
188 lines
7.4 KiB

from cereal import car
from common.realtime import DT_CTRL
from common.numpy_fast import interp
from selfdrive.config import Conversions as CV
from import apply_std_steer_torque_limits
from import gmcan
from opendbc.can.packer import CANPacker
VisualAlert = car.CarControl.HUDControl.VisualAlert
class CarControllerParams():
def __init__(self, car_fingerprint):
if car_fingerprint in SUPERCRUISE_CARS:
self.STEER_MAX = 150
self.STEER_STEP = 1 # how often we update the steer cmd
self.STEER_DELTA_UP = 2 # 0.75s time to peak torque
self.STEER_DELTA_DOWN = 5 # 0.3s from peak torque to zero
self.MIN_STEER_SPEED = -1. # can steer down to zero
self.STEER_MAX = 300
self.STEER_STEP = 2 # how often we update the steer cmd
self.STEER_DELTA_UP = 7 # ~0.75s time to peak torque (255/50hz/0.75s)
self.STEER_DELTA_DOWN = 17 # ~0.3s from peak torque to zero
self.STEER_DRIVER_ALLOWANCE = 50 # allowed driver torque before start limiting
self.STEER_DRIVER_MULTIPLIER = 4 # weight driver torque heavily
self.STEER_DRIVER_FACTOR = 100 # from dbc
self.NEAR_STOP_BRAKE_PHASE = 0.5 # m/s, more aggressive braking near full stop
# Takes case of "Service Adaptive Cruise" and "Service Front Camera"
# dashboard messages.
# pedal lookups, only for Volt
MAX_GAS = 3072 # Only a safety limit
ZERO_GAS = 2048
MAX_BRAKE = 350 # Should be around 3.5m/s^2, including regen
self.MAX_ACC_REGEN = 1404 # ACC Regen braking is slightly less powerful than max regen paddle
self.GAS_LOOKUP_BP = [-0.25, 0., 0.5]
self.BRAKE_LOOKUP_BP = [-1., -0.25]
def actuator_hystereses(final_pedal, pedal_steady):
# hyst params... TODO: move these to VehicleParams
pedal_hyst_gap = 0.01 # don't change pedal command for small oscillations within this value
# for small pedal oscillations within pedal_hyst_gap, don't change the pedal command
if final_pedal == 0.:
pedal_steady = 0.
elif final_pedal > pedal_steady + pedal_hyst_gap:
pedal_steady = final_pedal - pedal_hyst_gap
elif final_pedal < pedal_steady - pedal_hyst_gap:
pedal_steady = final_pedal + pedal_hyst_gap
final_pedal = pedal_steady
return final_pedal, pedal_steady
def process_hud_alert(hud_alert):
# initialize to no alert
steer = 0
if hud_alert == VisualAlert.steerRequired:
steer = 1
return steer
class CarController():
def __init__(self, canbus, car_fingerprint):
self.pedal_steady = 0.
self.start_time = 0.
self.steer_idx = 0
self.apply_steer_last = 0
self.car_fingerprint = car_fingerprint
self.lka_icon_status_last = (False, False)
self.steer_rate_limited = False
# Setup detection helper. Routes commands to
# an appropriate CAN bus number.
self.canbus = canbus
self.params = CarControllerParams(car_fingerprint)
self.packer_pt = CANPacker(DBC[car_fingerprint]['pt'])
self.packer_ch = CANPacker(DBC[car_fingerprint]['chassis'])
def update(self, enabled, CS, frame, actuators, \
hud_v_cruise, hud_show_lanes, hud_show_car, hud_alert):
P = self.params
# Send CAN commands.
can_sends = []
canbus = self.canbus
alert_out = process_hud_alert(hud_alert)
steer = alert_out
### STEER ###
if (frame % P.STEER_STEP) == 0:
lkas_enabled = enabled and not CS.steer_not_allowed and CS.v_ego > P.MIN_STEER_SPEED
if lkas_enabled:
new_steer = actuators.steer * P.STEER_MAX
apply_steer = apply_std_steer_torque_limits(new_steer, self.apply_steer_last, CS.steer_torque_driver, P)
self.steer_rate_limited = new_steer != apply_steer
apply_steer = 0
self.apply_steer_last = apply_steer
idx = (frame // P.STEER_STEP) % 4
if self.car_fingerprint in SUPERCRUISE_CARS:
can_sends += gmcan.create_steering_control_ct6(self.packer_pt,
canbus, apply_steer, CS.v_ego, idx, lkas_enabled)
canbus.powertrain, apply_steer, idx, lkas_enabled))
### GAS/BRAKE ###
if self.car_fingerprint not in SUPERCRUISE_CARS:
# no output if not enabled, but keep sending keepalive messages
# treat pedals as one
final_pedal = actuators.gas - actuators.brake
# *** apply pedal hysteresis ***
final_brake, self.brake_steady = actuator_hystereses(
final_pedal, self.pedal_steady)
if not enabled:
# Stock ECU sends max regen when not enabled.
apply_gas = P.MAX_ACC_REGEN
apply_brake = 0
apply_gas = int(round(interp(final_pedal, P.GAS_LOOKUP_BP, P.GAS_LOOKUP_V)))
apply_brake = int(round(interp(final_pedal, P.BRAKE_LOOKUP_BP, P.BRAKE_LOOKUP_V)))
# Gas/regen and brakes - all at 25Hz
if (frame % 4) == 0:
idx = (frame // 4) % 4
at_full_stop = enabled and CS.standstill
near_stop = enabled and (CS.v_ego < P.NEAR_STOP_BRAKE_PHASE)
can_sends.append(gmcan.create_friction_brake_command(self.packer_ch, canbus.chassis, apply_brake, idx, near_stop, at_full_stop))
at_full_stop = enabled and CS.standstill
can_sends.append(gmcan.create_gas_regen_command(self.packer_pt, canbus.powertrain, apply_gas, idx, enabled, at_full_stop))
# Send dashboard UI commands (ACC status), 25hz
if (frame % 4) == 0:
can_sends.append(gmcan.create_acc_dashboard_command(self.packer_pt, canbus.powertrain, enabled, hud_v_cruise * CV.MS_TO_KPH, hud_show_car))
# Radar needs to know current speed and yaw rate (50hz),
# and that ADAS is alive (10hz)
time_and_headlights_step = 10
tt = frame * DT_CTRL
if frame % time_and_headlights_step == 0:
idx = (frame // time_and_headlights_step) % 4
can_sends.append(gmcan.create_adas_time_status(canbus.obstacle, int((tt - self.start_time) * 60), idx))
speed_and_accelerometer_step = 2
if frame % speed_and_accelerometer_step == 0:
idx = (frame // speed_and_accelerometer_step) % 4
can_sends.append(gmcan.create_adas_steering_status(canbus.obstacle, idx))
can_sends.append(gmcan.create_adas_accelerometer_speed_status(canbus.obstacle, CS.v_ego, idx))
if frame % P.ADAS_KEEPALIVE_STEP == 0:
can_sends += gmcan.create_adas_keepalive(canbus.powertrain)
# Show green icon when LKA torque is applied, and
# alarming orange icon when approaching torque limit.
# If not sent again, LKA icon disappears in about 5 seconds.
# Conveniently, sending camera message periodically also works as a keepalive.
lka_active = CS.lkas_status == 1
lka_critical = lka_active and abs(actuators.steer) > 0.9
lka_icon_status = (lka_active, lka_critical)
if frame % P.CAMERA_KEEPALIVE_STEP == 0 \
or lka_icon_status != self.lka_icon_status_last:
can_sends.append(gmcan.create_lka_icon_command(canbus.sw_gmlan, lka_active, lka_critical, steer))
self.lka_icon_status_last = lka_icon_status
return can_sends