
108 lines
2.8 KiB

import os
import sys
import zmq
from lru import LRU
from cereal import log
from common.realtime import Ratekeeper
import cereal.messaging as messaging
from import service_list
def cputime_total(ct):
return ct.user+ct.nice+ct.system+ct.idle+ct.iowait+ct.irq+ct.softirq
def cputime_busy(ct):
return ct.user+ct.nice+ct.system+ct.irq+ct.softirq
def cpu_dtotal(l1, l2):
t1_total = sum(cputime_total(ct) for ct in l1.cpuTimes)
t2_total = sum(cputime_total(ct) for ct in l2.cpuTimes)
return t2_total - t1_total
def cpu_percent(l1, l2):
dtotal = cpu_dtotal(l1, l2)
t1_busy = sum(cputime_busy(ct) for ct in l1.cpuTimes)
t2_busy = sum(cputime_busy(ct) for ct in l2.cpuTimes)
dbusy = t2_busy - t1_busy
if dbusy < 0 or dtotal <= 0:
return 0.0
return dbusy / dtotal
def proc_cpu_percent(proc1, proc2, l1, l2):
dtotal = cpu_dtotal(l1, l2)
dproc = (proc2.cpuUser+proc2.cpuSystem) - (proc1.cpuUser+proc1.cpuSystem)
if dproc < 0:
return 0.0
return dproc / dtotal
def display_cpu(pl1, pl2):
l1, l2 = pl1.procLog, pl2.procLog
print(cpu_percent(l1, l2))
procs1 = dict((, proc) for proc in l1.procs)
procs2 = dict((, proc) for proc in l2.procs)
procs_print = 4
procs_with_percent = sorted((proc_cpu_percent(procs1[], proc, l1, l2), proc) for proc in l2.procs
if in procs1)
for percent, proc in procs_with_percent[-1:-procs_print-1:-1]:
def main():
frame_cache = LRU(16)
md_cache = LRU(16)
plan_cache = LRU(16)
frame_sock = messaging.sub_sock('frame')
md_sock = messaging.sub_sock('model')
plan_sock = messaging.sub_sock('plan')
controls_state_sock = messaging.sub_sock('controlsState')
proc = messaging.sub_sock('procLog')
pls = [None, None]
rk = Ratekeeper(10)
while True:
for msg in messaging.drain_sock(frame_sock):
frame_cache[msg.frame.frameId] = msg
for msg in messaging.drain_sock(md_sock):
md_cache[msg.logMonoTime] = msg
for msg in messaging.drain_sock(plan_sock):
plan_cache[msg.logMonoTime] = msg
controls_state = messaging.recv_sock(controls_state_sock)
if controls_state is not None:
plan_time = controls_state.controlsState.planMonoTime
if plan_time != 0 and plan_time in plan_cache:
plan = plan_cache[plan_time]
md_time = plan.plan.mdMonoTime
if md_time != 0 and md_time in md_cache:
md = md_cache[md_time]
frame_id = md.model.frameId
if frame_id != 0 and frame_id in frame_cache:
frame = frame_cache[frame_id]
print("controls lag: %.2fms" % ((controls_state.logMonoTime - frame.frame.timestampEof) / 1e6))
pls = (pls+messaging.drain_sock(proc))[-2:]
if None not in pls:
if __name__ == "__main__":