added comma3 paths and updated ffmpeg command to fix framerate and make it usable without transcoding

Chalkytannins 2021-12-01 21:13:47 -08:00
parent 3fac3fc586
commit a2374ea87a
1 changed files with 41 additions and 21 deletions

@ -7,23 +7,52 @@ Use the following links to gain an understanding of what video segment(s) are ne
Use the Download Camera Segment and/or Copy Current Segment buttons to identify the segment timestamp info.
The timestamp is copied to your clipboard as text.
Direct Download
* [FTP](#FTP)
* [SSH](#SSH)
[Playback and processing](#Playback)
### FTP
Requires a Github account, making encryption keys, enabled SSH on the device, and installing a SFTP client on your computer
Software SFTP Clients (Host Name = IP Address, Port 8022, Username root)
Software SFTP Clients (Host Name = IP Address, Port 8022, Username root)
* [Filezilla](
* [WinSCP](
Once connected, start in path
Once connected, start in path:
##### Comma Three
##### Comma Two
The segment timestamp identified above will match a subfolder name. Download the target .hevc file, and surrounding .hevc files as desired. Name them in some sensical manner. They can be drag-and-dropped into a VLC window to play, but each file's timestamps/tracking may be incorrect until processed.
The output.hevc file can be uploaded to YouTube straight away for processing, or played in VLC.
### SSH
Requires a Github account, making encryption keys and enabled SSH on the device.
To connect to your comma two with SSH please see [SSH](
To download the video files locally to your machine you can use SCP (secure copy protocol.) If your use case is to download all files you could run the following from a terminal on your local machine.
#### Comma Three:
scp -r -i ~/.ssh/<your_private_key> comma@<your_commas_ip_address>:/data/media/0/realdata ~/<desired_destination>
#### Comma Two:
scp -r -i ~/.ssh/<your_private_key> root@<your_commas_ip_address>:/sdcard/realdata/ ~/<desired_destination>
### Playback
Very few apps can play these files, and the ones which can, will default to a playback at 25 fps instead of 20 fps, speeding up the footage.
To combine multiple segments (if needed), use this linux command:
cat fcamera1.hevc fcamera2.hevc fcamera3.hevc > output.hevc
@ -32,21 +61,12 @@ or this Windows command
copy /b fcamera1.hevc+fcamera2.hevc+fcamera3.hevc output.hevc
The output.hevc file can be uploaded to YouTube straight away for processing, or played in VLC. But many others wont know what to do with a .hevc file. So if sending, then [download ffmpeg]( and convert it first. To make a .mpg copy for emailing etc., put the output.hevc file in the same folder as the ffmpeg program, then run a command like
To fix the playback speed and put it in a usable container without re-encoding:
#### [download ffmpeg](
ffmpeg -I output.hevc -qscale:v 1 output.mpg
After which, the .hevc file could be used for YouTube or some limited purposes in VLC, else can be shared as a more recognizable .mpg file.
Requires a Github account, making encryption keys and enabled SSH on the device.
To connect to your comma two with SSH please see [SSH]( Once you have connected, you can view the video files at /sdcard/realdata/.
To download the video files locally to your machine you can use SCP (secure copy protocol.) If your use case is to download all files you could run the following from a terminal on your local machine.
scp -r -i ~/.ssh/<your_private_key> root@<your_commas_ip_address>:/sdcard/realdata/ ~/<desired_destination>
ffmpeg -r 20 -i input.hevc -c copy output.mp4
# Cabana