Add code to subtract sources

Tammo Jan Dijkema 2020-05-26 21:25:07 +02:00
parent a1968962fa
commit 963aa7f071
4 changed files with 243 additions and 106 deletions

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

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@ -25,6 +25,10 @@ Per observation, the following attributes are used:
* extent_lonlat Extent of image in longitude and latitude (w.r.t. WGS84 ellipsoid)
[lon_min, lon_max, lat_min, lat_max]
* height Height (w.r.t. station phase centre) of the image plane in metres
* subtracted List of sources subtracted from visibilities
For sky images, the following attributes are used:
* subtracted List of sources subtracted from visibilities
import datetime
@ -61,7 +65,8 @@ def get_new_obsname(h5file: h5py.File):
def write_hdf5(filename: str, xst_data: np.ndarray, visibilities: np.ndarray, sky_img: np.ndarray,
ground_img: np.ndarray, station_name: str, subband: int, rcu_mode: int, frequency: float,
obstime: datetime.datetime, extent: List[float], extent_lonlat: List[float],
height: float, bodies_lmn: Dict[str, Tuple[float]], calibration_info: Dict[str, str]):
height: float, bodies_lmn: Dict[str, Tuple[float]], calibration_info: Dict[str, str],
subtracted: List[str]):
Write an HDF5 file with all data
@ -81,6 +86,7 @@ def write_hdf5(filename: str, xst_data: np.ndarray, visibilities: np.ndarray, sk
height (float): Height of ground image (in metres)
bodies_lmn (Dict[str, Tuple[float]]): lmn coordinates of some objects on the sky
calibration_info (Dict[str, str]): Calibration metadata
subtracted (List[str]): List of sources subtracted
@ -91,7 +97,7 @@ def write_hdf5(filename: str, xst_data: np.ndarray, visibilities: np.ndarray, sk
>>> write_hdf5("test/test.h5", xst_data, visibilities, sky_img, ground_img, "DE603", \
297, 3, 150e6,, [-150, 150, -150, 150], \
[11.709, 11.713, 50.978, 50.981], 1.5, {'Cas A': (0.3, 0.5, 0.2)}, \
{'CalTableHeader.Calibration.Date': '20181214'})
{'CalTableHeader.Calibration.Date': '20181214'}, ["Cas A", "Sun"])
short_station_name = station_name[:5]
@ -110,13 +116,15 @@ def write_hdf5(filename: str, xst_data: np.ndarray, visibilities: np.ndarray, sk
obs_group.create_dataset("calibrated_data", data=visibilities, compression="gzip")
for key, value in calibration_info.items():
obs_group["calibrated_data"].attrs[key] = value
obs_group.create_dataset("sky_img", data=sky_img, compression="gzip")
dataset_sky_img = obs_group.create_dataset("sky_img", data=sky_img, compression="gzip")
dataset_sky_img.attrs["subtracted"] = subtracted
ground_img_group = obs_group.create_group("ground_images")
dataset_ground_img = ground_img_group.create_dataset("ground_img000", data=ground_img, compression="gzip")
dataset_ground_img.attrs["extent"] = extent
dataset_ground_img.attrs["extent_lonlat"] = extent_lonlat
dataset_ground_img.attrs["height"] = height
dataset_ground_img.attrs["subtracted"] = str(subtracted)
def merge_hdf5(src_filename: str, dest_filename: str, obslist: List[str] = None):

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@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
"""Functions for working with LOFAR single station data"""
from typing import Dict, List
import numpy as np
from numpy.linalg import norm, lstsq
import numexpr as ne
@ -7,7 +8,8 @@ import numba
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord, SkyOffsetFrame, CartesianRepresentation
__all__ = ["nearfield_imager", "sky_imager", "ground_imager", "skycoord_to_lmn", "calibrate", "simulate_sky_source"]
__all__ = ["nearfield_imager", "sky_imager", "ground_imager", "skycoord_to_lmn", "calibrate", "simulate_sky_source",
__version__ = "1.5.0"
SPEED_OF_LIGHT = 299792458.0
@ -180,13 +182,25 @@ def simulate_sky_source(lmn_coord: np.array, baselines: np.array, freq: float):
return np.exp(2j * np.pi * freq * / SPEED_OF_LIGHT)
def simulate_nearfield_source(pqr_coord: np.array, baselines: np.array, freq: float):
def subtract_sources(vis: np.array, baselines: np.array, freq: float, lmn_dict: Dict[str, np.array],
sources=["Cas A", "Cyg A", "Sun"]):
Simulate visibilities for a nearfield source
Subtract sky sources from visibilities
pqr_coord (np.array): l, m, n coordinate
vis (np.array): visibility matrix, shape [n_ant, n_ant]
lmn_dict (Dict[str, np.array]): dictionary with lmn coordinates
baselines (np.array): baseline distances in metres, shape (n_ant, n_ant)
freq (float): Frequency in Hz
sources (List[str]): list with source names to subtract (should all be in lmn_dict).
Default ["Cas A", "Sun"]
vis (np.array): visibility matrix with sources subtracted
modelvis = [simulate_sky_source(lmn_dict[srcname], baselines, freq) for srcname in lmn_dict
if srcname in sources]
residual, _ = calibrate(vis, modelvis)
return residual

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@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ from lofarantpos.db import LofarAntennaDatabase
import lofarantpos
from .maputil import get_map, make_leaflet_map
from .lofarimaging import nearfield_imager, sky_imager, skycoord_to_lmn
from .lofarimaging import nearfield_imager, sky_imager, skycoord_to_lmn, subtract_sources
from .hdf5util import write_hdf5
@ -565,7 +565,8 @@ def make_xst_plots(xst_data: np.ndarray,
sky_only: bool = False,
opacity: float = 0.6,
hdf5_filename: str = None,
outputpath: str = "results"):
outputpath: str = "results",
subtract: List[str] = None):
Create sky and ground plots for an XST file
@ -584,6 +585,7 @@ def make_xst_plots(xst_data: np.ndarray,
opacity: Opacity for map overlay. Defaults to 0.6.
hdf5_filename: Filename where hdf5 results can be written. Defaults to outputpath + '/results.h5'
outputpath: Directory where results can be saved. Defaults to 'results'
subtract: List of sources to subtract. Defaults to None
@ -594,7 +596,8 @@ def make_xst_plots(xst_data: np.ndarray,
>>> obstime = datetime.datetime(2017, 7, 20, 9, 58, 16)
>>> sky_fig, ground_fig, leafletmap = make_xst_plots(xst_data, "DE603", obstime, 297, \
3, caltable_dir="test/CalTables", \
hdf5_filename="test/test.h5", \
subtract=["Cas A", "Sun"])
Maximum at -6m east, 70m north of station center (lat/long 50.97998, 11.71118)
>>> type(leafletmap)
@ -650,10 +653,6 @@ def make_xst_plots(xst_data: np.ndarray,
baselines = station_xyz[:, np.newaxis, :] - station_xyz[np.newaxis, :, :]
# Fourier transform
# visibilities = cube_xx[2,:,:]
sky_img = sky_imager(visibilities_stokesI, baselines, freq, npix_l, npix_m)
obstime_astropy = Time(obstime)
# Determine positions of Cas A and Cyg A
station_earthlocation = EarthLocation.from_geocentric(*(db.phase_centres[station_name] * u.m))
@ -679,11 +678,20 @@ def make_xst_plots(xst_data: np.ndarray,
if body_coord.transform_to(AltAz(location=station_earthlocation, obstime=obstime_astropy)).alt > 0:
marked_bodies_lmn[body_name] = skycoord_to_lmn(marked_bodies[body_name], zenith)
if subtract is not None:
visibilities_stokesI = subtract_sources(visibilities_stokesI, baselines, freq, marked_bodies_lmn, subtract)
sky_img = sky_imager(visibilities_stokesI, baselines, freq, npix_l, npix_m)
marked_bodies_lmn_only3 = {k: v for (k, v) in marked_bodies_lmn.items() if k in ('Cas A', 'Cyg A', 'Sun')}
# Plot the resulting sky image
sky_fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
if sky_vmin is None and subtract is not None:
# Tendency to oversubtract, we don't want to see that
sky_vmin = np.quantile(sky_img, 0.05)
make_sky_plot(sky_img, marked_bodies_lmn_only3, title=f"Sky image for {station_name}",
subtitle=f"SB {subband} ({freq / 1e6:.1f} MHz), {str(obstime)[:16]}", fig=sky_fig,
vmin=sky_vmin, vmax=sky_vmax)
@ -731,8 +739,7 @@ def make_xst_plots(xst_data: np.ndarray,
[maxpixel_p, maxpixel_q, _] = pqr_to_xyz.T @ np.array([maxpixel_x, maxpixel_y, height])
maxpixel_lon, maxpixel_lat, _ = lofargeotiff.pqr_to_longlatheight([maxpixel_p, maxpixel_q], station_name)
# Show location of maximum if not at the image border
if 2 < maxpixel_xpix < npix_x - 2 and 2 < maxpixel_ypix < npix_y - 2:
# Show location of maximum
print(f"Maximum at {maxpixel_x:.0f}m east, {maxpixel_y:.0f}m north of station center " +
f"(lat/long {maxpixel_lat:.5f}, {maxpixel_lon:.5f})")
@ -752,7 +759,7 @@ def make_xst_plots(xst_data: np.ndarray,
leaflet_map = make_leaflet_map(folium_overlay, lon_center, lat_center, lon_min, lat_min, lon_max, lat_max)
write_hdf5(hdf5_filename, xst_data, visibilities, sky_img, ground_img, station_name, subband, rcu_mode,
freq, obstime, extent, extent_lonlat, height, marked_bodies_lmn, calibration_info)
freq, obstime, extent, extent_lonlat, height, marked_bodies_lmn, calibration_info, subtract)
return sky_fig, ground_fig, leaflet_map