
873 lines
28 KiB

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include "fmt/format.h"
#include "fmt/printf.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <map>
#include <bitset>
#include <vector>
#include <thread>
#include <signal.h>
#include "ext/powerblog/h2o-pp.hh"
#include "minicurl.hh"
#include <time.h>
#include "ubx.hh"
#include "bits.hh"
#include "minivec.hh"
#include "navmon.pb.h"
using namespace std;
struct EofException{};
Point g_ourpos(3922.505 * 1000, 290.116 * 1000, 5004.189 * 1000);
int g_dtLS{18};
string humanSisa(uint8_t sisa)
unsigned int sval = sisa;
if(sisa < 50)
return std::to_string(sval)+" cm";
if(sisa < 75)
return std::to_string(50 + 2* (sval-50))+" cm";
if(sisa < 100)
return std::to_string(100 + 4*(sval-75))+" cm";
if(sisa < 125)
return std::to_string(200 + 16*(sval-100))+" cm";
if(sisa < 255)
return "SPARE";
struct SVIOD
std::bitset<32> words;
uint32_t t0e;
uint32_t e, sqrtA;
int32_t m0, omega0, i0, omega, idot, omegadot, deltan;
int16_t cuc{0}, cus{0}, crc{0}, crs{0}, cic{0}, cis{0};
uint16_t t0c; // clock epoch
int32_t af0, af1;
int8_t af2;
uint8_t sisa;
uint32_t wn{0}, tow{0};
bool complete() const
return words[1] && words[2] && words[3] && words[4];
void addWord(std::basic_string_view<uint8_t> page);
void SVIOD::addWord(std::basic_string_view<uint8_t> page)
uint8_t wtype = getbitu(&page[0], 0, 6);
if(wtype == 1) {
t0e = getbitu(&page[0], 16, 14);
m0 = getbits(&page[0], 30, 32);
e = getbitu(&page[0], 62, 32);
sqrtA = getbitu(&page[0], 94, 32);
else if(wtype == 2) {
omega0 = getbits(&page[0], 16, 32);
i0 = getbits(&page[0], 48, 32);
omega = getbits(&page[0], 80, 32);
idot = getbits(&page[0], 112, 14);
else if(wtype == 3) {
omegadot = getbits(&page[0], 16, 24);
deltan = getbits(&page[0], 40, 16);
cuc = getbits(&page[0], 56, 16);
cus = getbits(&page[0], 72, 16);
crc = getbits(&page[0], 88, 16);
crs = getbits(&page[0], 104, 16);
sisa = getbitu(&page[0], 120, 8);
else if(wtype == 4) {
cic = getbits(&page[0], 22, 16);
cis = getbits(&page[0], 38, 16);
t0c = getbitu(&page[0], 54, 14);
af0 = getbits(&page[0], 68, 31);
af1 = getbits(&page[0], 99, 21);
af2 = getbits(&page[0], 120, 6);
cout<<(int) t0c << " " <<(int) af0 <<" " <<(int) af1 <<" " <<(int) af2<<endl;
cout<<(int) t0c*60 << " " << (((double) af0) / (1ULL<<34))*1000000 <<" usec " << (((double) af1)/(1ULL << 46))*1000000000000 <<" ps/s"<<endl;
struct SVStat
uint8_t e5bhs{0}, e1bhs{0};
uint16_t ai0{0};
int16_t ai1{0}, ai2{0};
bool sf1{0}, sf2{0}, sf3{0}, sf4{0}, sf5{0};
int BGDE1E5a{0}, BGDE1E5b{0};
bool e5bdvs{false}, e1bdvs{false};
bool disturb1{false}, disturb2{false}, disturb3{false}, disturb4{false}, disturb5{false};
uint16_t wn{0};
uint32_t tow{0}; // "last seen"
int32_t a0{0}, a1{0}, t0t{0}, wn0t{0};
int32_t a0g{0}, a1g{0}, t0g{0}, wn0g{0};
int8_t dtLS{0}, dtLSF{0};
uint16_t wnLSF{0};
uint8_t dn; // leap second day number
int16_t el{-1}, azi{-1}, db{-1};
map<int, SVIOD> iods;
void addWord(std::basic_string_view<uint8_t> page);
bool completeIOD() const;
uint16_t getIOD() const;
SVIOD liveIOD() const;
pair<int,SVIOD> prevIOD{-1, SVIOD()};
void clearPrev()
prevIOD.first = -1;
bool SVStat::completeIOD() const
for(const auto& iod : iods)
return true;
return false;
uint16_t SVStat::getIOD() const
for(const auto& iod : iods)
return iod.first;
throw std::runtime_error("Asked for unknown IOD");
SVIOD SVStat::liveIOD() const
if(auto iter = iods.find(getIOD()); iter != iods.end())
return iter->second;
throw std::runtime_error("Asked for unknown IOD");
void SVStat::addWord(std::basic_string_view<uint8_t> page)
uint8_t wtype = getbitu(&page[0], 0, 6);
if(wtype == 0) {
if(getbitu(&page[0], 6,2) == 2) {
wn = getbitu(&page[0], 96, 12);
tow = getbitu(&page[0], 108, 20);
else if(wtype >=1 && wtype <= 4) { // ephemeris
uint16_t iod = getbitu(&page[0], 6, 10);
if(iods[iod].complete()) {
for(const auto& i : iods) {
if(i.first != iod && i.second.complete())
SVIOD latest = iods[iod];
iods[iod] = latest;
else if(wtype==5) { // disturbance, health, time
ai0 = getbitu(&page[0], 6, 11);
ai1 = getbits(&page[0], 17, 11); // ai1 & 2 are signed, 0 not
ai2 = getbits(&page[0], 28, 14);
sf1 = getbitu(&page[0], 42, 1);
sf2 = getbitu(&page[0], 43, 1);
sf3 = getbitu(&page[0], 44, 1);
sf4 = getbitu(&page[0], 45, 1);
sf5 = getbitu(&page[0], 46, 1);
BGDE1E5a = getbits(&page[0], 47, 10);
BGDE1E5b = getbits(&page[0], 57, 10);
e5bhs = getbitu(&page[0], 67, 2);
e1bhs = getbitu(&page[0], 69, 2);
e5bdvs = getbitu(&page[0], 71, 1);
e1bdvs = getbitu(&page[0], 72, 1);
wn = getbitu(&page[0], 73, 12);
tow = getbitu(&page[0], 85, 20);
else if(wtype == 6) {
a0 = getbits(&page[0], 6, 32);
a1 = getbits(&page[0], 38, 24);
dtLS = getbits(&page[0], 62, 8);
t0t = getbitu(&page[0], 70, 8);
wn0t = getbitu(&page[0], 78, 8);
wnLSF = getbitu(&page[0], 86, 8);
dn = getbitu(&page[0], 94, 3);
dtLSF = getbits(&page[0], 97, 8);
// cout<<(int) dtLS << " " <<(int) wnLSF<<" " <<(int) dn <<" " <<(int) dtLSF<<endl;
tow = getbitu(&page[0], 105, 20);
else if(wtype == 10) { // GSTT GPS
a0g = getbits(&page[0], 86, 16);
a1g = getbits(&page[0], 102, 12);
t0g = getbitu(&page[0], 114, 8);
wn0g = getbitu(&page[0], 122, 6);
double todeg(double rad)
return 360 * rad/(2*M_PI);
void getCoordinates(int wn, double tow, const SVIOD& iod, Point* p, bool quiet=true)
// here goes
constexpr double mu = 3.986004418 * pow(10.0, 14.0);
constexpr double omegaE = 7.2921151467 * pow(10.0, -5);
double sqrtA = 1.0*iod.sqrtA / (1ULL<<19);
double deltan = M_PI * 1.0*iod.deltan / (1LL<<43);
double t0e = 60.0*iod.t0e;
double m0 = M_PI * 1.0*iod.m0 / (1LL<<31);
double e = 1.0*iod.e / (1ULL<<33);
double omega = M_PI * 1.0* / (1LL<<31);
double cuc = 1.0*iod.cuc / (1LL<<29);
double cus = 1.0*iod.cus / (1LL<<29);
double crc = 1.0*iod.crc / (1LL<<5);
double crs = 1.0* / (1LL<<5);
double cic = 1.0*iod.cic / (1LL<<29);
double cis = 1.0*iod.cis / (1LL<<29);
double idot = M_PI * 1.0*iod.idot / (1LL<<43);
double i0 = M_PI * 1.0*iod.i0 / (1LL << 31);
double Omegadot = M_PI * 1.0*iod.omegadot / (1LL << 43);
double Omega0 = M_PI * 1.0*iod.omega0 / (1LL << 31);
if(!quiet) {
cout << "sqrtA = "<< sqrtA << endl;
cout << "deltan = "<< deltan << endl;
cout << "t0e = "<< t0e << endl;
cout << "m0 = "<< m0 << " ("<<todeg(m0)<<")"<<endl;
cout << "e = "<< e << endl;
cout << "omega = " << omega << " ("<<todeg(omega)<<")"<<endl;
cout << "idot = " << idot <<endl;
cout << "i0 = " << i0 << " ("<<todeg(i0)<<")"<<endl;
cout << "cuc = " << cuc << endl;
cout << "cus = " << cus << endl;
cout << "crc = " << crc << endl;
cout << "crs = " << crs << endl;
cout << "cic = " << cic << endl;
cout << "cis = " << cis << endl;
cout << "Omega0 = " << Omega0 << " ("<<todeg(Omega0)<<")"<<endl;
cout << "Omegadot = " << Omegadot << " ("<<todeg(Omegadot)<< ")"<<endl;
double A = pow(sqrtA, 2.0);
double A3 = pow(sqrtA, 6.0);
double n0 = sqrt(mu/A3);
double tk = tow - t0e; // in seconds, ignores WN!
double n = n0 + deltan;
cout <<"tk: "<<tk<<", n0: "<<n0<<", deltan: "<<deltan<<", n: "<<n<<endl;
double M = m0 + n * tk;
cout << " M = m0 + n * tk = "<<m0 << " + " << n << " * " << tk <<endl;
double E = M;
for(int k =0 ; k < 10; ++k) {
cout<<"M = "<<M<<", E = "<< E << endl;
E = M + e * sin(E);
// M = E - e * sin(E) -> E = M + e * sin(E)
double nu2 = M + e*2*sin(M) +
e *e * (5.0/4.0) * sin(2*M) -
e*e*e * (0.25*sin(M) - (13.0/12.0)*sin(3*M));
double corr = e*e*e*e * (103*sin(4*M) - 44*sin(2*M)) / 96.0 +
e*e*e*e*e * (1097*sin(5*M) - 645*sin(3*M) + 50 *sin(M))/960.0 +
e*e*e*e*e*e * (1223*sin(6*M) - 902*sin(4*M) + 85 *sin(2*M))/960.0;
if(!quiet) {
double nu1 = atan( ((sqrt(1-e*e) * sin(E)) / (1 - e * cos(E)) ) /
((cos(E) - e)/ (1-e*cos(E)))
double nu2 = atan( (sqrt(1-e*e) * sin(E)) /
(cos(E) - e)
double nu3 = 2* atan( sqrt((1+e)/(1-e)) * tan(E/2));
cout << "e: "<<e<<", M: "<< M<<endl;
cout <<" nu sis: "<<nu1<< " / +pi = " << nu1 +M_PI << endl;
cout <<" nu ?: "<<nu2<< " / +pi = " << nu2 +M_PI << endl;
cout <<" nu fourier/esa: "<<nu2<< " + " << corr <<" = " << nu2 + corr<<endl;
cout <<" nu wikipedia: "<<nu3<< " / +pi = " <<nu3 +M_PI << endl;
double nu = nu2 + corr;
// is good
double psi = nu + omega;
if(!quiet) {
cout<<"psi = nu + omega = " << nu <<" + "<<omega<< " = " << psi << "\n";
double deltau = cus * sin(2*psi) + cuc * cos(2*psi);
double deltar = crs * sin(2*psi) + crc * cos(2*psi);
double deltai = cis * sin(2*psi) + cic * cos(2*psi);
double u = psi + deltau;
double r = A * (1- e * cos(E)) + deltar;
double xprime = r*cos(u), yprime = r*sin(u);
if(!quiet) {
cout<<"u = psi + deltau = "<< psi <<" + " << deltau << " = "<<u<<"\n";
cout << "calculated r = "<< r << " (" << (r/1000.0) <<"km)"<<endl;
cout << "xprime: "<<xprime<<", yprime: "<<yprime<<endl;
double Omega = Omega0 + (Omegadot - omegaE)*tk - omegaE * t0e;
double i = i0 + deltai + idot * tk;
p->x = xprime * cos(Omega) - yprime * cos(i) * sin(Omega);
p->y = xprime * sin(Omega) + yprime * cos(i) * cos(Omega);
p->z = yprime * sin(i);
if(!quiet) {
Point core(0.0, .0, .0);
Vector radius(core, *p);
cout << radius.length() << " calculated r "<<endl;
void getSpeed(int wn, double tow, const SVIOD& iod, Vector* v)
Point a, b;
getCoordinates(wn, tow-0.5, iod, &a);
getCoordinates(wn, tow+0.5, iod, &b);
*v = Vector(a, b);
std::map<int, SVStat> g_svstats;
int latestWN()
map<int, int> ages;
for(const auto& s: g_svstats)
ages[7*s.second.wn*86400 + s.second.tow]= s.first;
throw runtime_error("Asked for latest WN: we don't know it yet");
return g_svstats[ages.rbegin()->second].wn;
int latestTow()
map<int, int> ages;
for(const auto& s: g_svstats)
ages[7*s.second.wn*86400 + s.second.tow]= s.first;
throw runtime_error("Asked for latest WN: we don't know it yet");
return g_svstats[ages.rbegin()->second].tow;
uint64_t nanoTime(int wn, int tow)
return 1000000000ULL*(935280000 + wn * 7*86400 + tow - g_dtLS); // Leap!!
uint64_t utcFromGST(int wn, int tow)
return (935280000 + wn * 7*86400 + tow - g_dtLS); // Leap!!
double utcFromGST(int wn, double tow)
return (935280000.0 + wn * 7*86400 + tow - g_dtLS); // Leap!!
struct InfluxPusher
explicit InfluxPusher(std::string_view dbname) : d_dbname(dbname)
void addValue( const pair<int,SVStat>& ent, string_view name, auto value)
d_buffer+= string(name) +",sv=" +to_string(ent.first)+" value="+to_string(value)+
" "+to_string(nanoTime(ent.second.wn, ent.second.tow))+"\n";
void addValue(int sv, string_view name, auto value)
d_buffer+= string(name) +",sv=" +to_string(sv) + " value="+to_string(value)+" "+
to_string(nanoTime(g_svstats[sv].wn, g_svstats[sv].tow))+"\n";
void checkSend()
if(d_buffer.size() > 1000000 || (time(0) - d_lastsent) > 10) {
string buffer;
// thread t([buffer,this]() {
// });
// t.detach();
void doSend(std::string buffer)
MiniCurl mc;
MiniCurl::MiniCurlHeaders mch;
if(!buffer.empty()) {
mc.postURL(""+d_dbname, buffer, mch);
std::string d_buffer;
time_t d_lastsent{0};
string d_dbname;
/* The GST start epoch is defined as 13 seconds before midnight between 21st August and
22nd August 1999, i.e. GST was equal to 13 seconds at 22nd August 1999 00:00:00 UTC. */
std::string humanTime(int wn, int tow)
time_t t = utcFromGST(wn, tow);
struct tm tm;
gmtime_r(&t, &tm);
char buffer[80];
strftime(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%a, %d %b %Y %T %z", &tm);
return buffer;
/* | t0e tow | - > tow - t0e, <3.5 days, so ok
| t0e tow | -> tow - t0e > 3.5 days, so
7*86400 - tow + t0e
| tow t0e | -> 7*86400 - tow + t0e > 3.5 days, so
tow - t0e (negative age)
| tow t0e | -> 7*86400 - tow + t0e < 3.5 days, ok
int ephAge(int tow, int t0e)
unsigned int diff;
unsigned int halfweek = 0.5*7*86400;
if(t0e < tow) {
diff = tow - t0e;
if(diff < halfweek)
return diff;
return (7*86400 - tow) + t0e;
else { // "t0e in future"
diff = 7*86400 - t0e + tow;
if(diff < halfweek)
return diff;
return tow - t0e; // in the future, negative age
int main(int argc, char** argv)
InfluxPusher idb(argc > 3 ? argv[3] : "galileo");
H2OWebserver h2s("galmon");
h2s.addHandler("/global", [](auto handler, auto req) {
nlohmann::json ret = nlohmann::json::object();
ret["leap-seconds"] = g_dtLS;
map<int, int> utcstats, gpsgststats;
for(const auto& s: g_svstats) {
int dw = (uint8_t)s.second.wn - s.second.wn0t;
int age = dw * 7 * 86400 + s.second.tow - s.second.t0t * 3600;
uint8_t wn0g = s.second.wn0t;
int dwg = (((uint8_t)s.second.wn)&(1+2+4+8+16+32)) - wn0g;
age = dwg*7*86400 + s.second.tow - s.second.t0g * 3600;
if(utcstats.empty()) {
else {
int sv = utcstats.begin()->second; // freshest SV
long shift = g_svstats[sv].a0 * (1LL<<20) + g_svstats[sv].a1 * utcstats.begin()->first; // in 2^-50 seconds units
ret["utc-offset-ns"] = 1.073741824*ldexp(shift, -20);
ret["leap-second-planned"] = (g_svstats[sv].dtLSF != g_svstats[sv].dtLS);
if(gpsgststats.empty()) {
else {
int sv = gpsgststats.begin()->second; // freshest SV
long shift = g_svstats[sv].a0g * (1U<<16) + g_svstats[sv].a1g * utcstats.begin()->first; // in 2^-51 seconds units
ret["gps-offset-ns"] = 1.073741824*ldexp(shift, -21);
return ret;
h2s.addHandler("/svs", [](auto handler, auto req) {
nlohmann::json ret = nlohmann::json::object();
for(const auto& s: g_svstats)
if(s.second.completeIOD()) {
nlohmann::json item = nlohmann::json::object();
item["eph-age-m"] = ephAge(s.second.tow, 60*s.second.liveIOD().t0e)/60.0;
item["last-seen-s"] = s.second.tow ? (7*86400*(s.second.wn - s.second.wn) + latestTow() - (int)s.second.tow) : -1;
item["af0"] = s.second.liveIOD().af0;
item["af1"] = s.second.liveIOD().af1;
item["af2"] = (int)s.second.liveIOD().af2;
item["t0c"] = s.second.liveIOD().t0c;
Point our = g_ourpos;
Point p;
Point core;
// this should actually use local time!
getCoordinates(latestWN(), latestTow(), s.second.liveIOD(), &p);
Vector core2us(core, our);
Vector dx(our, p); // = x-ourx, dy = y-oury, dz = z-ourz;
to calculate elevation:
Cos(elevation) = (x*dx + y*dy + z*dz) / Sqrt((x^2+y^2+z^2)*(dx^2+dy^2+dz^2))
Obtain its principal inverse cosine. Subtract this from 90 degrees if you want
the angle of view relative to a nominal horizon. This is the "elevation."
NOTE! x = you on the ground!
double elev = acos ( core2us.inner(dx) / (core2us.length() * dx.length()));
double deg = 180.0* (elev/M_PI);
item["calc-elev"] = 90 - deg;
cout<<s.first<<" calc elev radians "<< elev << ", deg "<< deg <<" calc-elev "<<(90-deg)<<", from ublox "<< s.second.el<<endl <<std::fixed<<" (" << our.x << ", "<< our.y <<", "<<our.z<<") -> ("
<< p.x << ", "<< p.y <<", "<< p.z<<") "<<endl;// << sqrt(ourx*ourx + oury*oury + ourz*ourz) <<" - " << sqrt(x*x+y*y+z*z) <<endl;
item["wn"] = s.second.wn;
item["tow"] = s.second.tow;
ret[std::to_string(s.first)] = item;
return ret;
h2s.addDirectory("/", argc > 2 ? argv[2] : "./html/");
int port = argc > 1 ? atoi(argv[1]) : 29599;
std::thread ws([&h2s, port]() {
auto actx = h2s.addContext();
h2s.addListener(ComboAddress("::", port), actx);
cout<<"Listening on port "<< port <<endl;
ofstream csv("iod.csv");
ofstream csv2("toe.csv");
csv<<"timestamp sv iod sisa"<<endl;
csv2<<"timestamp sv tow toe"<<endl;
ofstream gstutc("gstutc.csv");
gstutc << "timestamp sv tow t0t age rawshift nsecshift a0 a1" <<endl;
ofstream gstgps("gstgps.csv");
gstgps << "timestamp sv tow t0g age rawshift nsecshift a0g a1g" <<endl;
ofstream sisacsv("sisa.csv");
sisacsv << "timestamp sv sisa"<<endl;
ofstream clockcsv("clock.csv");
clockcsv <<"timestamp sv af0 af1 af2 t0c age offset"<<endl;
ofstream dopplercsv("doppler.csv");
dopplercsv<<"timestamp gnssid sv prmes cpmes doppler preddop distance radvel locktimems iod_age prstd cpstd dostd"<<endl;
try {
for(;;) {
char bert[4];
if(read(0, bert, 4) != 4 || bert[0]!='b' || bert[1]!='e' || bert[2] !='r' || bert[3]!='t') {
cerr<<"EOF or bad magic"<<endl;
uint16_t len;
if(read(0, &len, 2) != 2)
len = htons(len);
char buffer[len];
if(read(0, buffer, len) != len)
NavMonMessage nmm;
nmm.ParseFromString(string(buffer, len));
if(nmm.type() == NavMonMessage::ReceptionDataType) {
int sv = nmm.rd().gnsssv();
g_svstats[sv].db = nmm.rd().db();
g_svstats[sv].el = nmm.rd().el();
g_svstats[sv].azi = nmm.rd().azi();
idb.addValue(sv, "db", g_svstats[sv].db);
idb.addValue(sv, "elev", g_svstats[sv].el);
idb.addValue(sv, "azi", g_svstats[sv].azi);
else if(nmm.type() == NavMonMessage::GalileoInavType) {
basic_string<uint8_t> inav((uint8_t*),;
int sv =;
g_svstats[sv].wn =;
g_svstats[sv].tow =;
// cout<<"inav for "<<wtype<<" for sv "<<sv<<": ";
// for(auto& c : inav)
// fmt::printf("%02x ", c);
unsigned int wtype = getbitu(&inav[0], 0, 6);
if(g_svstats[sv].e1bhs || g_svstats[sv].e5bhs || g_svstats[sv].e1bdvs || g_svstats[sv].e5bdvs) {
if(sv != 18 && sv != 14)
cout << "sv "<<sv<<" health: " << g_svstats[sv].e1bhs <<" " << g_svstats[sv].e5bhs <<" " << g_svstats[sv].e1bdvs <<" "<< g_svstats[sv].e5bdvs <<endl;
if(wtype >=1 && wtype <= 4) { // ephemeris
uint16_t iod = getbitu(&inav[0], 6, 10);
if(wtype == 3) {
idb.addValue(sv, "sisa", g_svstats[sv].iods[iod].sisa);
else if(wtype == 4) {
idb.addValue(sv, "af0", g_svstats[sv].iods[iod].af0);
idb.addValue(sv, "af1", g_svstats[sv].iods[iod].af1);
idb.addValue(sv, "af2", g_svstats[sv].iods[iod].af2);
idb.addValue(sv, "t0c", g_svstats[sv].iods[iod].t0c);
double age = ephAge(g_svstats[sv].tow, g_svstats[sv].iods[iod].t0c * 60);
double offset = ldexp(1000.0*(1.0*g_svstats[sv].iods[iod].af0 + ldexp(age*g_svstats[sv].iods[iod].af1, -12)), -34);
idb.addValue(sv, "atomic_offset_ns", 1000000.0*offset);
else if(wtype == 5) {
idb.addValue(sv, "ai0", g_svstats[sv].ai0);
idb.addValue(sv, "ai1", g_svstats[sv].ai1);
idb.addValue(sv, "ai2", g_svstats[sv].ai2);
idb.addValue(sv, "sf1", g_svstats[sv].sf1);
idb.addValue(sv, "sf2", g_svstats[sv].sf2);
idb.addValue(sv, "sf3", g_svstats[sv].sf3);
idb.addValue(sv, "sf4", g_svstats[sv].sf4);
idb.addValue(sv, "sf5", g_svstats[sv].sf5);
idb.addValue(sv, "BGDE1E5a", g_svstats[sv].BGDE1E5a);
idb.addValue(sv, "BGDE1E5b", g_svstats[sv].BGDE1E5b);
idb.addValue(sv, "e1bhs", g_svstats[sv].e1bhs);
idb.addValue(sv, "e5bhs", g_svstats[sv].e5bhs);
idb.addValue(sv, "e5bdvs", g_svstats[sv].e5bdvs);
idb.addValue(sv, "e1bdvs", g_svstats[sv].e1bdvs);
else if(wtype == 6) { // GST-UTC
idb.addValue(sv, "a0", g_svstats[sv].a0);
idb.addValue(sv, "a1", g_svstats[sv].a1);
g_dtLS = g_svstats[sv].dtLS;
else if(wtype == 10) { // GSTT GPS
idb.addValue(sv, "a0g", g_svstats[sv].a0g);
idb.addValue(sv, "a1g", g_svstats[sv].a1g);
idb.addValue(sv, "t0g", g_svstats[sv].t0g);
for(auto& ent : g_svstats) {
// fmt::printf("%2d\t", ent.first);
if(ent.second.completeIOD() && ent.second.prevIOD.first >= 0) {
time_t t = utcFromGST((int)ent.second.wn, (int)ent.second.tow);
sisacsv << t <<" " << ent.first << " " << (unsigned int) ent.second.liveIOD().sisa << endl;
// cout << t <<" " << ent.first << " " << (unsigned int) ent.second.liveIOD().sisa << "\n";
double clockage = ephAge(ent.second.tow, ent.second.liveIOD().t0c * 60);
double offset = 1.0*ent.second.liveIOD().af0/(1LL<<34) + clockage * ent.second.liveIOD().af1/(1LL<<46);
clockcsv << t << " " << ent.first<<" " << ent.second.liveIOD().af0 << " " << ent.second.liveIOD().af1 <<" " << (int)ent.second.liveIOD().af2 <<" " << 935280000 + ent.second.wn *7*86400 + ent.second.liveIOD().t0c * 60 << " " << clockage << " " << offset<<endl;
int ephage = ephAge(ent.second.tow, ent.second.prevIOD.second.t0e * 60);
if(ent.second.liveIOD().sisa != ent.second.prevIOD.second.sisa) {
cout<<humanTime(ent.second.wn, ent.second.tow)<<" sv "<<ent.first<<" changed sisa from "<<(unsigned int) ent.second.prevIOD.second.sisa<<" ("<<
humanSisa(ent.second.prevIOD.second.sisa)<<") to " << (unsigned int)ent.second.liveIOD().sisa << " ("<<
humanSisa(ent.second.liveIOD().sisa)<<"), lastseen = "<< (ephage/3600.0) <<"h"<<endl;
Point p, oldp;
getCoordinates(ent.second.wn, ent.second.tow, ent.second.liveIOD(), &p);
// cout << ent.first << ": iod= "<<ent.second.getIOD()<<" "<< p.x/1000.0 << ", "<< p.y/1000.0 <<", "<<p.z/1000.0<<endl;
// cout<<"OLD: \n";
getCoordinates(ent.second.wn, ent.second.tow, ent.second.prevIOD.second, &oldp);
// cout << ent.first << ": iod= "<<ent.second.prevIOD.first<<" "<< oldp.x/1000.0 << ", "<< oldp.y/1000.0 <<", "<<oldp.z/1000.0<<endl;
double hours = ((ent.second.liveIOD().t0e - ent.second.prevIOD.second.t0e)/60.0);
double disco = Vector(p, oldp).length();
cout<<ent.first<<" discontinuity after "<< hours<<" hours: "<< disco <<endl;
idb.addValue(sv, "iod-actual", ent.second.getIOD());
idb.addValue(sv, "iod-hours", hours);
if(hours < 4)
idb.addValue(sv, "eph-disco", disco);
if(0 && hours < 2) {
ofstream orbitcsv("orbit."+to_string(ent.first)+"."+to_string(ent.second.prevIOD.first)+"-"+to_string(ent.second.getIOD())+".csv");
orbitcsv << "timestamp x y z oldx oldy oldz\n";
orbitcsv << fixed;
for(int offset = -7200; offset < 7200; offset += 30) {
int t = ent.second.liveIOD().t0e * 60 + offset;
Point p, oldp;
getCoordinates(ent.second.wn, t, ent.second.liveIOD(), &p);
getCoordinates(ent.second.wn, t, ent.second.prevIOD.second, &oldp);
time_t posix = utcFromGST(ent.second.wn, t);
orbitcsv << posix <<" "
<<p.x<<" " <<p.y<<" "<<p.z<<" "
<<oldp.x<<" " <<oldp.y<<" "<<oldp.z<<"\n";
else if(nmm.type() == NavMonMessage::ObserverPositionType) {
// XXX!! this has to deal with source id!
g_ourpos.x = nmm.op().x();
g_ourpos.y = nmm.op().y();
g_ourpos.z = nmm.op().z();
else if(nmm.type() == NavMonMessage::RFDataType) {
int sv = nmm.rfd().gnsssv();
if(nmm.rfd().gnssid() ==2 && g_svstats[sv].completeIOD()) {
Point sat;
Point us=g_ourpos;
getCoordinates(g_svstats[sv].wn, nmm.rfd().rcvtow(), g_svstats[sv].liveIOD(), &sat);
Point core;
Vector us2sat(us, sat);
Vector speed;
getSpeed(g_svstats[sv].wn, nmm.rfd().rcvtow(), g_svstats[sv].liveIOD(), &speed);
cout<<sv<<" radius: "<<Vector(core, sat).length()<<", distance: "<<us2sat.length()<<", orbital velocity: "<<speed.length()/1000.0<<" km/s, ";
Vector core2us(core, us);
Vector dx(us, sat); // = x-ourx, dy = y-oury, dz = z-ourz;
double elev = acos ( core2us.inner(dx) / (core2us.length() * dx.length()));
double deg = 180.0* (elev/M_PI);
cout <<"elev: "<<90 - deg<< " ("<<g_svstats[sv].el<<")\n";
double radvel=us2sat.inner(speed);
double c=299792458;
double galileol1f = 1575.42 * 1000000; // frequency
double preddop = -galileol1f*radvel/c;
double ephage = ephAge(g_svstats[sv].tow, g_svstats[sv].liveIOD().t0e*60);
cout<<"Radial velocity: "<< radvel<<", predicted doppler: "<< preddop << ", measured doppler: "<<nmm.rfd().doppler()<<endl;
dopplercsv << std::fixed << utcFromGST(g_svstats[sv].wn, nmm.rfd().rcvtow()) <<" " << nmm.rfd().gnssid() <<" " <<sv<<" "<<nmm.rfd().pseudorange()<<" "<< nmm.rfd().carrierphase() <<" " << nmm.rfd().doppler()<<" " << preddop << " " << Vector(us, sat).length() << " " <<radvel <<" " << nmm.rfd().locktimems()<<" " <<ephage << " " << nmm.rfd().prstd() << " " << nmm.rfd().cpstd() <<" " <<
nmm.rfd().dostd() << endl;
else {
cout<<"Unknown type "<< (int)nmm.type()<<endl;
catch(EofException& e)
catch(std::exception& e)
cerr<<"Exiting because of fatal error "<<e.what()<<endl;