
290 lines
9.6 KiB

// global torque limit
const int TOYOTA_MAX_TORQUE = 1500; // max torque cmd allowed ever
// rate based torque limit + stay within actually applied
// packet is sent at 100hz, so this limit is 1000/sec
const int TOYOTA_MAX_RATE_UP = 10; // ramp up slow
const int TOYOTA_MAX_RATE_DOWN = 25; // ramp down fast
const int TOYOTA_MAX_TORQUE_ERROR = 350; // max torque cmd in excess of torque motor
// real time torque limit to prevent controls spamming
// the real time limit is 1500/sec
const int TOYOTA_MAX_RT_DELTA = 375; // max delta torque allowed for real time checks
const uint32_t TOYOTA_RT_INTERVAL = 250000; // 250ms between real time checks
// longitudinal limits
const int TOYOTA_MAX_ACCEL = 2000; // 2.0 m/s2
const int TOYOTA_MIN_ACCEL = -3500; // -3.5 m/s2
const int TOYOTA_STANDSTILL_THRSLD = 100; // 1kph
// Roughly calculated using the offsets in openpilot +5%:
// In openpilot: ((gas1_norm + gas2_norm)/2) > 15
// gas_norm1 = ((gain_dbc*gas1) + offset1_dbc)
// gas_norm2 = ((gain_dbc*gas2) + offset2_dbc)
// In this safety: ((gas1 + gas2)/2) > THRESHOLD
#define TOYOTA_GET_INTERCEPTOR(msg) (((GET_BYTE((msg), 0) << 8) + GET_BYTE((msg), 1) + (GET_BYTE((msg), 2) << 8) + GET_BYTE((msg), 3)) / 2U) // avg between 2 tracks
const CanMsg TOYOTA_TX_MSGS[] = {{0x283, 0, 7}, {0x2E6, 0, 8}, {0x2E7, 0, 8}, {0x33E, 0, 7}, {0x344, 0, 8}, {0x365, 0, 7}, {0x366, 0, 7}, {0x4CB, 0, 8}, // DSU bus 0
{0x128, 1, 6}, {0x141, 1, 4}, {0x160, 1, 8}, {0x161, 1, 7}, {0x470, 1, 4}, // DSU bus 1
{0x2E4, 0, 5}, {0x191, 0, 8}, {0x411, 0, 8}, {0x412, 0, 8}, {0x343, 0, 8}, {0x1D2, 0, 8}, // LKAS + ACC
{0x200, 0, 6}}; // interceptor
AddrCheckStruct toyota_addr_checks[] = {
{.msg = {{ 0xaa, 0, 8, .check_checksum = false, .expected_timestep = 12000U}, { 0 }, { 0 }}},
{.msg = {{0x260, 0, 8, .check_checksum = true, .expected_timestep = 20000U}, { 0 }, { 0 }}},
{.msg = {{0x1D2, 0, 8, .check_checksum = true, .expected_timestep = 30000U}, { 0 }, { 0 }}},
{.msg = {{0x224, 0, 8, .check_checksum = false, .expected_timestep = 25000U},
{0x226, 0, 8, .check_checksum = false, .expected_timestep = 25000U}, { 0 }}},
#define TOYOTA_ADDR_CHECKS_LEN (sizeof(toyota_addr_checks) / sizeof(toyota_addr_checks[0]))
addr_checks toyota_rx_checks = {toyota_addr_checks, TOYOTA_ADDR_CHECKS_LEN};
// global actuation limit states
int toyota_dbc_eps_torque_factor = 100; // conversion factor for STEER_TORQUE_EPS in %: see dbc file
static uint8_t toyota_compute_checksum(CANPacket_t *to_push) {
int addr = GET_ADDR(to_push);
int len = GET_LEN(to_push);
uint8_t checksum = (uint8_t)(addr) + (uint8_t)((unsigned int)(addr) >> 8U) + (uint8_t)(len);
for (int i = 0; i < (len - 1); i++) {
checksum += (uint8_t)GET_BYTE(to_push, i);
return checksum;
static uint8_t toyota_get_checksum(CANPacket_t *to_push) {
int checksum_byte = GET_LEN(to_push) - 1U;
return (uint8_t)(GET_BYTE(to_push, checksum_byte));
static int toyota_rx_hook(CANPacket_t *to_push) {
bool valid = addr_safety_check(to_push, &toyota_rx_checks,
toyota_get_checksum, toyota_compute_checksum, NULL);
if (valid && (GET_BUS(to_push) == 0U)) {
int addr = GET_ADDR(to_push);
// get eps motor torque (0.66 factor in dbc)
if (addr == 0x260) {
int torque_meas_new = (GET_BYTE(to_push, 5) << 8) | GET_BYTE(to_push, 6);
torque_meas_new = to_signed(torque_meas_new, 16);
// scale by dbc_factor
torque_meas_new = (torque_meas_new * toyota_dbc_eps_torque_factor) / 100;
// update array of sample
update_sample(&torque_meas, torque_meas_new);
// increase torque_meas by 1 to be conservative on rounding
// enter controls on rising edge of ACC, exit controls on ACC off
// exit controls on rising edge of gas press
if (addr == 0x1D2) {
// 5th bit is CRUISE_ACTIVE
int cruise_engaged = GET_BYTE(to_push, 0) & 0x20U;
if (!cruise_engaged) {
controls_allowed = 0;
if (cruise_engaged && !cruise_engaged_prev) {
controls_allowed = 1;
cruise_engaged_prev = cruise_engaged;
// sample gas pedal
if (!gas_interceptor_detected) {
gas_pressed = ((GET_BYTE(to_push, 0) >> 4) & 1U) == 0U;
// sample speed
if (addr == 0xaa) {
int speed = 0;
// sum 4 wheel speeds
for (uint8_t i=0U; i<8U; i+=2U) {
int wheel_speed = (GET_BYTE(to_push, i) << 8U) + GET_BYTE(to_push, (i+1U));
speed += wheel_speed - 0x1a6f;
vehicle_moving = ABS(speed / 4) > TOYOTA_STANDSTILL_THRSLD;
// most cars have brake_pressed on 0x226, corolla and rav4 on 0x224
if ((addr == 0x224) || (addr == 0x226)) {
int byte = (addr == 0x224) ? 0 : 4;
brake_pressed = ((GET_BYTE(to_push, byte) >> 5) & 1U) != 0U;
// sample gas interceptor
if (addr == 0x201) {
gas_interceptor_detected = 1;
int gas_interceptor = TOYOTA_GET_INTERCEPTOR(to_push);
gas_pressed = gas_interceptor > TOYOTA_GAS_INTERCEPTOR_THRSLD;
// TODO: remove this, only left in for gas_interceptor_prev test
gas_interceptor_prev = gas_interceptor;
generic_rx_checks((addr == 0x2E4));
return valid;
static int toyota_tx_hook(CANPacket_t *to_send) {
int tx = 1;
int addr = GET_ADDR(to_send);
int bus = GET_BUS(to_send);
if (!msg_allowed(to_send, TOYOTA_TX_MSGS, sizeof(TOYOTA_TX_MSGS)/sizeof(TOYOTA_TX_MSGS[0]))) {
tx = 0;
// Check if msg is sent on BUS 0
if (bus == 0) {
// GAS PEDAL: safety check
if (addr == 0x200) {
if (!controls_allowed) {
if (GET_BYTE(to_send, 0) || GET_BYTE(to_send, 1)) {
tx = 0;
// ACCEL: safety check on byte 1-2
if (addr == 0x343) {
int desired_accel = (GET_BYTE(to_send, 0) << 8) | GET_BYTE(to_send, 1);
desired_accel = to_signed(desired_accel, 16);
if (!controls_allowed) {
if (desired_accel != 0) {
tx = 0;
bool violation = max_limit_check(desired_accel, TOYOTA_MAX_ACCEL, TOYOTA_MIN_ACCEL);
if (violation) {
tx = 0;
// AEB: block all actuation. only used when DSU is unplugged
if (addr == 0x283) {
// only allow the checksum, which is the last byte
bool block = (GET_BYTES_04(to_send) != 0U) || (GET_BYTE(to_send, 4) != 0U) || (GET_BYTE(to_send, 5) != 0U);
if (block) {
tx = 0;
// LTA steering check
// only sent to prevent dash errors, no actuation is accepted
if (addr == 0x191) {
bool lta_request = (GET_BYTE(to_send, 0) & 1U) != 0U;
bool lta_request2 = ((GET_BYTE(to_send, 3) >> 1) & 1U) != 0U;
int lta_angle = (GET_BYTE(to_send, 1) << 8) | GET_BYTE(to_send, 2);
lta_angle = to_signed(lta_angle, 16);
// block LTA msgs with actuation requests
if (lta_request || lta_request2 || (lta_angle != 0)) {
tx = 0;
// STEER: safety check on bytes 2-3
if (addr == 0x2E4) {
int desired_torque = (GET_BYTE(to_send, 1) << 8) | GET_BYTE(to_send, 2);
desired_torque = to_signed(desired_torque, 16);
bool violation = 0;
uint32_t ts = microsecond_timer_get();
if (controls_allowed) {
// *** global torque limit check ***
violation |= max_limit_check(desired_torque, TOYOTA_MAX_TORQUE, -TOYOTA_MAX_TORQUE);
// *** torque rate limit check ***
violation |= dist_to_meas_check(desired_torque, desired_torque_last,
// used next time
desired_torque_last = desired_torque;
// *** torque real time rate limit check ***
violation |= rt_rate_limit_check(desired_torque, rt_torque_last, TOYOTA_MAX_RT_DELTA);
// every RT_INTERVAL set the new limits
uint32_t ts_elapsed = get_ts_elapsed(ts, ts_last);
if (ts_elapsed > TOYOTA_RT_INTERVAL) {
rt_torque_last = desired_torque;
ts_last = ts;
// no torque if controls is not allowed
if (!controls_allowed && (desired_torque != 0)) {
violation = 1;
// reset to 0 if either controls is not allowed or there's a violation
if (violation || !controls_allowed) {
desired_torque_last = 0;
rt_torque_last = 0;
ts_last = ts;
if (violation) {
tx = 0;
return tx;
static const addr_checks* toyota_init(int16_t param) {
controls_allowed = 0;
gas_interceptor_detected = 0;
toyota_dbc_eps_torque_factor = param;
return &toyota_rx_checks;
static int toyota_fwd_hook(int bus_num, CANPacket_t *to_fwd) {
int bus_fwd = -1;
if (bus_num == 0) {
bus_fwd = 2;
if (bus_num == 2) {
int addr = GET_ADDR(to_fwd);
// block stock lkas messages and stock acc messages (if OP is doing ACC)
// in TSS2, 0x191 is LTA which we need to block to avoid controls collision
int is_lkas_msg = ((addr == 0x2E4) || (addr == 0x412) || (addr == 0x191));
// in TSS2 the camera does ACC as well, so filter 0x343
int is_acc_msg = (addr == 0x343);
int block_msg = is_lkas_msg || is_acc_msg;
if (!block_msg) {
bus_fwd = 0;
return bus_fwd;
const safety_hooks toyota_hooks = {
.init = toyota_init,
.rx = toyota_rx_hook,
.tx = toyota_tx_hook,
.tx_lin = nooutput_tx_lin_hook,
.fwd = toyota_fwd_hook,