<<endl; }
throw std::runtime_error("Did not get response on time");
@ -213,16 +217,16 @@ bool waitForUBXAckNack(int fd, int seconds, int ubxClass, int ubxType)
if(msg.getClass() != 5 || !(msg.getType() == 0 || msg.getType() == 1)) {
cerr<<"Got: "<<(int)msg.getClass() << " " <<(int)msg.getType() <<" while waiting for ack/nack of " << ubxClass<<" "<<ubxType<<endl;
if (doDEBUG) { cerr<<humanTimeNow()<<" Got: "<<(int)msg.getClass() << " " <<(int)msg.getType() <<" while waiting for ack/nack of " << ubxClass<<" "<<ubxType<<endl; }
const auto& payload = msg.getPayload();
if(payload.size() != 2) {
cerr << "Wrong payload size for ack/nack: "<<payload.size()<<endl;
if (doDEBUG) { cerr<<"Wrong payload size for ack/nack: "<<payload.size()<<endl; }
cerr<<"Got an " << (msg.getType() ? "ack" : "nack")<<" for "<<(int)payload[0] <<" " << (int)payload[1]<<" while waiting for "<<ubxClass<<" " <<ubxType<<endl;
if (doDEBUG) { cerr<<humanTimeNow()<<" Got an " << (msg.getType() ? "ack" : "nack")<<" for "<<(int)payload[0] <<" " << (int)payload[1]<<" while waiting for "<<ubxClass<<" " <<ubxType<<endl; }
if(msg.getClass() == 0x05 && msg.getType() == 0x01 && payload[0]==ubxClass && payload[1]==ubxType) {
return true;
@ -279,7 +283,7 @@ public:
SocketCommunicator sc(s);
cerr<<"Connected to "<<d->dst.toStringWithPort()<<endl;
if (doDEBUG) { cerr<<humanTimeNow()<<" Connected to "<<d->dst.toStringWithPort()<<endl; }
for(;;) {
std::string msg;
@ -296,18 +300,18 @@ public:
catch(std::exception& e) {
cerr<<"Sending thread for "<<d->dst.toStringWithPort()<<" had error: "<<e.what()<<endl;
if (doDEBUG) { cerr<<humanTimeNow()<<" Sending thread for "<<d->dst.toStringWithPort()<<" had error: "<<e.what()<<endl; }
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> mut(d->mut);
cerr<<"There are now "<<d->queue.size()<<" messages queued for "<<d->dst.toStringWithPort()<<endl;
if (doDEBUG) { cerr<<humanTimeNow()<<" There are now "<<d->queue.size()<<" messages queued for "<<d->dst.toStringWithPort()<<endl; }
catch(...) {
cerr<<"Sending thread for "<<d->dst.toStringWithPort()<<" had error";
if (doDEBUG) { cerr<<humanTimeNow()<<" Sending thread for "<<d->dst.toStringWithPort()<<" had error"; }
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> mut(d->mut);
cerr<<"There are now "<<d->queue.size()<<" messages queued for "<<d->dst.toStringWithPort()<<endl;
if (doDEBUG) { cerr<<"There are now "<<d->queue.size()<<" messages queued for "<<d->dst.toStringWithPort()<<endl; }
@ -360,13 +364,21 @@ void enableUBXMessageUSB(int fd, uint8_t ubxClass, uint8_t ubxType, uint8_t rate
throw std::runtime_error("Got NACK enabling UBX message "+to_string((int)ubxClass)+" "+to_string((int)ubxType));
catch(TimeoutError& te) {
cerr<<"Had "<<n<<"th timeout in enableUBXMessageUSB"<<endl;
if (doDEBUG) { cerr<<humanTimeNow()<<" Had "<<n<<"th timeout in enableUBXMessageUSB"<<endl; }
throw TimeoutError();
bool isPresent(string_view fname)
struct stat sb;
if(stat(&fname[0], &sb) < 0)
return false;
return true;
bool isCharDevice(string_view fname)
struct stat sb;
@ -381,9 +393,9 @@ void readSome(int fd)
for(int n=0; n < 5; ++n) {
auto [msg, timestamp] = getUBXMessage(fd);
cerr<<"Read some init: "<<(int)msg.getClass() << " " <<(int)msg.getType() <<endl;
if (doDEBUG) { cerr<<humanTimeNow()<<" Read some init: "<<(int)msg.getClass() << " " <<(int)msg.getType() <<endl; }
if(msg.getClass() == 0x4)
cerr<<string((char*)msg.getPayload().c_str(), msg.getPayload().size()) <<endl;
if (doDEBUG) { cerr<<humanTimeNow()<<" "<<string((char*)msg.getPayload().c_str(), msg.getPayload().size()) <<endl; }
@ -392,11 +404,18 @@ struct termios g_oldtio;
int initFD(const char* fname, bool doRTSCTS)
int fd;
if (doDEBUG) { cerr<<humanTimeNow()<<" initFD()"<<endl; }
if (!isPresent(fname)) {
if (doDEBUG) { cerr<<humanTimeNow()<<" initFD - "<<fname<<" - not present"<<endl; }
throw runtime_error("Opening file "+string(fname));
if(string(fname) != "stdin" && string(fname) != "/dev/stdin" && isCharDevice(fname)) {
if (doDEBUG) { cerr<<humanTimeNow()<<" initFD - open("<<fname<<")"<<endl; }
fd = open(fname, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY );
if (fd <0 ) {
throw runtime_error("Opening file "+string(fname));
if (doDEBUG) { cerr<<humanTimeNow()<<" initFD - open successful"<<endl; }
struct termios newtio;
if(tcgetattr(fd, &g_oldtio)) { /* save current port settings */
@ -405,7 +424,7 @@ int initFD(const char* fname, bool doRTSCTS)
bzero(&newtio, sizeof(newtio));
newtio.c_cflag = BAUDRATE | CS8 | CLOCAL | CREAD;
newtio.c_cflag = CS8 | CLOCAL | CREAD;
if (doRTSCTS)
newtio.c_cflag |= CRTSCTS;
newtio.c_iflag = IGNPAR;
@ -417,15 +436,17 @@ int initFD(const char* fname, bool doRTSCTS)
newtio.c_cc[VTIME] = 0; /* inter-character timer unused */
newtio.c_cc[VMIN] = 5; /* blocking read until 5 chars received */
tcflush(fd, TCIFLUSH);
if(tcsetattr(fd,TCSANOW, &newtio)) {
cfsetspeed(&newtio, BAUDRATE);
if(tcsetattr(fd, TCSAFLUSH, &newtio)) {
if (doDEBUG) { cerr<<humanTimeNow()<<" initFD - tty set"<<endl; }
else {
g_fromFile = true;
if (doDEBUG) { cerr<<humanTimeNow()<<" initFD - open("<<fname<<") - from file"<<endl; }
fd = open(fname, O_RDONLY );
if(fd < 0)
throw runtime_error("Opening file "+string(fname));
@ -462,6 +483,8 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
app.add_flag("--stdout", doSTDOUT, "Emit output to stdout");
app.add_option("--port,-p", portName, "Device or file to read serial from");
app.add_option("--station", g_srcid, "Station id");
app.add_flag("--debug", doDEBUG, "Display debug information");
app.add_flag("--logfile", doLOGFILE, "Create logfile");
try {
app.parse(argc, argv);
} catch(const CLI::Error &e) {
@ -482,20 +505,20 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
std::basic_string<uint8_t> msg;
if(doReset) {
cerr<<"Sending a soft reset"<<endl;
if (doDEBUG) { cerr<<humanTimeNow()<<" Sending a soft reset"<<endl; }
msg = buildUbxMessage(0x06, 0x04, {0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00});
writen2(fd, msg.c_str(), msg.size());
for(int n=0 ; n< 20; ++n) {
cerr<<"Waiting for device to come back"<<endl;
if (doDEBUG) { cerr<<humanTimeNow()<<" Waiting for device to come back"<<endl; }
try {
fd = initFD(portName.c_str(), doRTSCTS);
cerr<<"Not yet back"<<endl;
if (doDEBUG) { cerr<<humanTimeNow()<<" Not yet back"<<endl; }
@ -503,34 +526,36 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
cerr<<"Sending version query"<<endl;
if (doDEBUG) { cerr<<humanTimeNow()<<" Sending version query"<<endl; }
msg = buildUbxMessage(0x0a, 0x04, {});
writen2(fd, msg.c_str(), msg.size());
UBXMessage um1=waitForUBX(fd, 2, 0x0a, 0x04);
cerr<<"swVersion: "<<um1.getPayload().c_str()<<endl;
cerr<<"hwVersion: "<<um1.getPayload().c_str()+30<<endl;
cerr<<humanTimeNow()<<" swVersion: "<<um1.getPayload().c_str()<<endl;
cerr<<humanTimeNow()<<" hwVersion: "<<um1.getPayload().c_str()+30<<endl;
for(unsigned int n=0; 40+30*n < um1.getPayload().size(); ++n) {
cerr<<"Extended info: "<<um1.getPayload().c_str() + 40 +30*n<<endl;
cerr<<humanTimeNow()<<" Extended info: "<<um1.getPayload().c_str() + 40 +30*n<<endl;
if(um1.getPayload().find((const uint8_t*)"F9") != string::npos)
cerr<<"Detected version U-Blox 9"<<endl;
cerr<<humanTimeNow()<<" Detected version U-Blox 9"<<endl;
cerr<<"Sending GNSS query"<<endl;
if (doDEBUG) { cerr<<humanTimeNow()<<" Sending GNSS query"<<endl; }
msg = buildUbxMessage(0x06, 0x3e, {});
writen2(fd, msg.c_str(), msg.size());
um1=waitForUBX(fd, 2, 0x06, 0x3e);
auto payload = um1.getPayload();
cerr<<"GNSS status, got " << (int)payload[3]<<" rows:\n";
if (doDEBUG) {
cerr<<humanTimeNow()<<" GNSS status, got " << (int)payload[3]<<" rows:"<<endl;
for(uint8_t n = 0 ; n < payload[3]; ++n) {
cerr<<"GNSSID "<<(int)payload[4+8*n]<<" enabled "<<(int)payload[8+8*n]<<" minTrk "<< (int)payload[5+8*n] <<" maxTrk "<<(int)payload[6+8*n]<<" " << (int)payload[8+8*n]<<" " << (int)payload[9+8*n] << " " <<" " << (int)payload[10+8*n]<<" " << (int)payload[11+8*n]<<endl;
cerr<<humanTimeNow()<<" GNSSID "<<(int)payload[4+8*n]<<" enabled "<<(int)payload[8+8*n]<<" minTrk "<< (int)payload[5+8*n] <<" maxTrk "<<(int)payload[6+8*n]<<" " << (int)payload[8+8*n]<<" " << (int)payload[9+8*n] << " " <<" " << (int)payload[10+8*n]<<" " << (int)payload[11+8*n]<<endl;
if(waitForUBXAckNack(fd, 2, 0x06, 0x3e)) {
cerr<<"Got ACK for our poll of GNSS settings"<<endl;
if (doDEBUG) { cerr<<humanTimeNow()<<" Got ACK for our poll of GNSS settings"<<endl; }
if(!version9) {
// ver RO maxch cfgs
@ -551,13 +576,14 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
cerr<<"Sending GNSS setting, GPS: "<<doGPS<<", Galileo: "<<doGalileo<<", BeiDou: "<<doBeidou<<", GLONASS: "<<doGlonass<<", SBAS: "<<doSBAS<<endl;
if (doDEBUG) { cerr<<humanTimeNow()<<" Sending GNSS setting, GPS: "<<doGPS<<", Galileo: "<<doGalileo<<", BeiDou: "<<doBeidou<<", GLONASS: "<<doGlonass<<", SBAS: "<<doSBAS<<endl; }
writen2(fd, msg.c_str(), msg.size());
if(waitForUBXAckNack(fd, 2, 0x06, 0x3e))
cerr<<"Got ack on GNSS setting"<<endl;
if(waitForUBXAckNack(fd, 2, 0x06, 0x3e)) {
if (doDEBUG) { cerr<<humanTimeNow()<<" Got ack on GNSS setting"<<endl; }
else {
cerr<<"Got nack on GNSS setting"<<endl;
if (doDEBUG) { cerr<<humanTimeNow()<<" Got nack on GNSS setting"<<endl; }
@ -567,65 +593,71 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
msg = buildUbxMessage(0x06, 0x16, {0x01, 0x07, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00});
writen2(fd, msg.c_str(), msg.size());
if(waitForUBXAckNack(fd, 2, 0x06, 0x16))
cerr<<"Got ack on SBAS setting"<<endl;
if(waitForUBXAckNack(fd, 2, 0x06, 0x16)) {
if (doDEBUG) { cerr<<humanTimeNow()<<" Got ack on SBAS setting"<<endl; }
else {
cerr<<"Got nack on SBAS setting"<<endl;
if (doDEBUG) { cerr<<humanTimeNow()<<" Got nack on SBAS setting"<<endl; }
cerr<<"Disabling NMEA"<<endl;
if (doDEBUG) { cerr<<humanTimeNow()<<" Disabling NMEA"<<endl; }
msg = buildUbxMessage(0x06, 0x00, {0x03,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x03,0x00,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00});
writen2(fd, msg.c_str(), msg.size());
if(waitForUBXAckNack(fd, 10, 0x06, 0x00))
cerr<<"NMEA disabled"<<endl;
cerr<<"Got NACK disabling NMEA"<<endl;
if(waitForUBXAckNack(fd, 10, 0x06, 0x00)) {
if (doDEBUG) { cerr<<humanTimeNow()<<" NMEA disabled"<<endl; }
else {
if (doDEBUG) { cerr<<humanTimeNow()<<" Got NACK disabling NMEA"<<endl; }
cerr<<"Polling USB settings"<<endl; // UBX-CFG-PRT, 0x03 == USB
if (doDEBUG) { cerr<<humanTimeNow()<<" Polling USB settings"<<endl; } // UBX-CFG-PRT, 0x03 == USB
msg = buildUbxMessage(0x06, 0x00, {0x03});
writen2(fd, msg.c_str(), msg.size());
UBXMessage um=waitForUBX(fd, 4, 0x06, 0x00); // UBX-CFG-PRT
cerr<<"Protocol settings on USB: \n";
if (doDEBUG) {
cerr<<humanTimeNow()<<" Protocol settings on USB: "<<endl;
for(const auto& c : um.getPayload())
cerr<<(int)c<< " ";
if(waitForUBXAckNack(fd, 10, 0x06, 0x00))
cerr<<"Got ACK on USB port config"<<endl;
cerr<<"Got NACK on USB port config"<<endl;
if(waitForUBXAckNack(fd, 10, 0x06, 0x00)) {
if (doDEBUG) { cerr<<humanTimeNow()<<" Got ACK on USB port config"<<endl; }
else {
if (doDEBUG) { cerr<<humanTimeNow()<<" Got NACK on USB port config"<<endl; }
cerr<<"Enabling UBX-RXM-RLM"<<endl; // SAR
if (doDEBUG) { cerr<<humanTimeNow()<<" Enabling UBX-RXM-RLM"<<endl; } // SAR
enableUBXMessageUSB(fd, 0x02, 0x59);
cerr<<"Enabling UBX-RXM-RAWX"<<endl; // RF doppler
if (doDEBUG) { cerr<<humanTimeNow()<<" Enabling UBX-RXM-RAWX"<<endl; } // RF doppler
enableUBXMessageUSB(fd, 0x02, 0x15, 16);
cerr<<"Enabling UBX-RXM-SFRBX"<<endl; // raw navigation frames
if (doDEBUG) { cerr<<humanTimeNow()<<" Enabling UBX-RXM-SFRBX"<<endl; } // raw navigation frames
enableUBXMessageUSB(fd, 0x02, 0x13);
cerr<<"Enabling UBX-NAV-POSECEF"<<endl; // position
if (doDEBUG) { cerr<<humanTimeNow()<<" Enabling UBX-NAV-POSECEF"<<endl; } // position
enableUBXMessageUSB(fd, 0x01, 0x01, 8);
if(version9) {
cerr<<"Enabling UBX-NAV-SIG"<<endl; // satellite reception details
if (doDEBUG) { cerr<<humanTimeNow()<<" Enabling UBX-NAV-SIG"<<endl; } // satellite reception details
enableUBXMessageUSB(fd, 0x01, 0x43, 8);
cerr<<"Enabling UBX-RXM-MEASX"<<endl; // satellite reception details
if (doDEBUG) { cerr<<humanTimeNow()<<" Enabling UBX-RXM-MEASX"<<endl; } // satellite reception details
enableUBXMessageUSB(fd, 0x02, 0x14, 1);
else {
cerr<<"Enabling UBX-NAV-SAT"<<endl; // satellite reception details
if (doDEBUG) { cerr<<humanTimeNow()<<" Enabling UBX-NAV-SAT"<<endl; } // satellite reception details
enableUBXMessageUSB(fd, 0x01, 0x35, 8);
cerr<<"Enabling UBX-NAV-PVT"<<endl; // position, velocity, time fix
if (doDEBUG) { cerr<<humanTimeNow()<<" Enabling UBX-NAV-PVT"<<endl; } // position, velocity, time fix
enableUBXMessageUSB(fd, 0x01, 0x07, 1); // we use this to get timing
@ -652,7 +684,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
cerr<<"Entering main loop"<<endl;
cerr<<humanTimeNow()<<" Entering main loop"<<endl;
for(;;) {
try {
auto [msg, timestamp] = getUBXMessage(fd);
@ -693,20 +725,21 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
pvt.nano += 1000000000;
cerr<<"Got initial timestamp"<<endl;
if(!g_gnssutc.tv_sec) {
if (doDEBUG) { cerr<<humanTimeNow()<<" Got initial timestamp: "<<humanTime(satt)<<endl; }
g_gnssutc.tv_sec = satt;
g_gnssutc.tv_nsec = pvt.nano;
if(!g_gnssutc.tv_sec) {
cerr<<"Ignoring message with class "<<msg.getClass()<< " and type "<< msg.getType()<<": have not yet received a timestamp"<<endl;
if (doDEBUG) { cerr<<humanTimeNow()<<" Ignoring message with class "<<(int)msg.getClass()<< " and type "<< (int)msg.getType()<<": have not yet received a timestamp"<<endl; }
if(msg.getClass() == 0x02 && msg.getType() == 0x15) { // RAWX, the doppler stuff
// cerr<<"Got "<<(int)payload[11] <<" measurements "<<endl;
// if (doDEBUG) { cerr<<humanTimeNow()<<" Got "<<(int)payload[11] <<" measurements "<<endl; }
double rcvTow;
memcpy(&rcvTow, &payload[0], 8);
uint16_t rcvWn = payload[8] + 256*payload[9];
@ -773,9 +806,13 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
pos p;
memcpy(&p, payload.c_str(), sizeof(pos));
/* cerr<<"Position: ("<< p.ecefX / 100000.0<<", "
if (doDEBUG) {
cerr<<humanTimeNow()<<" Position: ("<< p.ecefX / 100000.0<<", "
<< p.ecefY / 100000.0<<", "
<< p.ecefZ / 100000.0<<") +- "<<p.pAcc<<" cm"<<endl;*/
<< p.ecefZ / 100000.0<<") +- "<<p.pAcc<<" cm"<<endl;
// g_ourpos = {p.ecefX/100.0, p.ecefY/100.0, p.ecefZ/100.0};
@ -804,7 +841,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
svseen.insert({id.first, id.second, payload[2]});
if(time(0)- lastStat > 30) {
cerr<<"src "<<g_srcid<< " currently receiving: ";
cerr<<humanTimeNow()<<" src "<<g_srcid<< " currently receiving: ";
for(auto& s : svseen) {
cerr<<get<0>(s)<<","<<get<1>(s)<<"@"<<get<2>(s)<<" ";
@ -819,7 +856,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
// cerr<<"GPS frame, numwords: "<<(int)payload[4]<<", version: "<<(int)payload[6]<<endl;
// if (doDEBUG) { cerr<<humanTimeNow()<<" GPS frame, numwords: "<<(int)payload[4]<<", version: "<<(int)payload[6]<<endl; }
static int wn, tow;
auto gpsframe = getGPSFromSFRBXMsg(payload);
auto cond = getCondensedGPSMessage(gpsframe);
@ -846,14 +883,14 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
uint32_t satTOW;
int msgTOW{0};
if(getTOWFromInav(inav, &satTOW, &g_galwn)) { // 0, 6, 5
// cerr<<" "<<wtype<<" sv "<<id.second<<" tow "<<satTOW << " % 30 = "<< satTOW % 30<<", implied start of cycle: "<<(satTOW - (satTOW %30)) <<endl;
// if (doDEBUG) { cerr<<humanTimeNow()<<" "<<wtype<<" sv "<<id.second<<" tow "<<satTOW << " % 30 = "<< satTOW % 30<<", implied start of cycle: "<<(satTOW - (satTOW %30)) <<endl; }
msgTOW = satTOW;
curCycleTOW = satTOW - (satTOW %30);
else {
if(curCycleTOW < 0) // did not yet have a start of cycle
// cerr<<" "<<wtype<<" sv "<<id.second<<" tow ";
// if (doDEBUG) { cerr<<humanTimeNow()<<" "<<wtype<<" sv "<<id.second<<" tow "; }
if(sigid == 5) {
if(wtype == 2) {
msgTOW = curCycleTOW + 20;
@ -875,17 +912,17 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
else { // dummy
if(id.second != 20) // known broken XXX
cerr<<"galileo E"<<id.second<<" what kind of wtype is this: "<<wtype<<endl;
if (doDEBUG) { cerr<<humanTimeNow()<<" galileo E"<<id.second<<" what kind of wtype is this: "<<wtype<<endl; }
else {
if(wtype == 2) {
// cerr<<"infered to be 1 "<<curCycleTOW + 31<<endl;
// if (doDEBUG) { cerr<<humanTimeNow()<<" infered to be 1 "<<curCycleTOW + 31<<endl; }
msgTOW = curCycleTOW + 31;
else if(wtype == 4) {
// cerr<<"infered to be 3 "<<curCycleTOW + 33<<endl;
// if (doDEBUG) { cerr<<humanTimeNow()<<" infered to be 3 "<<curCycleTOW + 33<<endl; }
msgTOW = curCycleTOW + 33;
} // next have '6' which sets TOW
else if(wtype==7 || wtype == 9) {
@ -902,7 +939,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
else { // dummy
if(id.second != 20) // known broken XXX
cerr<<"galileo E"<<id.second<<" what kind of wtype is this: "<<wtype<<endl;
if (doDEBUG) { cerr<<humanTimeNow()<<" galileo E"<<id.second<<" what kind of wtype is this: "<<wtype<<endl; }
@ -934,7 +971,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
bm.parse(cond, &pageno);
if(bm.wn < 0) {
cerr<<"BeiDou C"<<id.second<<" WN not yet known, not yet emitting message"<<endl;
if (doDEBUG) { cerr<<humanTimeNow()<<" BeiDou C"<<id.second<<" WN not yet known, not yet emitting message"<<endl; }
NavMonMessage nmm;
@ -969,7 +1006,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
else if(id.first==6) {
// cerr<<"SFRBX from GLONASS "<<id.second<<" @ frequency "<<(int)payload[3]<<", msg of "<<(int)payload[4]<< " words"<<endl;
// if (doDEBUG) { cerr<<humanTimeNow()<<" SFRBX from GLONASS "<<id.second<<" @ frequency "<<(int)payload[3]<<", msg of "<<(int)payload[4]<< " words"<<endl; }
auto gstr = getGlonassFromSFRBXMsg(payload);
static map<int, GlonassMessage> gms;
@ -994,17 +1031,17 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
else if(id.first == 1) {// SBAS
cerr<<"SFRBX from unsupported GNSSID/sigid combination "<<id.first<<", sv "<<id.second<<", sigid "<<sigid<<", "<<payload.size()<<" bytes"<<endl;
; // if (doDEBUG) { cerr<<humanTimeNow()<<" SFRBX from unsupported GNSSID/sigid combination "<<id.first<<", sv "<<id.second<<", sigid "<<sigid<<", "<<payload.size()<<" bytes"<<endl; }
catch(CRCMismatch& cm) {
cerr<<"Had CRC mismatch!"<<endl;
if (doDEBUG) { cerr<<humanTimeNow()<<" Had CRC mismatch!"<<endl; }
else if(msg.getClass() == 1 && msg.getType() == 0x35) { // UBX-NAV-SAT
// if(version9) // we have UBX-NAV-SIG
// continue;
// cerr<< "Info for "<<(int) payload[5]<<" svs: \n";
// if (doDEBUG) { cerr<<humanTimeNow()<<" Info for "<<(int) payload[5]<<" svs: \n"; }
for(unsigned int n = 0 ; n < payload[5]; ++n) {
int gnssid = payload[8+12*n];
int sv = payload[9+12*n];
@ -1012,7 +1049,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
auto el = (int)(char)payload[11+12*n];
auto azi = ((int)payload[13+12*n]*256 + payload[12+12*n]);
auto db = (int)payload[10+12*n];
// cerr <<"gnssid "<<gnssid<<" sv "<<sv<<" el "<<el<<endl;
// if (doDEBUG) { cerr<<"gnssid "<<gnssid<<" sv "<<sv<<" el "<<el<<endl; }
NavMonMessage nmm;
@ -1028,7 +1065,8 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
uint32_t status;
memcpy(&status, &payload[16+12*n], 4);
if (doDEBUG) {
cerr<<humanTimeNow()<<" "<<gnssid<<","<<sv<<":";
if(status & (1<<3))
cerr<<" used";
cerr<< " qualityind "<<(status & 7);
@ -1040,6 +1078,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
cerr<<" eph-avail " << !!(status & (1<<11));
cerr<<" alm-avail " << !!(status & (1<<12));
ns.emitNMM( nmm);
@ -1062,7 +1101,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
auto db = (int)payload[14+16*n];
// cerr <<"gnssid "<<gnssid<<" sv "<<sv<<" el "<<el<<endl;
// if (doDEBUG) { cerr<<"gnssid "<<gnssid<<" sv "<<sv<<" el "<<el<<endl; }
NavMonMessage nmm;
@ -1084,7 +1123,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
else if(msg.getClass() == 0x02 && msg.getType() == 0x14) { // UBX-RXM-MEASX
cerr<<"Got RXM-MEASX for "<<(int)payload[34]<<" satellites, r0 "<< (int)payload[30]<<" r1 " <<(int)payload[31]<<endl;
// if (doDEBUG) { cerr<<humanTimeNow()<<" Got RXM-MEASX for "<<(int)payload[34]<<" satellites, r0 "<< (int)payload[30]<<" r1 " <<(int)payload[31]<<endl; }
for(unsigned int n = 0 ; n < payload[34] ; ++n) {
uint16_t wholeChips;
uint16_t fracChips;
@ -1095,7 +1134,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
memcpy(&fracChips, &payload[58+24*n], 2);
memcpy(&codePhase, &payload[60+24*n], 4);
// cerr<<(int)payload[44+24*n]<<","<<(int)payload[45+24*n]<<" whole-chips "<<wholeChips<<" frac-chips "<<fracChips<<" int-code-phase " <<(int)intCodePhase <<" frac-code-phase "<<ldexp(codePhase, -21) << " mpath " << (int)payload[47+24*n] << " r1 " << (int)payload[66+24*n] << " r2 " <<(int)payload[67+24*n]<<endl;
// if (doDEBUG) { cerr<<humanTimeNow()<<" "<<(int)payload[44+24*n]<<","<<(int)payload[45+24*n]<<" whole-chips "<<wholeChips<<" frac-chips "<<fracChips<<" int-code-phase " <<(int)intCodePhase <<" frac-code-phase "<<ldexp(codePhase, -21) << " mpath " << (int)payload[47+24*n] << " r1 " << (int)payload[66+24*n] << " r2 " <<(int)payload[67+24*n]<<endl; }
else if(msg.getClass() == 0x02 && msg.getType() == 0x59) { // UBX-RXM-RLM
@ -1119,7 +1158,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
string hexstring;
for(int n = 0; n < 15; ++n)
hexstring+=fmt::sprintf("%x", (int)getbitu(payload.c_str(), 36 + 4*n, 4));
cerr<<"SAR RLM type "<<type<<" from gal sv " << sv << " beacon "<<hexstring <<" code "<<(int)payload[12]<<" params "<<payload[12] + 256*payload[13]<<endl;
if (doDEBUG) { cerr<<humanTimeNow()<<" "<<humanTime(g_gnssutc.tv_sec)<<" SAR RLM type "<<type<<" from gal sv " << sv << " beacon "<<hexstring <<" code "<<(int)payload[12]<<" params "<<payload[12] + 256*payload[13]<<endl; }
// wk.emitLine(sv, "SAR "+hexstring);
// cout<<"SAR: sv = "<< (int)msg[2] <<" ";
@ -1138,12 +1177,12 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
cerr<<"Uknown UBX message of class "<<(int) msg.getClass() <<" and type "<< (int) msg.getType()<<endl;
if (doDEBUG) { cerr<<humanTimeNow()<<" Uknown UBX message of class "<<(int) msg.getClass() <<" and type "<< (int) msg.getType()<<endl; }
// writen2(1, payload.d_raw.c_str(),msg.d_raw.size());
catch(UBXMessage::BadChecksum &e) {
cerr<<"Bad UBX checksum, skipping message"<<endl;
if (doDEBUG) { cerr<<humanTimeNow()<<" Bad UBX checksum, skipping message"<<endl; }