
145 lines
4.4 KiB

import struct
import common.numpy_fast as np
from selfdrive.config import Conversions as CV
from common.fingerprints import HONDA as CAR
# *** Honda specific ***
def can_cksum(mm):
s = 0
for c in mm:
c = ord(c)
s += (c>>4)
s += c & 0xF
s = 8-s
s %= 0x10
return s
def fix(msg, addr):
msg2 = msg[0:-1] + chr(ord(msg[-1]) | can_cksum(struct.pack("I", addr)+msg))
return msg2
def make_can_msg(addr, dat, idx, alt):
if idx is not None:
dat += chr(idx << 4)
dat = fix(dat, addr)
return [addr, 0, dat, alt]
def create_brake_command(packer, apply_brake, pcm_override, pcm_cancel_cmd, chime, fcw, idx):
"""Creates a CAN message for the Honda DBC BRAKE_COMMAND."""
pump_on = apply_brake > 0
brakelights = apply_brake > 0
brake_rq = apply_brake > 0
pcm_fault_cmd = False
values = {
"COMPUTER_BRAKE": apply_brake,
"CRUISE_OVERRIDE": pcm_override,
"CRUISE_FAULT_CMD": pcm_fault_cmd,
"CRUISE_CANCEL_CMD": pcm_cancel_cmd,
"SET_ME_0X80": 0x80,
"BRAKE_LIGHTS": brakelights,
"CHIME": chime,
"FCW": fcw << 1, # TODO: Why are there two bits for fcw? According to dbc file the first bit should also work
return packer.make_can_msg("BRAKE_COMMAND", 0, values, idx)
def create_gas_command(packer, gas_amount, idx):
"""Creates a CAN message for the Honda DBC GAS_COMMAND."""
enable = gas_amount > 0.001
values = {"ENABLE": enable}
if enable:
values["GAS_COMMAND"] = gas_amount * 255.
values["GAS_COMMAND2"] = gas_amount * 255.
return packer.make_can_msg("GAS_COMMAND", 0, values, idx)
def create_steering_control(packer, apply_steer, car_fingerprint, idx):
"""Creates a CAN message for the Honda DBC STEERING_CONTROL."""
values = {
"STEER_TORQUE": apply_steer,
"STEER_TORQUE_REQUEST": apply_steer != 0,
return packer.make_can_msg("STEERING_CONTROL", 0, values, idx)
def create_ui_commands(packer, pcm_speed, hud, car_fingerprint, idx):
"""Creates an iterable of CAN messages for the UIs."""
commands = []
# TODO: Why is X4 always 0xc1? Not implemented yet in canpacker
acc_hud_values = {
'PCM_SPEED': pcm_speed * CV.MS_TO_KPH,
'PCM_GAS': hud.pcm_accel,
'CRUISE_SPEED': hud.v_cruise,
'ENABLE_MINI_CAR': hud.mini_car,
'SET_ME_X03': 0x03,
'SET_ME_X03_2': 0x03,
'SET_ME_X01': 0x01,
commands.append(packer.make_can_msg("ACC_HUD", 0, acc_hud_values, idx))
lkas_hud_values = {
'SET_ME_X41': 0x41,
'SET_ME_X48': 0x48,
'STEERING_REQUIRED': hud.steer_required,
'SOLID_LANES': hud.lanes,
'BEEP': hud.beep,
commands.append(packer.make_can_msg('LKAS_HUD', 0, lkas_hud_values, idx))
if car_fingerprint in (CAR.CIVIC, CAR.ODYSSEY):
commands.append(packer.make_can_msg('HIGHBEAM_CONTROL', 0, {'HIGHBEAMS_ON': False}, idx))
radar_hud_values = {
'ACC_ALERTS': hud.acc_alert,
'LEAD_SPEED': 0x1fe, # What are these magic values
'LEAD_STATE': 0x7,
commands.append(packer.make_can_msg('RADAR_HUD', 0, radar_hud_values, idx))
return commands
def create_radar_commands(v_ego, car_fingerprint, idx):
"""Creates an iterable of CAN messages for the radar system."""
commands = []
v_ego_kph = np.clip(int(round(v_ego * CV.MS_TO_KPH)), 0, 255)
speed = struct.pack('!B', v_ego_kph)
msg_0x300 = ("\xf9" + speed + "\x8a\xd0" +
("\x20" if idx == 0 or idx == 3 else "\x00") +
if car_fingerprint == CAR.CIVIC:
msg_0x301 = "\x02\x38\x44\x32\x4f\x00\x00"
commands.append(make_can_msg(0x300, msg_0x300, idx + 8, 1)) # add 8 on idx.
elif car_fingerprint == CAR.CRV:
msg_0x301 = "\x00\x00\x50\x02\x51\x00\x00"
commands.append(make_can_msg(0x300, msg_0x300, idx, 1))
elif car_fingerprint == CAR.ACURA_RDX:
msg_0x301 = "\x0f\x57\x4f\x02\x5a\x00\x00"
commands.append(make_can_msg(0x300, msg_0x300, idx, 1))
elif car_fingerprint == CAR.ODYSSEY:
msg_0x301 = "\x00\x00\x56\x02\x55\x00\x00"
commands.append(make_can_msg(0x300, msg_0x300, idx, 1))
elif car_fingerprint == CAR.ACURA_ILX:
msg_0x301 = "\x0f\x18\x51\x02\x5a\x00\x00"
commands.append(make_can_msg(0x300, msg_0x300, idx, 1))
elif car_fingerprint == CAR.PILOT:
msg_0x301 = "\x00\x00\x56\x02\x58\x00\x00"
commands.append(make_can_msg(0x300, msg_0x300, idx, 1))
commands.append(make_can_msg(0x301, msg_0x301, idx, 1))
return commands