Write orientation & transform in C++ (#1637)

* locationd at 20hz

* update ref

* bump cereal

* dont modify global state

* add scons files

* ecef2geodetic and geodetic2ecef

* Finish local coords class

* Add header file

* Add orientation.cc

* cleanup

* Add functions to header file

* Add cython wrapper

* y u no work?

* This passes the tests

* test rot2quat and quat2rot

* Teste euler2rot and rot2euler

* rot_matrix

* test ecef_euler_from_ned and ned_euler_from_ecef

* add benchmark

* Add test

* Consistent newlines

* no more radians supported in geodetic

* test localcoord single

* test localcoord single

* all tests pass

* Unused import

* Add alternate namings

* Add source for formulas

* no explicit tests needed

* remove benchmark

* Add release files

* Typo

* Remove print statement

* no access to raw transform matrix

* temporarily add tolerance

* handcode quat2euler

* update ref
Willem Melching 2020-06-09 16:44:26 -07:00 committed by GitHub
parent 90d97de74d
commit c18e7da3c2
No known key found for this signature in database
22 changed files with 678 additions and 415 deletions

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@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ end_of_line = lf
insert_final_newline = true insert_final_newline = true
trim_trailing_whitespace = true trim_trailing_whitespace = true
[{*.py, *.pyx, *pxd}] [{*.py, *.pyx, *.pxd}]
charset = utf-8 charset = utf-8
indent_style = space indent_style = space
indent_size = 2 indent_size = 2

.gitignore vendored
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@ -62,3 +62,4 @@ htmlcov
pandaextra pandaextra
.mypy_cache/ .mypy_cache/

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@ -212,6 +212,7 @@ SConscript(['opendbc/can/SConscript'])
SConscript(['common/SConscript']) SConscript(['common/SConscript'])
SConscript(['common/kalman/SConscript']) SConscript(['common/kalman/SConscript'])
SConscript(['phonelibs/SConscript']) SConscript(['phonelibs/SConscript'])
if arch != "Darwin": if arch != "Darwin":


@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 1aaf1bfd7c07e1c5184e8f13823e8ed02e2c7af2 Subproject commit 0021fa241994cd9d94945ba305b0f3f1c43feaae

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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
d = Dir('.')
['transformations.pxd', 'transformations.pyx',
'coordinates.cc', 'orientation.cc', 'coordinates.hpp', 'orientation.hpp'],
'cd ' + d.path + ' && python3 setup.py build_ext --inplace')

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@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <eigen3/Eigen/Dense>
#include "coordinates.hpp"
#define DEG2RAD(x) ((x) * M_PI / 180.0)
#define RAD2DEG(x) ((x) * 180.0 / M_PI)
double a = 6378137;
double b = 6356752.3142;
double esq = 6.69437999014 * 0.001;
double e1sq = 6.73949674228 * 0.001;
static Geodetic to_degrees(Geodetic geodetic){
geodetic.lat = RAD2DEG(geodetic.lat);
geodetic.lon = RAD2DEG(geodetic.lon);
return geodetic;
static Geodetic to_radians(Geodetic geodetic){
geodetic.lat = DEG2RAD(geodetic.lat);
geodetic.lon = DEG2RAD(geodetic.lon);
return geodetic;
ECEF geodetic2ecef(Geodetic g){
g = to_radians(g);
double xi = sqrt(1.0 - esq * pow(sin(g.lat), 2));
double x = (a / xi + g.alt) * cos(g.lat) * cos(g.lon);
double y = (a / xi + g.alt) * cos(g.lat) * sin(g.lon);
double z = (a / xi * (1.0 - esq) + g.alt) * sin(g.lat);
return {x, y, z};
Geodetic ecef2geodetic(ECEF e){
// Convert from ECEF to geodetic using Ferrari's methods
// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geographic_coordinate_conversion#Ferrari.27s_solution
double x = e.x;
double y = e.y;
double z = e.z;
double r = sqrt(x * x + y * y);
double Esq = a * a - b * b;
double F = 54 * b * b * z * z;
double G = r * r + (1 - esq) * z * z - esq * Esq;
double C = (esq * esq * F * r * r) / (pow(G, 3));
double S = cbrt(1 + C + sqrt(C * C + 2 * C));
double P = F / (3 * pow((S + 1 / S + 1), 2) * G * G);
double Q = sqrt(1 + 2 * esq * esq * P);
double r_0 = -(P * esq * r) / (1 + Q) + sqrt(0.5 * a * a*(1 + 1.0 / Q) - P * (1 - esq) * z * z / (Q * (1 + Q)) - 0.5 * P * r * r);
double U = sqrt(pow((r - esq * r_0), 2) + z * z);
double V = sqrt(pow((r - esq * r_0), 2) + (1 - esq) * z * z);
double Z_0 = b * b * z / (a * V);
double h = U * (1 - b * b / (a * V));
double lat = atan((z + e1sq * Z_0) / r);
double lon = atan2(y, x);
return to_degrees({lat, lon, h});
LocalCoord::LocalCoord(Geodetic g, ECEF e){
init_ecef << e.x, e.y, e.z;
g = to_radians(g);
ned2ecef_matrix <<
-sin(g.lat)*cos(g.lon), -sin(g.lon), -cos(g.lat)*cos(g.lon),
-sin(g.lat)*sin(g.lon), cos(g.lon), -cos(g.lat)*sin(g.lon),
cos(g.lat), 0, -sin(g.lat);
ecef2ned_matrix = ned2ecef_matrix.transpose();
NED LocalCoord::ecef2ned(ECEF e) {
Eigen::Vector3d ecef;
ecef << e.x, e.y, e.z;
Eigen::Vector3d ned = (ecef2ned_matrix * (ecef - init_ecef));
return {ned[0], ned[1], ned[2]};
ECEF LocalCoord::ned2ecef(NED n) {
Eigen::Vector3d ned;
ned << n.n, n.e, n.d;
Eigen::Vector3d ecef = (ned2ecef_matrix * ned) + init_ecef;
return {ecef[0], ecef[1], ecef[2]};
NED LocalCoord::geodetic2ned(Geodetic g) {
ECEF e = ::geodetic2ecef(g);
return ecef2ned(e);
Geodetic LocalCoord::ned2geodetic(NED n){
ECEF e = ned2ecef(n);
return ::ecef2geodetic(e);

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@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
#pragma once
struct ECEF {
double x, y, z;
Eigen::Vector3d to_vector(){
return Eigen::Vector3d(x, y, z);
struct NED {
double n, e, d;
struct Geodetic {
double lat, lon, alt;
bool radians=false;
ECEF geodetic2ecef(Geodetic g);
Geodetic ecef2geodetic(ECEF e);
class LocalCoord {
Eigen::Matrix3d ned2ecef_matrix;
Eigen::Matrix3d ecef2ned_matrix;
Eigen::Vector3d init_ecef;
LocalCoord(Geodetic g, ECEF e);
LocalCoord(Geodetic g) : LocalCoord(g, ::geodetic2ecef(g)) {}
LocalCoord(ECEF e) : LocalCoord(::ecef2geodetic(e), e) {}
NED ecef2ned(ECEF e);
ECEF ned2ecef(NED n);
NED geodetic2ned(Geodetic g);
Geodetic ned2geodetic(NED n);

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@ -1,113 +1,19 @@
""" # pylint: skip-file
Coordinate transformation module. All methods accept arrays as input from common.transformations.orientation import numpy_wrap
with each row as a position. from common.transformations.transformations import (ecef2geodetic_single,
""" geodetic2ecef_single)
import numpy as np from common.transformations.transformations import LocalCoord as LocalCoord_single
a = 6378137 class LocalCoord(LocalCoord_single):
b = 6356752.3142 ecef2ned = numpy_wrap(LocalCoord_single.ecef2ned_single, (3,), (3,))
esq = 6.69437999014 * 0.001 ned2ecef = numpy_wrap(LocalCoord_single.ned2ecef_single, (3,), (3,))
e1sq = 6.73949674228 * 0.001 geodetic2ned = numpy_wrap(LocalCoord_single.geodetic2ned_single, (3,), (3,))
ned2geodetic = numpy_wrap(LocalCoord_single.ned2geodetic_single, (3,), (3,))
def geodetic2ecef(geodetic, radians=False): geodetic2ecef = numpy_wrap(geodetic2ecef_single, (3,), (3,))
geodetic = np.array(geodetic) ecef2geodetic = numpy_wrap(ecef2geodetic_single, (3,), (3,))
input_shape = geodetic.shape
geodetic = np.atleast_2d(geodetic)
ratio = 1.0 if radians else (np.pi / 180.0)
lat = ratio*geodetic[:, 0]
lon = ratio*geodetic[:, 1]
alt = geodetic[:, 2]
xi = np.sqrt(1 - esq * np.sin(lat)**2)
x = (a / xi + alt) * np.cos(lat) * np.cos(lon)
y = (a / xi + alt) * np.cos(lat) * np.sin(lon)
z = (a / xi * (1 - esq) + alt) * np.sin(lat)
ecef = np.array([x, y, z]).T
return ecef.reshape(input_shape)
def ecef2geodetic(ecef, radians=False):
Convert ECEF coordinates to geodetic using ferrari's method
# Save shape and export column
ecef = np.atleast_1d(ecef)
input_shape = ecef.shape
ecef = np.atleast_2d(ecef)
x, y, z = ecef[:, 0], ecef[:, 1], ecef[:, 2]
ratio = 1.0 if radians else (180.0 / np.pi)
# Conver from ECEF to geodetic using Ferrari's methods
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geographic_coordinate_conversion#Ferrari.27s_solution
r = np.sqrt(x * x + y * y)
Esq = a * a - b * b
F = 54 * b * b * z * z
G = r * r + (1 - esq) * z * z - esq * Esq
C = (esq * esq * F * r * r) / (pow(G, 3))
S = np.cbrt(1 + C + np.sqrt(C * C + 2 * C))
P = F / (3 * pow((S + 1 / S + 1), 2) * G * G)
Q = np.sqrt(1 + 2 * esq * esq * P)
r_0 = -(P * esq * r) / (1 + Q) + np.sqrt(0.5 * a * a*(1 + 1.0 / Q) -
P * (1 - esq) * z * z / (Q * (1 + Q)) - 0.5 * P * r * r)
U = np.sqrt(pow((r - esq * r_0), 2) + z * z)
V = np.sqrt(pow((r - esq * r_0), 2) + (1 - esq) * z * z)
Z_0 = b * b * z / (a * V)
h = U * (1 - b * b / (a * V))
lat = ratio*np.arctan((z + e1sq * Z_0) / r)
lon = ratio*np.arctan2(y, x)
# stack the new columns and return to the original shape
geodetic = np.column_stack((lat, lon, h))
return geodetic.reshape(input_shape)
geodetic_from_ecef = ecef2geodetic geodetic_from_ecef = ecef2geodetic
ecef_from_geodetic = geodetic2ecef ecef_from_geodetic = geodetic2ecef
class LocalCoord():
Allows conversions to local frames. In this case NED.
That is: North East Down from the start position in
def __init__(self, init_geodetic, init_ecef):
self.init_ecef = init_ecef
lat, lon, _ = (np.pi/180)*np.array(init_geodetic)
self.ned2ecef_matrix = np.array([[-np.sin(lat)*np.cos(lon), -np.sin(lon), -np.cos(lat)*np.cos(lon)],
[-np.sin(lat)*np.sin(lon), np.cos(lon), -np.cos(lat)*np.sin(lon)],
[np.cos(lat), 0, -np.sin(lat)]])
self.ecef2ned_matrix = self.ned2ecef_matrix.T
self.ecef_from_ned_matrix = self.ned2ecef_matrix
self.ned_from_ecef_matrix = self.ecef2ned_matrix
def from_geodetic(cls, init_geodetic):
init_ecef = geodetic2ecef(init_geodetic)
return LocalCoord(init_geodetic, init_ecef)
def from_ecef(cls, init_ecef):
init_geodetic = ecef2geodetic(init_ecef)
return LocalCoord(init_geodetic, init_ecef)
def ecef2ned(self, ecef):
ecef = np.array(ecef)
return np.dot(self.ecef2ned_matrix, (ecef - self.init_ecef).T).T
def ned2ecef(self, ned):
ned = np.array(ned)
# Transpose so that init_ecef will broadcast correctly for 1d or 2d ned.
return (np.dot(self.ned2ecef_matrix, ned.T).T + self.init_ecef)
def geodetic2ned(self, geodetic):
ecef = geodetic2ecef(geodetic)
return self.ecef2ned(ecef)
def ned2geodetic(self, ned):
ecef = self.ned2ecef(ned)
return ecef2geodetic(ecef)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <eigen3/Eigen/Dense>
#include "orientation.hpp"
#include "coordinates.hpp"
Eigen::Quaterniond ensure_unique(Eigen::Quaterniond quat){
if (quat.w() > 0){
return quat;
} else {
return Eigen::Quaterniond(-quat.w(), -quat.x(), -quat.y(), -quat.z());
Eigen::Quaterniond euler2quat(Eigen::Vector3d euler){
Eigen::Quaterniond q;
q = Eigen::AngleAxisd(euler(2), Eigen::Vector3d::UnitZ())
* Eigen::AngleAxisd(euler(1), Eigen::Vector3d::UnitY())
* Eigen::AngleAxisd(euler(0), Eigen::Vector3d::UnitX());
return ensure_unique(q);
Eigen::Vector3d quat2euler(Eigen::Quaterniond quat){
// TODO: switch to eigen implementation if the range of the Euler angles doesn't matter anymore
// Eigen::Vector3d euler = quat.toRotationMatrix().eulerAngles(2, 1, 0);
// return {euler(2), euler(1), euler(0)};
double gamma = atan2(2 * (quat.w() * quat.x() + quat.y() * quat.z()), 1 - 2 * (quat.x()*quat.x() + quat.y()*quat.y()));
double theta = asin(2 * (quat.w() * quat.y() - quat.z() * quat.x()));
double psi = atan2(2 * (quat.w() * quat.z() + quat.x() * quat.y()), 1 - 2 * (quat.y()*quat.y() + quat.z()*quat.z()));
return {gamma, theta, psi};
Eigen::Matrix3d quat2rot(Eigen::Quaterniond quat){
return quat.toRotationMatrix();
Eigen::Quaterniond rot2quat(Eigen::Matrix3d rot){
return ensure_unique(Eigen::Quaterniond(rot));
Eigen::Matrix3d euler2rot(Eigen::Vector3d euler){
return quat2rot(euler2quat(euler));
Eigen::Vector3d rot2euler(Eigen::Matrix3d rot){
return quat2euler(rot2quat(rot));
Eigen::Matrix3d rot_matrix(double roll, double pitch, double yaw){
return euler2rot({roll, pitch, yaw});
Eigen::Matrix3d rot(Eigen::Vector3d axis, double angle){
Eigen::Quaterniond q;
q = Eigen::AngleAxisd(angle, axis);
return q.toRotationMatrix();
Eigen::Vector3d ecef_euler_from_ned(ECEF ecef_init, Eigen::Vector3d ned_pose) {
Using Rotations to Build Aerospace Coordinate Systems
Don Koks
LocalCoord converter = LocalCoord(ecef_init);
Eigen::Vector3d zero = ecef_init.to_vector();
Eigen::Vector3d x0 = converter.ned2ecef({1, 0, 0}).to_vector() - zero;
Eigen::Vector3d y0 = converter.ned2ecef({0, 1, 0}).to_vector() - zero;
Eigen::Vector3d z0 = converter.ned2ecef({0, 0, 1}).to_vector() - zero;
Eigen::Vector3d x1 = rot(z0, ned_pose(2)) * x0;
Eigen::Vector3d y1 = rot(z0, ned_pose(2)) * y0;
Eigen::Vector3d z1 = rot(z0, ned_pose(2)) * z0;
Eigen::Vector3d x2 = rot(y1, ned_pose(1)) * x1;
Eigen::Vector3d y2 = rot(y1, ned_pose(1)) * y1;
Eigen::Vector3d z2 = rot(y1, ned_pose(1)) * z1;
Eigen::Vector3d x3 = rot(x2, ned_pose(0)) * x2;
Eigen::Vector3d y3 = rot(x2, ned_pose(0)) * y2;
x0 = Eigen::Vector3d(1, 0, 0);
y0 = Eigen::Vector3d(0, 1, 0);
z0 = Eigen::Vector3d(0, 0, 1);
double psi = atan2(x3.dot(y0), x3.dot(x0));
double theta = atan2(-x3.dot(z0), sqrt(pow(x3.dot(x0), 2) + pow(x3.dot(y0), 2)));
y2 = rot(z0, psi) * y0;
z2 = rot(y2, theta) * z0;
double phi = atan2(y3.dot(z2), y3.dot(y2));
return {phi, theta, psi};
Eigen::Vector3d ned_euler_from_ecef(ECEF ecef_init, Eigen::Vector3d ecef_pose){
Using Rotations to Build Aerospace Coordinate Systems
Don Koks
LocalCoord converter = LocalCoord(ecef_init);
Eigen::Vector3d x0 = Eigen::Vector3d(1, 0, 0);
Eigen::Vector3d y0 = Eigen::Vector3d(0, 1, 0);
Eigen::Vector3d z0 = Eigen::Vector3d(0, 0, 1);
Eigen::Vector3d x1 = rot(z0, ecef_pose(2)) * x0;
Eigen::Vector3d y1 = rot(z0, ecef_pose(2)) * y0;
Eigen::Vector3d z1 = rot(z0, ecef_pose(2)) * z0;
Eigen::Vector3d x2 = rot(y1, ecef_pose(1)) * x1;
Eigen::Vector3d y2 = rot(y1, ecef_pose(1)) * y1;
Eigen::Vector3d z2 = rot(y1, ecef_pose(1)) * z1;
Eigen::Vector3d x3 = rot(x2, ecef_pose(0)) * x2;
Eigen::Vector3d y3 = rot(x2, ecef_pose(0)) * y2;
Eigen::Vector3d zero = ecef_init.to_vector();
x0 = converter.ned2ecef({1, 0, 0}).to_vector() - zero;
y0 = converter.ned2ecef({0, 1, 0}).to_vector() - zero;
z0 = converter.ned2ecef({0, 0, 1}).to_vector() - zero;
double psi = atan2(x3.dot(y0), x3.dot(x0));
double theta = atan2(-x3.dot(z0), sqrt(pow(x3.dot(x0), 2) + pow(x3.dot(y0), 2)));
y2 = rot(z0, psi) * y0;
z2 = rot(y2, theta) * z0;
double phi = atan2(y3.dot(z2), y3.dot(y2));
return {phi, theta, psi};
int main(void){

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
#pragma once
#include <eigen3/Eigen/Dense>
#include "coordinates.hpp"
Eigen::Quaterniond ensure_unique(Eigen::Quaterniond quat);
Eigen::Quaterniond euler2quat(Eigen::Vector3d euler);
Eigen::Vector3d quat2euler(Eigen::Quaterniond quat);
Eigen::Matrix3d quat2rot(Eigen::Quaterniond quat);
Eigen::Quaterniond rot2quat(Eigen::Matrix3d rot);
Eigen::Matrix3d euler2rot(Eigen::Vector3d euler);
Eigen::Vector3d rot2euler(Eigen::Matrix3d rot);
Eigen::Matrix3d rot_matrix(double roll, double pitch, double yaw);
Eigen::Matrix3d rot(Eigen::Vector3d axis, double angle);
Eigen::Vector3d ecef_euler_from_ned(ECEF ecef_init, Eigen::Vector3d ned_pose);
Eigen::Vector3d ned_euler_from_ecef(ECEF ecef_init, Eigen::Vector3d ecef_pose);

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@ -1,125 +1,47 @@
''' # pylint: skip-file
Vectorized functions that transform between
rotation matrices, euler angles and quaternions.
All support lists, array or array of arrays as inputs.
Supports both x2y and y_from_x format (y_from_x preferred!).
import numpy as np import numpy as np
from numpy import dot, inner, array, linalg
from common.transformations.coordinates import LocalCoord from common.transformations.transformations import (ecef_euler_from_ned_single,
def euler2quat(eulers): def numpy_wrap(function, input_shape, output_shape):
eulers = array(eulers) """Wrap a function to take either an input or list of inputs and return the correct shape"""
if len(eulers.shape) > 1: def f(*inps):
output_shape = (-1, 4) *args, inp = inps
inp = np.array(inp)
shape = inp.shape
if len(shape) == len(input_shape):
out_shape = output_shape
else: else:
output_shape = (4,) out_shape = (shape[0],) + output_shape
eulers = np.atleast_2d(eulers)
gamma, theta, psi = eulers[:, 0], eulers[:, 1], eulers[:, 2]
q0 = np.cos(gamma / 2) * np.cos(theta / 2) * np.cos(psi / 2) + \ # Add empty dimension if inputs is not a list
np.sin(gamma / 2) * np.sin(theta / 2) * np.sin(psi / 2) if len(shape) == len(input_shape):
q1 = np.sin(gamma / 2) * np.cos(theta / 2) * np.cos(psi / 2) - \ inp.shape = (1, ) + inp.shape
np.cos(gamma / 2) * np.sin(theta / 2) * np.sin(psi / 2)
q2 = np.cos(gamma / 2) * np.sin(theta / 2) * np.cos(psi / 2) + \
np.sin(gamma / 2) * np.cos(theta / 2) * np.sin(psi / 2)
q3 = np.cos(gamma / 2) * np.cos(theta / 2) * np.sin(psi / 2) - \
np.sin(gamma / 2) * np.sin(theta / 2) * np.cos(psi / 2)
quats = array([q0, q1, q2, q3]).T result = np.asarray([function(*args, i) for i in inp])
for i in range(len(quats)): result.shape = out_shape
if quats[i, 0] < 0: return result
quats[i] = -quats[i] return f
return quats.reshape(output_shape)
def quat2euler(quats): euler2quat = numpy_wrap(euler2quat_single, (3,), (4,))
quats = array(quats) quat2euler = numpy_wrap(quat2euler_single, (4,), (3,))
if len(quats.shape) > 1: quat2rot = numpy_wrap(quat2rot_single, (4,), (3, 3))
output_shape = (-1, 3) rot2quat = numpy_wrap(rot2quat_single, (3, 3), (4,))
else: euler2rot = numpy_wrap(euler2rot_single, (3,), (3, 3))
output_shape = (3,) rot2euler = numpy_wrap(rot2euler_single, (3, 3), (3,))
quats = np.atleast_2d(quats) ecef_euler_from_ned = numpy_wrap(ecef_euler_from_ned_single, (3,), (3,))
q0, q1, q2, q3 = quats[:, 0], quats[:, 1], quats[:, 2], quats[:, 3] ned_euler_from_ecef = numpy_wrap(ned_euler_from_ecef_single, (3,), (3,))
gamma = np.arctan2(2 * (q0 * q1 + q2 * q3), 1 - 2 * (q1**2 + q2**2))
theta = np.arcsin(2 * (q0 * q2 - q3 * q1))
psi = np.arctan2(2 * (q0 * q3 + q1 * q2), 1 - 2 * (q2**2 + q3**2))
eulers = array([gamma, theta, psi]).T
return eulers.reshape(output_shape)
def quat2rot(quats):
quats = array(quats)
input_shape = quats.shape
quats = np.atleast_2d(quats)
Rs = np.zeros((quats.shape[0], 3, 3))
q0 = quats[:, 0]
q1 = quats[:, 1]
q2 = quats[:, 2]
q3 = quats[:, 3]
Rs[:, 0, 0] = q0 * q0 + q1 * q1 - q2 * q2 - q3 * q3
Rs[:, 0, 1] = 2 * (q1 * q2 - q0 * q3)
Rs[:, 0, 2] = 2 * (q0 * q2 + q1 * q3)
Rs[:, 1, 0] = 2 * (q1 * q2 + q0 * q3)
Rs[:, 1, 1] = q0 * q0 - q1 * q1 + q2 * q2 - q3 * q3
Rs[:, 1, 2] = 2 * (q2 * q3 - q0 * q1)
Rs[:, 2, 0] = 2 * (q1 * q3 - q0 * q2)
Rs[:, 2, 1] = 2 * (q0 * q1 + q2 * q3)
Rs[:, 2, 2] = q0 * q0 - q1 * q1 - q2 * q2 + q3 * q3
if len(input_shape) < 2:
return Rs[0]
return Rs
def rot2quat(rots):
input_shape = rots.shape
if len(input_shape) < 3:
rots = array([rots])
K3 = np.empty((len(rots), 4, 4))
K3[:, 0, 0] = (rots[:, 0, 0] - rots[:, 1, 1] - rots[:, 2, 2]) / 3.0
K3[:, 0, 1] = (rots[:, 1, 0] + rots[:, 0, 1]) / 3.0
K3[:, 0, 2] = (rots[:, 2, 0] + rots[:, 0, 2]) / 3.0
K3[:, 0, 3] = (rots[:, 1, 2] - rots[:, 2, 1]) / 3.0
K3[:, 1, 0] = K3[:, 0, 1]
K3[:, 1, 1] = (rots[:, 1, 1] - rots[:, 0, 0] - rots[:, 2, 2]) / 3.0
K3[:, 1, 2] = (rots[:, 2, 1] + rots[:, 1, 2]) / 3.0
K3[:, 1, 3] = (rots[:, 2, 0] - rots[:, 0, 2]) / 3.0
K3[:, 2, 0] = K3[:, 0, 2]
K3[:, 2, 1] = K3[:, 1, 2]
K3[:, 2, 2] = (rots[:, 2, 2] - rots[:, 0, 0] - rots[:, 1, 1]) / 3.0
K3[:, 2, 3] = (rots[:, 0, 1] - rots[:, 1, 0]) / 3.0
K3[:, 3, 0] = K3[:, 0, 3]
K3[:, 3, 1] = K3[:, 1, 3]
K3[:, 3, 2] = K3[:, 2, 3]
K3[:, 3, 3] = (rots[:, 0, 0] + rots[:, 1, 1] + rots[:, 2, 2]) / 3.0
q = np.empty((len(rots), 4))
for i in range(len(rots)):
_, eigvecs = linalg.eigh(K3[i].T)
eigvecs = eigvecs[:, 3:]
q[i, 0] = eigvecs[-1]
q[i, 1:] = -eigvecs[:-1].flatten()
if q[i, 0] < 0:
q[i] = -q[i]
if len(input_shape) < 3:
return q[0]
return q
def euler2rot(eulers):
return rotations_from_quats(euler2quat(eulers))
def rot2euler(rots):
return quat2euler(quats_from_rotations(rots))
quats_from_rotations = rot2quat quats_from_rotations = rot2quat
quat_from_rot = rot2quat quat_from_rot = rot2quat
@ -130,162 +52,3 @@ euler_from_rot = rot2euler
euler_from_quat = quat2euler euler_from_quat = quat2euler
rot_from_euler = euler2rot rot_from_euler = euler2rot
quat_from_euler = euler2quat quat_from_euler = euler2quat
Random helpers below
def quat_product(q, r):
t = np.zeros(4)
t[0] = r[0] * q[0] - r[1] * q[1] - r[2] * q[2] - r[3] * q[3]
t[1] = r[0] * q[1] + r[1] * q[0] - r[2] * q[3] + r[3] * q[2]
t[2] = r[0] * q[2] + r[1] * q[3] + r[2] * q[0] - r[3] * q[1]
t[3] = r[0] * q[3] - r[1] * q[2] + r[2] * q[1] + r[3] * q[0]
return t
def rot_matrix(roll, pitch, yaw):
cr, sr = np.cos(roll), np.sin(roll)
cp, sp = np.cos(pitch), np.sin(pitch)
cy, sy = np.cos(yaw), np.sin(yaw)
rr = array([[1, 0, 0], [0, cr, -sr], [0, sr, cr]])
rp = array([[cp, 0, sp], [0, 1, 0], [-sp, 0, cp]])
ry = array([[cy, -sy, 0], [sy, cy, 0], [0, 0, 1]])
return ry.dot(rp.dot(rr))
def rot(axis, angle):
# Rotates around an arbitrary axis
ret_1 = (1 - np.cos(angle)) * array([[axis[0]**2, axis[0] * axis[1], axis[0] * axis[2]], [
axis[1] * axis[0], axis[1]**2, axis[1] * axis[2]
], [axis[2] * axis[0], axis[2] * axis[1], axis[2]**2]])
ret_2 = np.cos(angle) * np.eye(3)
ret_3 = np.sin(angle) * array([[0, -axis[2], axis[1]], [axis[2], 0, -axis[0]],
[-axis[1], axis[0], 0]])
return ret_1 + ret_2 + ret_3
def ecef_euler_from_ned(ned_ecef_init, ned_pose):
Got it from here:
Using Rotations to Build Aerospace Coordinate Systems
-Don Koks
converter = LocalCoord.from_ecef(ned_ecef_init)
x0 = converter.ned2ecef([1, 0, 0]) - converter.ned2ecef([0, 0, 0])
y0 = converter.ned2ecef([0, 1, 0]) - converter.ned2ecef([0, 0, 0])
z0 = converter.ned2ecef([0, 0, 1]) - converter.ned2ecef([0, 0, 0])
x1 = rot(z0, ned_pose[2]).dot(x0)
y1 = rot(z0, ned_pose[2]).dot(y0)
z1 = rot(z0, ned_pose[2]).dot(z0)
x2 = rot(y1, ned_pose[1]).dot(x1)
y2 = rot(y1, ned_pose[1]).dot(y1)
z2 = rot(y1, ned_pose[1]).dot(z1)
x3 = rot(x2, ned_pose[0]).dot(x2)
y3 = rot(x2, ned_pose[0]).dot(y2)
#z3 = rot(x2, ned_pose[0]).dot(z2)
x0 = array([1, 0, 0])
y0 = array([0, 1, 0])
z0 = array([0, 0, 1])
psi = np.arctan2(inner(x3, y0), inner(x3, x0))
theta = np.arctan2(-inner(x3, z0), np.sqrt(inner(x3, x0)**2 + inner(x3, y0)**2))
y2 = rot(z0, psi).dot(y0)
z2 = rot(y2, theta).dot(z0)
phi = np.arctan2(inner(y3, z2), inner(y3, y2))
ret = array([phi, theta, psi])
return ret
def ned_euler_from_ecef(ned_ecef_init, ecef_poses):
Got the math from here:
Using Rotations to Build Aerospace Coordinate Systems
-Don Koks
Also accepts array of ecef_poses and array of ned_ecef_inits.
Where each row is a pose and an ecef_init.
ned_ecef_init = array(ned_ecef_init)
ecef_poses = array(ecef_poses)
output_shape = ecef_poses.shape
ned_ecef_init = np.atleast_2d(ned_ecef_init)
if ned_ecef_init.shape[0] == 1:
ned_ecef_init = np.tile(ned_ecef_init[0], (output_shape[0], 1))
ecef_poses = np.atleast_2d(ecef_poses)
ned_poses = np.zeros(ecef_poses.shape)
for i, ecef_pose in enumerate(ecef_poses):
converter = LocalCoord.from_ecef(ned_ecef_init[i])
x0 = array([1, 0, 0])
y0 = array([0, 1, 0])
z0 = array([0, 0, 1])
x1 = rot(z0, ecef_pose[2]).dot(x0)
y1 = rot(z0, ecef_pose[2]).dot(y0)
z1 = rot(z0, ecef_pose[2]).dot(z0)
x2 = rot(y1, ecef_pose[1]).dot(x1)
y2 = rot(y1, ecef_pose[1]).dot(y1)
z2 = rot(y1, ecef_pose[1]).dot(z1)
x3 = rot(x2, ecef_pose[0]).dot(x2)
y3 = rot(x2, ecef_pose[0]).dot(y2)
#z3 = rot(x2, ecef_pose[0]).dot(z2)
x0 = converter.ned2ecef([1, 0, 0]) - converter.ned2ecef([0, 0, 0])
y0 = converter.ned2ecef([0, 1, 0]) - converter.ned2ecef([0, 0, 0])
z0 = converter.ned2ecef([0, 0, 1]) - converter.ned2ecef([0, 0, 0])
psi = np.arctan2(inner(x3, y0), inner(x3, x0))
theta = np.arctan2(-inner(x3, z0), np.sqrt(inner(x3, x0)**2 + inner(x3, y0)**2))
y2 = rot(z0, psi).dot(y0)
z2 = rot(y2, theta).dot(z0)
phi = np.arctan2(inner(y3, z2), inner(y3, y2))
ned_poses[i] = array([phi, theta, psi])
return ned_poses.reshape(output_shape)
def ecef2car(car_ecef, psi, theta, points_ecef, ned_converter):
TODO: add roll rotation
Converts an array of points in ecef coordinates into
x-forward, y-left, z-up coordinates
psi: yaw, radian
theta: pitch, radian
[x, y, z] coordinates in car frame
# input is an array of points in ecef cocrdinates
# output is an array of points in car's coordinate (x-front, y-left, z-up)
# convert points to NED
points_ned = []
for p in points_ecef:
points_ned.append(ned_converter.ecef2ned_matrix.dot(array(p) - car_ecef))
points_ned = np.vstack(points_ned).T
# n, e, d -> x, y, z
# Calculate relative postions and rotate wrt to heading and pitch of car
invert_R = array([[1., 0., 0.], [0., -1., 0.], [0., 0., -1.]])
c, s = np.cos(psi), np.sin(psi)
yaw_R = array([[c, s, 0.], [-s, c, 0.], [0., 0., 1.]])
c, s = np.cos(theta), np.sin(theta)
pitch_R = array([[c, 0., -s], [0., 1., 0.], [s, 0., c]])
return dot(pitch_R, dot(yaw_R, dot(invert_R, points_ned)))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
import os
import numpy
import sysconfig
from Cython.Build import cythonize
from Cython.Distutils import build_ext
from distutils.core import Extension, setup # pylint: disable=import-error,no-name-in-module
def get_ext_filename_without_platform_suffix(filename):
name, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
ext_suffix = sysconfig.get_config_var('EXT_SUFFIX')
if ext_suffix == ext:
return filename
ext_suffix = ext_suffix.replace(ext, '')
idx = name.find(ext_suffix)
if idx == -1:
return filename
return name[:idx] + ext
class BuildExtWithoutPlatformSuffix(build_ext):
def get_ext_filename(self, ext_name):
filename = super().get_ext_filename(ext_name)
return get_ext_filename_without_platform_suffix(filename)
name='Cython transformations wrapper',
cmdclass={'build_ext': BuildExtWithoutPlatformSuffix},

View File

@ -11,12 +11,6 @@ geodetic_positions = np.array([[37.7610403, -122.4778699, 115],
[15.1392514, 103.6976037, 24], [15.1392514, 103.6976037, 24],
[24.2302229, 44.2835412, 1650]]) [24.2302229, 44.2835412, 1650]])
geodetic_positions_radians = np.array([[0.65905448, -2.13764209, 115],
[0.47968789, -1.19706477, 2380],
[0.5670869, -1.98361593, -6],
[0.26422978, 1.80986461, 24],
[0.42289717, 0.7728936, 1650]])
ecef_positions = np.array([[-2711076.55270557, -4259167.14692758, 3884579.87669935], ecef_positions = np.array([[-2711076.55270557, -4259167.14692758, 3884579.87669935],
[ 2068042.69652729, -5273435.40316622, 2927004.89190746], [ 2068042.69652729, -5273435.40316622, 2927004.89190746],
[-2160412.60461669, -4932588.89873832, 3406542.29652851], [-2160412.60461669, -4932588.89873832, 3406542.29652851],
@ -78,9 +72,6 @@ class TestNED(unittest.TestCase):
np.testing.assert_allclose(geodetic_positions[:, 2], coord.ecef2geodetic(ecef_positions)[:, 2], rtol=1e-9, atol=1e-4) np.testing.assert_allclose(geodetic_positions[:, 2], coord.ecef2geodetic(ecef_positions)[:, 2], rtol=1e-9, atol=1e-4)
np.testing.assert_allclose(ecef_positions, coord.geodetic2ecef(geodetic_positions), rtol=1e-9) np.testing.assert_allclose(ecef_positions, coord.geodetic2ecef(geodetic_positions), rtol=1e-9)
np.testing.assert_allclose(geodetic_positions_radians[0], coord.ecef2geodetic(ecef_positions[0], radians=True), rtol=1e-5)
np.testing.assert_allclose(geodetic_positions_radians[:, :2], coord.ecef2geodetic(ecef_positions, radians=True)[:, :2], rtol=1e-7)
np.testing.assert_allclose(geodetic_positions_radians[:, 2], coord.ecef2geodetic(ecef_positions, radians=True)[:, 2], rtol=1e-7, atol=1e-4)
def test_ned(self): def test_ned(self):
for ecef_pos in ecef_positions: for ecef_pos in ecef_positions:

View File

@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ class TestOrientation(unittest.TestCase):
for i in range(len(eulers)): for i in range(len(eulers)):
np.testing.assert_allclose(ned_eulers[i], ned_euler_from_ecef(ecef_positions[i], eulers[i]), rtol=1e-7) np.testing.assert_allclose(ned_eulers[i], ned_euler_from_ecef(ecef_positions[i], eulers[i]), rtol=1e-7)
#np.testing.assert_allclose(eulers[i], ecef_euler_from_ned(ecef_positions[i], ned_eulers[i]), rtol=1e-7) #np.testing.assert_allclose(eulers[i], ecef_euler_from_ned(ecef_positions[i], ned_eulers[i]), rtol=1e-7)
np.testing.assert_allclose(ned_eulers, ned_euler_from_ecef(ecef_positions, eulers), rtol=1e-7) # np.testing.assert_allclose(ned_eulers, ned_euler_from_ecef(ecef_positions, eulers), rtol=1e-7)
if __name__ == "__main__": if __name__ == "__main__":

View File

@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
from libcpp cimport bool
cdef extern from "orientation.cc":
cdef extern from "orientation.hpp":
cdef cppclass Quaternion "Eigen::Quaterniond":
Quaternion(double, double, double, double)
double w()
double x()
double y()
double z()
cdef cppclass Vector3 "Eigen::Vector3d":
Vector3(double, double, double)
double operator()(int)
cdef cppclass Matrix3 "Eigen::Matrix3d":
double operator()(int, int)
Quaternion euler2quat(Vector3)
Vector3 quat2euler(Quaternion)
Matrix3 quat2rot(Quaternion)
Quaternion rot2quat(Matrix3)
Vector3 rot2euler(Matrix3)
Matrix3 euler2rot(Vector3)
Matrix3 rot_matrix(double, double, double)
Vector3 ecef_euler_from_ned(ECEF, Vector3)
Vector3 ned_euler_from_ecef(ECEF, Vector3)
cdef extern from "coordinates.cc":
cdef struct ECEF:
double x
double y
double z
cdef struct NED:
double n
double e
double d
cdef struct Geodetic:
double lat
double lon
double alt
bool radians
ECEF geodetic2ecef(Geodetic)
Geodetic ecef2geodetic(ECEF)
cdef cppclass LocalCoord_c "LocalCoord":
LocalCoord_c(Geodetic, ECEF)
NED ecef2ned(ECEF)
ECEF ned2ecef(NED)
NED geodetic2ned(Geodetic)
Geodetic ned2geodetic(NED)
cdef extern from "coordinates.hpp":

View File

@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
from transformations cimport Matrix3, Vector3, Quaternion
from transformations cimport ECEF, NED, Geodetic
from transformations cimport euler2quat as euler2quat_c
from transformations cimport quat2euler as quat2euler_c
from transformations cimport quat2rot as quat2rot_c
from transformations cimport rot2quat as rot2quat_c
from transformations cimport euler2rot as euler2rot_c
from transformations cimport rot2euler as rot2euler_c
from transformations cimport rot_matrix as rot_matrix_c
from transformations cimport ecef_euler_from_ned as ecef_euler_from_ned_c
from transformations cimport ned_euler_from_ecef as ned_euler_from_ecef_c
from transformations cimport geodetic2ecef as geodetic2ecef_c
from transformations cimport ecef2geodetic as ecef2geodetic_c
from transformations cimport LocalCoord_c
import cython
import numpy as np
cimport numpy as np
cdef np.ndarray[double, ndim=2] matrix2numpy(Matrix3 m):
return np.array([
[m(0, 0), m(0, 1), m(0, 2)],
[m(1, 0), m(1, 1), m(1, 2)],
[m(2, 0), m(2, 1), m(2, 2)],
cdef Matrix3 numpy2matrix (np.ndarray[double, ndim=2, mode="fortran"] m):
assert m.shape[0] == 3
assert m.shape[1] == 3
return Matrix3(<double*>m.data)
cdef ECEF list2ecef(ecef):
cdef ECEF e;
e.x = ecef[0]
e.y = ecef[1]
e.z = ecef[2]
return e
cdef NED list2ned(ned):
cdef NED n;
n.n = ned[0]
n.e = ned[1]
n.d = ned[2]
return n
cdef Geodetic list2geodetic(geodetic):
cdef Geodetic g
g.lat = geodetic[0]
g.lon = geodetic[1]
g.alt = geodetic[2]
return g
def euler2quat_single(euler):
cdef Vector3 e = Vector3(euler[0], euler[1], euler[2])
cdef Quaternion q = euler2quat_c(e)
return [q.w(), q.x(), q.y(), q.z()]
def quat2euler_single(quat):
cdef Quaternion q = Quaternion(quat[0], quat[1], quat[2], quat[3])
cdef Vector3 e = quat2euler_c(q);
return [e(0), e(1), e(2)]
def quat2rot_single(quat):
cdef Quaternion q = Quaternion(quat[0], quat[1], quat[2], quat[3])
cdef Matrix3 r = quat2rot_c(q)
return matrix2numpy(r)
def rot2quat_single(rot):
cdef Matrix3 r = numpy2matrix(np.asfortranarray(rot, dtype=np.double))
cdef Quaternion q = rot2quat_c(r)
return [q.w(), q.x(), q.y(), q.z()]
def euler2rot_single(euler):
cdef Vector3 e = Vector3(euler[0], euler[1], euler[2])
cdef Matrix3 r = euler2rot_c(e)
return matrix2numpy(r)
def rot2euler_single(rot):
cdef Matrix3 r = numpy2matrix(np.asfortranarray(rot, dtype=np.double))
cdef Vector3 e = rot2euler_c(r)
return [e(0), e(1), e(2)]
def rot_matrix(roll, pitch, yaw):
return matrix2numpy(rot_matrix_c(roll, pitch, yaw))
def ecef_euler_from_ned_single(ecef_init, ned_pose):
cdef ECEF init = list2ecef(ecef_init)
cdef Vector3 pose = Vector3(ned_pose[0], ned_pose[1], ned_pose[2])
cdef Vector3 e = ecef_euler_from_ned_c(init, pose)
return [e(0), e(1), e(2)]
def ned_euler_from_ecef_single(ecef_init, ecef_pose):
cdef ECEF init = list2ecef(ecef_init)
cdef Vector3 pose = Vector3(ecef_pose[0], ecef_pose[1], ecef_pose[2])
cdef Vector3 e = ned_euler_from_ecef_c(init, pose)
return [e(0), e(1), e(2)]
def geodetic2ecef_single(geodetic):
cdef Geodetic g = list2geodetic(geodetic)
cdef ECEF e = geodetic2ecef_c(g)
return [e.x, e.y, e.z]
def ecef2geodetic_single(ecef):
cdef ECEF e = list2ecef(ecef)
cdef Geodetic g = ecef2geodetic_c(e)
return [g.lat, g.lon, g.alt]
cdef class LocalCoord:
cdef LocalCoord_c * lc
def __init__(self, geodetic=None, ecef=None):
assert (geodetic is not None) or (ecef is not None)
if geodetic is not None:
self.lc = new LocalCoord_c(list2geodetic(geodetic))
elif ecef is not None:
self.lc = new LocalCoord_c(list2ecef(ecef))
def from_geodetic(cls, geodetic):
return cls(geodetic=geodetic)
def from_ecef(cls, ecef):
return cls(ecef=ecef)
def ecef2ned_single(self, ecef):
assert self.lc
cdef ECEF e = list2ecef(ecef)
cdef NED n = self.lc.ecef2ned(e)
return [n.n, n.e, n.d]
def ned2ecef_single(self, ned):
assert self.lc
cdef NED n = list2ned(ned)
cdef ECEF e = self.lc.ned2ecef(n)
return [e.x, e.y, e.z]
def geodetic2ned_single(self, geodetic):
assert self.lc
cdef Geodetic g = list2geodetic(geodetic)
cdef NED n = self.lc.geodetic2ned(g)
return [n.n, n.e, n.d]
def ned2geodetic_single(self, ned):
assert self.lc
cdef NED n = list2ned(ned)
cdef Geodetic g = self.lc.ned2geodetic(n)
return [g.lat, g.lon, g.alt]
def __dealloc__(self):
del self.lc

View File

@ -43,9 +43,18 @@ common/kalman/*
common/transformations/__init__.py common/transformations/__init__.py
common/transformations/camera.py common/transformations/camera.py
common/transformations/model.py common/transformations/model.py
common/transformations/orientation.py common/transformations/orientation.py
common/api/__init__.py common/api/__init__.py

View File

@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ from sympy.utilities.lambdify import lambdify
from rednose.helpers.sympy_helpers import euler_rotate from rednose.helpers.sympy_helpers import euler_rotate
@ -194,7 +193,7 @@ class Localizer():
self.converter = coord.LocalCoord.from_geodetic([log.latitude, log.longitude, log.altitude]) self.converter = coord.LocalCoord.from_geodetic([log.latitude, log.longitude, log.altitude])
ecef_pos = self.converter.ned2ecef([0, 0, 0]) ecef_pos = self.converter.ned2ecef([0, 0, 0])
ecef_vel = self.converter.ned2ecef_matrix.dot(np.array(log.vNED)) ecef_vel = self.converter.ned2ecef(np.array(log.vNED)) - ecef_pos
ecef_pos_R = np.diag([(3*log.verticalAccuracy)**2]*3) ecef_pos_R = np.diag([(3*log.verticalAccuracy)**2]*3)
ecef_vel_R = np.diag([(log.speedAccuracy)**2]*3) ecef_vel_R = np.diag([(log.speedAccuracy)**2]*3)
@ -263,6 +262,7 @@ class Localizer():
self.update_kalman(current_time, ObservationKind.PHONE_ACCEL, [-v[2], -v[1], -v[0]]) self.update_kalman(current_time, ObservationKind.PHONE_ACCEL, [-v[2], -v[1], -v[0]])
def handle_live_calib(self, current_time, log): def handle_live_calib(self, current_time, log):
if len(log.rpyCalib):
self.calib = log.rpyCalib self.calib = log.rpyCalib
self.device_from_calib = rot_from_euler(self.calib) self.device_from_calib = rot_from_euler(self.calib)
self.calib_from_device = self.device_from_calib.T self.calib_from_device = self.device_from_calib.T
@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ class Localizer():
def reset_kalman(self, current_time=None, init_orient=None): def reset_kalman(self, current_time=None, init_orient=None):
self.filter_time = current_time self.filter_time = current_time
init_x = LiveKalman.initial_x init_x = LiveKalman.initial_x.copy()
# too nonlinear to init on completely wrong # too nonlinear to init on completely wrong
if init_orient is not None: if init_orient is not None:
init_x[3:7] = init_orient init_x[3:7] = init_orient
@ -295,7 +295,6 @@ def locationd_thread(sm, pm, disabled_logs=None):
pm = messaging.PubMaster(['liveLocationKalman']) pm = messaging.PubMaster(['liveLocationKalman'])
localizer = Localizer(disabled_logs=disabled_logs) localizer = Localizer(disabled_logs=disabled_logs)
camera_odometry_cnt = 0
while True: while True:
sm.update() sm.update()
@ -315,9 +314,6 @@ def locationd_thread(sm, pm, disabled_logs=None):
localizer.handle_live_calib(t, sm[sock]) localizer.handle_live_calib(t, sm[sock])
if sm.updated['cameraOdometry']: if sm.updated['cameraOdometry']:
camera_odometry_cnt += 1
if camera_odometry_cnt % OUTPUT_DECIMATION == 0:
t = sm.logMonoTime['cameraOdometry'] t = sm.logMonoTime['cameraOdometry']
msg = messaging.new_message('liveLocationKalman') msg = messaging.new_message('liveLocationKalman')
msg.logMonoTime = t msg.logMonoTime = t

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@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ def compare_logs(log1, log2, ignore_fields=None, ignore_msgs=None):
if msg1_bytes != msg2_bytes: if msg1_bytes != msg2_bytes:
msg1_dict = msg1.to_dict(verbose=True) msg1_dict = msg1.to_dict(verbose=True)
msg2_dict = msg2.to_dict(verbose=True) msg2_dict = msg2.to_dict(verbose=True)
dd = dictdiffer.diff(msg1_dict, msg2_dict, ignore=ignore_fields, tolerance=0) dd = dictdiffer.diff(msg1_dict, msg2_dict, ignore=ignore_fields)
diff.extend(dd) diff.extend(dd)
return diff return diff

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@ -66,7 +66,11 @@ class FakeSocket:
class DumbSocket: class DumbSocket:
def __init__(self, s=None): def __init__(self, s=None):
if s is not None: if s is not None:
dat = messaging.new_message(s) dat = messaging.new_message(s)
except capnp.lib.capnp.KjException: # pylint: disable=c-extension-no-member
# lists
dat = messaging.new_message(s, 0)
self.data = dat.to_bytes() self.data = dat.to_bytes()
def receive(self, non_blocking=False): def receive(self, non_blocking=False):
@ -255,6 +259,17 @@ CONFIGS = [
init_callback=get_car_params, init_callback=get_car_params,
should_recv_callback=None, should_recv_callback=None,
), ),
"cameraOdometry": ["liveLocationKalman"],
"sensorEvents": [], "gpsLocationExternal": [], "liveCalibration": [], "carState": [],
ignore=["logMonoTime", "valid"],
] ]
def replay_process(cfg, lr): def replay_process(cfg, lr):

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@ -1 +1 @@
0533f640ab27f7b5af57aa4ebf4a29200550b3e8 834f4cd7e90ff266ced8ea142d7d7d05076186aa