
188 lines
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// CAN msgs we care about
#define MAZDA_LKAS 0x243
#define MAZDA_LKAS_HUD 0x440
#define MAZDA_CRZ_CTRL 0x21c
#define MAZDA_CRZ_BTNS 0x09d
#define MAZDA_STEER_TORQUE 0x240
#define MAZDA_ENGINE_DATA 0x202
#define MAZDA_PEDALS 0x165
// CAN bus numbers
#define MAZDA_MAIN 0
#define MAZDA_AUX 1
#define MAZDA_CAM 2
#define MAZDA_MAX_STEER 2048
// max delta torque allowed for real time checks
#define MAZDA_MAX_RT_DELTA 940
// 250ms between real time checks
#define MAZDA_RT_INTERVAL 250000
#define MAZDA_MAX_RATE_UP 10
const CanMsg MAZDA_TX_MSGS[] = {{MAZDA_LKAS, 0, 8}, {MAZDA_CRZ_BTNS, 0, 8}, {MAZDA_LKAS_HUD, 0, 8}};
AddrCheckStruct mazda_addr_checks[] = {
{.msg = {{MAZDA_CRZ_CTRL, 0, 8, .expected_timestep = 20000U}, { 0 }, { 0 }}},
{.msg = {{MAZDA_CRZ_BTNS, 0, 8, .expected_timestep = 100000U}, { 0 }, { 0 }}},
{.msg = {{MAZDA_STEER_TORQUE, 0, 8, .expected_timestep = 12000U}, { 0 }, { 0 }}},
{.msg = {{MAZDA_ENGINE_DATA, 0, 8, .expected_timestep = 10000U}, { 0 }, { 0 }}},
{.msg = {{MAZDA_PEDALS, 0, 8, .expected_timestep = 20000U}, { 0 }, { 0 }}},
#define MAZDA_ADDR_CHECKS_LEN (sizeof(mazda_addr_checks) / sizeof(mazda_addr_checks[0]))
addr_checks mazda_rx_checks = {mazda_addr_checks, MAZDA_ADDR_CHECKS_LEN};
// track msgs coming from OP so that we know what CAM msgs to drop and what to forward
static int mazda_rx_hook(CANPacket_t *to_push) {
bool valid = addr_safety_check(to_push, &mazda_rx_checks, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (valid && (GET_BUS(to_push) == MAZDA_MAIN)) {
int addr = GET_ADDR(to_push);
if (addr == MAZDA_ENGINE_DATA) {
// sample speed: scale by 0.01 to get kph
int speed = (GET_BYTE(to_push, 2) << 8) | GET_BYTE(to_push, 3);
vehicle_moving = speed > 10; // moving when speed > 0.1 kph
if (addr == MAZDA_STEER_TORQUE) {
int torque_driver_new = GET_BYTE(to_push, 0) - 127;
// update array of samples
update_sample(&torque_driver, torque_driver_new);
// enter controls on rising edge of ACC, exit controls on ACC off
if (addr == MAZDA_CRZ_CTRL) {
bool cruise_engaged = GET_BYTE(to_push, 0) & 8;
if (cruise_engaged) {
if (!cruise_engaged_prev) {
controls_allowed = 1;
} else {
controls_allowed = 0;
cruise_engaged_prev = cruise_engaged;
if (addr == MAZDA_ENGINE_DATA) {
gas_pressed = (GET_BYTE(to_push, 4) || (GET_BYTE(to_push, 5) & 0xF0));
if (addr == MAZDA_PEDALS) {
brake_pressed = (GET_BYTE(to_push, 0) & 0x10);
generic_rx_checks((addr == MAZDA_LKAS));
return valid;
static int mazda_tx_hook(CANPacket_t *to_send) {
int tx = 1;
int addr = GET_ADDR(to_send);
int bus = GET_BUS(to_send);
if (!msg_allowed(to_send, MAZDA_TX_MSGS, sizeof(MAZDA_TX_MSGS)/sizeof(MAZDA_TX_MSGS[0]))) {
tx = 0;
// Check if msg is sent on the main BUS
if (bus == MAZDA_MAIN) {
// steer cmd checks
if (addr == MAZDA_LKAS) {
int desired_torque = (((GET_BYTE(to_send, 0) & 0x0f) << 8) | GET_BYTE(to_send, 1)) - MAZDA_MAX_STEER;
bool violation = 0;
uint32_t ts = microsecond_timer_get();
if (controls_allowed) {
// *** global torque limit check ***
violation |= max_limit_check(desired_torque, MAZDA_MAX_STEER, -MAZDA_MAX_STEER);
// *** torque rate limit check ***
violation |= driver_limit_check(desired_torque, desired_torque_last, &torque_driver,
// used next time
desired_torque_last = desired_torque;
// *** torque real time rate limit check ***
violation |= rt_rate_limit_check(desired_torque, rt_torque_last, MAZDA_MAX_RT_DELTA);
// every RT_INTERVAL set the new limits
uint32_t ts_elapsed = get_ts_elapsed(ts, ts_last);
if (ts_elapsed > ((uint32_t) MAZDA_RT_INTERVAL)) {
rt_torque_last = desired_torque;
ts_last = ts;
// no torque if controls is not allowed
if (!controls_allowed && (desired_torque != 0)) {
violation = 1;
// reset to 0 if either controls is not allowed or there's a violation
if (violation || !controls_allowed) {
desired_torque_last = 0;
rt_torque_last = 0;
ts_last = ts;
if (violation) {
tx = 0;
// cruise buttons check
if (addr == MAZDA_CRZ_BTNS) {
// allow resume spamming while controls allowed, but
// only allow cancel while contrls not allowed
bool cancel_cmd = (GET_BYTE(to_send, 0) == 0x1U);
if (!controls_allowed && !cancel_cmd) {
tx = 0;
return tx;
static int mazda_fwd_hook(int bus, CANPacket_t *to_fwd) {
int bus_fwd = -1;
int addr = GET_ADDR(to_fwd);
if (bus == MAZDA_MAIN) {
bus_fwd = MAZDA_CAM;
} else if (bus == MAZDA_CAM) {
bool block = (addr == MAZDA_LKAS) || (addr == MAZDA_LKAS_HUD);
if (!block) {
bus_fwd = MAZDA_MAIN;
} else {
// don't fwd
return bus_fwd;
static const addr_checks* mazda_init(int16_t param) {
controls_allowed = false;
return &mazda_rx_checks;
const safety_hooks mazda_hooks = {
.init = mazda_init,
.rx = mazda_rx_hook,
.tx = mazda_tx_hook,
.tx_lin = nooutput_tx_lin_hook,
.fwd = mazda_fwd_hook,