
209 lines
5.2 KiB

#pragma once
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <QObject>
#include <QTimer>
#include <QColor>
#include "nanovg.h"
#include "cereal/messaging/messaging.h"
#include "common/transformations/orientation.hpp"
#include "selfdrive/camerad/cameras/camera_common.h"
#include "selfdrive/common/mat.h"
#include "selfdrive/common/modeldata.h"
#include "selfdrive/common/params.h"
#include "selfdrive/common/util.h"
#define COLOR_BLACK nvgRGBA(0, 0, 0, 255)
#define COLOR_BLACK_ALPHA(x) nvgRGBA(0, 0, 0, x)
#define COLOR_WHITE nvgRGBA(255, 255, 255, 255)
#define COLOR_WHITE_ALPHA(x) nvgRGBA(255, 255, 255, x)
#define COLOR_RED_ALPHA(x) nvgRGBA(201, 34, 49, x)
#define COLOR_YELLOW nvgRGBA(218, 202, 37, 255)
#define COLOR_RED nvgRGBA(201, 34, 49, 255)
const int bdr_s = 30;
const int header_h = 420;
const int footer_h = 280;
const int UI_FREQ = 20; // Hz
typedef cereal::CarControl::HUDControl::AudibleAlert AudibleAlert;
// TODO: this is also hardcoded in common/transformations/
// TODO: choose based on frame input size
const float y_offset = Hardware::EON() ? 0.0 : 150.0;
const float ZOOM = Hardware::EON() ? 2138.5 : 2912.8;
typedef struct Rect {
int x, y, w, h;
int centerX() const { return x + w / 2; }
int centerY() const { return y + h / 2; }
int right() const { return x + w; }
int bottom() const { return y + h; }
bool ptInRect(int px, int py) const {
return px >= x && px < (x + w) && py >= y && py < (y + h);
} Rect;
struct Alert {
QString text1;
QString text2;
QString type;
cereal::ControlsState::AlertSize size;
AudibleAlert sound;
bool equal(const Alert &a2) {
return text1 == a2.text1 && text2 == a2.text2 && type == a2.type;
static std::optional<Alert> get(const SubMaster &sm, uint64_t started_frame) {
if (sm.updated("controlsState")) {
const cereal::ControlsState::Reader &cs = sm["controlsState"].getControlsState();
return Alert{cs.getAlertText1().cStr(), cs.getAlertText2().cStr(),
cs.getAlertType().cStr(), cs.getAlertSize(),
} else if ((sm.frame - started_frame) > 5 * UI_FREQ) {
const int CONTROLS_TIMEOUT = 5;
// Handle controls timeout
if (sm.rcv_frame("controlsState") < started_frame) {
// car is started, but controlsState hasn't been seen at all
return Alert{"openpilot Unavailable", "Waiting for controls to start",
"controlsWaiting", cereal::ControlsState::AlertSize::MID,
} else if ((nanos_since_boot() - sm.rcv_time("controlsState")) / 1e9 > CONTROLS_TIMEOUT) {
// car is started, but controls is lagging or died
return Alert{"TAKE CONTROL IMMEDIATELY", "Controls Unresponsive",
"controlsUnresponsive", cereal::ControlsState::AlertSize::FULL,
return std::nullopt;
typedef enum UIStatus {
} UIStatus;
const QColor bg_colors [] = {
[STATUS_DISENGAGED] = QColor(0x17, 0x33, 0x49, 0xc8),
[STATUS_ENGAGED] = QColor(0x17, 0x86, 0x44, 0xf1),
[STATUS_WARNING] = QColor(0xDA, 0x6F, 0x25, 0xf1),
[STATUS_ALERT] = QColor(0xC9, 0x22, 0x31, 0xf1),
typedef struct {
float x, y;
} vertex_data;
typedef struct {
vertex_data v[TRAJECTORY_SIZE * 2];
int cnt;
} line_vertices_data;
typedef struct UIScene {
mat3 view_from_calib;
bool world_objects_visible;
cereal::PandaState::PandaType pandaType;
// modelV2
float lane_line_probs[4];
float road_edge_stds[2];
line_vertices_data track_vertices;
line_vertices_data lane_line_vertices[4];
line_vertices_data road_edge_vertices[2];
bool dm_active, engageable;
// lead
vertex_data lead_vertices[2];
float light_sensor, accel_sensor, gyro_sensor;
bool started, ignition, is_metric, longitudinal_control, end_to_end;
uint64_t started_frame;
} UIScene;
typedef struct UIState {
int fb_w = 0, fb_h = 0;
NVGcontext *vg;
// images
std::map<std::string, int> images;
std::unique_ptr<SubMaster> sm;
UIStatus status;
UIScene scene = {};
bool awake;
bool has_prime = false;
float car_space_transform[6];
bool wide_camera;
} UIState;
class QUIState : public QObject {
QUIState(QObject* parent = 0);
// TODO: get rid of this, only use signal
inline static UIState ui_state = {0};
void uiUpdate(const UIState &s);
void offroadTransition(bool offroad);
private slots:
void update();
QTimer *timer;
bool started_prev = true;
// device management class
class Device : public QObject {
Device(QObject *parent = 0);
// auto brightness
const float accel_samples = 5*UI_FREQ;
bool awake;
int awake_timeout = 0;
float accel_prev = 0;
float gyro_prev = 0;
float last_brightness = 0;
FirstOrderFilter brightness_filter;
QTimer *timer;
void updateBrightness(const UIState &s);
void updateWakefulness(const UIState &s);
void displayPowerChanged(bool on);
public slots:
void setAwake(bool on, bool reset);
void update(const UIState &s);