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/* global satellite moment */
/* exported calcPolarPlotSVG */
* @typedef {Object} timeframe
* @property {Date} start - Start of the observation.
* @property {Date} end - End of the observation.
* Returns a polar plot of a pass at the given groundstation as SVG in a string.
* @param {timeframe} Timeframe of the oberservation.
* @param {groundstation} The observing groundstation.
* @param {tleLine1} TLE line 1 of the observed satellite.
* @param {tleLine2} TLE line 2 of the observed satellite.
function calcPolarPlotSVG(timeframe, groundstation, tleLine1, tleLine2) {
'use strict';
const pi = Math.PI;
const deg2rad = pi / 180.0;
const rad2deg = 180 / pi;
// Get the observer at lat/lon in RADIANS, altitude in km above ground (NOTE: BUG, should be elevation?)
var observerGd = {
longitude: groundstation.lon * deg2rad,
latitude: groundstation.lat * deg2rad,
height: groundstation.alt / 1000
var polarGetXY = function(az, el) {
var ret = new Object();
ret.x = (90 - el) * Math.sin(az * deg2rad);
ret.y = (el - 90) * Math.cos(az * deg2rad);
return ret;
var svg_namespace = 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg';
var polarOrbit = document.createElementNS(svg_namespace, 'path');
polarOrbit.setAttributeNS(null, 'fill', 'none');
polarOrbit.setAttributeNS(null, 'stroke', 'blue');
polarOrbit.setAttributeNS(null, 'stroke-opacity', '1.0');
polarOrbit.setAttributeNS(null, 'stroke-width', '3');
// Initialize the satellite record
var satrec = satellite.twoline2satrec(tleLine1, tleLine2);
function polarGetAzEl(t) {
var positionAndVelocity = satellite.propagate(satrec, t.toDate());
var gmst = satellite.gstime(t.toDate());
var positionEci = positionAndVelocity.position;
var positionEcf = satellite.eciToEcf(positionEci, gmst);
var lookAngles = satellite.ecfToLookAngles(observerGd, positionEcf);
return {'azimuth': lookAngles.azimuth * rad2deg,
'elevation': lookAngles.elevation * rad2deg};
// Draw the orbit pass on the polar az/el plot
var g = '';
for (var t = moment(timeframe.start); t < moment(timeframe.end); t.add(20, 's')) {
var sky_position = polarGetAzEl(t);
var coord = polarGetXY(sky_position.azimuth, sky_position.elevation);
if (g == '') {
// Start of line
g += 'M';
} else {
// Continue line
g += ' L';
g += coord.x + ' ' + coord.y;
polarOrbit.setAttribute('d', g);
// Draw observation start
var point_start = document.createElementNS(svg_namespace, 'circle');
point_start.setAttributeNS(null, 'fill', 'lightgreen');
point_start.setAttributeNS(null, 'stroke', 'black');
point_start.setAttributeNS(null, 'stroke-width', '1');
var sky_position_rise = polarGetAzEl(moment(timeframe.start));
var coord_rise = polarGetXY(sky_position_rise.azimuth, sky_position_rise.elevation);
point_start.setAttribute('cx', coord_rise.x);
point_start.setAttribute('cy', coord_rise.y);
point_start.setAttribute('r', 7);
// Draw oberservation end
var point_end = document.createElementNS(svg_namespace, 'circle');
point_end.setAttributeNS(null, 'fill', 'red');
point_end.setAttributeNS(null, 'stroke', 'black');
point_end.setAttributeNS(null, 'stroke-width', '1');
var sky_position_set = polarGetAzEl(moment(timeframe.end));
var coord_set = polarGetXY(sky_position_set.azimuth, sky_position_set.elevation);
point_end.setAttribute('cx', coord_set.x);
point_end.setAttribute('cy', coord_set.y);
point_end.setAttribute('r', 7);
return [polarOrbit, point_start, point_end];