Use get_station_xyz in notebook

Tammo Jan Dijkema 2020-10-26 11:35:49 +01:00
parent e183746b8f
commit 119dd50630
3 changed files with 217 additions and 130 deletions

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

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@ -151,7 +151,13 @@ def calibrate(vis, modelvis, maxiter=30, amplitudeonly=True):
nst = vis.shape[1]
ndir = np.array(modelvis).shape[0]
gains = np.ones([ndir, nst], dtype=np.complex) * np.sqrt(norm(vis) / norm(modelvis))
gains = np.ones([ndir, nst], dtype=np.complex)
if ndir == 0:
return vis, gains
gains *= np.sqrt(norm(vis) / norm(modelvis))
iteration = 0
while iteration < maxiter:
iteration += 1

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@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ from .hdf5util import write_hdf5
__all__ = ["sb_from_freq", "freq_from_sb", "find_caltable", "read_caltable",
"rcus_in_station", "read_acm_cube", "get_station_pqr", "get_station_type",
"rcus_in_station", "read_acm_cube", "get_station_pqr", "get_station_xyz", "get_station_type",
"make_sky_plot", "make_ground_plot", "make_xst_plots", "apply_calibration",
"get_full_station_name", "get_extent_lonlat", "make_sky_movie"]
"get_full_station_name", "get_extent_lonlat", "make_sky_movie", "reimage_sky"]
__version__ = "1.5.0"
@ -339,6 +339,49 @@ def get_station_pqr(station_name: str, rcu_mode: Union[str, int], db):
return station_pqr.astype('float32')
def get_station_xyz(station_name: str, rcu_mode: Union[str, int], db):
Get XYZ coordinates for the relevant subset of antennas in a station.
The XYZ system is defined as the PQR system rotated along the R axis to make
the Q-axis point towards local north.
station_name: Station name, e.g. 'DE603LBA' or 'DE603'
rcu_mode: RCU mode (0 - 6, can be string)
db: instance of LofarAntennaDatabase from lofarantpos
np.array: Antenna xyz, shape [n_ant, 3]
np.array: rotation matrix pqr_to_xyz, shape [3, 3]
>>> from lofarantpos.db import LofarAntennaDatabase
>>> db = LofarAntennaDatabase()
>>> xyz, _ = get_station_xyz("DE603", "outer", db)
>>> xyz.shape
(96, 3)
>>> f"{xyz[0, 0]:.7f}"
>>> xyz, _ = get_station_xyz("LV614", "5", db)
>>> xyz.shape
(96, 3)
station_pqr = get_station_pqr(station_name, rcu_mode, db)
station_name = get_full_station_name(station_name, rcu_mode)
rotation = db.rotation_from_north(station_name)
pqr_to_xyz = np.array([[np.cos(-rotation), -np.sin(-rotation), 0],
[np.sin(-rotation), np.cos(-rotation), 0],
[0, 0, 1]])
station_xyz = (pqr_to_xyz @ station_pqr.T).T
return station_xyz, pqr_to_xyz
def make_ground_plot(image: np.ndarray, background_map: np.ndarray, extent: List[float], title: str = "Ground plot",
subtitle: str = "", opacity: float = 0.6, fig: Figure = None, draw_contours: bool = True, **kwargs) \
-> Tuple[Figure, np.ndarray]:
@ -348,6 +391,7 @@ def make_ground_plot(image: np.ndarray, background_map: np.ndarray, extent: List
image: numpy array (two dimensions with data)
background_map: background map
extent: extent in metres
title: Title for the plot
subtitle: Subtitle for the plot
opacity: maximum opacity of the plot
@ -541,7 +585,6 @@ def get_extent_lonlat(extent_m: List[int],
pmin, qmin, _ = pqr_to_xyz.T @ (np.array([extent_m[0], extent_m[2], 0]))
pmax, qmax, _ = pqr_to_xyz.T @ (np.array([extent_m[1], extent_m[3], 0]))
lon_center, lat_center, _ = lofargeotiff.pqr_to_longlatheight([0, 0, 0], full_station_name)
lon_min, lat_min, _ = lofargeotiff.pqr_to_longlatheight([pmin, qmin, 0], full_station_name)
lon_max, lat_max, _ = lofargeotiff.pqr_to_longlatheight([pmax, qmax, 0], full_station_name)
@ -633,24 +676,15 @@ def make_xst_plots(xst_data: np.ndarray,
visibilities_xx = visibilities[0::2, 0::2]
visibilities_yy = visibilities[1::2, 1::2]
# Stokes I
visibilities_stokesI = visibilities_xx + visibilities_yy
visibilities_stokes_i = visibilities_xx + visibilities_yy
# Setup the database
db = LofarAntennaDatabase()
station_pqr = get_station_pqr(station_name, rcu_mode, db)
station_xyz, pqr_to_xyz = get_station_xyz(station_name, rcu_mode, db)
station_name = get_full_station_name(station_name, rcu_mode)
# Rotate station_pqr to a north-oriented xyz frame, where y points North, in a plane through the station.
rotation = db.rotation_from_north(station_name)
pqr_to_xyz = np.array([[np.cos(-rotation), -np.sin(-rotation), 0],
[np.sin(-rotation), np.cos(-rotation), 0],
[0, 0, 1]])
station_xyz = (pqr_to_xyz @ station_pqr.T).T
baselines = station_xyz[:, np.newaxis, :] - station_xyz[np.newaxis, :, :]
obstime_astropy = Time(obstime)
@ -679,9 +713,9 @@ def make_xst_plots(xst_data: np.ndarray,
marked_bodies_lmn[body_name] = skycoord_to_lmn(marked_bodies[body_name], zenith)
if subtract is not None:
visibilities_stokesI = subtract_sources(visibilities_stokesI, baselines, freq, marked_bodies_lmn, subtract)
visibilities_stokes_i = subtract_sources(visibilities_stokes_i, baselines, freq, marked_bodies_lmn, subtract)
sky_img = sky_imager(visibilities_stokesI, baselines, freq, npix_l, npix_m)
sky_img = sky_imager(visibilities_stokes_i, baselines, freq, npix_l, npix_m)
marked_bodies_lmn_only3 = {k: v for (k, v) in marked_bodies_lmn.items() if k in ('Cas A', 'Cyg A', 'Sun')}
@ -707,9 +741,9 @@ def make_xst_plots(xst_data: np.ndarray,
os.environ["NUMEXPR_NUM_THREADS"] = "3"
# Select a subset of visibilities, only the lower triangular part
baseline_indices = np.tril_indices(visibilities_stokesI.shape[0])
baseline_indices = np.tril_indices(visibilities_stokes_i.shape[0])
visibilities_selection = visibilities_stokesI[baseline_indices]
visibilities_selection = visibilities_stokes_i[baseline_indices]
ground_img = nearfield_imager(visibilities_selection.flatten()[:, np.newaxis],
@ -791,3 +825,112 @@ def make_sky_movie(moviefilename: str, h5file: h5py.File, obsnums: List[str], vm
ani = matplotlib.animation.ArtistAnimation(fig, ims, interval=30, blit=False, repeat_delay=1000)
writer = matplotlib.animation.writers['ffmpeg'](fps=5, bitrate=800), writer=writer, dpi=fig.dpi)
def reimage_sky(h5: h5py.File, obsnum: str, db: lofarantpos.db.LofarAntennaDatabase,
subtract: List[str] = None, vmin: float = None, vmax: float = None):
Reimage the sky for one observation in an HDF5 file
h5 (h5py.File): HDF5 file
obsnum (str): observation number
db (lofarantpos.db.LofarAntennaDatabase): instance of lofar antenna database
subtract (List[str], optional): List of sources to subtract, e.g. ["Cas A", "Sun"]
>>> from lofarantpos.db import LofarAntennaDatabase
>>> db = LofarAntennaDatabase()
>>> fig = reimage_sky(h5py.File("test/test.h5", "r"), "obs000002", db, subtract=["Cas A"])
station_name = h5[obsnum].attrs['station_name']
subband = h5[obsnum].attrs['subband']
obstime = h5[obsnum].attrs['obstime']
rcu_mode = h5[obsnum].attrs['rcu_mode']
sky_data = h5[obsnum]["sky_img"]
freq = h5[obsnum].attrs['frequency']
marked_bodies_lmn = dict(zip(h5[obsnum].attrs["source_names"], h5[obsnum].attrs["source_lmn"]))
visibilities = h5[obsnum]['calibrated_data'].value
visibilities_xx = visibilities[0::2, 0::2]
visibilities_yy = visibilities[1::2, 1::2]
# Stokes I
visibilities_stokes_i = visibilities_xx + visibilities_yy
if subtract is not None:
station_xyz, _ = get_station_xyz(station_name, rcu_mode, db)
baselines = station_xyz[:, np.newaxis, :] - station_xyz[np.newaxis, :, :]
visibilities_stokes_i = subtract_sources(visibilities_stokes_i, baselines, freq, marked_bodies_lmn, subtract)
sky_data = sky_imager(visibilities_stokes_i, baselines, freq, sky_data.shape[0], sky_data.shape[1])
if vmin is None:
vmin = np.quantile(sky_data, 0.05)
sky_fig = make_sky_plot(sky_data, {k: v for k, v in marked_bodies_lmn.items()},
title=f"Sky image for {station_name}",
subtitle=f"SB {subband} ({freq / 1e6:.1f} MHz), {str(obstime)[:16]}",
vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)
return sky_fig
def reimage_nearfield(h5: h5py.File, obsnum: str, db: lofarantpos.db.LofarAntennaDatabase, extent: List[float] = None,
subtract: bool = None):
Reimage nearfield for ground image
h5 (h5py.File): HDF5 file
obsnum (str): observation number
db (lofarantpos.db.LofarAntennaDatabase): instance of lofar antenna database
extent (List[float], optional): Imaging extent in metres
subtract (List[str], optional): List of sources to subtract, e.g. ["Cas A", "Sun"]
fig, leaflet map
>>> from lofarantpos.db import LofarAntennaDatabase
>>> db = LofarAntennaDatabase()
>>> fig = reimage_nearfield(h5py.File("test/test.h5", "r"), "obs000002", db, extent=[-500, 500, -500, 500], \
subtract=["Cas A"])
station_name = h5[obsnum].attrs['station_name']
subband = h5[obsnum].attrs['subband']
obstime = h5[obsnum].attrs['obstime']
rcu_mode = h5[obsnum].attrs['rcu_mode']
freq = h5[obsnum].attrs['frequency']
marked_bodies_lmn = dict(zip(h5[obsnum].attrs["source_names"], h5[obsnum].attrs["source_lmn"]))
visibilities = h5[obsnum]['calibrated_data'].value
visibilities_xx = visibilities[0::2, 0::2]
visibilities_yy = visibilities[1::2, 1::2]
# Stokes I
visibilities_stokes_i = visibilities_xx + visibilities_yy
if subtract is not None:
station_xyz, _ = get_station_xyz(station_name, rcu_mode, db)
baselines = station_xyz[:, np.newaxis, :] - station_xyz[np.newaxis, :, :]
visibilities_stokes_i = subtract_sources(visibilities_stokes_i, baselines, freq, marked_bodies_lmn, subtract)
baseline_indices = np.tril_indices(visibilities_stokes_i.shape[0])
visibilities_selection = visibilities_stokes_i[baseline_indices]
extent_lonlat = get_extent_lonlat(extent, get_full_station_name(station_name, h5[obsnum].attrs['rcu_mode']), db)
background_map = get_map(*extent_lonlat, 14)
ground_img = nearfield_imager(visibilities_selection.flatten()[:, np.newaxis],
np.array(baseline_indices).T, [freq],
600, 600, extent,
get_station_pqr(h5[obsnum].attrs["station_name"], h5[obsnum].attrs["rcu_mode"], db))
ground_img = np.real(2 * ground_img)
fig, folium_overlay = make_ground_plot(ground_img, background_map, extent, draw_contours=False, opacity=0.3,
title=f"Near field image for {station_name}",
subtitle=f"SB {subband} ({freq / 1e6:.1f} MHz), {str(obstime)[:16]}",)
leaflet_map = make_leaflet_map(folium_overlay, *(extent_lonlat[1:3]),
extent_lonlat[0], extent_lonlat[2], extent_lonlat[1], extent_lonlat[3])
return fig, leaflet_map