
156 lines
5.9 KiB

import crcmod
from import CAR, CHECKSUM
hyundai_checksum = crcmod.mkCrcFun(0x11D, initCrc=0xFD, rev=False, xorOut=0xdf)
def create_lkas11(packer, frame, car_fingerprint, apply_steer, steer_req,
lkas11, sys_warning, sys_state, enabled,
left_lane, right_lane,
left_lane_depart, right_lane_depart):
values = lkas11
values["CF_Lkas_LdwsSysState"] = sys_state
values["CF_Lkas_SysWarning"] = 3 if sys_warning else 0
values["CF_Lkas_LdwsLHWarning"] = left_lane_depart
values["CF_Lkas_LdwsRHWarning"] = right_lane_depart
values["CR_Lkas_StrToqReq"] = apply_steer
values["CF_Lkas_ActToi"] = steer_req
values["CF_Lkas_MsgCount"] = frame % 0x10
values["CF_Lkas_LdwsActivemode"] = int(left_lane) + (int(right_lane) << 1)
values["CF_Lkas_LdwsOpt_USM"] = 2
# FcwOpt_USM 5 = Orange blinking car + lanes
# FcwOpt_USM 4 = Orange car + lanes
# FcwOpt_USM 3 = Green blinking car + lanes
# FcwOpt_USM 2 = Green car + lanes
# FcwOpt_USM 1 = White car + lanes
# FcwOpt_USM 0 = No car + lanes
values["CF_Lkas_FcwOpt_USM"] = 2 if enabled else 1
# SysWarning 4 = keep hands on wheel
# SysWarning 5 = keep hands on wheel (red)
# SysWarning 6 = keep hands on wheel (red) + beep
# Note: the warning is hidden while the blinkers are on
values["CF_Lkas_SysWarning"] = 4 if sys_warning else 0
elif car_fingerprint == CAR.HYUNDAI_GENESIS:
# This field is actually LdwsActivemode
# Genesis and Optima fault when forwarding while engaged
values["CF_Lkas_LdwsActivemode"] = 2
elif car_fingerprint == CAR.KIA_OPTIMA:
values["CF_Lkas_LdwsActivemode"] = 0
dat = packer.make_can_msg("LKAS11", 0, values)[2]
if car_fingerprint in CHECKSUM["crc8"]:
# CRC Checksum as seen on 2019 Hyundai Santa Fe
dat = dat[:6] + dat[7:8]
checksum = hyundai_checksum(dat)
elif car_fingerprint in CHECKSUM["6B"]:
# Checksum of first 6 Bytes, as seen on 2018 Kia Sorento
checksum = sum(dat[:6]) % 256
# Checksum of first 6 Bytes and last Byte as seen on 2018 Kia Stinger
checksum = (sum(dat[:6]) + dat[7]) % 256
values["CF_Lkas_Chksum"] = checksum
return packer.make_can_msg("LKAS11", 0, values)
def create_clu11(packer, frame, clu11, button):
values = clu11
values["CF_Clu_CruiseSwState"] = button
values["CF_Clu_AliveCnt1"] = frame % 0x10
return packer.make_can_msg("CLU11", 0, values)
def create_lfahda_mfc(packer, enabled, hda_set_speed=0):
values = {
"LFA_Icon_State": 2 if enabled else 0,
"HDA_Active": 1 if hda_set_speed else 0,
"HDA_Icon_State": 2 if hda_set_speed else 0,
"HDA_VSetReq": hda_set_speed,
return packer.make_can_msg("LFAHDA_MFC", 0, values)
def create_acc_commands(packer, enabled, accel, jerk, idx, lead_visible, set_speed, stopping):
commands = []
scc11_values = {
"MainMode_ACC": 1,
"TauGapSet": 4,
"VSetDis": set_speed if enabled else 0,
"AliveCounterACC": idx % 0x10,
"ObjValid": 1 if lead_visible else 0,
"ACC_ObjStatus": 1 if lead_visible else 0,
"ACC_ObjLatPos": 0,
"ACC_ObjRelSpd": 0,
"ACC_ObjDist": 0,
commands.append(packer.make_can_msg("SCC11", 0, scc11_values))
scc12_values = {
"ACCMode": 1 if enabled else 0,
"StopReq": 1 if enabled and stopping else 0,
"aReqRaw": accel if enabled else 0,
"aReqValue": accel if enabled else 0, # stock ramps up and down respecting jerk limit until it reaches aReqRaw
"CR_VSM_Alive": idx % 0xF,
scc12_dat = packer.make_can_msg("SCC12", 0, scc12_values)[2]
scc12_values["CR_VSM_ChkSum"] = 0x10 - sum([sum(divmod(i, 16)) for i in scc12_dat]) % 0x10
commands.append(packer.make_can_msg("SCC12", 0, scc12_values))
scc14_values = {
"ComfortBandUpper": 0.0, # stock usually is 0 but sometimes uses higher values
"ComfortBandLower": 0.0, # stock usually is 0 but sometimes uses higher values
"JerkUpperLimit": max(jerk, 1.0) if (enabled and not stopping) else 0, # stock usually is 1.0 but sometimes uses higher values
"JerkLowerLimit": max(-jerk, 1.0) if enabled else 0, # stock usually is 0.5 but sometimes uses higher values
"ACCMode": 1 if enabled else 4, # stock will always be 4 instead of 0 after first disengage
"ObjGap": 2 if lead_visible else 0, # 5: >30, m, 4: 25-30 m, 3: 20-25 m, 2: < 20 m, 0: no lead
commands.append(packer.make_can_msg("SCC14", 0, scc14_values))
fca11_values = {
# seems to count 2,1,0,3,2,1,0,3,2,1,0,3,2,1,0,repeat...
# (where first value is aligned to Supplemental_Counter == 0)
# test: [(idx % 0xF, -((idx % 0xF) + 2) % 4) for idx in range(0x14)]
"CR_FCA_Alive": ((-((idx % 0xF) + 2) % 4) << 2) + 1,
"Supplemental_Counter": idx % 0xF,
fca11_dat = packer.make_can_msg("FCA11", 0, fca11_values)[2]
fca11_values["CR_FCA_ChkSum"] = 0x10 - sum([sum(divmod(i, 16)) for i in fca11_dat]) % 0x10
commands.append(packer.make_can_msg("FCA11", 0, fca11_values))
return commands
def create_acc_opt(packer):
commands = []
scc13_values = {
"SCCDrvModeRValue": 2,
"SCC_Equip": 1,
"Lead_Veh_Dep_Alert_USM": 2,
commands.append(packer.make_can_msg("SCC13", 0, scc13_values))
fca12_values = {
# stock values may be needed if openpilot has vision based AEB some day
# for now we are not setting these because there is no AEB for vision only
# "FCA_USM": 3,
# "FCA_DrvSetState": 2,
commands.append(packer.make_can_msg("FCA12", 0, fca12_values))
return commands
def create_frt_radar_opt(packer):
frt_radar11_values = {
"CF_FCA_Equip_Front_Radar": 1,
return packer.make_can_msg("FRT_RADAR11", 0, frt_radar11_values)