
282 lines
10 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2017-2020, University of Cincinnati, developed by Henry Schreiner
// under NSF AWARD 1414736 and by the respective contributors.
// All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
#pragma once
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "App.hpp"
#include "FormatterFwd.hpp"
namespace CLI {
inline std::string
Formatter::make_group(std::string group, bool is_positional, std::vector<const Option *> opts) const {
std::stringstream out;
out << "\n" << group << ":\n";
for(const Option *opt : opts) {
out << make_option(opt, is_positional);
return out.str();
inline std::string Formatter::make_positionals(const App *app) const {
std::vector<const Option *> opts =
app->get_options([](const Option *opt) { return !opt->get_group().empty() && opt->get_positional(); });
return std::string();
return make_group(get_label("Positionals"), true, opts);
inline std::string Formatter::make_groups(const App *app, AppFormatMode mode) const {
std::stringstream out;
std::vector<std::string> groups = app->get_groups();
// Options
for(const std::string &group : groups) {
std::vector<const Option *> opts = app->get_options([app, mode, &group](const Option *opt) {
return opt->get_group() == group // Must be in the right group
&& opt->nonpositional() // Must not be a positional
&& (mode != AppFormatMode::Sub // If mode is Sub, then
|| (app->get_help_ptr() != opt // Ignore help pointer
&& app->get_help_all_ptr() != opt)); // Ignore help all pointer
if(!group.empty() && !opts.empty()) {
out << make_group(group, false, opts);
if(group != groups.back())
out << "\n";
return out.str();
inline std::string Formatter::make_description(const App *app) const {
std::string desc = app->get_description();
auto min_options = app->get_require_option_min();
auto max_options = app->get_require_option_max();
if(app->get_required()) {
desc += " REQUIRED ";
if((max_options == min_options) && (min_options > 0)) {
if(min_options == 1) {
desc += " \n[Exactly 1 of the following options is required]";
} else {
desc += " \n[Exactly " + std::to_string(min_options) + "options from the following list are required]";
} else if(max_options > 0) {
if(min_options > 0) {
desc += " \n[Between " + std::to_string(min_options) + " and " + std::to_string(max_options) +
" of the follow options are required]";
} else {
desc += " \n[At most " + std::to_string(max_options) + " of the following options are allowed]";
} else if(min_options > 0) {
desc += " \n[At least " + std::to_string(min_options) + " of the following options are required]";
return (!desc.empty()) ? desc + "\n" : std::string{};
inline std::string Formatter::make_usage(const App *app, std::string name) const {
std::stringstream out;
out << get_label("Usage") << ":" << (name.empty() ? "" : " ") << name;
std::vector<std::string> groups = app->get_groups();
// Print an Options badge if any options exist
std::vector<const Option *> non_pos_options =
app->get_options([](const Option *opt) { return opt->nonpositional(); });
out << " [" << get_label("OPTIONS") << "]";
// Positionals need to be listed here
std::vector<const Option *> positionals = app->get_options([](const Option *opt) { return opt->get_positional(); });
// Print out positionals if any are left
if(!positionals.empty()) {
// Convert to help names
std::vector<std::string> positional_names(positionals.size());
std::transform(positionals.begin(), positionals.end(), positional_names.begin(), [this](const Option *opt) {
return make_option_usage(opt);
out << " " << detail::join(positional_names, " ");
// Add a marker if subcommands are expected or optional
[](const CLI::App *subc) { return ((!subc->get_disabled()) && (!subc->get_name().empty())); })
.empty()) {
out << " " << (app->get_require_subcommand_min() == 0 ? "[" : "")
<< get_label(app->get_require_subcommand_max() < 2 || app->get_require_subcommand_min() > 1 ? "SUBCOMMAND"
<< (app->get_require_subcommand_min() == 0 ? "]" : "");
out << std::endl;
return out.str();
inline std::string Formatter::make_footer(const App *app) const {
std::string footer = app->get_footer();
if(footer.empty()) {
return std::string{};
return footer + "\n";
inline std::string Formatter::make_help(const App *app, std::string name, AppFormatMode mode) const {
// This immediately forwards to the make_expanded method. This is done this way so that subcommands can
// have overridden formatters
if(mode == AppFormatMode::Sub)
return make_expanded(app);
std::stringstream out;
if((app->get_name().empty()) && (app->get_parent() != nullptr)) {
if(app->get_group() != "Subcommands") {
out << app->get_group() << ':';
out << make_description(app);
out << make_usage(app, name);
out << make_positionals(app);
out << make_groups(app, mode);
out << make_subcommands(app, mode);
out << '\n' << make_footer(app);
return out.str();
inline std::string Formatter::make_subcommands(const App *app, AppFormatMode mode) const {
std::stringstream out;
std::vector<const App *> subcommands = app->get_subcommands({});
// Make a list in definition order of the groups seen
std::vector<std::string> subcmd_groups_seen;
for(const App *com : subcommands) {
if(com->get_name().empty()) {
if(!com->get_group().empty()) {
out << make_expanded(com);
std::string group_key = com->get_group();
if(!group_key.empty() &&
std::find_if(subcmd_groups_seen.begin(), subcmd_groups_seen.end(), [&group_key](std::string a) {
return detail::to_lower(a) == detail::to_lower(group_key);
}) == subcmd_groups_seen.end())
// For each group, filter out and print subcommands
for(const std::string &group : subcmd_groups_seen) {
out << "\n" << group << ":\n";
std::vector<const App *> subcommands_group = app->get_subcommands(
[&group](const App *sub_app) { return detail::to_lower(sub_app->get_group()) == detail::to_lower(group); });
for(const App *new_com : subcommands_group) {
if(mode != AppFormatMode::All) {
out << make_subcommand(new_com);
} else {
out << new_com->help(new_com->get_name(), AppFormatMode::Sub);
out << "\n";
return out.str();
inline std::string Formatter::make_subcommand(const App *sub) const {
std::stringstream out;
detail::format_help(out, sub->get_name(), sub->get_description(), column_width_);
return out.str();
inline std::string Formatter::make_expanded(const App *sub) const {
std::stringstream out;
out << sub->get_display_name() << "\n";
out << make_description(sub);
out << make_positionals(sub);
out << make_groups(sub, AppFormatMode::Sub);
out << make_subcommands(sub, AppFormatMode::Sub);
// Drop blank spaces
std::string tmp = detail::find_and_replace(out.str(), "\n\n", "\n");
tmp = tmp.substr(0, tmp.size() - 1); // Remove the final '\n'
// Indent all but the first line (the name)
return detail::find_and_replace(tmp, "\n", "\n ") + "\n";
inline std::string Formatter::make_option_name(const Option *opt, bool is_positional) const {
return opt->get_name(true, false);
return opt->get_name(false, true);
inline std::string Formatter::make_option_opts(const Option *opt) const {
std::stringstream out;
if(opt->get_type_size() != 0) {
out << " " << get_label(opt->get_type_name());
out << "=" << opt->get_default_str();
if(opt->get_expected_max() == detail::expected_max_vector_size)
out << " ...";
else if(opt->get_expected_min() > 1)
out << " x " << opt->get_expected();
out << " " << get_label("REQUIRED");
out << " (" << get_label("Env") << ":" << opt->get_envname() << ")";
if(!opt->get_needs().empty()) {
out << " " << get_label("Needs") << ":";
for(const Option *op : opt->get_needs())
out << " " << op->get_name();
if(!opt->get_excludes().empty()) {
out << " " << get_label("Excludes") << ":";
for(const Option *op : opt->get_excludes())
out << " " << op->get_name();
return out.str();
inline std::string Formatter::make_option_desc(const Option *opt) const { return opt->get_description(); }
inline std::string Formatter::make_option_usage(const Option *opt) const {
// Note that these are positionals usages
std::stringstream out;
out << make_option_name(opt, true);
if(opt->get_expected_max() >= detail::expected_max_vector_size)
out << "...";
else if(opt->get_expected_max() > 1)
out << "(" << opt->get_expected() << "x)";
return opt->get_required() ? out.str() : "[" + out.str() + "]";
} // namespace CLI