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"""Django base views for SatNOGS Network"""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from collections import defaultdict
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from operator import itemgetter
import ephem
from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib import messages
from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.db.models import Count, Prefetch
from django.forms import ValidationError, formset_factory
from django.http import HttpResponse, JsonResponse
from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404, redirect, render
from django.utils.timezone import make_aware, now, utc
from django.views.decorators.http import require_POST
from django.views.generic import ListView
from rest_framework import serializers, viewsets
from network.base.db_api import DBConnectionError, get_transmitter_by_uuid, \
get_transmitters_by_norad_id, get_transmitters_by_status
from network.base.decorators import admin_required, ajax_required
from network.base.forms import BaseObservationFormSet, ObservationForm, \
SatelliteFilterForm, StationForm
from network.base.models import Antenna, LatestTle, Observation, Satellite, \
Station, StationStatusLog
from network.base.perms import delete_perms, schedule_perms, \
schedule_station_perms, vet_perms
from network.base.scheduling import create_new_observation, \
get_available_stations, predict_available_observation_windows
from network.base.stats import satellite_stats_by_transmitter_list, \
from network.base.tasks import fetch_data, update_all_tle
from network.base.utils import community_get_discussion_details
from network.base.validators import NegativeElevationError, \
ObservationOverlapError, SinglePassError, \
from network.users.models import User
class StationSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
"""Django model Serializer for Station model"""
status_display = serializers.SerializerMethodField()
class Meta:
model = Station
fields = ('name', 'lat', 'lng', 'id', 'status', 'status_display')
def get_status_display(self, obj): # pylint: disable=no-self-use
"""Returns the station status"""
return obj.get_status_display()
except AttributeError:
return None
class StationAllView(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet): # pylint: disable=R0901
"""Station View of all non offline stations"""
queryset = Station.objects.exclude(status=0)
serializer_class = StationSerializer
def index(request):
"""View to render index page."""
return render(
request, 'base/home.html', {
'mapbox_id': settings.MAPBOX_MAP_ID,
'mapbox_token': settings.MAPBOX_TOKEN
def robots(request):
"""Returns response for robots.txt requests"""
data = render(request, 'robots.txt', {'environment': settings.ENVIRONMENT})
response = HttpResponse(data, content_type='text/plain; charset=utf-8')
return response
def settings_site(request):
"""View to render settings page."""
if request.method == 'POST':
messages.success(request, 'Data fetching task was triggered successfully!')
return redirect(reverse('users:view_user', kwargs={"username": request.user.username}))
return render(request, 'base/settings_site.html')
class ObservationListView(ListView): # pylint: disable=R0901
Displays a list of observations with pagination
model = Observation
context_object_name = "observations"
paginate_by = settings.ITEMS_PER_PAGE
template_name = 'base/observations.html'
str_filters = ['norad', 'observer', 'station', 'start', 'end']
flag_filters = ['bad', 'good', 'unvetted', 'future', 'failed']
def get_filter_params(self):
Get the parsed filter parameters from the HTTP GET parameters
- str_filters vaues are str, default to ''
- flag_filters values are Boolean, default to False
Returns a dict, filter_name is the key, the parsed parameter is the value.
filter_params = {}
for parameter_name in self.str_filters:
filter_params[parameter_name] = self.request.GET.get(parameter_name, '')
for parameter_name in self.flag_filters:
param = self.request.GET.get(parameter_name, 1)
filter_params[parameter_name] = (param != '0')
return filter_params
def get_queryset(self):
Optionally filter based on norad get argument
Optionally filter based on future/good/bad/unvetted/failed
filter_params = self.get_filter_params()
results = self.request.GET.getlist('results')
observations = Observation.objects.prefetch_related(
'satellite', 'demoddata', 'author', 'ground_station'
# Mapping between the HTTP POST parameters and the fiter keys
parameter_filter_mapping = {
'norad': 'satellite__norad_cat_id',
'observer': 'author',
'station': 'ground_station_id',
'start': 'start__gt',
'end': 'end__lt',
# Create observations filter based on the received HTTP POST parameters
filter_dict = {}
for parameter_key, filter_key in parameter_filter_mapping.items():
if filter_params[parameter_key] == '':
filter_dict[filter_key] = filter_params[parameter_key]
self.filtered = (
not all(
filter_params['bad'], filter_params['good'], filter_params['unvetted'],
filter_params['future'], filter_params['failed']
) or results or filter_dict
observations = observations.filter(**filter_dict)
for filter_name in ['bad', 'good', 'failed']:
if not filter_params[filter_name]:
observations = observations.exclude(vetted_status=filter_name)
if not filter_params['unvetted']:
observations = observations.exclude(vetted_status='unknown', end__lte=now())
if not filter_params['future']:
observations = observations.exclude(vetted_status='unknown', end__gt=now())
if results:
if 'w0' in results:
observations = observations.filter(waterfall='')
elif 'w1' in results:
observations = observations.exclude(waterfall='')
if 'a0' in results:
observations = observations.exclude(archived=True).filter(payload='')
elif 'a1' in results:
observations = observations.exclude(archived=False, payload='')
if 'd0' in results:
observations = observations.filter(demoddata__payload_demod__isnull=True)
elif 'd1' in results:
observations = observations.exclude(demoddata__payload_demod__isnull=True)
return observations
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
Need to add a list of satellites to the context for the template
# NOTE: Remove the following pylint disable after Python 3 migration
# (false positive due to .order_by in the following lines)
# pylint: disable=E1101
context = super(ObservationListView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
context['satellites'] = Satellite.objects.all()
observers_ids = list(set(Observation.objects.values_list('author_id', flat=True)))
context['authors'] = User.objects.filter(id__in=observers_ids) \
.order_by('first_name', 'last_name', 'username')
context['stations'] = Station.objects.all().order_by('id')
norad_cat_id = self.request.GET.get('norad', None)
observer = self.request.GET.get('observer', None)
station = self.request.GET.get('station', None)
start = self.request.GET.get('start', None)
end = self.request.GET.get('end', None)
context['future'] = self.request.GET.get('future', '1')
context['bad'] = self.request.GET.get('bad', '1')
context['good'] = self.request.GET.get('good', '1')
context['unvetted'] = self.request.GET.get('unvetted', '1')
context['failed'] = self.request.GET.get('failed', '1')
context['results'] = self.request.GET.getlist('results')
context['filtered'] = self.filtered
if norad_cat_id is not None and norad_cat_id != '':
context['norad'] = int(norad_cat_id)
if observer is not None and observer != '':
context['observer_id'] = int(observer)
if station is not None and station != '':
context['station_id'] = int(station)
if start is not None and start != '':
context['start'] = start
if end is not None and end != '':
context['end'] = end
if 'scheduled' in self.request.session:
context['scheduled'] = self.request.session['scheduled']
del self.request.session['scheduled']
except KeyError:
context['can_schedule'] = schedule_perms(self.request.user)
return context
def create_new_observations(formset, user):
"""Creates new observations from formset. Error handling is performed by upper layers."""
new_observations = []
for observation_data in formset.cleaned_data:
transmitter_uuid = observation_data['transmitter_uuid']
transmitter = formset.transmitters[transmitter_uuid]
observation = create_new_observation(
for observation in new_observations:
return new_observations
def observation_new_post(request):
"""Handles POST requests for creating one or more new observations."""
ObservationFormSet = formset_factory( # pylint: disable=C0103
ObservationForm, formset=BaseObservationFormSet, min_num=1, validate_min=True
formset = ObservationFormSet(request.user, request.POST, prefix='obs')
if not formset.is_valid():
errors_list = [error for error in formset.errors if error]
if errors_list:
for field in errors_list[0]:
messages.error(request, str(errors_list[0][field][0]))
messages.error(request, str(formset.non_form_errors()[0]))
return redirect(reverse('base:observation_new'))
new_observations = create_new_observations(formset, request.user)
if 'scheduled' in request.session:
del request.session['scheduled']
request.session['scheduled'] = list(obs.id for obs in new_observations)
# If it's a single observation redirect to that one
total = formset.total_form_count()
if total == 1:
messages.success(request, 'Observation was scheduled successfully.')
response = redirect(
'base:observation_view', kwargs={'observation_id': new_observations[0].id}
messages.success(request, str(total) + ' Observations were scheduled successfully.')
response = redirect(reverse('base:observations_list'))
except (ObservationOverlapError, NegativeElevationError, SinglePassError, ValidationError,
ValueError) as error:
messages.error(request, str(error))
response = redirect(reverse('base:observation_new'))
except LatestTle.DoesNotExist:
messages.error(request, 'Scheduling failed: Satellite without TLE')
response = redirect(reverse('base:observation_new'))
return response
def observation_new(request):
"""View for new observation"""
can_schedule = schedule_perms(request.user)
if not can_schedule:
messages.error(request, 'You don\'t have permissions to schedule observations')
return redirect(reverse('base:observations_list'))
if request.method == 'POST':
return observation_new_post(request)
satellites = Satellite.objects.filter(status='alive')
obs_filter = {}
if request.method == 'GET':
filter_form = SatelliteFilterForm(request.GET)
if filter_form.is_valid():
start = filter_form.cleaned_data['start']
end = filter_form.cleaned_data['end']
ground_station = filter_form.cleaned_data['ground_station']
transmitter = filter_form.cleaned_data['transmitter']
norad = filter_form.cleaned_data['norad']
obs_filter['dates'] = False
if start and end: # Either give both dates or ignore if only one is given
start = datetime.strptime(start, '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M').strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')
end = (datetime.strptime(end, '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M') +
timedelta(minutes=1)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')
obs_filter['start'] = start
obs_filter['end'] = end
obs_filter['dates'] = True
obs_filter['exists'] = True
if norad:
obs_filter['norad'] = norad
obs_filter['transmitter'] = transmitter # Add transmitter only if norad exists
if ground_station:
obs_filter['ground_station'] = ground_station
obs_filter['exists'] = False
return render(
request, 'base/observation_new.html', {
'satellites': satellites,
'obs_filter': obs_filter,
'date_min_start': settings.OBSERVATION_DATE_MIN_START,
'date_min_end': settings.OBSERVATION_DATE_MIN_END,
'date_max_range': settings.OBSERVATION_DATE_MAX_RANGE,
'warn_min_obs': settings.OBSERVATION_WARN_MIN_OBS
def prediction_windows_parse_parameters(request):
""" Parse HTTP parameters with defaults"""
return {
'sat_norad_id': request.POST['satellite'],
'transmitter': request.POST['transmitter'],
'start': make_aware(datetime.strptime(request.POST['start'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'), utc),
'end': make_aware(datetime.strptime(request.POST['end'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'), utc),
'station_ids': request.POST.getlist('stations[]', []),
'min_horizon': request.POST.get('min_horizon', None),
'overlapped': int(request.POST.get('overlapped', 0)),
def prediction_windows(request):
"""Calculates and returns passes of satellites over stations"""
params = prediction_windows_parse_parameters(request)
# Check the selected satellite exists and is alive
sat = Satellite.objects.filter(status='alive').get(norad_cat_id=params['sat_norad_id'])
except Satellite.DoesNotExist:
data = [{'error': 'You should select a Satellite first.'}]
return JsonResponse(data, safe=False)
# Check there is a TLE available for this satellite
tle = LatestTle.objects.get(satellite_id=sat.id)
except LatestTle.DoesNotExist:
data = [{'error': 'No TLEs for this satellite yet.'}]
return JsonResponse(data, safe=False)
# Check the selected transmitter exists, and if yes,
# store this transmitter in the downlink variable
transmitter = get_transmitter_by_uuid(params['transmitter'])
if not transmitter:
data = [{'error': 'You should select a valid Transmitter.'}]
return JsonResponse(data, safe=False)
downlink = transmitter[0]['downlink_low']
except DBConnectionError as error:
data = [{'error': str(error)}]
return JsonResponse(data, safe=False)
# Fetch all available ground stations
stations = Station.objects.filter(status__gt=0).prefetch_related(
), 'antenna'
if params['station_ids'] and params['station_ids'] != ['']:
# Filter ground stations based on the given selection
stations = stations.filter(id__in=params['station_ids'])
if not stations:
if len(params['station_ids']) == 1:
data = [{'error': 'Station is offline or it doesn\'t exist.'}]
data = [{'error': 'Stations are offline or they don\'t exist.'}]
return JsonResponse(data, safe=False)
available_stations = get_available_stations(stations, downlink, request.user)
data = []
passes_found = defaultdict(list)
for station in available_stations:
station_passes, station_windows = predict_available_observation_windows(
station, params['min_horizon'], params['overlapped'], tle, params['start'],
passes_found[station.id] = station_passes
if station_windows:
'id': station.id,
'name': station.name,
'status': station.status,
'lng': station.lng,
'lat': station.lat,
'alt': station.alt,
'window': station_windows
if not data:
error_message = 'Satellite is always below horizon or ' \
'no free observation time available on visible stations.'
error_details = {}
for station in available_stations:
if station.id not in passes_found:
error_details[station.id] = 'Satellite is always above or below horizon.\n'
error_details[station.id] = 'No free observation time during passes available.\n'
data = [
'error': error_message,
'error_details': error_details,
'passes_found': passes_found
return JsonResponse(data, safe=False)
def observation_view(request, observation_id):
"""View for single observation page."""
observation = get_object_or_404(Observation, id=observation_id)
can_vet = vet_perms(request.user, observation)
can_delete = delete_perms(request.user, observation)
if observation.has_audio and not observation.audio_url:
request, 'Audio file is not currently available,'
' if the problem persists please contact an administrator.'
if settings.ENVIRONMENT == 'production':
discussion_details = community_get_discussion_details(
observation.id, observation.satellite.name, observation.satellite.norad_cat_id,
'http://{}{}'.format(request.get_host(), request.path)
return render(
request, 'base/observation_view.html', {
'observation': observation,
'has_comments': discussion_details['has_comments'],
'discuss_url': discussion_details['url'],
'discuss_slug': discussion_details['slug'],
'can_vet': can_vet,
'can_delete': can_delete
return render(
request, 'base/observation_view.html', {
'observation': observation,
'can_vet': can_vet,
'can_delete': can_delete
def observation_delete(request, observation_id):
"""View for deleting observation."""
observation = get_object_or_404(Observation, id=observation_id)
can_delete = delete_perms(request.user, observation)
if can_delete:
messages.success(request, 'Observation deleted successfully.')
messages.error(request, 'Permission denied.')
return redirect(reverse('base:observations_list'))
def observation_vet(request, observation_id):
"""Handles request for vetting an observation"""
observation = Observation.objects.get(id=observation_id)
except Observation.DoesNotExist:
data = {'error': 'Observation does not exist.'}
return JsonResponse(data, safe=False)
status = request.POST.get('status', None)
can_vet = vet_perms(request.user, observation)
if status not in ['good', 'bad', 'failed', 'unknown']:
data = {
'error': 'Invalid status, select one of \'good\', \'bad\', \'failed\' and \'unknown\'.'
return JsonResponse(data, safe=False)
if not can_vet:
data = {'error': 'Permission denied.'}
return JsonResponse(data, safe=False)
observation.vetted_status = status
observation.vetted_user = request.user
observation.vetted_datetime = now()
observation.save(update_fields=['vetted_status', 'vetted_user', 'vetted_datetime'])
data = {
'vetted_status': observation.vetted_status,
'vetted_status_display': observation.get_vetted_status_display(),
'vetted_user': observation.vetted_user.displayname,
'vetted_datetime': observation.vetted_datetime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
return JsonResponse(data, safe=False)
def stations_list(request):
"""View to render Stations page."""
stations = Station.objects.prefetch_related(
'antenna', 'owner',
).order_by('-status', 'id')
stations_total_obs = {
x['id']: x['total_obs']
for x in Station.objects.values('id').annotate(total_obs=Count('observations'))
antennas = Antenna.objects.all()
stations_by_status = {'online': 0, 'testing': 0, 'offline': 0, 'future': 0}
for station in stations:
if station.last_seen is None:
stations_by_status['future'] += 1
elif station.status == 2:
stations_by_status['online'] += 1
elif station.status == 1:
stations_by_status['testing'] += 1
stations_by_status['offline'] += 1
return render(
request, 'base/stations.html', {
'stations': stations,
'total_obs': stations_total_obs,
'antennas': antennas,
'online': stations_by_status['online'],
'testing': stations_by_status['testing'],
'offline': stations_by_status['offline'],
'future': stations_by_status['future'],
'mapbox_id': settings.MAPBOX_MAP_ID,
'mapbox_token': settings.MAPBOX_TOKEN
def station_view(request, station_id):
"""View for single station page."""
station = get_object_or_404(Station, id=station_id)
form = StationForm(instance=station)
antennas = Antenna.objects.all()
unsupported_frequencies = request.GET.get('unsupported_frequencies', '0')
can_schedule = schedule_station_perms(request.user, station)
# Calculate uptime
uptime = '-'
latest = StationStatusLog.objects.filter(station=station)[0]
except IndexError:
latest = None
if latest:
if latest.status:
offline = StationStatusLog.objects.filter(station=station, status=0)[0]
uptime = latest.changed - offline.changed
except IndexError:
uptime = now() - latest.changed
uptime = str(uptime).split('.')[0]
if request.user.is_authenticated():
if request.user == station.owner:
wiki_help = (
'<a href="{0}" target="_blank" class="wiki-help"><span class="glyphicon '
'glyphicon-question-sign" aria-hidden="true"></span>'
if station.is_offline:
request, (
'Your Station is offline. You should make '
'sure it can successfully connect to the Network API. '
if station.is_testing:
request, (
'Your Station is in Testing mode. Once you are sure '
'it returns good observations you can put it online. '
return render(
request, 'base/station_view.html', {
'station': station,
'form': form,
'antennas': antennas,
'mapbox_id': settings.MAPBOX_MAP_ID,
'mapbox_token': settings.MAPBOX_TOKEN,
'can_schedule': can_schedule,
'unsupported_frequencies': unsupported_frequencies,
'uptime': uptime
def station_log_view(request, station_id):
"""View for single station status log."""
station = get_object_or_404(Station, id=station_id)
station_log = StationStatusLog.objects.filter(station=station)
return render(
request, 'base/station_log.html', {
'station': station,
'station_log': station_log
def scheduling_stations(request):
"""Returns json with stations on which user has permissions to schedule"""
uuid = request.POST.get('transmitter', None)
if uuid is None:
data = [{'error': 'You should select a Transmitter.'}]
return JsonResponse(data, safe=False)
transmitter = get_transmitter_by_uuid(uuid)
if not transmitter:
data = [{'error': 'You should select a valid Transmitter.'}]
return JsonResponse(data, safe=False)
downlink = transmitter[0]['downlink_low']
if downlink is None:
data = [{'error': 'You should select a valid Transmitter.'}]
return JsonResponse(data, safe=False)
except DBConnectionError as error:
data = [{'error': str(error)}]
return JsonResponse(data, safe=False)
stations = Station.objects.filter(status__gt=0).prefetch_related('antenna')
available_stations = get_available_stations(stations, downlink, request.user)
data = {
'stations': StationSerializer(available_stations, many=True).data,
return JsonResponse(data, safe=False)
def pass_predictions(request, station_id):
"""Endpoint for pass predictions"""
station = get_object_or_404(
), 'antenna'
unsupported_frequencies = request.GET.get('unsupported_frequencies', '0')
latest_tle_queryset = LatestTle.objects.all()
satellites = Satellite.objects.filter(status='alive').prefetch_related(
Prefetch('tles', queryset=latest_tle_queryset, to_attr='tle')
except Satellite.DoesNotExist:
pass # we won't have any next passes to display
# Load the station information and invoke ephem so we can
# calculate upcoming passes for the station
observer = ephem.Observer()
observer.lon = str(station.lng)
observer.lat = str(station.lat)
observer.elevation = station.alt
observer.horizon = str(station.horizon)
nextpasses = []
start = make_aware(datetime.utcnow(), utc)
end = make_aware(datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(hours=settings.STATION_UPCOMING_END), utc)
observation_min_start = (
datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(minutes=settings.OBSERVATION_DATE_MIN_START)
).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")
all_transmitters = get_transmitters_by_status('active')
except DBConnectionError:
all_transmitters = []
if all_transmitters:
for satellite in satellites:
# look for a match between transmitters from the satellite and
# ground station antenna frequency capabilities
if int(unsupported_frequencies) == 0:
norad_id = satellite.norad_cat_id
transmitters = [
t for t in all_transmitters if t['norad_cat_id'] == norad_id
and is_transmitter_in_station_range(t, station) # noqa: W503
if not transmitters:
if satellite.tle:
tle = satellite.tle[0]
_, station_windows = predict_available_observation_windows(
station, None, 2, tle, start, end
if station_windows:
satellite_stats = satellite_stats_by_transmitter_list(transmitters)
for window in station_windows:
valid = window['start'] > observation_min_start and window['valid_duration']
window_start = datetime.strptime(window['start'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
window_end = datetime.strptime(window['end'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
sat_pass = {
'name': str(satellite.name),
'id': str(satellite.id),
'success_rate': str(satellite_stats['success_rate']),
'bad_rate': str(satellite_stats['bad_rate']),
'unvetted_rate': str(satellite_stats['unvetted_rate']),
'future_rate': str(satellite_stats['future_rate']),
'total_count': str(satellite_stats['total_count']),
'good_count': str(satellite_stats['good_count']),
'bad_count': str(satellite_stats['bad_count']),
'unvetted_count': str(satellite_stats['unvetted_count']),
'future_count': str(satellite_stats['future_count']),
'norad_cat_id': str(satellite.norad_cat_id),
'tle1': window['tle1'],
'tle2': window['tle2'],
'tr': window_start, # Rise time
'azr': window['az_start'], # Rise Azimuth
'altt': window['elev_max'], # Max altitude
'ts': window_end, # Set time
'azs': window['az_end'], # Set azimuth
'valid': valid,
'overlapped': window['overlapped'],
'overlap_ratio': window['overlap_ratio']
data = {
'id': station_id,
'nextpasses': sorted(nextpasses, key=itemgetter('tr')),
'ground_station': {
'lng': str(station.lng),
'lat': str(station.lat),
'alt': station.alt
return JsonResponse(data, safe=False)
def station_edit(request, station_id=None):
"""Edit or add a single station."""
station = None
antennas = Antenna.objects.all()
if station_id:
station = get_object_or_404(Station, id=station_id, owner=request.user)
if request.method == 'POST':
if station:
form = StationForm(request.POST, request.FILES, instance=station)
form = StationForm(request.POST, request.FILES)
if form.is_valid():
station_form = form.save(commit=False)
if not station:
station_form.testing = True
station_form.owner = request.user
messages.success(request, 'Ground Station saved successfully.')
return redirect(reverse('base:station_view', kwargs={'station_id': station_form.id}))
request, ('Your Ground Station submission has some '
'errors. {0}').format(form.errors)
return render(
request, 'base/station_edit.html', {
'form': form,
'station': station,
'antennas': antennas
if station:
form = StationForm(instance=station)
form = StationForm()
return render(
request, 'base/station_edit.html', {
'form': form,
'station': station,
'antennas': antennas
def station_delete(request, station_id):
"""View for deleting a station."""
username = request.user
station = get_object_or_404(Station, id=station_id, owner=request.user)
messages.success(request, 'Ground Station deleted successfully.')
return redirect(reverse('users:view_user', kwargs={'username': username}))
def transmitters_with_stats(transmitters_list):
"""Returns a list of transmitters with their statistics"""
transmitters_with_stats_list = []
for transmitter in transmitters_list:
transmitter_stats = transmitter_stats_by_uuid(transmitter['uuid'])
transmitter_with_stats = dict(transmitter, **transmitter_stats)
return transmitters_with_stats_list
def satellite_view(request, norad_id):
"""Returns a satellite JSON object with information and statistics"""
sat = Satellite.objects.get(norad_cat_id=norad_id)
except Satellite.DoesNotExist:
data = {'error': 'Unable to find that satellite.'}
return JsonResponse(data, safe=False)
transmitters = get_transmitters_by_norad_id(norad_id=norad_id)
except DBConnectionError as error:
data = [{'error': str(error)}]
return JsonResponse(data, safe=False)
satellite_stats = satellite_stats_by_transmitter_list(transmitters)
data = {
'id': norad_id,
'name': sat.name,
'names': sat.names,
'image': sat.image,
'success_rate': satellite_stats['success_rate'],
'good_count': satellite_stats['good_count'],
'bad_count': satellite_stats['bad_count'],
'unvetted_count': satellite_stats['unvetted_count'],
'future_count': satellite_stats['future_count'],
'total_count': satellite_stats['total_count'],
'transmitters': transmitters_with_stats(transmitters)
return JsonResponse(data, safe=False)
def transmitters_view(request):
"""Returns a transmitter JSON object with information and statistics"""
norad_id = request.POST['satellite']
station_id = request.POST.get('station_id', None)
except Satellite.DoesNotExist:
data = {'error': 'Unable to find that satellite.'}
return JsonResponse(data, safe=False)
transmitters = get_transmitters_by_norad_id(norad_id)
except DBConnectionError as error:
data = [{'error': str(error)}]
return JsonResponse(data, safe=False)
transmitters = [
t for t in transmitters if t['status'] == 'active' and t['downlink_low'] is not None
if station_id:
supported_transmitters = []
station = Station.objects.get(id=station_id)
for transmitter in transmitters:
transmitter_supported = is_transmitter_in_station_range(transmitter, station)
if transmitter_supported:
transmitters = supported_transmitters
data = {'transmitters': transmitters_with_stats(transmitters)}
return JsonResponse(data, safe=False)