Greg Hogan 3d48bd934d
log to file and send through athena (#20250)
* log to file and send through athena

* rename logging level

* pass thru log formatter

* logMessage is TEXT

* send queue always strings

* switch to xattr and lower priority queue

* enable cloud logging for devices

* time or size based log rotation

* basename -> dirname

* remove HARDWARE.get_cloudlog_enabled

* fix errors

* fix another exception

* xattrs need to be bytes

* sending works

* cleanup files at start

* add id and adjust formatting

* do not send active log file

* better names

* separate log formatters

* fix formatter super init

* fix log file order

* ensure file always has file formatter

* i see why there was no formatter

* apply same formatting to cpp log msgs

* apply same formatting to cpp log msgs

* update queue names in tests

* strip deprecated keys in STATUS_PACKET

* strip DEPRECATED from dict recursively

* athena log queue test

* instanceof instead of type

* isinstance instead of type

* use super

* remove logentries

* last_scan param unused

* comment about special log msg attr names

* add to release files

* use monotonic time and counter for log rotation

* update for adjusted log file naming

* use monotonic clock for tracking last log file scan
2021-03-25 13:30:09 -07:00

119 lines
1.8 KiB

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