
189 lines
4.4 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# set up wheel
import array
import os
import struct
from fcntl import ioctl
from typing import NoReturn
# Iterate over the joystick devices.
print('Available devices:')
for fn in os.listdir('/dev/input'):
if fn.startswith('js'):
print(f' /dev/input/{fn}')
# We'll store the states here.
axis_states = {}
button_states = {}
# These constants were borrowed from linux/input.h
axis_names = {
0x00 : 'x',
0x01 : 'y',
0x02 : 'z',
0x03 : 'rx',
0x04 : 'ry',
0x05 : 'rz',
0x06 : 'trottle',
0x07 : 'rudder',
0x08 : 'wheel',
0x09 : 'gas',
0x0a : 'brake',
0x10 : 'hat0x',
0x11 : 'hat0y',
0x12 : 'hat1x',
0x13 : 'hat1y',
0x14 : 'hat2x',
0x15 : 'hat2y',
0x16 : 'hat3x',
0x17 : 'hat3y',
0x18 : 'pressure',
0x19 : 'distance',
0x1a : 'tilt_x',
0x1b : 'tilt_y',
0x1c : 'tool_width',
0x20 : 'volume',
0x28 : 'misc',
button_names = {
0x120 : 'trigger',
0x121 : 'thumb',
0x122 : 'thumb2',
0x123 : 'top',
0x124 : 'top2',
0x125 : 'pinkie',
0x126 : 'base',
0x127 : 'base2',
0x128 : 'base3',
0x129 : 'base4',
0x12a : 'base5',
0x12b : 'base6',
0x12f : 'dead',
0x130 : 'a',
0x131 : 'b',
0x132 : 'c',
0x133 : 'x',
0x134 : 'y',
0x135 : 'z',
0x136 : 'tl',
0x137 : 'tr',
0x138 : 'tl2',
0x139 : 'tr2',
0x13a : 'select',
0x13b : 'start',
0x13c : 'mode',
0x13d : 'thumbl',
0x13e : 'thumbr',
0x220 : 'dpad_up',
0x221 : 'dpad_down',
0x222 : 'dpad_left',
0x223 : 'dpad_right',
# XBox 360 controller uses these codes.
0x2c0 : 'dpad_left',
0x2c1 : 'dpad_right',
0x2c2 : 'dpad_up',
0x2c3 : 'dpad_down',
axis_map = []
button_map = []
def wheel_poll_thread(q: 'Queue[str]') -> NoReturn:
# Open the joystick device.
fn = '/dev/input/js0'
print(f'Opening {fn}...')
jsdev = open(fn, 'rb')
# Get the device name.
#buf = bytearray(63)
buf = array.array('B', [0] * 64)
ioctl(jsdev, 0x80006a13 + (0x10000 * len(buf)), buf) # JSIOCGNAME(len)
js_name = buf.tobytes().rstrip(b'\x00').decode('utf-8')
print(f'Device name: {js_name}')
# Get number of axes and buttons.
buf = array.array('B', [0])
ioctl(jsdev, 0x80016a11, buf) # JSIOCGAXES
num_axes = buf[0]
buf = array.array('B', [0])
ioctl(jsdev, 0x80016a12, buf) # JSIOCGBUTTONS
num_buttons = buf[0]
# Get the axis map.
buf = array.array('B', [0] * 0x40)
ioctl(jsdev, 0x80406a32, buf) # JSIOCGAXMAP
for _axis in buf[:num_axes]:
axis_name = axis_names.get(_axis, f'unknown(0x{_axis:02x})')
axis_states[axis_name] = 0.0
# Get the button map.
buf = array.array('H', [0] * 200)
ioctl(jsdev, 0x80406a34, buf) # JSIOCGBTNMAP
for btn in buf[:num_buttons]:
btn_name = button_names.get(btn, f'unknown(0x{btn:03x})')
button_states[btn_name] = 0
print('%d axes found: %s' % (num_axes, ', '.join(axis_map)))
print('%d buttons found: %s' % (num_buttons, ', '.join(button_map)))
# Enable FF
import evdev # pylint: disable=import-error
from evdev import ecodes, InputDevice # pylint: disable=import-error
device = evdev.list_devices()[0]
evtdev = InputDevice(device)
val = 24000
evtdev.write(ecodes.EV_FF, ecodes.FF_AUTOCENTER, val)
while True:
evbuf =
value, mtype, number = struct.unpack('4xhBB', evbuf)
# print(mtype, number, value)
if mtype & 0x02: # wheel & paddles
axis = axis_map[number]
if axis == "z": # gas
fvalue = value / 32767.0
axis_states[axis] = fvalue
normalized = (1 - fvalue) * 50
elif axis == "rz": # brake
fvalue = value / 32767.0
axis_states[axis] = fvalue
normalized = (1 - fvalue) * 50
elif axis == "x": # steer angle
fvalue = value / 32767.0
axis_states[axis] = fvalue
normalized = fvalue
elif mtype & 0x01: # buttons
if value == 1: # press down
if number in [0, 19]: # X
elif number in [3, 18]: # triangle
elif number in [1, 6]: # square
elif number in [10, 21]: # R3
if __name__ == '__main__':
from multiprocessing import Process, Queue
q: Queue[str] = Queue()
p = Process(target=wheel_poll_thread, args=(q,))