
610 lines
16 KiB
Cap'n Proto

using Cxx = import "./include/c++.capnp";
# ******* events causing controls state machine transition *******
struct CarEvent @0x9b1657f34caf3ad3 {
name @0 :EventName;
# event types
enable @1 :Bool;
noEntry @2 :Bool;
warning @3 :Bool; # alerts presented only when enabled or soft disabling
userDisable @4 :Bool;
softDisable @5 :Bool;
immediateDisable @6 :Bool;
preEnable @7 :Bool;
permanent @8 :Bool; # alerts presented regardless of openpilot state
enum EventName @0xbaa8c5d505f727de {
canError @0;
steerUnavailable @1;
brakeUnavailable @2;
wrongGear @4;
doorOpen @5;
seatbeltNotLatched @6;
espDisabled @7;
wrongCarMode @8;
steerTempUnavailable @9;
reverseGear @10;
buttonCancel @11;
buttonEnable @12;
pedalPressed @13;
cruiseDisabled @14;
speedTooLow @17;
outOfSpace @18;
overheat @19;
calibrationIncomplete @20;
calibrationInvalid @21;
controlsMismatch @22;
pcmEnable @23;
pcmDisable @24;
noTarget @25;
radarFault @26;
brakeHold @28;
parkBrake @29;
manualRestart @30;
lowSpeedLockout @31;
plannerError @32;
joystickDebug @34;
steerTempUnavailableSilent @35;
resumeRequired @36;
preDriverDistracted @37;
promptDriverDistracted @38;
driverDistracted @39;
preDriverUnresponsive @43;
promptDriverUnresponsive @44;
driverUnresponsive @45;
belowSteerSpeed @46;
lowBattery @48;
vehicleModelInvalid @50;
accFaulted @51;
sensorDataInvalid @52;
commIssue @53;
tooDistracted @54;
posenetInvalid @55;
soundsUnavailable @56;
preLaneChangeLeft @57;
preLaneChangeRight @58;
laneChange @59;
lowMemory @63;
stockAeb @64;
ldw @65;
carUnrecognized @66;
invalidLkasSetting @69;
speedTooHigh @70;
laneChangeBlocked @71;
relayMalfunction @72;
gasPressed @73;
stockFcw @74;
startup @75;
startupNoCar @76;
startupNoControl @77;
startupMaster @78;
startupNoFw @104;
fcw @79;
steerSaturated @80;
belowEngageSpeed @84;
noGps @85;
wrongCruiseMode @87;
modeldLagging @89;
deviceFalling @90;
fanMalfunction @91;
cameraMalfunction @92;
gpsMalfunction @94;
processNotRunning @95;
dashcamMode @96;
controlsInitializing @98;
usbError @99;
roadCameraError @100;
driverCameraError @101;
wideRoadCameraError @102;
localizerMalfunction @103;
highCpuUsage @105;
cruiseMismatch @106;
lkasDisabled @107;
radarCanErrorDEPRECATED @15;
communityFeatureDisallowedDEPRECATED @62;
radarCommIssueDEPRECATED @67;
driverMonitorLowAccDEPRECATED @68;
gasUnavailableDEPRECATED @3;
dataNeededDEPRECATED @16;
modelCommIssueDEPRECATED @27;
ipasOverrideDEPRECATED @33;
geofenceDEPRECATED @40;
driverMonitorOnDEPRECATED @41;
driverMonitorOffDEPRECATED @42;
calibrationProgressDEPRECATED @47;
invalidGiraffeHondaDEPRECATED @49;
invalidGiraffeToyotaDEPRECATED @60;
internetConnectivityNeededDEPRECATED @61;
whitePandaUnsupportedDEPRECATED @81;
commIssueWarningDEPRECATED @83;
focusRecoverActiveDEPRECATED @86;
neosUpdateRequiredDEPRECATED @88;
modelLagWarningDEPRECATED @93;
startupOneplusDEPRECATED @82;
startupFuzzyFingerprintDEPRECATED @97;
# ******* main car state @ 100hz *******
# all speeds in m/s
struct CarState {
events @13 :List(CarEvent);
# car speed
vEgo @1 :Float32; # best estimate of speed
aEgo @16 :Float32; # best estimate of acceleration
vEgoRaw @17 :Float32; # unfiltered speed from CAN sensors
yawRate @22 :Float32; # best estimate of yaw rate
standstill @18 :Bool;
wheelSpeeds @2 :WheelSpeeds;
# gas pedal, 0.0-1.0
gas @3 :Float32; # this is user pedal only
gasPressed @4 :Bool; # this is user pedal only
# brake pedal, 0.0-1.0
brake @5 :Float32; # this is user pedal only
brakePressed @6 :Bool; # this is user pedal only
brakeHoldActive @38 :Bool;
# steering wheel
steeringAngleDeg @7 :Float32;
steeringAngleOffsetDeg @37 :Float32; # Offset betweens sensors in case there multiple
steeringRateDeg @15 :Float32;
steeringTorque @8 :Float32; # TODO: standardize units
steeringTorqueEps @27 :Float32; # TODO: standardize units
steeringPressed @9 :Bool; # if the user is using the steering wheel
steeringRateLimited @29 :Bool; # if the torque is limited by the rate limiter
steerWarning @35 :Bool; # temporary steer unavailble
steerError @36 :Bool; # permanent steer error
stockAeb @30 :Bool;
stockFcw @31 :Bool;
espDisabled @32 :Bool;
# cruise state
cruiseState @10 :CruiseState;
# gear
gearShifter @14 :GearShifter;
# button presses
buttonEvents @11 :List(ButtonEvent);
leftBlinker @20 :Bool;
rightBlinker @21 :Bool;
genericToggle @23 :Bool;
# lock info
doorOpen @24 :Bool;
seatbeltUnlatched @25 :Bool;
canValid @26 :Bool;
# clutch (manual transmission only)
clutchPressed @28 :Bool;
# which packets this state came from
canMonoTimes @12: List(UInt64);
# blindspot sensors
leftBlindspot @33 :Bool; # Is there something blocking the left lane change
rightBlindspot @34 :Bool; # Is there something blocking the right lane change
struct WheelSpeeds {
# optional wheel speeds
fl @0 :Float32;
fr @1 :Float32;
rl @2 :Float32;
rr @3 :Float32;
struct CruiseState {
enabled @0 :Bool;
speed @1 :Float32;
available @2 :Bool;
speedOffset @3 :Float32;
standstill @4 :Bool;
nonAdaptive @5 :Bool;
enum GearShifter {
unknown @0;
park @1;
drive @2;
neutral @3;
reverse @4;
sport @5;
low @6;
brake @7;
eco @8;
manumatic @9;
# send on change
struct ButtonEvent {
pressed @0 :Bool;
type @1 :Type;
enum Type {
unknown @0;
leftBlinker @1;
rightBlinker @2;
accelCruise @3;
decelCruise @4;
cancel @5;
altButton1 @6;
altButton2 @7;
altButton3 @8;
setCruise @9;
resumeCruise @10;
gapAdjustCruise @11;
errorsDEPRECATED @0 :List(CarEvent.EventName);
brakeLightsDEPRECATED @19 :Bool;
# ******* radar state @ 20hz *******
struct RadarData @0x888ad6581cf0aacb {
errors @0 :List(Error);
points @1 :List(RadarPoint);
# which packets this state came from
canMonoTimes @2 :List(UInt64);
enum Error {
canError @0;
fault @1;
wrongConfig @2;
# similar to LiveTracks
# is one timestamp valid for all? I think so
struct RadarPoint {
trackId @0 :UInt64; # no trackId reuse
# these 3 are the minimum required
dRel @1 :Float32; # m from the front bumper of the car
yRel @2 :Float32; # m
vRel @3 :Float32; # m/s
# these are optional and valid if they are not NaN
aRel @4 :Float32; # m/s^2
yvRel @5 :Float32; # m/s
# some radars flag measurements VS estimates
measured @6 :Bool;
# ******* car controls @ 100hz *******
struct CarControl {
# must be true for any actuator commands to work
enabled @0 :Bool;
active @7 :Bool;
# Actuator commands as computed by controlsd
actuators @6 :Actuators;
# Any car specific rate limits or quirks applied by
# the CarController are reflected in actuatorsOutput
# and matches what is sent to the car
actuatorsOutput @10 :Actuators;
roll @8 :Float32;
pitch @9 :Float32;
cruiseControl @4 :CruiseControl;
hudControl @5 :HUDControl;
struct Actuators {
# range from 0.0 - 1.0
gas @0: Float32;
brake @1: Float32;
# range from -1.0 - 1.0
steer @2: Float32;
steeringAngleDeg @3: Float32;
speed @6: Float32; # m/s
accel @4: Float32; # m/s^2
longControlState @5: LongControlState;
enum LongControlState @0xe40f3a917d908282{
off @0;
pid @1;
stopping @2;
startingDEPRECATED @3;
struct CruiseControl {
cancel @0: Bool;
override @1: Bool;
speedOverride @2: Float32;
accelOverride @3: Float32;
struct HUDControl {
speedVisible @0: Bool;
setSpeed @1: Float32;
lanesVisible @2: Bool;
leadVisible @3: Bool;
visualAlert @4: VisualAlert;
audibleAlert @5: AudibleAlert;
rightLaneVisible @6: Bool;
leftLaneVisible @7: Bool;
rightLaneDepart @8: Bool;
leftLaneDepart @9: Bool;
enum VisualAlert {
# these are the choices from the Honda
# map as good as you can for your car
none @0;
fcw @1;
steerRequired @2;
brakePressed @3;
wrongGear @4;
seatbeltUnbuckled @5;
speedTooHigh @6;
ldw @7;
enum AudibleAlert {
none @0;
engage @1;
disengage @2;
refuse @3;
warningSoft @4;
warningImmediate @5;
prompt @6;
promptRepeat @7;
promptDistracted @8;
gasDEPRECATED @1 :Float32;
brakeDEPRECATED @2 :Float32;
steeringTorqueDEPRECATED @3 :Float32;
# ****** car param ******
struct CarParams {
carName @0 :Text;
carFingerprint @1 :Text;
fuzzyFingerprint @55 :Bool;
enableGasInterceptor @2 :Bool;
pcmCruise @3 :Bool; # is openpilot's state tied to the PCM's cruise state?
enableDsu @5 :Bool; # driving support unit
enableApgs @6 :Bool; # advanced parking guidance system
enableBsm @56 :Bool; # blind spot monitoring
flags @64 :UInt32; # flags for car specific quirks
minEnableSpeed @7 :Float32;
minSteerSpeed @8 :Float32;
maxSteeringAngleDeg @54 :Float32;
safetyConfigs @62 :List(SafetyConfig);
unsafeMode @65 :Int16;
steerMaxBP @11 :List(Float32);
steerMaxV @12 :List(Float32);
gasMaxBPDEPRECATED @13 :List(Float32);
gasMaxVDEPRECATED @14 :List(Float32);
brakeMaxBPDEPRECATED @15 :List(Float32);
brakeMaxVDEPRECATED @16 :List(Float32);
# things about the car in the manual
mass @17 :Float32; # [kg] curb weight: all fluids no cargo
wheelbase @18 :Float32; # [m] distance from rear axle to front axle
centerToFront @19 :Float32; # [m] distance from center of mass to front axle
steerRatio @20 :Float32; # [] ratio of steering wheel angle to front wheel angle
steerRatioRear @21 :Float32; # [] ratio of steering wheel angle to rear wheel angle (usually 0)
# things we can derive
rotationalInertia @22 :Float32; # [kg*m2] body rotational inertia
tireStiffnessFront @23 :Float32; # [N/rad] front tire coeff of stiff
tireStiffnessRear @24 :Float32; # [N/rad] rear tire coeff of stiff
longitudinalTuning @25 :LongitudinalPIDTuning;
lateralParams @48 :LateralParams;
lateralTuning :union {
pid @26 :LateralPIDTuning;
indi @27 :LateralINDITuning;
lqr @40 :LateralLQRTuning;
steerLimitAlert @28 :Bool;
steerLimitTimer @47 :Float32; # time before steerLimitAlert is issued
vEgoStopping @29 :Float32; # Speed at which the car goes into stopping state
vEgoStarting @59 :Float32; # Speed at which the car goes into starting state
directAccelControl @30 :Bool; # Does the car have direct accel control or just gas/brake
stoppingControl @31 :Bool; # Does the car allows full control even at lows speeds when stopping
stopAccel @60 :Float32; # Required acceleraton to keep vehicle stationary
steerRateCost @33 :Float32; # Lateral MPC cost on steering rate
steerControlType @34 :SteerControlType;
radarOffCan @35 :Bool; # True when radar objects aren't visible on CAN
stoppingDecelRate @52 :Float32; # m/s^2/s while trying to stop
steerActuatorDelay @36 :Float32; # Steering wheel actuator delay in seconds
longitudinalActuatorDelayLowerBound @61 :Float32; # Gas/Brake actuator delay in seconds, lower bound
longitudinalActuatorDelayUpperBound @58 :Float32; # Gas/Brake actuator delay in seconds, upper bound
openpilotLongitudinalControl @37 :Bool; # is openpilot doing the longitudinal control?
carVin @38 :Text; # VIN number queried during fingerprinting
dashcamOnly @41: Bool;
transmissionType @43 :TransmissionType;
carFw @44 :List(CarFw);
radarTimeStep @45: Float32 = 0.05; # time delta between radar updates, 20Hz is very standard
fingerprintSource @49: FingerprintSource;
networkLocation @50 :NetworkLocation; # Where Panda/C2 is integrated into the car's CAN network
wheelSpeedFactor @63 :Float32; # Multiplier on wheels speeds to computer actual speeds
struct SafetyConfig {
safetyModel @0 :SafetyModel;
safetyParam @1 :Int16;
struct LateralParams {
torqueBP @0 :List(Int32);
torqueV @1 :List(Int32);
struct LateralPIDTuning {
kpBP @0 :List(Float32);
kpV @1 :List(Float32);
kiBP @2 :List(Float32);
kiV @3 :List(Float32);
kf @4 :Float32;
struct LongitudinalPIDTuning {
kpBP @0 :List(Float32);
kpV @1 :List(Float32);
kiBP @2 :List(Float32);
kiV @3 :List(Float32);
deadzoneBP @4 :List(Float32);
deadzoneV @5 :List(Float32);
struct LateralINDITuning {
outerLoopGainBP @4 :List(Float32);
outerLoopGainV @5 :List(Float32);
innerLoopGainBP @6 :List(Float32);
innerLoopGainV @7 :List(Float32);
timeConstantBP @8 :List(Float32);
timeConstantV @9 :List(Float32);
actuatorEffectivenessBP @10 :List(Float32);
actuatorEffectivenessV @11 :List(Float32);
outerLoopGainDEPRECATED @0 :Float32;
innerLoopGainDEPRECATED @1 :Float32;
timeConstantDEPRECATED @2 :Float32;
actuatorEffectivenessDEPRECATED @3 :Float32;
struct LateralLQRTuning {
scale @0 :Float32;
ki @1 :Float32;
dcGain @2 :Float32;
# State space system
a @3 :List(Float32);
b @4 :List(Float32);
c @5 :List(Float32);
k @6 :List(Float32); # LQR gain
l @7 :List(Float32); # Kalman gain
enum SafetyModel {
silent @0;
hondaNidec @1;
toyota @2;
elm327 @3;
gm @4;
hondaBoschGiraffe @5;
ford @6;
cadillac @7;
hyundai @8;
chrysler @9;
tesla @10;
subaru @11;
gmPassive @12;
mazda @13;
nissan @14;
volkswagen @15;
toyotaIpas @16;
allOutput @17;
gmAscm @18;
noOutput @19; # like silent but without silent CAN TXs
hondaBosch @20;
volkswagenPq @21;
subaruLegacy @22; # pre-Global platform
hyundaiLegacy @23;
hyundaiCommunity @24;
stellantis @25;
enum SteerControlType {
torque @0;
angle @1;
enum TransmissionType {
unknown @0;
automatic @1; # Traditional auto, including DSG
manual @2; # True "stick shift" only
direct @3; # Electric vehicle or other direct drive
cvt @4;
struct CarFw {
ecu @0 :Ecu;
fwVersion @1 :Data;
address @2: UInt32;
subAddress @3: UInt8;
enum Ecu {
eps @0;
esp @1;
fwdRadar @2;
fwdCamera @3;
engine @4;
unknown @5;
transmission @8; # Transmission Control Module
srs @9; # airbag
gateway @10; # can gateway
hud @11; # heads up display
combinationMeter @12; # instrument cluster
# Toyota only
dsu @6;
apgs @7;
# Honda only
vsa @13; # Vehicle Stability Assist
programmedFuelInjection @14;
electricBrakeBooster @15;
shiftByWire @16;
enum FingerprintSource {
can @0;
fw @1;
fixed @2;
enum NetworkLocation {
fwdCamera @0; # Standard/default integration at LKAS camera
gateway @1; # Integration at vehicle's CAN gateway
enableCameraDEPRECATED @4 :Bool;
isPandaBlackDEPRECATED @39 :Bool;
hasStockCameraDEPRECATED @57 :Bool;
safetyParamDEPRECATED @10 :Int16;
safetyModelDEPRECATED @9 :SafetyModel;
safetyModelPassiveDEPRECATED @42 :SafetyModel = silent;
minSpeedCanDEPRECATED @51 :Float32;
startAccelDEPRECATED @32 :Float32;
communityFeatureDEPRECATED @46: Bool;
startingAccelRateDEPRECATED @53 :Float32;