fix EON fan command

VirtuallyChris 2020-10-06 11:49:19 -07:00
parent 25457a68d2
commit f8a87ff751
1 changed files with 1 additions and 1 deletions

@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ If none of this resolves the issue, it is most likely a bad harness box. Email s
SSH into your device, and attempt to manually control the fan using this command.
```cd /data/openpilot && PYTHONPATH=/data/openpilot python -c 'from selfdrive.thermald import setup_eon_fan, set_eon_fan; setup_eon_fan(); set_eon_fan(1);' ```
```cd /data/openpilot && PYTHONPATH=/data/openpilot python -c 'from selfdrive.thermald.thermald import setup_eon_fan, set_eon_fan; setup_eon_fan(); set_eon_fan(1);' ```
The value in the set_eon_fan function is the fan speed, anywhere between 0 and 3 (zero being off and 3 being the highest). Start with setting 1 and then set 0. (You will get a message about permission denied but the command still runs)