Made a mistake

Tammo Jan Dijkema 2020-02-26 16:39:38 +01:00
parent dcda9b885d
commit fc5ec1197c
1 changed files with 19 additions and 14 deletions

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@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ def ground_imager(visibilities, baselines, freq, npix_p, npix_q, dims, station_p
return np.abs(img)
def nearfield_imager(visibilities, baseline_indices, freqs, npix_p, npix_q, dims, station_pqr, height=1.5):
def nearfield_imager(visibilities, baseline_indices, freqs, npix_p, npix_q, extent, station_pqr, height=1.5):
Nearfield imager
@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ def nearfield_imager(visibilities, baseline_indices, freqs, npix_p, npix_q, dims
freqs: List of frequencies
npix_p: Number of pixels in p-direction
npix_q: Number of pixels in q-direction
dims: Extent (in m) that the image should span
extent: Extent (in m) that the image should span
station_pqr: PQR coordinates of stations
height: Height of image in metre
@ -351,29 +351,34 @@ def nearfield_imager(visibilities, baseline_indices, freqs, npix_p, npix_q, dims
array(float): Real-values array of shape [npix_p, npix_q]
z = height
x = np.linspace(dims[0], dims[1], npix_p)
y = np.linspace(dims[2], dims[3], npix_q)
x = np.linspace(extent[0], extent[1], npix_p)
y = np.linspace(extent[2], extent[3], npix_q)
posx, posy = np.meshgrid(x, y)
posxyz = np.moveaxis(np.array([posx, posy, z * np.ones_like(posx)]), 0, -1)
distances = (station_pqr[:, None, None, :] - posxyz[None, None, :, :, :])[0]
delay = np.linalg.norm(distances, axis=3)
baselines = (station_pqr[:, None, None, :] - posxyz[None, None, :, :, :])[0]
bl_lengths = np.linalg.norm(baselines, axis=3)
vis_chunksize = 1000
vis_chunksize = 500
img = 0
for vis_start in range(0, visibilities.shape[0], vis_chunksize):
d = np.array([delay[i] - delay[j] for i, j in baseline_indices[vis_start:vis_start + vis_chunksize]])
#print(d.nbytes / 1024. / 1024, "MB")
bl_diff = np.zeros((vis_chunksize, npix_q, npix_p), dtype=np.float64)
img = np.zeros((npix_q, npix_p), dtype=np.complex128)
for vis_chunkstart in range(0, len(baseline_indices), vis_chunksize):
vis_chunkend = min(vis_chunkstart + vis_chunksize, baseline_indices.shape[0])
# For the last chunk, bl_diff_chunk is a bit smaller than bl_diff
bl_diff_chunk = bl_diff[:vis_chunkend-vis_chunkstart,:]
np.add(bl_lengths[baseline_indices[vis_chunkstart:vis_chunkend, 0]],
-bl_lengths[baseline_indices[vis_chunkstart:vis_chunkend, 1]], out=bl_diff_chunk)
j2pi = 1j * 2 * np.pi
for ifreq, freq in enumerate(freqs):
v = visibilities[vis_start:vis_start + vis_chunksize, ifreq][:, None, None]
v = visibilities[vis_chunkstart:vis_chunkend, ifreq][:, None, None]
lamb = SPEED_OF_LIGHT / freq
#h = ne.evaluate("v * exp(j2pi * d / lamb)") #v[:,np.newaxis,np.newaxis]*np.exp(-2j*np.pi*freq/c*groundbase_pixels[:,:,:]/c) groundbase_pixels=nvis x npix x npix
img = img + ne.evaluate("sum(v * exp(j2pi * d / lamb), axis=0)")
#groundbase_pixels=nvis x npix x npix
np.add(img, ne.evaluate("sum(v * exp(j2pi * bl_diff_chunk / lamb), axis=0)"), out=img)
img /= len(freqs) * len(baseline_indices)
return img