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Docker Installation
#. **Requirements**
You will need `docker <https://docs.docker.com/installation/#installation>`_ and `docker-compose <https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/>`_.
#. **Get the source code**
Clone source code from the `repository <https://gitlab.com/librespacefoundation/satnogs/satnogs-network>`_::
$ git clone https://gitlab.com/librespacefoundation/satnogs/satnogs-network.git
$ cd satnogs-network
#. **Configure settings**
Set your environmental variables::
$ cp env-dist .env
#. **Run it!**
Run satnogs-network::
$ docker-compose up -d --build
#. **Populate database**
Create, setup and populate the database with demo data::
$ docker-compose exec web djangoctl.sh initialize
Your satnogs-network development instance is available in localhost:8000. Go hack!
#. **Clean database**
Clean up the database in case of problems
$ docker-compose exec web django-admin flush
#. **Build the documentation locally**
$ docker run -it -v ${PWD}:/documents/ plaindocs/docker-sphinx make html