
1555 lines
34 KiB
Cap'n Proto

using Cxx = import "c++.capnp";
using Java = import "java.capnp";
using Car = import "car.capnp";
const logVersion :Int32 = 1;
struct Map(Key, Value) {
entries @0 :List(Entry);
struct Entry {
key @0 :Key;
value @1 :Value;
struct InitData {
kernelArgs @0 :List(Text);
gctx @1 :Text;
dongleId @2 :Text;
deviceType @3 :DeviceType;
version @4 :Text;
gitCommit @10 :Text;
gitBranch @11 :Text;
gitRemote @13 :Text;
androidBuildInfo @5 :AndroidBuildInfo;
androidSensors @6 :List(AndroidSensor);
chffrAndroidExtra @7 :ChffrAndroidExtra;
iosBuildInfo @14 :IosBuildInfo;
pandaInfo @8 :PandaInfo;
dirty @9 :Bool;
passive @12 :Bool;
enum DeviceType {
unknown @0;
neo @1;
chffrAndroid @2;
chffrIos @3;
struct AndroidBuildInfo {
board @0 :Text;
bootloader @1 :Text;
brand @2 :Text;
device @3 :Text;
display @4 :Text;
fingerprint @5 :Text;
hardware @6 :Text;
host @7 :Text;
id @8 :Text;
manufacturer @9 :Text;
model @10 :Text;
product @11 :Text;
radioVersion @12 :Text;
serial @13 :Text;
supportedAbis @14 :List(Text);
tags @15 :Text;
time @16 :Int64;
type @17 :Text;
user @18 :Text;
versionCodename @19 :Text;
versionRelease @20 :Text;
versionSdk @21 :Int32;
versionSecurityPatch @22 :Text;
struct AndroidSensor {
id @0 :Int32;
name @1 :Text;
vendor @2 :Text;
version @3 :Int32;
handle @4 :Int32;
type @5 :Int32;
maxRange @6 :Float32;
resolution @7 :Float32;
power @8 :Float32;
minDelay @9 :Int32;
fifoReservedEventCount @10 :UInt32;
fifoMaxEventCount @11 :UInt32;
stringType @12 :Text;
maxDelay @13 :Int32;
struct ChffrAndroidExtra {
allCameraCharacteristics @0 :Map(Text, Text);
struct IosBuildInfo {
appVersion @0 :Text;
appBuild @1 :UInt32;
osVersion @2 :Text;
deviceModel @3 :Text;
struct PandaInfo {
hasPanda @0 :Bool;
dongleId @1 :Text;
stVersion @2 :Text;
espVersion @3 :Text;
struct FrameData {
frameId @0 :UInt32;
encodeId @1 :UInt32; # DEPRECATED
timestampEof @2 :UInt64;
frameLength @3 :Int32;
integLines @4 :Int32;
globalGain @5 :Int32;
lensPos @11 :Int32;
lensSag @12 :Float32;
image @6 :Data;
frameType @7 :FrameType;
timestampSof @8 :UInt64;
transform @10 :List(Float32);
androidCaptureResult @9 :AndroidCaptureResult;
enum FrameType {
unknown @0;
neo @1;
chffrAndroid @2;
struct AndroidCaptureResult {
sensitivity @0 :Int32;
frameDuration @1 :Int64;
exposureTime @2 :Int64;
rollingShutterSkew @3 :UInt64;
colorCorrectionTransform @4 :List(Int32);
colorCorrectionGains @5 :List(Float32);
displayRotation @6 :Int8;
struct GPSNMEAData {
timestamp @0 :Int64;
localWallTime @1 :UInt64;
nmea @2 :Text;
# android sensor_event_t
struct SensorEventData {
version @0 :Int32;
sensor @1 :Int32;
type @2 :Int32;
timestamp @3 :Int64;
uncalibratedDEPRECATED @10 :Bool;
union {
acceleration @4 :SensorVec;
magnetic @5 :SensorVec;
orientation @6 :SensorVec;
gyro @7 :SensorVec;
pressure @9 :SensorVec;
magneticUncalibrated @11 :SensorVec;
gyroUncalibrated @12 :SensorVec;
proximity @13: Float32;
light @14: Float32;
source @8 :SensorSource;
struct SensorVec {
v @0 :List(Float32);
status @1 :Int8;
enum SensorSource {
android @0;
iOS @1;
fiber @2;
velodyne @3; # Velodyne IMU
# android struct GpsLocation
struct GpsLocationData {
# Contains GpsLocationFlags bits.
flags @0 :UInt16;
# Represents latitude in degrees.
latitude @1 :Float64;
# Represents longitude in degrees.
longitude @2 :Float64;
# Represents altitude in meters above the WGS 84 reference ellipsoid.
altitude @3 :Float64;
# Represents speed in meters per second.
speed @4 :Float32;
# Represents heading in degrees.
bearing @5 :Float32;
# Represents expected accuracy in meters. (presumably 1 sigma?)
accuracy @6 :Float32;
# Timestamp for the location fix.
# Milliseconds since January 1, 1970.
timestamp @7 :Int64;
source @8 :SensorSource;
# Represents NED velocity in m/s.
vNED @9 :List(Float32);
# Represents expected vertical accuracy in meters. (presumably 1 sigma?)
verticalAccuracy @10 :Float32;
# Represents bearing accuracy in degrees. (presumably 1 sigma?)
bearingAccuracy @11 :Float32;
# Represents velocity accuracy in m/s. (presumably 1 sigma?)
speedAccuracy @12 :Float32;
enum SensorSource {
android @0;
iOS @1;
car @2;
velodyne @3; # Velodyne IMU
fusion @4;
external @5;
ublox @6;
trimble @7;
struct CanData {
address @0 :UInt32;
busTime @1 :UInt16;
dat @2 :Data;
src @3 :UInt8;
struct ThermalData {
cpu0 @0 :UInt16;
cpu1 @1 :UInt16;
cpu2 @2 :UInt16;
cpu3 @3 :UInt16;
mem @4 :UInt16;
gpu @5 :UInt16;
bat @6 :UInt32;
# not thermal
freeSpace @7 :Float32;
batteryPercent @8 :Int16;
batteryStatus @9 :Text;
usbOnline @12 :Bool;
fanSpeed @10 :UInt16;
started @11 :Bool;
startedTs @13 :UInt64;
struct HealthData {
# from can health
voltage @0 :UInt32;
current @1 :UInt32;
started @2 :Bool;
controlsAllowed @3 :Bool;
gasInterceptorDetected @4 :Bool;
startedSignalDetected @5 :Bool;
struct LiveUI {
rearViewCam @0 :Bool;
alertText1 @1 :Text;
alertText2 @2 :Text;
awarenessStatus @3 :Float32;
struct Live20Data {
canMonoTimes @10 :List(UInt64);
mdMonoTime @6 :UInt64;
ftMonoTimeDEPRECATED @7 :UInt64;
l100MonoTime @11 :UInt64;
radarErrors @12 :List(Car.RadarState.Error);
# all deprecated
warpMatrixDEPRECATED @0 :List(Float32);
angleOffsetDEPRECATED @1 :Float32;
calStatusDEPRECATED @2 :Int8;
calCycleDEPRECATED @8 :Int32;
calPercDEPRECATED @9 :Int8;
leadOne @3 :LeadData;
leadTwo @4 :LeadData;
cumLagMs @5 :Float32;
struct LeadData {
dRel @0 :Float32;
yRel @1 :Float32;
vRel @2 :Float32;
aRel @3 :Float32;
vLead @4 :Float32;
aLeadDEPRECATED @5 :Float32;
dPath @6 :Float32;
vLat @7 :Float32;
vLeadK @8 :Float32;
aLeadK @9 :Float32;
fcw @10 :Bool;
status @11 :Bool;
struct LiveCalibrationData {
warpMatrix @0 :List(Float32);
warpMatrix2 @5 :List(Float32);
calStatus @1 :Int8;
calCycle @2 :Int32;
calPerc @3 :Int8;
# Maps car space to normalized image space.
extrinsicMatrix @4 :List(Float32);
struct LiveTracks {
trackId @0 :Int32;
dRel @1 :Float32;
yRel @2 :Float32;
vRel @3 :Float32;
aRel @4 :Float32;
timeStamp @5 :Float32;
status @6 :Float32;
currentTime @7 :Float32;
stationary @8 :Bool;
oncoming @9 :Bool;
struct Live100Data {
canMonoTimeDEPRECATED @16 :UInt64;
canMonoTimes @21 :List(UInt64);
l20MonoTimeDEPRECATED @17 :UInt64;
mdMonoTimeDEPRECATED @18 :UInt64;
planMonoTime @28 :UInt64;
state @31 :ControlState;
vEgo @0 :Float32;
vEgoRaw @32 :Float32;
aEgoDEPRECATED @1 :Float32;
longControlState @30 :LongControlState;
vPid @2 :Float32;
vTargetLead @3 :Float32;
upAccelCmd @4 :Float32;
uiAccelCmd @5 :Float32;
ufAccelCmd @33 :Float32;
yActualDEPRECATED @6 :Float32;
yDesDEPRECATED @7 :Float32;
upSteer @8 :Float32;
uiSteer @9 :Float32;
ufSteer @34 :Float32;
aTargetMinDEPRECATED @10 :Float32;
aTargetMaxDEPRECATED @11 :Float32;
aTarget @35 :Float32;
jerkFactor @12 :Float32;
angleSteers @13 :Float32; # Steering angle in degrees.
angleSteersDes @29 :Float32;
curvature @37 :Float32; # path curvature from vehicle model
hudLeadDEPRECATED @14 :Int32;
cumLagMs @15 :Float32;
enabled @19 :Bool;
active @36 :Bool;
steerOverride @20 :Bool;
vCruise @22 :Float32;
rearViewCam @23 :Bool;
alertText1 @24 :Text;
alertText2 @25 :Text;
alertStatus @38 :AlertStatus;
alertSize @39 :AlertSize;
awarenessStatus @26 :Float32;
angleOffset @27 :Float32;
gpsPlannerActive @40 :Bool;
enum ControlState {
disabled @0;
preEnabled @1;
enabled @2;
softDisabling @3;
enum LongControlState {
off @0;
pid @1;
stopping @2;
starting @3;
enum AlertStatus {
normal @0; # low priority alert for user's convenience
userPrompt @1; # mid piority alert that might require user intervention
critical @2; # high priority alert that needs immediate user intervention
enum AlertSize {
none @0; # don't display the alert
small @1; # small box
mid @2; # mid screen
full @3; # full screen
struct LiveEventData {
name @0 :Text;
value @1 :Int32;
struct ModelData {
frameId @0 :UInt32;
path @1 :PathData;
leftLane @2 :PathData;
rightLane @3 :PathData;
lead @4 :LeadData;
freePath @6 :List(Float32);
settings @5 :ModelSettings;
struct PathData {
points @0 :List(Float32);
prob @1 :Float32;
std @2 :Float32;
struct LeadData {
dist @0 :Float32;
prob @1 :Float32;
std @2 :Float32;
struct ModelSettings {
bigBoxX @0 :UInt16;
bigBoxY @1 :UInt16;
bigBoxWidth @2 :UInt16;
bigBoxHeight @3 :UInt16;
boxProjection @4 :List(Float32);
yuvCorrection @5 :List(Float32);
inputTransform @6 :List(Float32);
struct CalibrationFeatures {
frameId @0 :UInt32;
p0 @1 :List(Float32);
p1 @2 :List(Float32);
status @3 :List(Int8);
struct EncodeIndex {
# picture from camera
frameId @0 :UInt32;
type @1 :Type;
# index of encoder from start of route
encodeId @2 :UInt32;
# minute long segment this frame is in
segmentNum @3 :Int32;
# index into camera file in segment in presentation order
segmentId @4 :UInt32;
# index into camera file in segment in encode order
segmentIdEncode @5 :UInt32;
enum Type {
bigBoxLossless @0; # rcamera.mkv
fullHEVC @1; # fcamera.hevc
bigBoxHEVC @2; # bcamera.hevc
chffrAndroidH264 @3; # acamera
fullLosslessClip @4; # prcamera.mkv
struct AndroidLogEntry {
id @0 :UInt8;
ts @1 :UInt64;
priority @2 :UInt8;
pid @3 :Int32;
tid @4 :Int32;
tag @5 :Text;
message @6 :Text;
struct LogRotate {
segmentNum @0 :Int32;
path @1 :Text;
struct Plan {
mdMonoTime @9 :UInt64;
l20MonoTime @10 :UInt64;
events @13 :List(Car.CarEvent);
# lateral, 3rd order polynomial
lateralValid @0 :Bool;
dPoly @1 :List(Float32);
laneWidth @11 :Float32;
# longitudinal
longitudinalValid @2 :Bool;
vCruise @16 :Float32;
aCruise @17 :Float32;
vTarget @3 :Float32;
vTargetFuture @14 :Float32;
vMax @20 :Float32;
aTargetMinDEPRECATED @4 :Float32;
aTargetMaxDEPRECATED @5 :Float32;
aTarget @18 :Float32;
jerkFactor @6 :Float32;
hasLead @7 :Bool;
fcw @8 :Bool;
longitudinalPlanSource @15 :LongitudinalPlanSource;
# gps trajectory in car frame
gpsTrajectory @12 :GpsTrajectory;
gpsPlannerActive @19 :Bool;
struct GpsTrajectory {
x @0 :List(Float32);
y @1 :List(Float32);
enum LongitudinalPlanSource {
cruise @0;
mpc1 @1;
mpc2 @2;
struct LiveLocationData {
status @0 :UInt8;
# 3D fix
lat @1 :Float64;
lon @2 :Float64;
alt @3 :Float32; # m
# speed
speed @4 :Float32; # m/s
# NED velocity components
vNED @5 :List(Float32);
# roll, pitch, heading (x,y,z)
roll @6 :Float32; # WRT to center of earth?
pitch @7 :Float32; # WRT to center of earth?
heading @8 :Float32; # WRT to north?
# what are these?
wanderAngle @9 :Float32;
trackAngle @10 :Float32;
# car frame --
# gyro, in car frame, deg/s
gyro @11 :List(Float32);
# accel, in car frame, m/s^2
accel @12 :List(Float32);
accuracy @13 :Accuracy;
source @14 :SensorSource;
# if we are fixing a location in the past
fixMonoTime @15 :UInt64;
gpsWeek @16 :Int32;
timeOfWeek @17 :Float64;
positionECEF @18 :List(Float64);
poseQuatECEF @19 :List(Float32);
pitchCalibration @20 :Float32;
yawCalibration @21 :Float32;
struct Accuracy {
pNEDError @0 :List(Float32);
vNEDError @1 :List(Float32);
rollError @2 :Float32;
pitchError @3 :Float32;
headingError @4 :Float32;
ellipsoidSemiMajorError @5 :Float32;
ellipsoidSemiMinorError @6 :Float32;
ellipsoidOrientationError @7 :Float32;
enum SensorSource {
applanix @0;
kalman @1;
orbslam @2;
timing @3;
dummy @4;
struct EthernetPacket {
pkt @0 :Data;
ts @1 :Float32;
struct NavUpdate {
isNavigating @0 :Bool;
curSegment @1 :Int32;
segments @2 :List(Segment);
struct LatLng {
lat @0 :Float64;
lng @1 :Float64;
struct Segment {
from @0 :LatLng;
to @1 :LatLng;
updateTime @2 :Int32;
distance @3 :Int32;
crossTime @4 :Int32;
exitNo @5 :Int32;
instruction @6 :Instruction;
parts @7 :List(LatLng);
enum Instruction {
turnLeft @0;
turnRight @1;
keepLeft @2;
keepRight @3;
straight @4;
roundaboutExitNumber @5;
roundaboutExit @6;
roundaboutTurnLeft @7;
unkn8 @8;
roundaboutStraight @9;
unkn10 @10;
roundaboutTurnRight @11;
unkn12 @12;
roundaboutUturn @13;
unkn14 @14;
arrive @15;
exitLeft @16;
exitRight @17;
unkn18 @18;
uturn @19;
# ...
struct NavStatus {
isNavigating @0 :Bool;
currentAddress @1 :Address;
struct Address {
title @0 :Text;
lat @1 :Float64;
lng @2 :Float64;
house @3 :Text;
address @4 :Text;
street @5 :Text;
city @6 :Text;
state @7 :Text;
country @8 :Text;
struct CellInfo {
timestamp @0 :UInt64;
repr @1 :Text; # android toString() for now
struct WifiScan {
bssid @0 :Text;
ssid @1 :Text;
capabilities @2 :Text;
frequency @3 :Int32;
level @4 :Int32;
timestamp @5 :Int64;
centerFreq0 @6 :Int32;
centerFreq1 @7 :Int32;
channelWidth @8 :ChannelWidth;
operatorFriendlyName @9 :Text;
venueName @10 :Text;
is80211mcResponder @11 :Bool;
passpoint @12 :Bool;
distanceCm @13 :Int32;
distanceSdCm @14 :Int32;
enum ChannelWidth {
w20Mhz @0;
w40Mhz @1;
w80Mhz @2;
w160Mhz @3;
w80Plus80Mhz @4;
struct AndroidGnss {
union {
measurements @0 :Measurements;
navigationMessage @1 :NavigationMessage;
struct Measurements {
clock @0 :Clock;
measurements @1 :List(Measurement);
struct Clock {
timeNanos @0 :Int64;
hardwareClockDiscontinuityCount @1 :Int32;
hasTimeUncertaintyNanos @2 :Bool;
timeUncertaintyNanos @3 :Float64;
hasLeapSecond @4 :Bool;
leapSecond @5 :Int32;
hasFullBiasNanos @6 :Bool;
fullBiasNanos @7 :Int64;
hasBiasNanos @8 :Bool;
biasNanos @9 :Float64;
hasBiasUncertaintyNanos @10 :Bool;
biasUncertaintyNanos @11 :Float64;
hasDriftNanosPerSecond @12 :Bool;
driftNanosPerSecond @13 :Float64;
hasDriftUncertaintyNanosPerSecond @14 :Bool;
driftUncertaintyNanosPerSecond @15 :Float64;
struct Measurement {
svId @0 :Int32;
constellation @1 :Constellation;
timeOffsetNanos @2 :Float64;
state @3 :Int32;
receivedSvTimeNanos @4 :Int64;
receivedSvTimeUncertaintyNanos @5 :Int64;
cn0DbHz @6 :Float64;
pseudorangeRateMetersPerSecond @7 :Float64;
pseudorangeRateUncertaintyMetersPerSecond @8 :Float64;
accumulatedDeltaRangeState @9 :Int32;
accumulatedDeltaRangeMeters @10 :Float64;
accumulatedDeltaRangeUncertaintyMeters @11 :Float64;
hasCarrierFrequencyHz @12 :Bool;
carrierFrequencyHz @13 :Float32;
hasCarrierCycles @14 :Bool;
carrierCycles @15 :Int64;
hasCarrierPhase @16 :Bool;
carrierPhase @17 :Float64;
hasCarrierPhaseUncertainty @18 :Bool;
carrierPhaseUncertainty @19 :Float64;
hasSnrInDb @20 :Bool;
snrInDb @21 :Float64;
multipathIndicator @22 :MultipathIndicator;
enum Constellation {
unknown @0;
gps @1;
sbas @2;
glonass @3;
qzss @4;
beidou @5;
galileo @6;
enum State {
unknown @0;
codeLock @1;
bitSync @2;
subframeSync @3;
towDecoded @4;
msecAmbiguous @5;
symbolSync @6;
gloStringSync @7;
gloTodDecoded @8;
bdsD2BitSync @9;
bdsD2SubframeSync @10;
galE1bcCodeLock @11;
galE1c2ndCodeLock @12;
galE1bPageSync @13;
sbasSync @14;
enum MultipathIndicator {
unknown @0;
detected @1;
notDetected @2;
struct NavigationMessage {
type @0 :Int32;
svId @1 :Int32;
messageId @2 :Int32;
submessageId @3 :Int32;
data @4 :Data;
status @5 :Status;
enum Status {
unknown @0;
parityPassed @1;
parityRebuilt @2;
struct QcomGnss {
logTs @0 :UInt64;
union {
measurementReport @1 :MeasurementReport;
clockReport @2 :ClockReport;
drMeasurementReport @3 :DrMeasurementReport;
drSvPoly @4 :DrSvPolyReport;
rawLog @5 :Data;
enum MeasurementSource @0xd71a12b6faada7ee {
gps @0;
glonass @1;
beidou @2;
enum SVObservationState @0xe81e829a0d6c83e9 {
idle @0;
search @1;
searchVerify @2;
bitEdge @3;
trackVerify @4;
track @5;
restart @6;
dpo @7;
glo10msBe @8;
glo10msAt @9;
struct MeasurementStatus @0xe501010e1bcae83b {
subMillisecondIsValid @0 :Bool;
subBitTimeIsKnown @1 :Bool;
satelliteTimeIsKnown @2 :Bool;
bitEdgeConfirmedFromSignal @3 :Bool;
measuredVelocity @4 :Bool;
fineOrCoarseVelocity @5 :Bool;
lockPointValid @6 :Bool;
lockPointPositive @7 :Bool;
lastUpdateFromDifference @8 :Bool;
lastUpdateFromVelocityDifference @9 :Bool;
strongIndicationOfCrossCorelation @10 :Bool;
tentativeMeasurement @11 :Bool;
measurementNotUsable @12 :Bool;
sirCheckIsNeeded @13 :Bool;
probationMode @14 :Bool;
glonassMeanderBitEdgeValid @15 :Bool;
glonassTimeMarkValid @16 :Bool;
gpsRoundRobinRxDiversity @17 :Bool;
gpsRxDiversity @18 :Bool;
gpsLowBandwidthRxDiversityCombined @19 :Bool;
gpsHighBandwidthNu4 @20 :Bool;
gpsHighBandwidthNu8 @21 :Bool;
gpsHighBandwidthUniform @22 :Bool;
multipathIndicator @23 :Bool;
imdJammingIndicator @24 :Bool;
lteB13TxJammingIndicator @25 :Bool;
freshMeasurementIndicator @26 :Bool;
multipathEstimateIsValid @27 :Bool;
directionIsValid @28 :Bool;
struct MeasurementReport {
source @0 :MeasurementSource;
fCount @1 :UInt32;
gpsWeek @2 :UInt16;
glonassCycleNumber @3 :UInt8;
glonassNumberOfDays @4 :UInt16;
milliseconds @5 :UInt32;
timeBias @6 :Float32;
clockTimeUncertainty @7 :Float32;
clockFrequencyBias @8 :Float32;
clockFrequencyUncertainty @9 :Float32;
sv @10 :List(SV);
struct SV {
svId @0 :UInt8;
observationState @2 :SVObservationState;
observations @3 :UInt8;
goodObservations @4 :UInt8;
gpsParityErrorCount @5 :UInt16;
glonassFrequencyIndex @1 :Int8;
glonassHemmingErrorCount @6 :UInt8;
filterStages @7 :UInt8;
carrierNoise @8 :UInt16;
latency @9 :Int16;
predetectInterval @10 :UInt8;
postdetections @11 :UInt16;
unfilteredMeasurementIntegral @12 :UInt32;
unfilteredMeasurementFraction @13 :Float32;
unfilteredTimeUncertainty @14 :Float32;
unfilteredSpeed @15 :Float32;
unfilteredSpeedUncertainty @16 :Float32;
measurementStatus @17 :MeasurementStatus;
multipathEstimate @18 :UInt32;
azimuth @19 :Float32;
elevation @20 :Float32;
carrierPhaseCyclesIntegral @21 :Int32;
carrierPhaseCyclesFraction @22 :UInt16;
fineSpeed @23 :Float32;
fineSpeedUncertainty @24 :Float32;
cycleSlipCount @25 :UInt8;
struct ClockReport {
hasFCount @0 :Bool;
fCount @1 :UInt32;
hasGpsWeek @2 :Bool;
gpsWeek @3 :UInt16;
hasGpsMilliseconds @4 :Bool;
gpsMilliseconds @5 :UInt32;
gpsTimeBias @6 :Float32;
gpsClockTimeUncertainty @7 :Float32;
gpsClockSource @8 :UInt8;
hasGlonassYear @9 :Bool;
glonassYear @10 :UInt8;
hasGlonassDay @11 :Bool;
glonassDay @12 :UInt16;
hasGlonassMilliseconds @13 :Bool;
glonassMilliseconds @14 :UInt32;
glonassTimeBias @15 :Float32;
glonassClockTimeUncertainty @16 :Float32;
glonassClockSource @17 :UInt8;
bdsWeek @18 :UInt16;
bdsMilliseconds @19 :UInt32;
bdsTimeBias @20 :Float32;
bdsClockTimeUncertainty @21 :Float32;
bdsClockSource @22 :UInt8;
galWeek @23 :UInt16;
galMilliseconds @24 :UInt32;
galTimeBias @25 :Float32;
galClockTimeUncertainty @26 :Float32;
galClockSource @27 :UInt8;
clockFrequencyBias @28 :Float32;
clockFrequencyUncertainty @29 :Float32;
frequencySource @30 :UInt8;
gpsLeapSeconds @31 :UInt8;
gpsLeapSecondsUncertainty @32 :UInt8;
gpsLeapSecondsSource @33 :UInt8;
gpsToGlonassTimeBiasMilliseconds @34 :Float32;
gpsToGlonassTimeBiasMillisecondsUncertainty @35 :Float32;
gpsToBdsTimeBiasMilliseconds @36 :Float32;
gpsToBdsTimeBiasMillisecondsUncertainty @37 :Float32;
bdsToGloTimeBiasMilliseconds @38 :Float32;
bdsToGloTimeBiasMillisecondsUncertainty @39 :Float32;
gpsToGalTimeBiasMilliseconds @40 :Float32;
gpsToGalTimeBiasMillisecondsUncertainty @41 :Float32;
galToGloTimeBiasMilliseconds @42 :Float32;
galToGloTimeBiasMillisecondsUncertainty @43 :Float32;
galToBdsTimeBiasMilliseconds @44 :Float32;
galToBdsTimeBiasMillisecondsUncertainty @45 :Float32;
hasRtcTime @46 :Bool;
systemRtcTime @47 :UInt32;
fCountOffset @48 :UInt32;
lpmRtcCount @49 :UInt32;
clockResets @50 :UInt32;
struct DrMeasurementReport {
reason @0 :UInt8;
seqNum @1 :UInt8;
seqMax @2 :UInt8;
rfLoss @3 :UInt16;
systemRtcValid @4 :Bool;
fCount @5 :UInt32;
clockResets @6 :UInt32;
systemRtcTime @7 :UInt64;
gpsLeapSeconds @8 :UInt8;
gpsLeapSecondsUncertainty @9 :UInt8;
gpsToGlonassTimeBiasMilliseconds @10 :Float32;
gpsToGlonassTimeBiasMillisecondsUncertainty @11 :Float32;
gpsWeek @12 :UInt16;
gpsMilliseconds @13 :UInt32;
gpsTimeBiasMs @14 :UInt32;
gpsClockTimeUncertaintyMs @15 :UInt32;
gpsClockSource @16 :UInt8;
glonassClockSource @17 :UInt8;
glonassYear @18 :UInt8;
glonassDay @19 :UInt16;
glonassMilliseconds @20 :UInt32;
glonassTimeBias @21 :Float32;
glonassClockTimeUncertainty @22 :Float32;
clockFrequencyBias @23 :Float32;
clockFrequencyUncertainty @24 :Float32;
frequencySource @25 :UInt8;
source @26 :MeasurementSource;
sv @27 :List(SV);
struct SV {
svId @0 :UInt8;
glonassFrequencyIndex @1 :Int8;
observationState @2 :SVObservationState;
observations @3 :UInt8;
goodObservations @4 :UInt8;
filterStages @5 :UInt8;
predetectInterval @6 :UInt8;
cycleSlipCount @7 :UInt8;
postdetections @8 :UInt16;
measurementStatus @9 :MeasurementStatus;
carrierNoise @10 :UInt16;
rfLoss @11 :UInt16;
latency @12 :Int16;
filteredMeasurementFraction @13 :Float32;
filteredMeasurementIntegral @14 :UInt32;
filteredTimeUncertainty @15 :Float32;
filteredSpeed @16 :Float32;
filteredSpeedUncertainty @17 :Float32;
unfilteredMeasurementFraction @18 :Float32;
unfilteredMeasurementIntegral @19 :UInt32;
unfilteredTimeUncertainty @20 :Float32;
unfilteredSpeed @21 :Float32;
unfilteredSpeedUncertainty @22 :Float32;
multipathEstimate @23 :UInt32;
azimuth @24 :Float32;
elevation @25 :Float32;
dopplerAcceleration @26 :Float32;
fineSpeed @27 :Float32;
fineSpeedUncertainty @28 :Float32;
carrierPhase @29 :Float64;
fCount @30 :UInt32;
parityErrorCount @31 :UInt16;
goodParity @32 :Bool;
struct DrSvPolyReport {
svId @0 :UInt16;
frequencyIndex @1 :Int8;
hasPosition @2 :Bool;
hasIono @3 :Bool;
hasTropo @4 :Bool;
hasElevation @5 :Bool;
polyFromXtra @6 :Bool;
hasSbasIono @7 :Bool;
iode @8 :UInt16;
t0 @9 :Float64;
xyz0 @10 :List(Float64);
xyzN @11 :List(Float64);
other @12 :List(Float32);
positionUncertainty @13 :Float32;
ionoDelay @14 :Float32;
ionoDot @15 :Float32;
sbasIonoDelay @16 :Float32;
sbasIonoDot @17 :Float32;
tropoDelay @18 :Float32;
elevation @19 :Float32;
elevationDot @20 :Float32;
elevationUncertainty @21 :Float32;
velocityCoeff @22 :List(Float64);
struct LidarPts {
r @0 :List(UInt16); # uint16 m*500.0
theta @1 :List(UInt16); # uint16 deg*100.0
reflect @2 :List(UInt8); # uint8 0-255
# For storing out of file.
idx @3 :UInt64;
# For storing in file
pkt @4 :Data;
struct ProcLog {
cpuTimes @0 :List(CPUTimes);
mem @1 :Mem;
procs @2 :List(Process);
struct Process {
pid @0 :Int32;
name @1 :Text;
state @2 :UInt8;
ppid @3 :Int32;
cpuUser @4 :Float32;
cpuSystem @5 :Float32;
cpuChildrenUser @6 :Float32;
cpuChildrenSystem @7 :Float32;
priority @8 :Int64;
nice @9 :Int32;
numThreads @10 :Int32;
startTime @11 :Float64;
memVms @12 :UInt64;
memRss @13 :UInt64;
processor @14 :Int32;
cmdline @15 :List(Text);
exe @16 :Text;
struct CPUTimes {
cpuNum @0 :Int64;
user @1 :Float32;
nice @2 :Float32;
system @3 :Float32;
idle @4 :Float32;
iowait @5 :Float32;
irq @6 :Float32;
softirq @7 :Float32;
struct Mem {
total @0 :UInt64;
free @1 :UInt64;
available @2 :UInt64;
buffers @3 :UInt64;
cached @4 :UInt64;
active @5 :UInt64;
inactive @6 :UInt64;
shared @7 :UInt64;
struct UbloxGnss {
union {
measurementReport @0 :MeasurementReport;
ephemeris @1 :Ephemeris;
ionoData @2 :IonoData;
struct MeasurementReport {
#received time of week in gps time in seconds and gps week
rcvTow @0 :Float64;
gpsWeek @1 :UInt16;
# leap seconds in seconds
leapSeconds @2 :UInt16;
# receiver status
receiverStatus @3 :ReceiverStatus;
# num of measurements to follow
numMeas @4 :UInt8;
measurements @5 :List(Measurement);
struct ReceiverStatus {
# leap seconds have been determined
leapSecValid @0 :Bool;
# Clock reset applied
clkReset @1 :Bool;
struct Measurement {
svId @0 :UInt8;
trackingStatus @1 :TrackingStatus;
# pseudorange in meters
pseudorange @2 :Float64;
# carrier phase measurement in cycles
carrierCycles @3 :Float64;
# doppler measurement in Hz
doppler @4 :Float32;
# GNSS id, 0 is gps
gnssId @5 :UInt8;
glonassFrequencyIndex @6 :UInt8;
# carrier phase locktime counter in ms
locktime @7 :UInt16;
# Carrier-to-noise density ratio (signal strength) in dBHz
cno @8 :UInt8;
# pseudorange standard deviation in meters
pseudorangeStdev @9 :Float32;
# carrier phase standard deviation in cycles
carrierPhaseStdev @10 :Float32;
# doppler standard deviation in Hz
dopplerStdev @11 :Float32;
struct TrackingStatus {
# pseudorange valid
pseudorangeValid @0 :Bool;
# carrier phase valid
carrierPhaseValid @1 :Bool;
# half cycle valid
halfCycleValid @2 :Bool;
# half sycle subtracted from phase
halfCycleSubtracted @3 :Bool;
struct Ephemeris {
# This is according to the rinex (2?) format
svId @0 :UInt16;
year @1 :UInt16;
month @2 :UInt16;
day @3 :UInt16;
hour @4 :UInt16;
minute @5 :UInt16;
second @6 :Float32;
af0 @7 :Float64;
af1 @8 :Float64;
af2 @9 :Float64;
iode @10 :Float64;
crs @11 :Float64;
deltaN @12 :Float64;
m0 @13 :Float64;
cuc @14 :Float64;
ecc @15 :Float64;
cus @16 :Float64;
a @17 :Float64; # note that this is not the root!!
toe @18 :Float64;
cic @19 :Float64;
omega0 @20 :Float64;
cis @21 :Float64;
i0 @22 :Float64;
crc @23 :Float64;
omega @24 :Float64;
omegaDot @25 :Float64;
iDot @26 :Float64;
codesL2 @27 :Float64;
gpsWeek @28 :Float64;
l2 @29 :Float64;
svAcc @30 :Float64;
svHealth @31 :Float64;
tgd @32 :Float64;
iodc @33 :Float64;
transmissionTime @34 :Float64;
fitInterval @35 :Float64;
toc @36 :Float64;
ionoCoeffsValid @37 :Bool;
ionoAlpha @38 :List(Float64);
ionoBeta @39 :List(Float64);
struct IonoData {
svHealth @0 :UInt32;
tow @1 :Float64;
gpsWeek @2 :Float64;
ionoAlpha @3 :List(Float64);
ionoBeta @4 :List(Float64);
healthValid @5 :Bool;
ionoCoeffsValid @6 :Bool;
struct Clocks {
bootTimeNanos @0 :UInt64;
monotonicNanos @1 :UInt64;
monotonicRawNanos @2 :UInt64;
wallTimeNanos @3 :UInt64;
modemUptimeMillis @4 :UInt64;
struct LiveMpcData {
x @0 :List(Float32);
y @1 :List(Float32);
psi @2 :List(Float32);
delta @3 :List(Float32);
qpIterations @4 :UInt32;
calculationTime @5 :UInt64;
struct LiveLongitudinalMpcData {
xEgo @0 :List(Float32);
vEgo @1 :List(Float32);
aEgo @2 :List(Float32);
xLead @3 :List(Float32);
vLead @4 :List(Float32);
aLead @5 :List(Float32);
aLeadTau @6 :Float32; # lead accel time constant
qpIterations @7 :UInt32;
mpcId @8 :UInt32;
calculationTime @9 :UInt64;
struct ECEFPoint {
x @0 :Float32;
y @1 :Float32;
z @2 :Float32;
struct GPSPlannerPoints {
curPos @0 :ECEFPoint;
points @1 :List(ECEFPoint);
valid @2 :Bool;
trackName @3 :Text;
speedLimit @4 :Float32;
accelTarget @5 :Float32;
struct GPSPlannerPlan {
valid @0 :Bool;
poly @1 :List(Float32);
trackName @2 :Text;
speed @3 :Float32;
acceleration @4 :Float32;
points @5 :List(ECEFPoint);
struct TrafficEvent @0xacfa74a094e62626 {
type @0 :Type;
distance @1 :Float32;
action @2 :Action;
resuming @3 :Bool;
enum Type {
stopSign @0;
lightRed @1;
lightYellow @2;
lightGreen @3;
stopLight @4;
enum Action {
none @0;
yield @1;
stop @2;
resumeReady @3;
struct OrbslamCorrection {
correctionMonoTime @0 :UInt64;
prePositionECEF @1 :List(Float64);
postPositionECEF @2 :List(Float64);
prePoseQuatECEF @3 :List(Float32);
postPoseQuatECEF @4 :List(Float32);
numInliers @5 :UInt32;
struct OrbObservation {
observationMonoTime @0 :UInt64;
normalizedCoordinates @1 :List(Float32);
locationECEF @2 :List(Float64);
matchDistance @3: UInt32;
struct UiNavigationEvent {
type @0: Type;
status @1: Status;
distanceTo @2: Float32;
endRoadPoint @3: ECEFPoint;
enum Type {
none @0;
laneChangeLeft @1;
laneChangeRight @2;
mergeLeft @3;
mergeRight @4;
turnLeft @5;
turnRight @6;
enum Status {
none @0;
passive @1;
approaching @2;
active @3;
struct UiLayoutState {
activeApp @0 :App;
sidebarCollapsed @1 :Bool;
mapEnabled @2 :Bool;
enum App {
home @0;
music @1;
nav @2;
struct Joystick {
# convenient for debug and live tuning
axes @0: List(Float32);
buttons @1: List(Bool);
struct OrbOdometry {
# timing first
startMonoTime @0 :UInt64;
endMonoTime @1 :UInt64;
# fundamental matrix and error
f @2: List(Float64);
err @3: Float64;
# number of inlier points
inliers @4: Int32;
# for debug only
# indexed by endMonoTime features
# value is startMonoTime feature match
# -1 if no match
matches @5: List(Int16);
struct OrbFeatures {
timestampEof @0 :UInt64;
# transposed arrays of normalized image coordinates
# len(xs) == len(ys) == len(descriptors) * 32
xs @1 :List(Float32);
ys @2 :List(Float32);
descriptors @3 :Data;
octaves @4 :List(Int8);
struct OrbKeyFrame {
# this is a globally unique id for the KeyFrame
id @0: UInt64;
# this is the location of the KeyFrame
pos @1: ECEFPoint;
# these are the features in the world
# len(dpos) == len(descriptors) * 32
dpos @2 :List(ECEFPoint);
descriptors @3 :Data;
struct Event {
# in nanoseconds?
logMonoTime @0 :UInt64;
union {
initData @1 :InitData;
frame @2 :FrameData;
gpsNMEA @3 :GPSNMEAData;
sensorEventDEPRECATED @4 :SensorEventData;
can @5 :List(CanData);
thermal @6 :ThermalData;
live100 @7 :Live100Data;
liveEventDEPRECATED @8 :List(LiveEventData);
model @9 :ModelData;
features @10 :CalibrationFeatures;
sensorEvents @11 :List(SensorEventData);
health @12 :HealthData;
live20 @13 :Live20Data;
encodeIdx @15 :EncodeIndex;
liveTracks @16 :List(LiveTracks);
sendcan @17 :List(CanData);
logMessage @18 :Text;
liveCalibration @19 :LiveCalibrationData;
androidLogEntry @20 :AndroidLogEntry;
gpsLocation @21 :GpsLocationData;
carState @22 :Car.CarState;
carControl @23 :Car.CarControl;
plan @24 :Plan;
liveLocation @25 :LiveLocationData;
ethernetData @26 :List(EthernetPacket);
navUpdate @27 :NavUpdate;
cellInfo @28 :List(CellInfo);
wifiScan @29 :List(WifiScan);
androidGnss @30 :AndroidGnss;
qcomGnss @31 :QcomGnss;
lidarPts @32 :LidarPts;
procLog @33 :ProcLog;
ubloxGnss @34 :UbloxGnss;
clocks @35 :Clocks;
liveMpc @36 :LiveMpcData;
liveLongitudinalMpc @37 :LiveLongitudinalMpcData;
navStatus @38 :NavStatus;
ubloxRaw @39 :Data;
gpsPlannerPoints @40 :GPSPlannerPoints;
gpsPlannerPlan @41 :GPSPlannerPlan;
applanixRaw @42 :Data;
trafficEvents @43 :List(TrafficEvent);
liveLocationTiming @44 :LiveLocationData;
orbslamCorrectionDEPRECATED @45 :OrbslamCorrection;
liveLocationCorrected @46 :LiveLocationData;
orbObservation @47 :List(OrbObservation);
gpsLocationExternal @48 :GpsLocationData;
location @49 :LiveLocationData;
uiNavigationEvent @50 :UiNavigationEvent;
liveLocationKalman @51 :LiveLocationData;
testJoystick @52 :Joystick;
orbOdometry @53 :OrbOdometry;
orbFeatures @54 :OrbFeatures;
applanixLocation @55 :LiveLocationData;
orbKeyFrame @56 :OrbKeyFrame;
uiLayoutState @57 :UiLayoutState;