
548 lines
16 KiB

/* $Id: qfits_card.c,v 1.8 2006/02/20 09:45:25 yjung Exp $
* This file is part of the ESO QFITS Library
* Copyright (C) 2001-2004 European Southern Observatory
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* $Author: yjung $
* $Date: 2006/02/20 09:45:25 $
* $Revision: 1.8 $
* $Name: qfits-6_1_0 $
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "qfits_card.h"
#include "qfits_tools.h"
/* Define the following to get zillions of debug messages */
/* #define DEBUG_FITSHEADER */
Static functions
static char * expkey_strupc(const char *) ;
* @defgroup qfits_card Card handling functions
* This module contains various routines to help parsing a single FITS
* card into its components: key, value, comment.
Function codes
@brief Write out a card to a string on 80 chars.
@param line Allocated output character buffer.
@param key Key to write.
@param val Value to write.
@param com Comment to write.
@return void
Write out a key, value and comment into an allocated character buffer.
The buffer must be at least 80 chars to receive the information.
Formatting is done according to FITS standard.
void qfits_card_build(
char * line,
const char * key,
const char * val,
const char * com)
int len ;
int hierarch = 0 ;
char cval[81];
char cval2[81];
char cval_q[81];
char ccom[81];
char safe_line[512];
int i, j ;
if (line==NULL || key==NULL) return ;
/* Set the line with zeroes */
memset(line, ' ', 80);
if (key==NULL) return ;
/* END keyword*/
if (!strcmp(key, "END")) {
/* Write key and return */
sprintf(line, "END") ;
return ;
/* HISTORY, COMMENT and blank keywords */
if (!strcmp(key, "HISTORY") ||
!strcmp(key, "COMMENT") ||
!strncmp(key, " ", 8)) {
/* Write key */
sprintf(line, "%s ", key);
if (val==NULL) return ;
/* There is a value to write, copy it correctly */
len = strlen(val);
/* 72 is 80 (FITS line size) - 8 (sizeof COMMENT or HISTORY) */
if (len>72) len=72 ;
strncpy(line+8, val, len);
return ;
/* Check for NULL values */
if (val==NULL) cval[0]=(char)0;
else if (strlen(val)<1) cval[0]=(char)0;
else strcpy(cval, val);
/* Check for NULL comments */
if (com==NULL) strcpy(ccom, "no comment");
else strcpy(ccom, com);
/* Set hierarch flag */
if (!strncmp(key, "HIERARCH", 8)) hierarch ++ ;
/* Boolean, int, float or complex */
if (qfits_is_int(cval) ||
qfits_is_float(cval) ||
qfits_is_boolean(cval) ||
qfits_is_complex(cval)) {
if (hierarch) sprintf(safe_line, "%-29s= %s / %s", key, cval, ccom);
else sprintf(safe_line, "%-8.8s= %20s / %-48s", key, cval, ccom);
strncpy(line, safe_line, 80);
return ;
/* Blank or NULL values */
if (cval[0]==0) {
if (hierarch) {
sprintf(safe_line, "%-29s= / %s", key, ccom);
} else {
sprintf(safe_line, "%-8.8s= / %-48s", key, ccom);
strncpy(line, safe_line, 80);
return ;
/* Can only be a string - Make simple quotes ['] as double [''] */
memset(cval_q, 0, 81);
strcpy(cval2, qfits_pretty_string(cval));
j=0 ;
i=0 ;
while (cval2[i] != (char)0) {
if (cval2[i]=='\'') {
j++ ;
} else {
cval_q[j] = cval2[i];
i++ ;
j++ ;
if (hierarch) {
sprintf(safe_line, "%-29s= '%s' / %s", key, cval_q, ccom);
if (strlen(key) + strlen(cval_q) + 3 >= 80)
safe_line[79] = '\'';
} else {
sprintf(safe_line, "%-8.8s= '%-8s' / %s", key, cval_q, ccom);
strncpy(line, safe_line, 80);
/* Null-terminate in any case */
return ;
@brief Find the keyword in a key card (80 chars)
@param line allocated 80-char line from a FITS header
@return statically allocated char *
Find out the part of a FITS line corresponding to the keyword.
Returns NULL in case of error. The returned pointer is statically
allocated in this function, so do not modify or try to free it.
char * qfits_getkey(const char * line)
static char key[81];
int i ;
if (line==NULL) {
printf("qfits_getkey: NULL input line\n");
return NULL ;
/* Special case: blank keyword */
if (!strncmp(line, " ", 8)) {
strcpy(key, " ");
return key ;
/* Sort out special cases: HISTORY, COMMENT, END do not have = in line */
if (!strncmp(line, "HISTORY ", 8)) {
strcpy(key, "HISTORY");
return key ;
if (!strncmp(line, "COMMENT ", 8)) {
strcpy(key, "COMMENT");
return key ;
if (!strncmp(line, "END ", 4)) {
strcpy(key, "END");
return key ;
memset(key, 0, 81);
/* General case: look for the first equal sign */
i=0 ;
while (line[i]!='=' && i<80) i++ ;
if (i>=80) {
printf("qfits_getkey: cannot find equal sign\n");
return NULL ;
i-- ;
/* Equal sign found, now backtrack on blanks */
while (line[i]==' ' && i>=0) i-- ;
if (i<=0) {
printf("qfits_getkey: error backtracking on blanks\n");
return NULL ;
i++ ;
/* Copy relevant characters into output buffer */
strncpy(key, line, i) ;
/* Null-terminate the string */
key[i+1] = (char)0;
return key ;
@brief Find the value in a key card (80 chars)
@param line allocated 80-char line from a FITS header
@return statically allocated char *
Find out the part of a FITS line corresponding to the value.
Returns NULL in case of error, or if no value can be found. The
returned pointer is statically allocated in this function, so do not
modify or try to free it.
char * qfits_getvalue(const char * line)
static char value[81] ;
int i ;
int from, to ;
int inq ;
if (line==NULL) {
printf("qfits_getvalue: NULL input line\n");
return NULL ;
/* Special cases */
/* END has no associated value */
if (!strncmp(line, "END ", 4)) {
return NULL ;
* HISTORY has for value everything else on the line, stripping
* blanks before and after. Blank HISTORY is also accepted.
memset(value, 0, 81);
if (!strncmp(line, "HISTORY ", 8) || !strncmp(line, " ", 8)) {
i=7 ;
/* Strip blanks from the left side */
while (line[i]==' ' && i<80) i++ ;
if (i>=80) return NULL ; /* Blank HISTORY */
from=i ;
/* Strip blanks from the right side */
to=79 ;
while (line[to]==' ') to-- ;
/* Copy relevant characters into output buffer */
strncpy(value, line+from, to-from+1);
/* Null-terminate the string */
value[to-from+1] = (char)0;
return value ;
} else if (!strncmp(line, "COMMENT ", 8)) {
/* COMMENT is like HISTORY */
/* Strip blanks from the left side */
i=7 ;
while (line[i]==' ' && i<80) i++ ;
if (i>=80) return NULL ;
from=i ;
/* Strip blanks from the right side */
to=79 ;
while (line[to]==' ') to-- ;
if (to<from) {
printf("qfits_getvalue: inconsistent value search in COMMENT\n");
return NULL ;
/* Copy relevant characters into output buffer */
strncpy(value, line+from, to-from+1);
/* Null-terminate the string */
value[to-from+1] = (char)0;
return value ;
/* General case - Get past the keyword */
i=0 ;
while (line[i]!='=' && i<80) i++ ;
if (i>80) {
printf("qfits_getvalue: no equal sign found on line\n");
return NULL ;
i++ ;
while (line[i]==' ' && i<80) i++ ;
if (i>80) {
printf("qfits_getvalue: no value past the equal sign\n");
return NULL ;
/* Now value section: Look for the first slash '/' outside a string */
inq = 0 ;
while (i<80) {
if (line[i]=='\'')
inq=!inq ;
if (line[i]=='/')
if (!inq)
break ;
i-- ;
/* Backtrack on blanks */
while (line[i]==' ' && i>=0) i-- ;
if (i<0) {
printf("qfits_getvalue: error backtracking on blanks\n");
return NULL ;
to=i ;
if (to<from) {
printf("qfits_getvalue: from>to?\n");
printf("line=[%s]\n", line);
return NULL ;
/* Copy relevant characters into output buffer */
strncpy(value, line+from, to-from+1);
/* Null-terminate the string */
value[to-from+1] = (char)0;
return value ;
@brief Find the comment in a key card (80 chars)
@param line allocated 80-char line from a FITS header
@return statically allocated char *
Find out the part of a FITS line corresponding to the comment.
Returns NULL in case of error, or if no comment can be found. The
returned pointer is statically allocated in this function, so do not
modify or try to free it.
char * qfits_getcomment(const char * line)
static char comment[81];
int i ;
int from, to ;
int inq ;
if (line==NULL) {
printf("qfits_getcomment: null line in input\n");
return NULL ;
/* Special cases: END, HISTORY, COMMENT and blank have no comment */
if (!strncmp(line, "END ", 4)) return NULL ;
if (!strncmp(line, "HISTORY ", 8)) return NULL ;
if (!strncmp(line, "COMMENT ", 8)) return NULL ;
if (!strncmp(line, " ", 8)) return NULL ;
memset(comment, 0, 81);
/* Get past the keyword */
i=0 ;
while (line[i]!='=' && i<80) i++ ;
if (i>=80) {
printf("qfits_getcomment: no equal sign on line\n");
return NULL ;
i++ ;
/* Get past the value until the slash */
inq = 0 ;
while (i<80) {
if (line[i]=='\'')
inq = !inq ;
if (line[i]=='/')
if (!inq)
break ;
i++ ;
if (i>=80) {
printf("qfits_getcomment: no slash found on line\n");
return NULL ;
i++ ;
/* Get past the first blanks */
while (line[i]==' ') i++ ;
from=i ;
/* Now backtrack from the end of the line to the first non-blank char */
to=79 ;
while (line[to]==' ') to-- ;
if (to<from) {
printf("qfits_getcomment: from>to?\n");
return NULL ;
/* Copy relevant characters into output buffer */
strncpy(comment, line+from, to-from+1);
/* Null-terminate the string */
comment[to-from+1] = (char)0;
return comment ;
@brief Expand a keyword from shortFITS to HIERARCH notation.
@param keyword Keyword to expand.
@return 1 pointer to statically allocated string.
This function expands a given keyword from shortFITS to HIERARCH
notation, bringing it to uppercase at the same time.
det.dit expands to HIERARCH ESO DET DIT
ins.filt1.id expands to HIERARCH ESO INS FILT1 ID
If the input keyword is a regular FITS keyword (i.e. it contains
not dots '.') the result is identical to the input.
char * qfits_expand_keyword(const char * keyword)
static char expanded[81];
char ws[81];
char * token ;
/* Bulletproof entries */
if (keyword==NULL) return NULL ;
/* If regular keyword, copy the uppercased input and return */
if (strstr(keyword, ".")==NULL) {
strcpy(expanded, expkey_strupc(keyword));
return expanded ;
/* Regular shortFITS keyword */
sprintf(expanded, "HIERARCH ESO");
strcpy(ws, expkey_strupc(keyword));
token = strtok(ws, ".");
while (token!=NULL) {
strcat(expanded, " ");
strcat(expanded, token);
token = strtok(NULL, ".");
return expanded ;
@brief Uppercase a string
@param s string
@return string
static char * expkey_strupc(const char * s)
static char l[1024+1];
int i ;
if (s==NULL) return NULL ;
memset(l, 0, 1024+1);
i=0 ;
while (s[i] && i<1024) {
l[i] = (char)toupper((int)s[i]);
i++ ;
return l ;