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2020-02-17 19:12:52 -07:00
import os
2021-03-29 17:54:22 -06:00
import logging
2020-02-17 19:12:52 -07:00
from bisect import bisect_right
import numpy as np
import sympy as sp
from numpy import dot
2020-05-31 14:22:49 -06:00
from rednose.helpers.sympy_helpers import sympy_into_c
from rednose.helpers import (TEMPLATE_DIR, load_code, write_code)
from rednose.helpers.chi2_lookup import chi2_ppf
2020-02-17 19:12:52 -07:00
def solve(a, b):
if a.shape[0] == 1 and a.shape[1] == 1:
return b / a[0][0]
return np.linalg.solve(a, b)
def null(H, eps=1e-12):
2020-07-14 15:26:01 -06:00
_, s, vh = np.linalg.svd(H)
2020-02-17 19:12:52 -07:00
padding = max(0, np.shape(H)[1] - np.shape(s)[0])
null_mask = np.concatenate(((s <= eps), np.ones((padding,), dtype=bool)), axis=0)
null_space = np.compress(null_mask, vh, axis=0)
return np.transpose(null_space)
2020-07-14 15:26:01 -06:00
def gen_code(folder, name, f_sym, dt_sym, x_sym, obs_eqs, dim_x, dim_err, eskf_params=None, msckf_params=None, # pylint: disable=dangerous-default-value
maha_test_kinds=[], global_vars=None):
2020-02-17 19:12:52 -07:00
# optional state transition matrix, H modifier
# and err_function if an error-state kalman filter (ESKF)
# is desired. Best described in "Quaternion kinematics
# for the error-state Kalman filter" by Joan Sola
if eskf_params:
err_eqs = eskf_params[0]
inv_err_eqs = eskf_params[1]
H_mod_sym = eskf_params[2]
f_err_sym = eskf_params[3]
x_err_sym = eskf_params[4]
nom_x = sp.MatrixSymbol('nom_x', dim_x, 1)
true_x = sp.MatrixSymbol('true_x', dim_x, 1)
delta_x = sp.MatrixSymbol('delta_x', dim_x, 1)
err_function_sym = sp.Matrix(nom_x + delta_x)
inv_err_function_sym = sp.Matrix(true_x - nom_x)
err_eqs = [err_function_sym, nom_x, delta_x]
inv_err_eqs = [inv_err_function_sym, nom_x, true_x]
H_mod_sym = sp.Matrix(np.eye(dim_x))
f_err_sym = f_sym
x_err_sym = x_sym
# This configures the multi-state augmentation
# needed for EKF-SLAM with MSCKF (Mourikis et al 2007)
if msckf_params:
msckf = True
dim_main = msckf_params[0] # size of the main state
dim_augment = msckf_params[1] # size of one augment state chunk
dim_main_err = msckf_params[2]
dim_augment_err = msckf_params[3]
N = msckf_params[4]
feature_track_kinds = msckf_params[5]
assert dim_main + dim_augment * N == dim_x
assert dim_main_err + dim_augment_err * N == dim_err
msckf = False
dim_main = dim_x
dim_augment = 0
dim_main_err = dim_err
dim_augment_err = 0
N = 0
# linearize with jacobians
F_sym = f_err_sym.jacobian(x_err_sym)
2020-03-16 17:19:36 -06:00
if eskf_params:
for sym in x_err_sym:
F_sym = F_sym.subs(sym, 0)
assert dt_sym in F_sym.free_symbols
2020-02-17 19:12:52 -07:00
for i in range(len(obs_eqs)):
if msckf and obs_eqs[i][1] in feature_track_kinds:
# collect sympy functions
sympy_functions = []
# error functions
sympy_functions.append(('err_fun', err_eqs[0], [err_eqs[1], err_eqs[2]]))
sympy_functions.append(('inv_err_fun', inv_err_eqs[0], [inv_err_eqs[1], inv_err_eqs[2]]))
# H modifier for ESKF updates
sympy_functions.append(('H_mod_fun', H_mod_sym, [x_sym]))
# state propagation function
sympy_functions.append(('f_fun', f_sym, [x_sym, dt_sym]))
sympy_functions.append(('F_fun', F_sym, [x_sym, dt_sym]))
# observation functions
for h_sym, kind, ea_sym, H_sym, He_sym in obs_eqs:
sympy_functions.append(('h_%d' % kind, h_sym, [x_sym, ea_sym]))
sympy_functions.append(('H_%d' % kind, H_sym, [x_sym, ea_sym]))
if msckf and kind in feature_track_kinds:
sympy_functions.append(('He_%d' % kind, He_sym, [x_sym, ea_sym]))
# Generate and wrap all th c code
2020-03-16 17:19:36 -06:00
header, code = sympy_into_c(sympy_functions, global_vars)
2020-02-17 19:12:52 -07:00
extra_header = "#define DIM %d\n" % dim_x
extra_header += "#define EDIM %d\n" % dim_err
extra_header += "#define MEDIM %d\n" % dim_main_err
extra_header += "typedef void (*Hfun)(double *, double *, double *);\n"
extra_header += "\nvoid predict(double *x, double *P, double *Q, double dt);"
extra_post = ""
for h_sym, kind, ea_sym, H_sym, He_sym in obs_eqs:
if msckf and kind in feature_track_kinds:
He_str = 'He_%d' % kind
# ea_dim = ea_sym.shape[0]
He_str = 'NULL'
# ea_dim = 1 # not really dim of ea but makes c function work
maha_thresh = chi2_ppf(0.95, int(h_sym.shape[0])) # mahalanobis distance for outlier detection
maha_test = kind in maha_test_kinds
extra_post += """
void update_%d(double *in_x, double *in_P, double *in_z, double *in_R, double *in_ea) {
update<%d,%d,%d>(in_x, in_P, h_%d, H_%d, %s, in_z, in_R, in_ea, MAHA_THRESH_%d);
""" % (kind, h_sym.shape[0], 3, maha_test, kind, kind, He_str, kind)
extra_header += "\nconst static double MAHA_THRESH_%d = %f;" % (kind, maha_thresh)
extra_header += "\nvoid update_%d(double *, double *, double *, double *, double *);" % kind
code += '\nextern "C"{\n' + extra_header + "\n}\n"
code += "\n" + open(os.path.join(TEMPLATE_DIR, "ekf_c.c")).read()
code += '\nextern "C"{\n' + extra_post + "\n}\n"
2020-03-16 17:19:36 -06:00
if global_vars is not None:
global_code = '\nextern "C"{\n'
for var in global_vars:
global_code += f"\ndouble {};\n"
global_code += f"\nvoid set_{}(double x){{ {} = x;}}\n"
extra_header += f"\nvoid set_{}(double x);\n"
global_code += '\n}\n'
code = global_code + code
2020-02-17 19:12:52 -07:00
header += "\n" + extra_header
2020-05-31 14:22:49 -06:00
write_code(folder, name, code, header)
2020-02-17 19:12:52 -07:00
class EKF_sym():
2020-07-14 15:26:01 -06:00
def __init__(self, folder, name, Q, x_initial, P_initial, dim_main, dim_main_err, # pylint: disable=dangerous-default-value
2021-03-29 17:54:22 -06:00
N=0, dim_augment=0, dim_augment_err=0, maha_test_kinds=[], global_vars=None, max_rewind_age=1.0, logger=logging):
2020-02-17 19:12:52 -07:00
"""Generates process function and all observation functions for the kalman filter."""
self.msckf = N > 0
self.N = N
self.dim_augment = dim_augment
self.dim_augment_err = dim_augment_err
self.dim_main = dim_main
self.dim_main_err = dim_main_err
2021-03-29 17:54:22 -06:00
self.logger = logger
2020-02-17 19:12:52 -07:00
# state
x_initial = x_initial.reshape((-1, 1))
self.dim_x = x_initial.shape[0]
self.dim_err = P_initial.shape[0]
assert dim_main + dim_augment * N == self.dim_x
assert dim_main_err + dim_augment_err * N == self.dim_err
assert Q.shape == P_initial.shape
# kinds that should get mahalanobis distance
# tested for outlier rejection
self.maha_test_kinds = maha_test_kinds
2020-03-16 17:19:36 -06:00
self.global_vars = global_vars
2020-02-17 19:12:52 -07:00
# process noise
self.Q = Q
# rewind stuff
2020-08-12 18:37:05 -06:00
self.max_rewind_age = max_rewind_age
2020-02-17 19:12:52 -07:00
self.rewind_t = []
self.rewind_states = []
self.rewind_obscache = []
self.init_state(x_initial, P_initial, None)
2020-05-31 14:22:49 -06:00
ffi, lib = load_code(folder, name)
2020-02-17 19:12:52 -07:00
kinds, self.feature_track_kinds = [], []
for func in dir(lib):
if func[:2] == 'h_':
if func[:3] == 'He_':
# wrap all the sympy functions
def wrap_1lists(name):
2020-07-14 15:26:01 -06:00
func = eval("lib.%s" % name, {"lib": lib}) # pylint: disable=eval-used
2020-02-17 19:12:52 -07:00
def ret(lst1, out):
func(ffi.cast("double *",,
ffi.cast("double *",
return ret
def wrap_2lists(name):
2020-07-14 15:26:01 -06:00
func = eval("lib.%s" % name, {"lib": lib}) # pylint: disable=eval-used
2020-02-17 19:12:52 -07:00
def ret(lst1, lst2, out):
func(ffi.cast("double *",,
ffi.cast("double *",,
ffi.cast("double *",
return ret
def wrap_1list_1float(name):
2020-07-14 15:26:01 -06:00
func = eval("lib.%s" % name, {"lib": lib}) # pylint: disable=eval-used
2020-02-17 19:12:52 -07:00
def ret(lst1, fl, out):
func(ffi.cast("double *",,
ffi.cast("double", fl),
ffi.cast("double *",
return ret
self.f = wrap_1list_1float("f_fun")
self.F = wrap_1list_1float("F_fun")
self.err_function = wrap_2lists("err_fun")
self.inv_err_function = wrap_2lists("inv_err_fun")
self.H_mod = wrap_1lists("H_mod_fun")
self.hs, self.Hs, self.Hes = {}, {}, {}
for kind in kinds:
self.hs[kind] = wrap_2lists("h_%d" % kind)
self.Hs[kind] = wrap_2lists("H_%d" % kind)
if self.msckf and kind in self.feature_track_kinds:
self.Hes[kind] = wrap_2lists("He_%d" % kind)
2020-03-16 17:19:36 -06:00
if self.global_vars is not None:
for var in self.global_vars:
fun_name = f"set_{}"
setattr(self, fun_name, getattr(lib, fun_name))
2020-02-17 19:12:52 -07:00
# wrap the C++ predict function
def _predict_blas(x, P, dt):
lib.predict(ffi.cast("double *",,
ffi.cast("double *",,
ffi.cast("double *",,
ffi.cast("double", dt))
return x, P
# wrap the C++ update function
def fun_wrapper(f, kind):
2020-07-14 15:26:01 -06:00
f = eval("lib.%s" % f, {"lib": lib}) # pylint: disable=eval-used
2020-02-17 19:12:52 -07:00
def _update_inner_blas(x, P, z, R, extra_args):
f(ffi.cast("double *",,
ffi.cast("double *",,
ffi.cast("double *",,
ffi.cast("double *",,
ffi.cast("double *",
if self.msckf and kind in self.feature_track_kinds:
y = z[:-len(extra_args)]
y = z
return x, P, y
return _update_inner_blas
self._updates = {}
for kind in kinds:
self._updates[kind] = fun_wrapper("update_%d" % kind, kind)
2020-07-14 15:26:01 -06:00
def _update_blas(x, P, kind, z, R, extra_args=[]): # pylint: disable=dangerous-default-value
2020-02-17 19:12:52 -07:00
return self._updates[kind](x, P, z, R, extra_args)
# assign the functions
self._predict = _predict_blas
# self._predict = self._predict_python
self._update = _update_blas
# self._update = self._update_python
def init_state(self, state, covs, filter_time):
self.x = np.array(state.reshape((-1, 1))).astype(np.float64)
self.P = np.array(covs).astype(np.float64)
self.filter_time = filter_time
self.augment_times = [0] * self.N
self.rewind_obscache = []
self.rewind_t = []
self.rewind_states = []
2020-05-09 14:01:35 -06:00
def reset_rewind(self):
self.rewind_obscache = []
self.rewind_t = []
self.rewind_states = []
2020-02-17 19:12:52 -07:00
def augment(self):
# TODO this is not a generalized way of doing this and implies that the augmented states
# are simply the first (dim_augment_state) elements of the main state.
assert self.msckf
d1 = self.dim_main
d2 = self.dim_main_err
d3 = self.dim_augment
d4 = self.dim_augment_err
# push through augmented states
self.x[d1:-d3] = self.x[d1 + d3:]
self.x[-d3:] = self.x[:d3]
assert self.x.shape == (self.dim_x, 1)
# push through augmented covs
assert self.P.shape == (self.dim_err, self.dim_err)
P_reduced = self.P
P_reduced = np.delete(P_reduced, np.s_[d2:d2 + d4], axis=1)
P_reduced = np.delete(P_reduced, np.s_[d2:d2 + d4], axis=0)
assert P_reduced.shape == (self.dim_err - d4, self.dim_err - d4)
to_mult = np.zeros((self.dim_err, self.dim_err - d4))
to_mult[:-d4, :] = np.eye(self.dim_err - d4)
to_mult[-d4:, :d4] = np.eye(d4)
self.P =
self.augment_times = self.augment_times[1:]
assert self.P.shape == (self.dim_err, self.dim_err)
def state(self):
return np.array(self.x).flatten()
def covs(self):
return self.P
def rewind(self, t):
# find where we are rewinding to
idx = bisect_right(self.rewind_t, t)
assert self.rewind_t[idx - 1] <= t
assert self.rewind_t[idx] > t # must be true, or rewind wouldn't be called
# set the state to the time right before that
self.filter_time = self.rewind_t[idx - 1]
self.x[:] = self.rewind_states[idx - 1][0]
self.P[:] = self.rewind_states[idx - 1][1]
# return the observations we rewound over for fast forwarding
ret = self.rewind_obscache[idx:]
# throw away the old future
# TODO: is this making a copy?
self.rewind_t = self.rewind_t[:idx]
self.rewind_states = self.rewind_states[:idx]
self.rewind_obscache = self.rewind_obscache[:idx]
return ret
def checkpoint(self, obs):
# push to rewinder
self.rewind_states.append((np.copy(self.x), np.copy(self.P)))
# only keep a certain number around
self.rewind_t = self.rewind_t[-REWIND_TO_KEEP:]
self.rewind_states = self.rewind_states[-REWIND_TO_KEEP:]
self.rewind_obscache = self.rewind_obscache[-REWIND_TO_KEEP:]
2020-03-16 17:19:36 -06:00
def predict(self, t):
# initialize time
if self.filter_time is None:
self.filter_time = t
# predict
dt = t - self.filter_time
assert dt >= 0
self.x, self.P = self._predict(self.x, self.P, dt)
self.filter_time = t
2020-07-14 15:26:01 -06:00
def predict_and_update_batch(self, t, kind, z, R, extra_args=[[]], augment=False): # pylint: disable=dangerous-default-value
2020-02-17 19:12:52 -07:00
# TODO handle rewinding at this level"
# rewind
if self.filter_time is not None and t < self.filter_time:
2020-08-12 18:37:05 -06:00
if len(self.rewind_t) == 0 or t < self.rewind_t[0] or t < self.rewind_t[-1] - self.max_rewind_age:
2021-03-29 17:54:22 -06:00
self.logger.error("observation too old at %.3f with filter at %.3f, ignoring" % (t, self.filter_time))
2020-02-17 19:12:52 -07:00
return None
rewound = self.rewind(t)
rewound = []
ret = self._predict_and_update_batch(t, kind, z, R, extra_args, augment)
# optional fast forward
for r in rewound:
return ret
def _predict_and_update_batch(self, t, kind, z, R, extra_args, augment=False):
"""The main kalman filter function
Predicts the state and then updates a batch of observations
dim_x: dimensionality of the state space
dim_z: dimensionality of the observation and depends on kind
n: number of observations
t (float): Time of observation
kind (int): Type of observation
z (vec [n,dim_z]): Measurements
R (mat [n,dim_z, dim_z]): Measurement Noise
extra_args (list, [n]): Values used in H computations
2020-05-31 14:22:49 -06:00
assert z.shape[0] == R.shape[0]
assert z.shape[1] == R.shape[1]
assert z.shape[1] == R.shape[2]
2020-02-17 19:12:52 -07:00
# initialize time
if self.filter_time is None:
self.filter_time = t
# predict
dt = t - self.filter_time
assert dt >= 0
self.x, self.P = self._predict(self.x, self.P, dt)
self.filter_time = t
xk_km1, Pk_km1 = np.copy(self.x).flatten(), np.copy(self.P)
# update batch
y = []
for i in range(len(z)):
# these are from the user, so we canonicalize them
z_i = np.array(z[i], dtype=np.float64, order='F')
R_i = np.array(R[i], dtype=np.float64, order='F')
extra_args_i = np.array(extra_args[i], dtype=np.float64, order='F')
# update
self.x, self.P, y_i = self._update(self.x, self.P, kind, z_i, R_i, extra_args=extra_args_i)
xk_k, Pk_k = np.copy(self.x).flatten(), np.copy(self.P)
if augment:
# checkpoint
self.checkpoint((t, kind, z, R, extra_args))
return xk_km1, xk_k, Pk_km1, Pk_k, t, kind, y, z, extra_args
def _predict_python(self, x, P, dt):
x_new = np.zeros(x.shape, dtype=np.float64)
self.f(x, dt, x_new)
F = np.zeros(P.shape, dtype=np.float64)
self.F(x, dt, F)
if not self.msckf:
P = dot(dot(F, P), F.T)
# Update the predicted state covariance:
# Pk+1|k = |F*Pii*FT + Q*dt F*Pij |
# |PijT*FT Pjj |
# Where F is the jacobian of the main state
# predict function, Pii is the main state's
# covariance and Q its process noise. Pij
# is the covariance between the augmented
# states and the main state.
d2 = self.dim_main_err # known at compile time
F_curr = F[:d2, :d2]
P[:d2, :d2] = ([:d2, :d2])).dot(F_curr.T)
P[:d2, d2:] =[:d2, d2:])
P[d2:, :d2] = P[d2:, :d2].dot(F_curr.T)
P += dt * self.Q
return x_new, P
2020-07-14 15:26:01 -06:00
def _update_python(self, x, P, kind, z, R, extra_args=[]): # pylint: disable=dangerous-default-value
2020-02-17 19:12:52 -07:00
# init vars
z = z.reshape((-1, 1))
h = np.zeros(z.shape, dtype=np.float64)
H = np.zeros((z.shape[0], self.dim_x), dtype=np.float64)
# C functions
self.hs[kind](x, extra_args, h)
self.Hs[kind](x, extra_args, H)
# y is the "loss"
y = z - h
# *** same above this line ***
if self.msckf and kind in self.Hes:
# Do some algebraic magic to decorrelate
He = np.zeros((z.shape[0], len(extra_args)), dtype=np.float64)
self.Hes[kind](x, extra_args, He)
# TODO: Don't call a function here, do projection locally
A = null(He.T)
y =
H =
R =
# TODO If nullspace isn't the dimension we want
if A.shape[1] + He.shape[1] != A.shape[0]:
2021-03-29 17:54:22 -06:00
self.logger.warning('Warning: null space projection failed, measurement ignored')
2020-02-17 19:12:52 -07:00
return x, P, np.zeros(A.shape[0] - He.shape[1])
# if using eskf
H_mod = np.zeros((x.shape[0], P.shape[0]), dtype=np.float64)
self.H_mod(x, H_mod)
H =
# Do mahalobis distance test
# currently just runs on msckf observations
# could run on anything if needed
if self.msckf and kind in self.maha_test_kinds:
a = np.linalg.inv( + R)
maha_dist =
if maha_dist > chi2_ppf(0.95, y.shape[0]):
R = 10e16 * R
# *** same below this line ***
# Outlier resilient weighting as described in:
# "A Kalman Filter for Robust Outlier Detection - Jo-Anne Ting, ..."
weight = 1 # (1.5)/(1 + np.sum(y**2)/np.sum(R))
S = dot(dot(H, P), H.T) + R / weight
K = solve(S, dot(H, P.T)).T
I_KH = np.eye(P.shape[0]) - dot(K, H)
# update actual state
delta_x = dot(K, y)
P = dot(dot(I_KH, P), I_KH.T) + dot(dot(K, R), K.T)
# inject observed error into state
x_new = np.zeros(x.shape, dtype=np.float64)
self.err_function(x, delta_x, x_new)
return x_new, P, y.flatten()
2020-07-14 15:26:01 -06:00
def maha_test(self, x, P, kind, z, R, extra_args=[], maha_thresh=0.95): # pylint: disable=dangerous-default-value
2020-02-17 19:12:52 -07:00
# init vars
z = z.reshape((-1, 1))
h = np.zeros(z.shape, dtype=np.float64)
H = np.zeros((z.shape[0], self.dim_x), dtype=np.float64)
# C functions
self.hs[kind](x, extra_args, h)
self.Hs[kind](x, extra_args, H)
# y is the "loss"
y = z - h
# if using eskf
H_mod = np.zeros((x.shape[0], P.shape[0]), dtype=np.float64)
self.H_mod(x, H_mod)
H =
a = np.linalg.inv( + R)
maha_dist =
if maha_dist > chi2_ppf(maha_thresh, y.shape[0]):
return False
return True
def rts_smooth(self, estimates, norm_quats=False):
Returns rts smoothed results of
kalman filter estimates
If the kalman state is augmented with
old states only the main state is smoothed
xk_n = estimates[-1][0]
Pk_n = estimates[-1][2]
Fk_1 = np.zeros(Pk_n.shape, dtype=np.float64)
states_smoothed = [xk_n]
covs_smoothed = [Pk_n]
for k in range(len(estimates) - 2, -1, -1):
xk1_n = xk_n
if norm_quats:
xk1_n[3:7] /= np.linalg.norm(xk1_n[3:7])
Pk1_n = Pk_n
xk1_k, _, Pk1_k, _, t2, _, _, _, _ = estimates[k + 1]
_, xk_k, _, Pk_k, t1, _, _, _, _ = estimates[k]
dt = t2 - t1
self.F(xk_k, dt, Fk_1)
d1 = self.dim_main
d2 = self.dim_main_err
Ck = np.linalg.solve(Pk1_k[:d2, :d2], Fk_1[:d2, :d2].dot(Pk_k[:d2, :d2].T)).T
xk_n = xk_k
delta_x = np.zeros((Pk_n.shape[0], 1), dtype=np.float64)
self.inv_err_function(xk1_k, xk1_n, delta_x)
delta_x[:d2] =[:d2])
x_new = np.zeros((xk_n.shape[0], 1), dtype=np.float64)
self.err_function(xk_k, delta_x, x_new)
xk_n[:d1] = x_new[:d1, 0]
Pk_n = Pk_k
Pk_n[:d2, :d2] = Pk_k[:d2, :d2] +[:d2, :d2] - Pk1_k[:d2, :d2]).dot(Ck.T)
return np.flipud(np.vstack(states_smoothed)), np.stack(covs_smoothed, 0)[::-1]