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import urllib2
from collections import defaultdict
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from operator import itemgetter
import ephem
2015-04-11 11:32:44 -06:00
from django.conf import settings
2014-12-13 11:45:52 -07:00
from django.contrib import messages
from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.db.models import Count, Prefetch
from django.forms import ValidationError, formset_factory
from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseNotFound, \
HttpResponseServerError, JsonResponse
from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404, redirect, render
2017-02-21 15:21:09 -07:00
from django.utils.text import slugify
from django.utils.timezone import make_aware, now, utc
from django.views.generic import ListView
from rest_framework import serializers, viewsets
from network.base.db_api import DBConnectionError, get_transmitter_by_uuid, \
get_transmitters_by_norad_id, get_transmitters_by_status
from network.base.decorators import admin_required, ajax_required
from network.base.forms import BaseObservationFormSet, ObservationForm, \
SatelliteFilterForm, StationForm
from network.base.models import Antenna, LatestTle, Observation, Satellite, \
Station, StationStatusLog
from network.base.perms import delete_perms, schedule_perms, \
schedule_station_perms, vet_perms
from network.base.scheduling import create_new_observation, \
get_available_stations, predict_available_observation_windows
from network.base.stats import satellite_stats_by_transmitter_list, \
from network.base.tasks import fetch_data, update_all_tle
from network.base.validators import NegativeElevationError, \
ObservationOverlapError, SinglePassError, \
from network.users.models import User
2014-09-08 11:36:12 -06:00
class StationSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
status_display = serializers.SerializerMethodField()
class Meta:
model = Station
fields = ('name', 'lat', 'lng', 'id', 'status', 'status_display')
def get_status_display(self, obj):
return obj.get_status_display()
except AttributeError:
return None
class StationAllView(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet):
2018-01-05 12:31:35 -07:00
queryset = Station.objects.exclude(status=0)
serializer_class = StationSerializer
2014-09-08 11:36:12 -06:00
def index(request):
"""View to render index page."""
return render(
request, 'base/home.html', {
'mapbox_id': settings.MAPBOX_MAP_ID,
'mapbox_token': settings.MAPBOX_TOKEN
2015-07-21 02:42:23 -06:00
def custom_404(request):
"""Custom 404 error handler."""
return HttpResponseNotFound(render(request, '404.html'))
def custom_500(request):
"""Custom 500 error handler."""
return HttpResponseServerError(render(request, '500.html'))
def robots(request):
data = render(request, 'robots.txt', {'environment': settings.ENVIRONMENT})
response = HttpResponse(data, content_type='text/plain; charset=utf-8')
2015-07-21 02:42:23 -06:00
return response
2015-07-22 05:16:15 -06:00
def settings_site(request):
"""View to render settings page."""
if request.method == 'POST':
messages.success(request, 'Data fetching task was triggered successfully!')
return redirect(reverse('users:view_user', kwargs={"username": request.user.username}))
2015-07-22 05:16:15 -06:00
return render(request, 'base/settings_site.html')
class ObservationListView(ListView):
Displays a list of observations with pagination
model = Observation
context_object_name = "observations"
paginate_by = settings.ITEMS_PER_PAGE
template_name = 'base/observations.html'
def get_queryset(self):
Optionally filter based on norad get argument
Optionally filter based on future/good/bad/unvetted/failed
norad_cat_id = self.request.GET.get('norad', '')
observer = self.request.GET.get('observer', '')
station = self.request.GET.get('station', '')
start = self.request.GET.get('start', '')
end = self.request.GET.get('end', '')
self.filtered = False
bad = self.request.GET.get('bad', '1')
if bad == '0':
bad = False
bad = True
good = self.request.GET.get('good', '1')
if good == '0':
good = False
good = True
unvetted = self.request.GET.get('unvetted', '1')
if unvetted == '0':
unvetted = False
unvetted = True
future = self.request.GET.get('future', '1')
if future == '0':
future = False
future = True
failed = self.request.GET.get('failed', '1')
if failed == '0':
failed = False
failed = True
results = self.request.GET.getlist('results')
if False in (bad, good, unvetted, future, failed):
self.filtered = True
if results:
self.filtered = True
observations = Observation.objects.all()
if not norad_cat_id == '':
observations = observations.filter(satellite__norad_cat_id=norad_cat_id)
self.filtered = True
if not observer == '':
observations = observations.filter(author=observer)
self.filtered = True
if not station == '':
observations = observations.filter(ground_station_id=station)
self.filtered = True
if not start == '':
observations = observations.filter(start__gt=start)
self.filtered = True
if not end == '':
observations = observations.filter(end__lt=end)
self.filtered = True
if not bad:
observations = observations.exclude(vetted_status='bad')
if not good:
observations = observations.exclude(vetted_status='good')
if not failed:
observations = observations.exclude(vetted_status='failed')
if not unvetted:
observations = observations.exclude(vetted_status='unknown', end__lte=now())
if not future:
observations = observations.exclude(vetted_status='unknown', end__gt=now())
if results:
if 'w0' in results:
observations = observations.filter(waterfall='')
elif 'w1' in results:
observations = observations.exclude(waterfall='')
if 'a0' in results:
observations = observations.exclude(archived=True).filter(payload='')
elif 'a1' in results:
observations = observations.exclude(archived=False, payload='')
if 'd0' in results:
observations = observations.filter(demoddata__payload_demod__isnull=True)
elif 'd1' in results:
observations = observations.exclude(demoddata__payload_demod__isnull=True)
return observations
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
Need to add a list of satellites to the context for the template
context = super(ObservationListView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
context['satellites'] = Satellite.objects.all()
2018-05-13 20:02:38 -06:00
context['authors'] = User.objects.annotate(obs_count=Count('observations')) \
.filter(obs_count__gt=0) \
.order_by('first_name', 'last_name', 'username')
context['stations'] = Station.objects.all().order_by('id')
norad_cat_id = self.request.GET.get('norad', None)
observer = self.request.GET.get('observer', None)
station = self.request.GET.get('station', None)
start = self.request.GET.get('start', None)
end = self.request.GET.get('end', None)
context['future'] = self.request.GET.get('future', '1')
context['bad'] = self.request.GET.get('bad', '1')
context['good'] = self.request.GET.get('good', '1')
context['unvetted'] = self.request.GET.get('unvetted', '1')
context['failed'] = self.request.GET.get('failed', '1')
context['results'] = self.request.GET.getlist('results')
context['filtered'] = self.filtered
if norad_cat_id is not None and norad_cat_id != '':
context['norad'] = int(norad_cat_id)
if observer is not None and observer != '':
context['observer_id'] = int(observer)
if station is not None and station != '':
context['station_id'] = int(station)
if start is not None and start != '':
context['start'] = start
if end is not None and end != '':
context['end'] = end
if 'scheduled' in self.request.session:
context['scheduled'] = self.request.session['scheduled']
del self.request.session['scheduled']
except KeyError:
2017-11-18 12:16:21 -07:00
context['can_schedule'] = schedule_perms(self.request.user)
return context
2014-09-18 07:34:39 -06:00
def observation_new_post(request):
ObservationFormSet = formset_factory(
ObservationForm, formset=BaseObservationFormSet, min_num=1, validate_min=True
formset = ObservationFormSet(request.user, request.POST, prefix='obs')
if formset.is_valid():
new_observations = []
for observation_data in formset.cleaned_data:
station = observation_data['ground_station']
start = observation_data['start']
end = observation_data['end']
transmitter_uuid = observation_data['transmitter_uuid']
transmitter = formset.transmitters[transmitter_uuid]
author = request.user
observation = create_new_observation(
station=station, transmitter=transmitter, start=start, end=end, author=author
total = formset.total_form_count()
for observation in new_observations:
del request.session['scheduled']
except KeyError:
request.session['scheduled'] = list(obs.id for obs in new_observations)
# If it's a single observation redirect to that one
if total == 1:
messages.success(request, 'Observation was scheduled successfully.')
response = redirect(
reverse('base:observation_view', kwargs={'id': new_observations[0].id})
str(total) + ' Observations were scheduled successfully.'
response = redirect(reverse('base:observations_list'))
errors_list = [error for error in formset.errors if error]
if errors_list:
for field in errors_list[0]:
messages.error(request, '{0}'.format(errors_list[0][field][0]))
messages.error(request, '{0}'.format(formset.non_form_errors()[0]))
response = redirect(reverse('base:observation_new'))
except ValidationError as e:
messages.error(request, '{0}'.format(e.message))
response = redirect(reverse('base:observation_new'))
except LatestTle.DoesNotExist:
message = 'Scheduling failed: Satellite without TLE'
messages.error(request, '{0}'.format(message))
response = redirect(reverse('base:observation_new'))
except ObservationOverlapError as e:
messages.error(request, '{0}'.format(e.message))
response = redirect(reverse('base:observation_new'))
except NegativeElevationError as e:
messages.error(request, '{0}'.format(e.message))
response = redirect(reverse('base:observation_new'))
except SinglePassError as e:
messages.error(request, '{0}'.format(e.message))
response = redirect(reverse('base:observation_new'))
return response
def observation_new(request):
"""View for new observation"""
2019-02-24 13:41:35 -07:00
can_schedule = schedule_perms(request.user)
if not can_schedule:
messages.error(request, 'You don\'t have permissions to schedule observations')
return redirect(reverse('base:observations_list'))
if request.method == 'POST':
return observation_new_post(request)
satellites = Satellite.objects.filter(status='alive')
obs_filter = {}
if request.method == 'GET':
filter_form = SatelliteFilterForm(request.GET)
if filter_form.is_valid():
start = filter_form.cleaned_data['start']
end = filter_form.cleaned_data['end']
ground_station = filter_form.cleaned_data['ground_station']
transmitter = filter_form.cleaned_data['transmitter']
norad = filter_form.cleaned_data['norad']
obs_filter['dates'] = False
if start and end: # Either give both dates or ignore if only one is given
start = datetime.strptime(start, '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M').strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')
end = (datetime.strptime(end, '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M') +
timedelta(minutes=1)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')
obs_filter['start'] = start
obs_filter['end'] = end
obs_filter['dates'] = True
obs_filter['exists'] = True
if norad:
obs_filter['norad'] = norad
obs_filter['transmitter'] = transmitter # Add transmitter only if norad exists
if ground_station:
obs_filter['ground_station'] = ground_station
obs_filter['exists'] = False
return render(
request, 'base/observation_new.html', {
'satellites': satellites,
'obs_filter': obs_filter,
'date_min_start': settings.OBSERVATION_DATE_MIN_START,
'date_min_end': settings.OBSERVATION_DATE_MIN_END,
'date_max_range': settings.OBSERVATION_DATE_MAX_RANGE,
'warn_min_obs': settings.OBSERVATION_WARN_MIN_OBS
def prediction_windows(request):
sat_norad_id = request.POST['satellite']
transmitter = request.POST['transmitter']
start = request.POST['start']
end = request.POST['end']
station_ids = request.POST.getlist('stations[]', [])
min_horizon = request.POST.get('min_horizon', None)
overlapped = int(request.POST.get('overlapped', 0))
sat = Satellite.objects.filter(status='alive').get(norad_cat_id=sat_norad_id)
except Satellite.DoesNotExist:
data = [{'error': 'You should select a Satellite first.'}]
return JsonResponse(data, safe=False)
2016-01-22 10:48:07 -07:00
2016-01-26 06:52:06 -07:00
tle = LatestTle.objects.get(satellite_id=sat.id)
except LatestTle.DoesNotExist:
data = [{'error': 'No TLEs for this satellite yet.'}]
2016-01-26 06:52:06 -07:00
return JsonResponse(data, safe=False)
transmitter = get_transmitter_by_uuid(transmitter)
if not transmitter:
data = [{'error': 'You should select a valid Transmitter.'}]
return JsonResponse(data, safe=False)
downlink = transmitter[0]['downlink_low']
except DBConnectionError as e:
data = [{'error': e.message}]
return JsonResponse(data, safe=False)
start = make_aware(datetime.strptime(start, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'), utc)
end = make_aware(datetime.strptime(end, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'), utc)
data = []
scheduled_obs_queryset = Observation.objects.filter(end__gt=now())
stations = Station.objects.filter(status__gt=0).prefetch_related(
Prefetch('observations', queryset=scheduled_obs_queryset, to_attr='scheduled_obs'),
if station_ids and station_ids != ['']:
stations = stations.filter(id__in=station_ids)
if not stations:
if len(station_ids) == 1:
data = [{'error': 'Station is offline or it doesn\'t exist.'}]
data = [{'error': 'Stations are offline or they don\'t exist.'}]
return JsonResponse(data, safe=False)
2018-12-11 07:02:05 -07:00
passes_found = defaultdict(list)
available_stations = get_available_stations(stations, downlink, request.user)
for station in available_stations:
station_passes, station_windows = predict_available_observation_windows(
station, min_horizon, overlapped, tle, start, end
passes_found[station.id] = station_passes
2018-12-09 16:47:22 -07:00
if station_windows:
'id': station.id,
'name': station.name,
'status': station.status,
'lng': station.lng,
'lat': station.lat,
'alt': station.alt,
'window': station_windows
if not data:
error_message = 'Satellite is always below horizon or ' \
'no free observation time available on visible stations.'
error_details = {}
for station in available_stations:
if station.id not in passes_found.keys():
error_details[station.id] = 'Satellite is always above or below horizon.\n'
error_details[station.id] = 'No free observation time during passes available.\n'
data = [
'error': error_message,
'error_details': error_details,
'passes_found': passes_found
return JsonResponse(data, safe=False)
2014-12-19 06:06:58 -07:00
def observation_view(request, id):
2014-09-21 14:18:16 -06:00
"""View for single observation page."""
observation = get_object_or_404(Observation, id=id)
2017-11-18 12:16:21 -07:00
can_vet = vet_perms(request.user, observation)
Initial data vetting/verification system Model change (with migration 0006) adds 3 fields to Data: vetted_status (charfield with options for data status, default "unknown") vetted_user (who vetted the data) vetted_datetime (when it was vetted) In addition, various boolean functions are added for the Data model to check statuses. More functions are added to the Observation model to check status of verification within an observation as well, assuming multiple data entries in an Observation. With these, I also changed "has_data" to "has_submitted_data" to be more specific alongside the others. For UX, we add a green check sign or red removal sign to the data header in Observation view (along with green/red datetime in the footer) if a data is verified good or bad, respectively. If there is an unknown status, the data header is given a thumbs-up and thumbs-down button to verify the data good or bad. These icons are only offered to is_staff, the observation requestor, and any station owner in the observation. These buttons trigger new URLs/functions in view: data_verify(id) data_mark_bad(id) Returning the user back to the originating Observation page. In the observation lists I changed the coloring of the ID button to be: Future: light blue (same) No uploaded data and/or all vetted bad data: red Some or all unvetted data with no verified good data: orange Some or all verified good data: green These changes are reflected in the observations.html, home.html, and user_detail.html templates. solves satnogs/satnogs-network#171
2016-03-25 13:52:45 -06:00
2017-11-18 12:16:21 -07:00
can_delete = delete_perms(request.user, observation)
if observation.has_audio and not observation.audio_url:
request, 'Audio file is not currently available,'
' if the problem persists please contact an administrator.'
2017-09-24 14:14:24 -06:00
if settings.ENVIRONMENT == 'production':
discuss_slug = 'https://community.libre.space/t/observation-{0}-{1}-{2}' \
.format(observation.id, slugify(observation.satellite.name),
2017-05-06 12:14:22 -06:00
discuss_url = ('https://community.libre.space/new-topic?title=Observation {0}: {1}'
2016-05-05 08:50:11 -06:00
' ({2})&body=Regarding [Observation {3}](http://{4}{5}) ...'
'&category=observations') \
.format(observation.id, observation.satellite.name,
observation.satellite.norad_cat_id, observation.id,
request.get_host(), request.path)
2017-09-24 14:14:24 -06:00
has_comments = True
apiurl = '{0}.json'.format(discuss_slug)
except urllib2.URLError:
has_comments = False
return render(
request, 'base/observation_view.html', {
'observation': observation,
'has_comments': has_comments,
'discuss_url': discuss_url,
'discuss_slug': discuss_slug,
'can_vet': can_vet,
'can_delete': can_delete
2014-09-21 14:18:16 -06:00
return render(
request, 'base/observation_view.html', {
'observation': observation,
'can_vet': can_vet,
'can_delete': can_delete
2014-10-27 18:45:22 -06:00
def observation_delete(request, id):
"""View for deleting observation."""
observation = get_object_or_404(Observation, id=id)
2017-11-18 12:16:21 -07:00
can_delete = delete_perms(request.user, observation)
if can_delete:
messages.success(request, 'Observation deleted successfully.')
messages.error(request, 'Permission denied.')
return redirect(reverse('base:observations_list'))
Initial data vetting/verification system Model change (with migration 0006) adds 3 fields to Data: vetted_status (charfield with options for data status, default "unknown") vetted_user (who vetted the data) vetted_datetime (when it was vetted) In addition, various boolean functions are added for the Data model to check statuses. More functions are added to the Observation model to check status of verification within an observation as well, assuming multiple data entries in an Observation. With these, I also changed "has_data" to "has_submitted_data" to be more specific alongside the others. For UX, we add a green check sign or red removal sign to the data header in Observation view (along with green/red datetime in the footer) if a data is verified good or bad, respectively. If there is an unknown status, the data header is given a thumbs-up and thumbs-down button to verify the data good or bad. These icons are only offered to is_staff, the observation requestor, and any station owner in the observation. These buttons trigger new URLs/functions in view: data_verify(id) data_mark_bad(id) Returning the user back to the originating Observation page. In the observation lists I changed the coloring of the ID button to be: Future: light blue (same) No uploaded data and/or all vetted bad data: red Some or all unvetted data with no verified good data: orange Some or all verified good data: green These changes are reflected in the observations.html, home.html, and user_detail.html templates. solves satnogs/satnogs-network#171
2016-03-25 13:52:45 -06:00
def observation_vet(request, id):
observation = Observation.objects.get(id=id)
except Observation.DoesNotExist:
data = {'error': 'Observation does not exist.'}
return JsonResponse(data, safe=False)
status = request.POST.get('status', None)
2017-11-18 12:16:21 -07:00
can_vet = vet_perms(request.user, observation)
if status not in ['good', 'bad', 'failed', 'unknown']:
data = {
'error': 'Invalid status, select one of \'good\', \'bad\', \'failed\' and \'unknown\'.'
return JsonResponse(data, safe=False)
if not can_vet:
data = {'error': 'Permission denied.'}
return JsonResponse(data, safe=False)
observation.vetted_status = status
observation.vetted_user = request.user
observation.vetted_datetime = now()
observation.save(update_fields=['vetted_status', 'vetted_user', 'vetted_datetime'])
data = {
'vetted_status': observation.vetted_status,
'vetted_status_display': observation.get_vetted_status_display(),
'vetted_user': observation.vetted_user.displayname,
'vetted_datetime': observation.vetted_datetime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
return JsonResponse(data, safe=False)
Initial data vetting/verification system Model change (with migration 0006) adds 3 fields to Data: vetted_status (charfield with options for data status, default "unknown") vetted_user (who vetted the data) vetted_datetime (when it was vetted) In addition, various boolean functions are added for the Data model to check statuses. More functions are added to the Observation model to check status of verification within an observation as well, assuming multiple data entries in an Observation. With these, I also changed "has_data" to "has_submitted_data" to be more specific alongside the others. For UX, we add a green check sign or red removal sign to the data header in Observation view (along with green/red datetime in the footer) if a data is verified good or bad, respectively. If there is an unknown status, the data header is given a thumbs-up and thumbs-down button to verify the data good or bad. These icons are only offered to is_staff, the observation requestor, and any station owner in the observation. These buttons trigger new URLs/functions in view: data_verify(id) data_mark_bad(id) Returning the user back to the originating Observation page. In the observation lists I changed the coloring of the ID button to be: Future: light blue (same) No uploaded data and/or all vetted bad data: red Some or all unvetted data with no verified good data: orange Some or all verified good data: green These changes are reflected in the observations.html, home.html, and user_detail.html templates. solves satnogs/satnogs-network#171
2016-03-25 13:52:45 -06:00
2014-10-27 18:45:22 -06:00
def stations_list(request):
"""View to render Stations page."""
stations = Station.objects.annotate(total_obs=Count('observations'))
2014-12-14 05:50:39 -07:00
form = StationForm()
antennas = Antenna.objects.all()
2018-03-16 06:32:52 -06:00
online = stations.filter(status=2).count()
testing = stations.filter(status=1).count()
2014-10-27 18:45:22 -06:00
return render(
request, 'base/stations.html', {
'stations': stations,
'form': form,
'antennas': antennas,
'online': online,
'testing': testing,
'mapbox_id': settings.MAPBOX_MAP_ID,
'mapbox_token': settings.MAPBOX_TOKEN
2014-12-19 06:06:58 -07:00
def station_view(request, id):
"""View for single station page."""
station = get_object_or_404(Station, id=id)
2014-12-13 11:45:52 -07:00
form = StationForm(instance=station)
2014-12-14 05:47:50 -07:00
antennas = Antenna.objects.all()
unsupported_frequencies = request.GET.get('unsupported_frequencies', '0')
2019-02-24 13:41:35 -07:00
can_schedule = schedule_station_perms(request.user, station)
2018-03-28 11:55:29 -06:00
# Calculate uptime
uptime = '-'
2018-03-28 11:55:29 -06:00
latest = StationStatusLog.objects.filter(station=station)[0]
except IndexError:
latest = None
if latest:
if latest.status:
offline = StationStatusLog.objects.filter(station=station, status=0)[0]
uptime = latest.changed - offline.changed
except IndexError:
uptime = now() - latest.changed
uptime = str(uptime).split('.')[0]
if request.user.is_authenticated():
if request.user == station.owner:
wiki_help = (
'<a href="{0}" target="_blank" class="wiki-help"><span class="glyphicon '
'glyphicon-question-sign" aria-hidden="true"></span>'
if station.is_offline:
request, (
'Your Station is offline. You should make '
'sure it can successfully connect to the Network API. '
if station.is_testing:
request, (
'Your Station is in Testing mode. Once you are sure '
'it returns good observations you can put it online. '
return render(
request, 'base/station_view.html', {
'station': station,
'form': form,
'antennas': antennas,
'mapbox_id': settings.MAPBOX_MAP_ID,
'mapbox_token': settings.MAPBOX_TOKEN,
'can_schedule': can_schedule,
'unsupported_frequencies': unsupported_frequencies,
'uptime': uptime
def station_log(request, id):
"""View for single station status log."""
station = get_object_or_404(Station, id=id)
station_log = StationStatusLog.objects.filter(station=station)
return render(
request, 'base/station_log.html', {
'station': station,
'station_log': station_log
def scheduling_stations(request):
"""Returns json with stations on which user has permissions to schedule"""
uuid = request.POST.get('transmitter', None)
if uuid is None:
data = [{'error': 'You should select a Transmitter.'}]
return JsonResponse(data, safe=False)
transmitter = get_transmitter_by_uuid(uuid)
if not transmitter:
data = [{'error': 'You should select a valid Transmitter.'}]
return JsonResponse(data, safe=False)
downlink = transmitter[0]['downlink_low']
if downlink is None:
data = [{'error': 'You should select a valid Transmitter.'}]
return JsonResponse(data, safe=False)
except DBConnectionError as e:
data = [{'error': e.message}]
return JsonResponse(data, safe=False)
stations = Station.objects.filter(status__gt=0)
available_stations = get_available_stations(stations, downlink, request.user)
data = {
'stations': StationSerializer(available_stations, many=True).data,
return JsonResponse(data, safe=False)
def pass_predictions(request, id):
"""Endpoint for pass predictions"""
scheduled_obs_queryset = Observation.objects.filter(end__gt=now())
station = get_object_or_404(
Prefetch('observations', queryset=scheduled_obs_queryset, to_attr='scheduled_obs'),
unsupported_frequencies = request.GET.get('unsupported_frequencies', '0')
latest_tle_queryset = LatestTle.objects.all()
satellites = Satellite.objects.filter(status='alive').prefetch_related(
Prefetch('tles', queryset=latest_tle_queryset, to_attr='tle')
except Satellite.DoesNotExist:
pass # we won't have any next passes to display
# Load the station information and invoke ephem so we can
# calculate upcoming passes for the station
observer = ephem.Observer()
observer.lon = str(station.lng)
observer.lat = str(station.lat)
observer.elevation = station.alt
observer.horizon = str(station.horizon)
nextpasses = []
start = make_aware(datetime.utcnow(), utc)
end = make_aware(datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(hours=settings.STATION_UPCOMING_END), utc)
observation_min_start = (
datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(minutes=settings.OBSERVATION_DATE_MIN_START)
).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")
all_transmitters = get_transmitters_by_status('active')
except DBConnectionError:
all_transmitters = []
if all_transmitters:
for satellite in satellites:
# look for a match between transmitters from the satellite and
# ground station antenna frequency capabilities
if int(unsupported_frequencies) == 0:
norad_id = satellite.norad_cat_id
transmitters = [
t for t in all_transmitters if t['norad_cat_id'] == norad_id
and is_transmitter_in_station_range(t, station) # noqa: W503
if not transmitters:
if satellite.tle:
tle = satellite.tle[0]
_, station_windows = predict_available_observation_windows(
station, None, 2, tle, start, end
if station_windows:
satellite_stats = satellite_stats_by_transmitter_list(transmitters)
for window in station_windows:
valid = window['start'] > observation_min_start and window['valid_duration']
window_start = datetime.strptime(window['start'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
window_end = datetime.strptime(window['end'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
sat_pass = {
'name': str(satellite.name),
'id': str(satellite.id),
'success_rate': str(satellite_stats['success_rate']),
'bad_rate': str(satellite_stats['bad_rate']),
'unvetted_rate': str(satellite_stats['unvetted_rate']),
'future_rate': str(satellite_stats['future_rate']),
'total_count': str(satellite_stats['total_count']),
'good_count': str(satellite_stats['good_count']),
'bad_count': str(satellite_stats['bad_count']),
'unvetted_count': str(satellite_stats['unvetted_count']),
'future_count': str(satellite_stats['future_count']),
'norad_cat_id': str(satellite.norad_cat_id),
'tle1': window['tle1'],
'tle2': window['tle2'],
'tr': window_start, # Rise time
'azr': window['az_start'], # Rise Azimuth
'altt': window['elev_max'], # Max altitude
'ts': window_end, # Set time
'azs': window['az_end'], # Set azimuth
'valid': valid,
'overlapped': window['overlapped'],
'overlap_ratio': window['overlap_ratio']
data = {
'id': id,
'nextpasses': sorted(nextpasses, key=itemgetter('tr')),
'ground_station': {
'lng': str(station.lng),
'lat': str(station.lat),
'alt': station.alt
2017-11-18 12:16:21 -07:00
return JsonResponse(data, safe=False)
2014-12-13 11:45:52 -07:00
def station_edit(request, id=None):
2014-12-13 11:45:52 -07:00
"""Edit or add a single station."""
station = None
antennas = Antenna.objects.all()
if id:
station = get_object_or_404(Station, id=id, owner=request.user)
if request.method == 'POST':
if station:
form = StationForm(request.POST, request.FILES, instance=station)
form = StationForm(request.POST, request.FILES)
if form.is_valid():
f = form.save(commit=False)
if not station:
f.testing = True
f.owner = request.user
messages.success(request, 'Ground Station saved successfully.')
return redirect(reverse('base:station_view', kwargs={'id': f.id}))
request, ('Your Ground Station submission has some '
'errors. {0}').format(form.errors)
return render(
request, 'base/station_edit.html', {
'form': form,
'station': station,
'antennas': antennas
2014-12-14 05:47:50 -07:00
if station:
form = StationForm(instance=station)
form = StationForm()
return render(
request, 'base/station_edit.html', {
'form': form,
'station': station,
'antennas': antennas
2015-08-24 06:13:59 -06:00
def station_delete(request, id):
"""View for deleting a station."""
me = request.user
station = get_object_or_404(Station, id=id, owner=request.user)
messages.success(request, 'Ground Station deleted successfully.')
return redirect(reverse('users:view_user', kwargs={'username': me}))
def transmitters_with_stats(transmitters_list):
transmitters_with_stats_list = []
for transmitter in transmitters_list:
transmitter_stats = transmitter_stats_by_uuid(transmitter['uuid'])
transmitter_with_stats = dict(transmitter, **transmitter_stats)
return transmitters_with_stats_list
def satellite_view(request, id):
sat = Satellite.objects.get(norad_cat_id=id)
except Satellite.DoesNotExist:
data = {'error': 'Unable to find that satellite.'}
return JsonResponse(data, safe=False)
transmitters = get_transmitters_by_norad_id(norad_id=id)
except DBConnectionError as e:
data = [{'error': e.message}]
return JsonResponse(data, safe=False)
satellite_stats = satellite_stats_by_transmitter_list(transmitters)
data = {
'id': id,
'name': sat.name,
'names': sat.names,
'image': sat.image,
'success_rate': satellite_stats['success_rate'],
'good_count': satellite_stats['good_count'],
'bad_count': satellite_stats['bad_count'],
'unvetted_count': satellite_stats['unvetted_count'],
'future_count': satellite_stats['future_count'],
'total_count': satellite_stats['total_count'],
'transmitters': transmitters_with_stats(transmitters)
return JsonResponse(data, safe=False)
2018-09-03 05:39:49 -06:00
def transmitters_view(request):
norad_id = request.POST['satellite']
station_id = request.POST.get('station_id', None)
2018-09-03 05:39:49 -06:00
2018-09-03 05:39:49 -06:00
except Satellite.DoesNotExist:
data = {'error': 'Unable to find that satellite.'}
2018-09-03 05:39:49 -06:00
return JsonResponse(data, safe=False)
transmitters = get_transmitters_by_norad_id(norad_id)
except DBConnectionError as e:
data = [{'error': e.message}]
return JsonResponse(data, safe=False)
transmitters = [
t for t in transmitters if t['status'] == 'active' and t['downlink_low'] is not None
if station_id:
supported_transmitters = []
station = Station.objects.get(id=station_id)
for transmitter in transmitters:
transmitter_supported = is_transmitter_in_station_range(transmitter, station)
if transmitter_supported:
transmitters = supported_transmitters
data = {'transmitters': transmitters_with_stats(transmitters)}
2018-09-03 05:39:49 -06:00
return JsonResponse(data, safe=False)