Adeeb Shihadeh 1f4714ba98
Test standalone binary builds in CI (#2008)
* test updater, spinner, and text window build in CI

* we dont ship the libs for updater in release branches
2020-08-10 21:52:26 -07:00

142 lines
4.1 KiB

def phone(String ip, String step_label, String cmd) {
withCredentials([file(credentialsId: 'id_rsa_public', variable: 'key_file')]) {
sh label: step_label,
script: """
ssh -tt -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i ${key_file} -p 8022 root@${ip} '${ci_env} /usr/bin/bash -le' <<'EOF'
echo \$\$ > /dev/cpuset/app/tasks || true
echo \$PPID > /dev/cpuset/app/tasks || true
mkdir -p /dev/shm
chmod 777 /dev/shm
cd ${env.TEST_DIR} || true
exit 0
def phone_steps(String device_type, steps) {
lock(resource: "", label: device_type, inversePrecedence: true, variable: 'device_ip', quantity: 1) {
timeout(time: 60, unit: 'MINUTES') {
phone(device_ip, "kill old processes", "pkill -f comma || true")
phone(device_ip, "git checkout", readFile("selfdrive/test/"),)
steps.each { item ->
phone(device_ip, item[0], item[1])
pipeline {
agent none
environment {
COMMA_JWT = credentials('athena-test-jwt')
TEST_DIR = "/data/openpilot"
stages {
stage('Release Build') {
when {
branch 'devel-staging'
steps {
phone_steps("eon-build", [
["build release2-staging and dashcam-staging", "cd release && PUSH=1 ./"],
stage('openpilot tests') {
when {
not {
anyOf {
branch 'master-ci'; branch 'devel'; branch 'devel-staging'; branch 'release2'; branch 'release2-staging'; branch 'dashcam'; branch 'dashcam-staging'
stages {
stage('PC tests') {
agent {
dockerfile {
filename 'Dockerfile.openpilot'
args '--privileged --shm-size=1G --user=root'
stages {
stage('Build') {
steps {
sh 'scons -j$(nproc)'
post {
always {
// fix permissions since docker runs as another user
sh "chmod -R 777 ."
stage('On-device Tests') {
agent {
docker {
image 'python:3.7.3'
args '--user=root'
stages {
stage('parallel tests') {
parallel {
stage('Devel Build') {
environment {
CI_PUSH = "${env.BRANCH_NAME == 'master' ? 'master-ci' : ' '}"
steps {
phone_steps("eon", [
["build devel", "cd release && CI_PUSH=${env.CI_PUSH} ./"],
["test openpilot", "nosetests -s selfdrive/test/"],
["test cpu usage", "cd selfdrive/test/ && ./"],
["test car interfaces", "cd selfdrive/car/tests/ && ./"],
["test spinner build", "cd selfdrive/ui/spinner && make clean && make"],
["test text window build", "cd selfdrive/ui/text && make clean && make"],
stage('Replay Tests') {
steps {
phone_steps("eon2", [
["camerad/modeld replay", "cd selfdrive/test/process_replay && ./"],
stage('HW Tests') {
steps {
phone_steps("eon", [
["build cereal", "SCONS_CACHE=1 scons -j4 cereal/"],
["test sounds", "nosetests -s selfdrive/test/"],
["test boardd loopback", "nosetests -s selfdrive/boardd/tests/"],