remove workbench since it's abandonware

Chris McCammon 2021-05-25 17:04:39 -07:00
parent 72f0a1782c
commit d87660be18
1 changed files with 0 additions and 22 deletions


@ -115,28 +115,6 @@ macOS already comes with a SSH client and has everything you need to SSH into an
8. Run the command `ssh root@555.555.555.555` after replacing `555.555.555.555` with the IP address you discovered in the settings earlier. You should see a blue-ish prompt with "/data/openpilot" which confirms you are connected.
* [Older device/OS and "port 22: Connection Refused"?](#port-22-connection-refused)
## Option 3 - Workbench
(✨ Instructions are updated for 0.8.3+)
[Workbench for Openpilot](
Workbench is a user-friendly desktop application for SSH ([Secure Shell]( into your android device running openpilot.
* Note - Workbench is no longer maintained by the developer. Things may not always work as expected. It is suggested to learn how to SSH using a method above (which will help you if you want to SSH into other, non-comma, devices in the future.)
* Note - With NEOS16 the default SSH key has been removed from the device. This means that Workbench (which uses the default SSH key) will no longer allow SSH connections to devices running NEOS16 (openpilot version 0.8.3). To allow support for 0.8.3 please follow the following instructions provided by @user2323#8474 in the discord. This requires having already opened workbench so it can generate the openpilot_rsa file.
1. Open Command Prompt (cmd.exe)
2. type: `ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096` and press enter when it asks where to save
3. You can either create a passphrase, or just leave it blank when it asks.
4. Create github account, if you dont have one.
5. Open github profile/settings, look for ssh/gpg keys on the left hand side
6. On your computer go to C:\Users\ [user]\ .ssh (Note that the .ssh folder will be hidden in Windows by default)
7. Copy everything from '' (Make sure you open this file with notepad or some other text editor and not publisher) to the github 'new ssh key' section and add key after making a unique SSH title.
8. Open 'id_rsa' (NOT '') and copy everything in it
9. Open 'openpilot_rsa' and paste the copied text from id_rsa here, overwriting what's in it and then save.
10. Go to your Eon Gold/C2 under dev settings look for enable ssh and add your github username (Might as well enable community features while you are here if you plan on using a custom fork)
*(if you added it before doing these steps to be safe please remove it add it again so it rechecks github)
11. Now re-open workbench and you should be able to connect to your Eon Gold/C2!
# Advanced
This section assumes that you have used SSH before. If you want to use Putty, use [the instructions above](