
1012 lines
40 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2017-2020, University of Cincinnati, developed by Henry Schreiner
// under NSF AWARD 1414736 and by the respective contributors.
// All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
#pragma once
#include "StringTools.hpp"
#include <cstdint>
#include <exception>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
namespace CLI {
// Type tools
// Utilities for type enabling
namespace detail {
// Based generally on
/// Simple empty scoped class
enum class enabler {};
/// An instance to use in EnableIf
constexpr enabler dummy = {};
} // namespace detail
/// A copy of enable_if_t from C++14, compatible with C++11.
/// We could check to see if C++14 is being used, but it does not hurt to redefine this
/// (even Google does this:
/// It is not in the std namespace anyway, so no harm done.
template <bool B, class T = void> using enable_if_t = typename std::enable_if<B, T>::type;
/// A copy of std::void_t from C++17 (helper for C++11 and C++14)
template <typename... Ts> struct make_void { using type = void; };
/// A copy of std::void_t from C++17 - same reasoning as enable_if_t, it does not hurt to redefine
template <typename... Ts> using void_t = typename make_void<Ts...>::type;
/// A copy of std::conditional_t from C++14 - same reasoning as enable_if_t, it does not hurt to redefine
template <bool B, class T, class F> using conditional_t = typename std::conditional<B, T, F>::type;
/// Check to see if something is a vector (fail check by default)
template <typename T> struct is_vector : std::false_type {};
/// Check to see if something is a vector (true if actually a vector)
template <class T, class A> struct is_vector<std::vector<T, A>> : std::true_type {};
/// Check to see if something is a vector (true if actually a const vector)
template <class T, class A> struct is_vector<const std::vector<T, A>> : std::true_type {};
/// Check to see if something is bool (fail check by default)
template <typename T> struct is_bool : std::false_type {};
/// Check to see if something is bool (true if actually a bool)
template <> struct is_bool<bool> : std::true_type {};
/// Check to see if something is a shared pointer
template <typename T> struct is_shared_ptr : std::false_type {};
/// Check to see if something is a shared pointer (True if really a shared pointer)
template <typename T> struct is_shared_ptr<std::shared_ptr<T>> : std::true_type {};
/// Check to see if something is a shared pointer (True if really a shared pointer)
template <typename T> struct is_shared_ptr<const std::shared_ptr<T>> : std::true_type {};
/// Check to see if something is copyable pointer
template <typename T> struct is_copyable_ptr {
static bool const value = is_shared_ptr<T>::value || std::is_pointer<T>::value;
/// This can be specialized to override the type deduction for IsMember.
template <typename T> struct IsMemberType { using type = T; };
/// The main custom type needed here is const char * should be a string.
template <> struct IsMemberType<const char *> { using type = std::string; };
namespace detail {
// These are utilities for IsMember and other transforming objects
/// Handy helper to access the element_type generically. This is not part of is_copyable_ptr because it requires that
/// pointer_traits<T> be valid.
/// not a pointer
template <typename T, typename Enable = void> struct element_type { using type = T; };
template <typename T> struct element_type<T, typename std::enable_if<is_copyable_ptr<T>::value>::type> {
using type = typename std::pointer_traits<T>::element_type;
/// Combination of the element type and value type - remove pointer (including smart pointers) and get the value_type of
/// the container
template <typename T> struct element_value_type { using type = typename element_type<T>::type::value_type; };
/// Adaptor for set-like structure: This just wraps a normal container in a few utilities that do almost nothing.
template <typename T, typename _ = void> struct pair_adaptor : std::false_type {
using value_type = typename T::value_type;
using first_type = typename std::remove_const<value_type>::type;
using second_type = typename std::remove_const<value_type>::type;
/// Get the first value (really just the underlying value)
template <typename Q> static auto first(Q &&pair_value) -> decltype(std::forward<Q>(pair_value)) {
return std::forward<Q>(pair_value);
/// Get the second value (really just the underlying value)
template <typename Q> static auto second(Q &&pair_value) -> decltype(std::forward<Q>(pair_value)) {
return std::forward<Q>(pair_value);
/// Adaptor for map-like structure (true version, must have key_type and mapped_type).
/// This wraps a mapped container in a few utilities access it in a general way.
template <typename T>
struct pair_adaptor<
conditional_t<false, void_t<typename T::value_type::first_type, typename T::value_type::second_type>, void>>
: std::true_type {
using value_type = typename T::value_type;
using first_type = typename std::remove_const<typename value_type::first_type>::type;
using second_type = typename std::remove_const<typename value_type::second_type>::type;
/// Get the first value (really just the underlying value)
template <typename Q> static auto first(Q &&pair_value) -> decltype(std::get<0>(std::forward<Q>(pair_value))) {
return std::get<0>(std::forward<Q>(pair_value));
/// Get the second value (really just the underlying value)
template <typename Q> static auto second(Q &&pair_value) -> decltype(std::get<1>(std::forward<Q>(pair_value))) {
return std::get<1>(std::forward<Q>(pair_value));
// Warning is suppressed due to "bug" in gcc<5.0 and gcc 7.0 with c++17 enabled that generates a Wnarrowing warning
// in the unevaluated context even if the function that was using this wasn't used. The standard says narrowing in
// brace initialization shouldn't be allowed but for backwards compatibility gcc allows it in some contexts. It is a
// little fuzzy what happens in template constructs and I think that was something GCC took a little while to work out.
// But regardless some versions of gcc generate a warning when they shouldn't from the following code so that should be
// suppressed
#ifdef __GNUC__
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wnarrowing"
// check for constructibility from a specific type and copy assignable used in the parse detection
template <typename T, typename C> class is_direct_constructible {
template <typename TT, typename CC>
static auto test(int, std::true_type) -> decltype(
// NVCC warns about narrowing conversions here
#ifdef __CUDACC__
#pragma diag_suppress 2361
TT { std::declval<CC>() }
#ifdef __CUDACC__
#pragma diag_default 2361
template <typename TT, typename CC> static auto test(int, std::false_type) -> std::false_type;
template <typename, typename> static auto test(...) -> std::false_type;
static constexpr bool value = decltype(test<T, C>(0, typename std::is_constructible<T, C>::type()))::value;
#ifdef __GNUC__
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
// Check for output streamability
// Based on
template <typename T, typename S = std::ostringstream> class is_ostreamable {
template <typename TT, typename SS>
static auto test(int) -> decltype(std::declval<SS &>() << std::declval<TT>(), std::true_type());
template <typename, typename> static auto test(...) -> std::false_type;
static constexpr bool value = decltype(test<T, S>(0))::value;
/// Check for input streamability
template <typename T, typename S = std::istringstream> class is_istreamable {
template <typename TT, typename SS>
static auto test(int) -> decltype(std::declval<SS &>() >> std::declval<TT &>(), std::true_type());
template <typename, typename> static auto test(...) -> std::false_type;
static constexpr bool value = decltype(test<T, S>(0))::value;
/// Templated operation to get a value from a stream
template <typename T, enable_if_t<is_istreamable<T>::value, detail::enabler> = detail::dummy>
bool from_stream(const std::string &istring, T &obj) {
std::istringstream is;
is >> obj;
return ! && !is.rdbuf()->in_avail();
template <typename T, enable_if_t<!is_istreamable<T>::value, detail::enabler> = detail::dummy>
bool from_stream(const std::string & /*istring*/, T & /*obj*/) {
return false;
// Check for tuple like types, as in classes with a tuple_size type trait
template <typename S> class is_tuple_like {
template <typename SS>
// static auto test(int)
// -> decltype(std::conditional<(std::tuple_size<SS>::value > 0), std::true_type, std::false_type>::type());
static auto test(int) -> decltype(std::tuple_size<SS>::value, std::true_type{});
template <typename> static auto test(...) -> std::false_type;
static constexpr bool value = decltype(test<S>(0))::value;
/// Convert an object to a string (directly forward if this can become a string)
template <typename T, enable_if_t<std::is_convertible<T, std::string>::value, detail::enabler> = detail::dummy>
auto to_string(T &&value) -> decltype(std::forward<T>(value)) {
return std::forward<T>(value);
/// Construct a string from the object
template <typename T,
enable_if_t<std::is_constructible<std::string, T>::value && !std::is_convertible<T, std::string>::value,
detail::enabler> = detail::dummy>
std::string to_string(const T &value) {
return std::string(value);
/// Convert an object to a string (streaming must be supported for that type)
template <typename T,
enable_if_t<!std::is_convertible<std::string, T>::value && !std::is_constructible<std::string, T>::value &&
detail::enabler> = detail::dummy>
std::string to_string(T &&value) {
std::stringstream stream;
stream << value;
return stream.str();
/// If conversion is not supported, return an empty string (streaming is not supported for that type)
template <typename T,
enable_if_t<!std::is_constructible<std::string, T>::value && !is_ostreamable<T>::value &&
!is_vector<typename std::remove_reference<typename std::remove_const<T>::type>::type>::value,
detail::enabler> = detail::dummy>
std::string to_string(T &&) {
return std::string{};
/// convert a vector to a string
template <typename T,
enable_if_t<!std::is_constructible<std::string, T>::value && !is_ostreamable<T>::value &&
is_vector<typename std::remove_reference<typename std::remove_const<T>::type>::type>::value,
detail::enabler> = detail::dummy>
std::string to_string(T &&variable) {
std::vector<std::string> defaults;
auto cval = variable.begin();
auto end = variable.end();
while(cval != end) {
return std::string("[" + detail::join(defaults) + "]");
/// special template overload
template <typename T1,
typename T2,
typename T,
enable_if_t<std::is_same<T1, T2>::value, detail::enabler> = detail::dummy>
auto checked_to_string(T &&value) -> decltype(to_string(std::forward<T>(value))) {
return to_string(std::forward<T>(value));
/// special template overload
template <typename T1,
typename T2,
typename T,
enable_if_t<!std::is_same<T1, T2>::value, detail::enabler> = detail::dummy>
std::string checked_to_string(T &&) {
return std::string{};
/// get a string as a convertible value for arithmetic types
template <typename T, enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic<T>::value, detail::enabler> = detail::dummy>
std::string value_string(const T &value) {
return std::to_string(value);
/// get a string as a convertible value for enumerations
template <typename T, enable_if_t<std::is_enum<T>::value, detail::enabler> = detail::dummy>
std::string value_string(const T &value) {
return std::to_string(static_cast<typename std::underlying_type<T>::type>(value));
/// for other types just use the regular to_string function
template <typename T,
enable_if_t<!std::is_enum<T>::value && !std::is_arithmetic<T>::value, detail::enabler> = detail::dummy>
auto value_string(const T &value) -> decltype(to_string(value)) {
return to_string(value);
/// This will only trigger for actual void type
template <typename T, typename Enable = void> struct type_count { static const int value{0}; };
/// Set of overloads to get the type size of an object
template <typename T> struct type_count<T, typename std::enable_if<is_tuple_like<T>::value>::type> {
static constexpr int value{std::tuple_size<T>::value};
/// Type size for regular object types that do not look like a tuple
template <typename T>
struct type_count<
typename std::enable_if<!is_vector<T>::value && !is_tuple_like<T>::value && !std::is_void<T>::value>::type> {
static constexpr int value{1};
/// Type size of types that look like a vector
template <typename T> struct type_count<T, typename std::enable_if<is_vector<T>::value>::type> {
static constexpr int value{is_vector<typename T::value_type>::value ? expected_max_vector_size
: type_count<typename T::value_type>::value};
/// This will only trigger for actual void type
template <typename T, typename Enable = void> struct expected_count { static const int value{0}; };
/// For most types the number of expected items is 1
template <typename T>
struct expected_count<T, typename std::enable_if<!is_vector<T>::value && !std::is_void<T>::value>::type> {
static constexpr int value{1};
/// number of expected items in a vector
template <typename T> struct expected_count<T, typename std::enable_if<is_vector<T>::value>::type> {
static constexpr int value{expected_max_vector_size};
// Enumeration of the different supported categorizations of objects
enum class object_category : int {
integral_value = 2,
unsigned_integral = 4,
enumeration = 6,
boolean_value = 8,
floating_point = 10,
number_constructible = 12,
double_constructible = 14,
integer_constructible = 16,
vector_value = 30,
tuple_value = 35,
// string assignable or greater used in a condition so anything string like must come last
string_assignable = 50,
string_constructible = 60,
other = 200,
/// some type that is not otherwise recognized
template <typename T, typename Enable = void> struct classify_object {
static constexpr object_category value{object_category::other};
/// Set of overloads to classify an object according to type
template <typename T>
struct classify_object<T,
typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<T>::value && std::is_signed<T>::value &&
!is_bool<T>::value && !std::is_enum<T>::value>::type> {
static constexpr object_category value{object_category::integral_value};
/// Unsigned integers
template <typename T>
struct classify_object<
typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<T>::value && std::is_unsigned<T>::value && !is_bool<T>::value>::type> {
static constexpr object_category value{object_category::unsigned_integral};
/// Boolean values
template <typename T> struct classify_object<T, typename std::enable_if<is_bool<T>::value>::type> {
static constexpr object_category value{object_category::boolean_value};
/// Floats
template <typename T> struct classify_object<T, typename std::enable_if<std::is_floating_point<T>::value>::type> {
static constexpr object_category value{object_category::floating_point};
/// String and similar direct assignment
template <typename T>
struct classify_object<
typename std::enable_if<!std::is_floating_point<T>::value && !std::is_integral<T>::value &&
std::is_assignable<T &, std::string>::value && !is_vector<T>::value>::type> {
static constexpr object_category value{object_category::string_assignable};
/// String and similar constructible and copy assignment
template <typename T>
struct classify_object<
typename std::enable_if<!std::is_floating_point<T>::value && !std::is_integral<T>::value &&
!std::is_assignable<T &, std::string>::value &&
std::is_constructible<T, std::string>::value && !is_vector<T>::value>::type> {
static constexpr object_category value{object_category::string_constructible};
/// Enumerations
template <typename T> struct classify_object<T, typename std::enable_if<std::is_enum<T>::value>::type> {
static constexpr object_category value{object_category::enumeration};
/// Handy helper to contain a bunch of checks that rule out many common types (integers, string like, floating point,
/// vectors, and enumerations
template <typename T> struct uncommon_type {
using type = typename std::conditional<!std::is_floating_point<T>::value && !std::is_integral<T>::value &&
!std::is_assignable<T &, std::string>::value &&
!std::is_constructible<T, std::string>::value && !is_vector<T>::value &&
static constexpr bool value = type::value;
/// Assignable from double or int
template <typename T>
struct classify_object<T,
typename std::enable_if<uncommon_type<T>::value && type_count<T>::value == 1 &&
is_direct_constructible<T, double>::value &&
is_direct_constructible<T, int>::value>::type> {
static constexpr object_category value{object_category::number_constructible};
/// Assignable from int
template <typename T>
struct classify_object<T,
typename std::enable_if<uncommon_type<T>::value && type_count<T>::value == 1 &&
!is_direct_constructible<T, double>::value &&
is_direct_constructible<T, int>::value>::type> {
static constexpr object_category value{object_category::integer_constructible};
/// Assignable from double
template <typename T>
struct classify_object<T,
typename std::enable_if<uncommon_type<T>::value && type_count<T>::value == 1 &&
is_direct_constructible<T, double>::value &&
!is_direct_constructible<T, int>::value>::type> {
static constexpr object_category value{object_category::double_constructible};
/// Tuple type
template <typename T>
struct classify_object<T,
typename std::enable_if<(type_count<T>::value >= 2 && !is_vector<T>::value) ||
(is_tuple_like<T>::value && uncommon_type<T>::value &&
!is_direct_constructible<T, double>::value &&
!is_direct_constructible<T, int>::value)>::type> {
static constexpr object_category value{object_category::tuple_value};
/// Vector type
template <typename T> struct classify_object<T, typename std::enable_if<is_vector<T>::value>::type> {
static constexpr object_category value{object_category::vector_value};
// Type name print
/// Was going to be based on
/// But this is cleaner and works better in this case
template <typename T,
enable_if_t<classify_object<T>::value == object_category::integral_value ||
classify_object<T>::value == object_category::integer_constructible,
detail::enabler> = detail::dummy>
constexpr const char *type_name() {
return "INT";
template <typename T,
enable_if_t<classify_object<T>::value == object_category::unsigned_integral, detail::enabler> = detail::dummy>
constexpr const char *type_name() {
return "UINT";
template <typename T,
enable_if_t<classify_object<T>::value == object_category::floating_point ||
classify_object<T>::value == object_category::number_constructible ||
classify_object<T>::value == object_category::double_constructible,
detail::enabler> = detail::dummy>
constexpr const char *type_name() {
return "FLOAT";
/// Print name for enumeration types
template <typename T,
enable_if_t<classify_object<T>::value == object_category::enumeration, detail::enabler> = detail::dummy>
constexpr const char *type_name() {
return "ENUM";
/// Print name for enumeration types
template <typename T,
enable_if_t<classify_object<T>::value == object_category::boolean_value, detail::enabler> = detail::dummy>
constexpr const char *type_name() {
return "BOOLEAN";
/// Print for all other types
template <typename T,
enable_if_t<classify_object<T>::value >= object_category::string_assignable, detail::enabler> = detail::dummy>
constexpr const char *type_name() {
return "TEXT";
/// Print name for single element tuple types
template <typename T,
enable_if_t<classify_object<T>::value == object_category::tuple_value && type_count<T>::value == 1,
detail::enabler> = detail::dummy>
inline std::string type_name() {
return type_name<typename std::tuple_element<0, T>::type>();
/// Empty string if the index > tuple size
template <typename T, std::size_t I>
inline typename std::enable_if<I == type_count<T>::value, std::string>::type tuple_name() {
return std::string{};
/// Recursively generate the tuple type name
template <typename T, std::size_t I>
inline typename std::enable_if < I<type_count<T>::value, std::string>::type tuple_name() {
std::string str = std::string(type_name<typename std::tuple_element<I, T>::type>()) + ',' + tuple_name<T, I + 1>();
if(str.back() == ',')
return str;
/// Print type name for tuples with 2 or more elements
template <typename T,
enable_if_t<classify_object<T>::value == object_category::tuple_value && type_count<T>::value >= 2,
detail::enabler> = detail::dummy>
std::string type_name() {
auto tname = std::string(1, '[') + tuple_name<T, 0>();
return tname;
/// This one should not be used normally, since vector types print the internal type
template <typename T,
enable_if_t<classify_object<T>::value == object_category::vector_value, detail::enabler> = detail::dummy>
inline std::string type_name() {
return type_name<typename T::value_type>();
// Lexical cast
/// Convert a flag into an integer value typically binary flags
inline std::int64_t to_flag_value(std::string val) {
static const std::string trueString("true");
static const std::string falseString("false");
if(val == trueString) {
return 1;
if(val == falseString) {
return -1;
val = detail::to_lower(val);
std::int64_t ret;
if(val.size() == 1) {
if(val[0] >= '1' && val[0] <= '9') {
return (static_cast<std::int64_t>(val[0]) - '0');
switch(val[0]) {
case '0':
case 'f':
case 'n':
case '-':
ret = -1;
case 't':
case 'y':
case '+':
ret = 1;
throw std::invalid_argument("unrecognized character");
return ret;
if(val == trueString || val == "on" || val == "yes" || val == "enable") {
ret = 1;
} else if(val == falseString || val == "off" || val == "no" || val == "disable") {
ret = -1;
} else {
ret = std::stoll(val);
return ret;
/// Signed integers
template <typename T,
enable_if_t<classify_object<T>::value == object_category::integral_value, detail::enabler> = detail::dummy>
bool lexical_cast(const std::string &input, T &output) {
try {
std::size_t n = 0;
std::int64_t output_ll = std::stoll(input, &n, 0);
output = static_cast<T>(output_ll);
return n == input.size() && static_cast<std::int64_t>(output) == output_ll;
} catch(const std::invalid_argument &) {
return false;
} catch(const std::out_of_range &) {
return false;
/// Unsigned integers
template <typename T,
enable_if_t<classify_object<T>::value == object_category::unsigned_integral, detail::enabler> = detail::dummy>
bool lexical_cast(const std::string &input, T &output) {
if(!input.empty() && input.front() == '-')
return false; // std::stoull happily converts negative values to junk without any errors.
try {
std::size_t n = 0;
std::uint64_t output_ll = std::stoull(input, &n, 0);
output = static_cast<T>(output_ll);
return n == input.size() && static_cast<std::uint64_t>(output) == output_ll;
} catch(const std::invalid_argument &) {
return false;
} catch(const std::out_of_range &) {
return false;
/// Boolean values
template <typename T,
enable_if_t<classify_object<T>::value == object_category::boolean_value, detail::enabler> = detail::dummy>
bool lexical_cast(const std::string &input, T &output) {
try {
auto out = to_flag_value(input);
output = (out > 0);
return true;
} catch(const std::invalid_argument &) {
return false;
} catch(const std::out_of_range &) {
// if the number is out of the range of a 64 bit value then it is still a number and for this purpose is still
// valid all we care about the sign
output = (input[0] != '-');
return true;
/// Floats
template <typename T,
enable_if_t<classify_object<T>::value == object_category::floating_point, detail::enabler> = detail::dummy>
bool lexical_cast(const std::string &input, T &output) {
try {
std::size_t n = 0;
output = static_cast<T>(std::stold(input, &n));
return n == input.size();
} catch(const std::invalid_argument &) {
return false;
} catch(const std::out_of_range &) {
return false;
/// String and similar direct assignment
template <typename T,
enable_if_t<classify_object<T>::value == object_category::string_assignable, detail::enabler> = detail::dummy>
bool lexical_cast(const std::string &input, T &output) {
output = input;
return true;
/// String and similar constructible and copy assignment
template <
typename T,
enable_if_t<classify_object<T>::value == object_category::string_constructible, detail::enabler> = detail::dummy>
bool lexical_cast(const std::string &input, T &output) {
output = T(input);
return true;
/// Enumerations
template <typename T,
enable_if_t<classify_object<T>::value == object_category::enumeration, detail::enabler> = detail::dummy>
bool lexical_cast(const std::string &input, T &output) {
typename std::underlying_type<T>::type val;
bool retval = detail::lexical_cast(input, val);
if(!retval) {
return false;
output = static_cast<T>(val);
return true;
/// Assignable from double or int
template <
typename T,
enable_if_t<classify_object<T>::value == object_category::number_constructible, detail::enabler> = detail::dummy>
bool lexical_cast(const std::string &input, T &output) {
int val;
if(lexical_cast(input, val)) {
output = T(val);
return true;
} else {
double dval;
if(lexical_cast(input, dval)) {
output = T{dval};
return true;
return from_stream(input, output);
/// Assignable from int
template <
typename T,
enable_if_t<classify_object<T>::value == object_category::integer_constructible, detail::enabler> = detail::dummy>
bool lexical_cast(const std::string &input, T &output) {
int val;
if(lexical_cast(input, val)) {
output = T(val);
return true;
return from_stream(input, output);
/// Assignable from double
template <
typename T,
enable_if_t<classify_object<T>::value == object_category::double_constructible, detail::enabler> = detail::dummy>
bool lexical_cast(const std::string &input, T &output) {
double val;
if(lexical_cast(input, val)) {
output = T{val};
return true;
return from_stream(input, output);
/// Non-string parsable by a stream
template <typename T, enable_if_t<classify_object<T>::value == object_category::other, detail::enabler> = detail::dummy>
bool lexical_cast(const std::string &input, T &output) {
"option object type must have a lexical cast overload or streaming input operator(>>) defined, if it "
"is convertible from another type use the add_option<T, XC>(...) with XC being the known type");
return from_stream(input, output);
/// Assign a value through lexical cast operations
template <
typename T,
typename XC,
enable_if_t<std::is_same<T, XC>::value && (classify_object<T>::value == object_category::string_assignable ||
classify_object<T>::value == object_category::string_constructible),
detail::enabler> = detail::dummy>
bool lexical_assign(const std::string &input, T &output) {
return lexical_cast(input, output);
/// Assign a value through lexical cast operations
template <typename T,
typename XC,
enable_if_t<std::is_same<T, XC>::value && classify_object<T>::value != object_category::string_assignable &&
classify_object<T>::value != object_category::string_constructible,
detail::enabler> = detail::dummy>
bool lexical_assign(const std::string &input, T &output) {
if(input.empty()) {
output = T{};
return true;
return lexical_cast(input, output);
/// Assign a value converted from a string in lexical cast to the output value directly
template <
typename T,
typename XC,
enable_if_t<!std::is_same<T, XC>::value && std::is_assignable<T &, XC &>::value, detail::enabler> = detail::dummy>
bool lexical_assign(const std::string &input, T &output) {
XC val{};
bool parse_result = (!input.empty()) ? lexical_cast<XC>(input, val) : true;
if(parse_result) {
output = val;
return parse_result;
/// Assign a value from a lexical cast through constructing a value and move assigning it
template <typename T,
typename XC,
enable_if_t<!std::is_same<T, XC>::value && !std::is_assignable<T &, XC &>::value &&
detail::enabler> = detail::dummy>
bool lexical_assign(const std::string &input, T &output) {
XC val{};
bool parse_result = input.empty() ? true : lexical_cast<XC>(input, val);
if(parse_result) {
output = T(val); // use () form of constructor to allow some implicit conversions
return parse_result;
/// Lexical conversion if there is only one element
template <
typename T,
typename XC,
enable_if_t<!is_tuple_like<T>::value && !is_tuple_like<XC>::value && !is_vector<T>::value && !is_vector<XC>::value,
detail::enabler> = detail::dummy>
bool lexical_conversion(const std::vector<std ::string> &strings, T &output) {
return lexical_assign<T, XC>(strings[0], output);
/// Lexical conversion if there is only one element but the conversion type is for two call a two element constructor
template <typename T,
typename XC,
enable_if_t<type_count<T>::value == 1 && type_count<XC>::value == 2, detail::enabler> = detail::dummy>
bool lexical_conversion(const std::vector<std ::string> &strings, T &output) {
typename std::tuple_element<0, XC>::type v1;
typename std::tuple_element<1, XC>::type v2;
bool retval = lexical_assign<decltype(v1), decltype(v1)>(strings[0], v1);
if(strings.size() > 1) {
retval = retval && lexical_assign<decltype(v2), decltype(v2)>(strings[1], v2);
if(retval) {
output = T{v1, v2};
return retval;
/// Lexical conversion of a vector types
template <class T,
class XC,
enable_if_t<expected_count<T>::value == expected_max_vector_size &&
expected_count<XC>::value == expected_max_vector_size && type_count<XC>::value == 1,
detail::enabler> = detail::dummy>
bool lexical_conversion(const std::vector<std ::string> &strings, T &output) {
for(const auto &elem : strings) {
bool retval = lexical_assign<typename T::value_type, typename XC::value_type>(elem, output.back());
if(!retval) {
return false;
return (!output.empty());
/// Lexical conversion of a vector types with type size of two
template <class T,
class XC,
enable_if_t<expected_count<T>::value == expected_max_vector_size &&
expected_count<XC>::value == expected_max_vector_size && type_count<XC>::value == 2,
detail::enabler> = detail::dummy>
bool lexical_conversion(const std::vector<std ::string> &strings, T &output) {
for(std::size_t ii = 0; ii < strings.size(); ii += 2) {
typename std::tuple_element<0, typename XC::value_type>::type v1;
typename std::tuple_element<1, typename XC::value_type>::type v2;
bool retval = lexical_assign<decltype(v1), decltype(v1)>(strings[ii], v1);
if(strings.size() > ii + 1) {
retval = retval && lexical_assign<decltype(v2), decltype(v2)>(strings[ii + 1], v2);
if(retval) {
output.emplace_back(v1, v2);
} else {
return false;
return (!output.empty());
/// Conversion to a vector type using a particular single type as the conversion type
template <class T,
class XC,
enable_if_t<(expected_count<T>::value == expected_max_vector_size) && (expected_count<XC>::value == 1) &&
(type_count<XC>::value == 1),
detail::enabler> = detail::dummy>
bool lexical_conversion(const std::vector<std ::string> &strings, T &output) {
bool retval = true;
for(const auto &elem : strings) {
retval = retval && lexical_assign<typename T::value_type, XC>(elem, output.back());
return (!output.empty()) && retval;
// This one is last since it can call other lexical_conversion functions
/// Lexical conversion if there is only one element but the conversion type is a vector
template <typename T,
typename XC,
enable_if_t<!is_tuple_like<T>::value && !is_vector<T>::value && is_vector<XC>::value, detail::enabler> =
bool lexical_conversion(const std::vector<std ::string> &strings, T &output) {
if(strings.size() > 1 || (!strings.empty() && !(strings.front().empty()))) {
XC val;
auto retval = lexical_conversion<XC, XC>(strings, val);
output = T{val};
return retval;
output = T{};
return true;
/// function template for converting tuples if the static Index is greater than the tuple size
template <class T, class XC, std::size_t I>
inline typename std::enable_if<I >= type_count<T>::value, bool>::type tuple_conversion(const std::vector<std::string> &,
T &) {
return true;
/// Tuple conversion operation
template <class T, class XC, std::size_t I>
inline typename std::enable_if <
I<type_count<T>::value, bool>::type tuple_conversion(const std::vector<std::string> &strings, T &output) {
bool retval = true;
if(strings.size() > I) {
retval = retval && lexical_assign<typename std::tuple_element<I, T>::type,
typename std::conditional<is_tuple_like<XC>::value,
typename std::tuple_element<I, XC>::type,
XC>::type>(strings[I], std::get<I>(output));
retval = retval && tuple_conversion<T, XC, I + 1>(strings, output);
return retval;
/// Conversion for tuples
template <class T, class XC, enable_if_t<is_tuple_like<T>::value, detail::enabler> = detail::dummy>
bool lexical_conversion(const std::vector<std ::string> &strings, T &output) {
!is_tuple_like<XC>::value || type_count<T>::value == type_count<XC>::value,
"if the conversion type is defined as a tuple it must be the same size as the type you are converting to");
return tuple_conversion<T, XC, 0>(strings, output);
/// Lexical conversion of a vector types with type_size >2
template <class T,
class XC,
enable_if_t<expected_count<T>::value == expected_max_vector_size &&
expected_count<XC>::value == expected_max_vector_size && (type_count<XC>::value > 2),
detail::enabler> = detail::dummy>
bool lexical_conversion(const std::vector<std ::string> &strings, T &output) {
bool retval = true;
std::vector<std::string> temp;
std::size_t ii = 0;
std::size_t icount = 0;
std::size_t xcm = type_count<XC>::value;
while(ii < strings.size()) {
if(icount == xcm || temp.back().empty()) {
if(static_cast<int>(xcm) == expected_max_vector_size) {
retval = retval && lexical_conversion<typename T::value_type, typename XC::value_type>(temp, output.back());
if(!retval) {
return false;
icount = 0;
return retval;
/// Sum a vector of flag representations
/// The flag vector produces a series of strings in a vector, simple true is represented by a "1", simple false is
/// by
/// "-1" an if numbers are passed by some fashion they are captured as well so the function just checks for the most
/// common true and false strings then uses stoll to convert the rest for summing
template <typename T,
enable_if_t<std::is_integral<T>::value && std::is_unsigned<T>::value, detail::enabler> = detail::dummy>
void sum_flag_vector(const std::vector<std::string> &flags, T &output) {
std::int64_t count{0};
for(auto &flag : flags) {
count += detail::to_flag_value(flag);
output = (count > 0) ? static_cast<T>(count) : T{0};
/// Sum a vector of flag representations
/// The flag vector produces a series of strings in a vector, simple true is represented by a "1", simple false is
/// by
/// "-1" an if numbers are passed by some fashion they are captured as well so the function just checks for the most
/// common true and false strings then uses stoll to convert the rest for summing
template <typename T,
enable_if_t<std::is_integral<T>::value && std::is_signed<T>::value, detail::enabler> = detail::dummy>
void sum_flag_vector(const std::vector<std::string> &flags, T &output) {
std::int64_t count{0};
for(auto &flag : flags) {
count += detail::to_flag_value(flag);
output = static_cast<T>(count);
} // namespace detail
} // namespace CLI