Updated FAQ (markdown)

VirtuallyChris 2020-08-26 16:54:08 -07:00
parent a8644be048
commit ca26ba417a
1 changed files with 1 additions and 1 deletions


@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ find . -type f -wholename "*2020-08-01--09-01-14--*/*.hevc" -exec cat {} + > dri
> Yes. You can adjust your light sensor calibration in /persist/comma/params/d/BRIGHTNESS_M and P. M is multiplicative, P is an offset. If it's good at night but dim during the day, increase M. If it's too dim for your liking everywhere, then adjust P.
### My storage space is filling up, How long are drive segments kept on my device?
> Videos used to be deleted on the device after upload. Now they are saved on your device until additional room is needed. When less than 5GB or 10% of the drive space remains, the oldest segments will be deleted to clear up room. On the Comma 2, this results storage for around 12 hours of segments. The oldest segments will be deleted to make room for new segments even if the old segments have not been uploaded.
> Videos are saved on your device until additional room is needed. When less than 5GB or 10% of the drive space remains, the oldest segments will be deleted to clear up room. On the Comma 2, this results storage for around 12 hours of segments. The oldest segments will be deleted to make room for new segments even if the old segments have not been uploaded.
# Development