
181 lines
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// Copyright (c) 2017-2020, University of Cincinnati, developed by Henry Schreiner
// under NSF AWARD 1414736 and by the respective contributors.
// All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
#pragma once
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "StringTools.hpp"
namespace CLI {
class Option;
class App;
/// This enum signifies the type of help requested
/// This is passed in by App; all user classes must accept this as
/// the second argument.
enum class AppFormatMode {
Normal, ///< The normal, detailed help
All, ///< A fully expanded help
Sub, ///< Used when printed as part of expanded subcommand
/// This is the minimum requirements to run a formatter.
/// A user can subclass this is if they do not care at all
/// about the structure in CLI::Formatter.
class FormatterBase {
/// @name Options
/// The width of the first column
std::size_t column_width_{30};
/// @brief The required help printout labels (user changeable)
/// Values are Needs, Excludes, etc.
std::map<std::string, std::string> labels_{};
/// @name Basic
FormatterBase() = default;
FormatterBase(const FormatterBase &) = default;
FormatterBase(FormatterBase &&) = default;
/// Adding a destructor in this form to work around bug in GCC 4.7
virtual ~FormatterBase() noexcept {} // NOLINT(modernize-use-equals-default)
/// This is the key method that puts together help
virtual std::string make_help(const App *, std::string, AppFormatMode) const = 0;
/// @name Setters
/// Set the "REQUIRED" label
void label(std::string key, std::string val) { labels_[key] = val; }
/// Set the column width
void column_width(std::size_t val) { column_width_ = val; }
/// @name Getters
/// Get the current value of a name (REQUIRED, etc.)
std::string get_label(std::string key) const {
if(labels_.find(key) == labels_.end())
return key;
/// Get the current column width
std::size_t get_column_width() const { return column_width_; }
/// This is a specialty override for lambda functions
class FormatterLambda final : public FormatterBase {
using funct_t = std::function<std::string(const App *, std::string, AppFormatMode)>;
/// The lambda to hold and run
funct_t lambda_;
/// Create a FormatterLambda with a lambda function
explicit FormatterLambda(funct_t funct) : lambda_(std::move(funct)) {}
/// Adding a destructor (mostly to make GCC 4.7 happy)
~FormatterLambda() noexcept override {} // NOLINT(modernize-use-equals-default)
/// This will simply call the lambda function
std::string make_help(const App *app, std::string name, AppFormatMode mode) const override {
return lambda_(app, name, mode);
/// This is the default Formatter for CLI11. It pretty prints help output, and is broken into quite a few
/// overridable methods, to be highly customizable with minimal effort.
class Formatter : public FormatterBase {
Formatter() = default;
Formatter(const Formatter &) = default;
Formatter(Formatter &&) = default;
/// @name Overridables
/// This prints out a group of options with title
virtual std::string make_group(std::string group, bool is_positional, std::vector<const Option *> opts) const;
/// This prints out just the positionals "group"
virtual std::string make_positionals(const App *app) const;
/// This prints out all the groups of options
std::string make_groups(const App *app, AppFormatMode mode) const;
/// This prints out all the subcommands
virtual std::string make_subcommands(const App *app, AppFormatMode mode) const;
/// This prints out a subcommand
virtual std::string make_subcommand(const App *sub) const;
/// This prints out a subcommand in help-all
virtual std::string make_expanded(const App *sub) const;
/// This prints out all the groups of options
virtual std::string make_footer(const App *app) const;
/// This displays the description line
virtual std::string make_description(const App *app) const;
/// This displays the usage line
virtual std::string make_usage(const App *app, std::string name) const;
/// This puts everything together
std::string make_help(const App * /*app*/, std::string, AppFormatMode) const override;
/// @name Options
/// This prints out an option help line, either positional or optional form
virtual std::string make_option(const Option *opt, bool is_positional) const {
std::stringstream out;
out, make_option_name(opt, is_positional) + make_option_opts(opt), make_option_desc(opt), column_width_);
return out.str();
/// @brief This is the name part of an option, Default: left column
virtual std::string make_option_name(const Option *, bool) const;
/// @brief This is the options part of the name, Default: combined into left column
virtual std::string make_option_opts(const Option *) const;
/// @brief This is the description. Default: Right column, on new line if left column too large
virtual std::string make_option_desc(const Option *) const;
/// @brief This is used to print the name on the USAGE line
virtual std::string make_option_usage(const Option *opt) const;
} // namespace CLI