Fork 0

65 lines
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import csv
from lxml import html
import requests
import pkg_resources
SOURCES_LIST = pkg_resources.resource_filename('satellite_tle', 'sources.csv')
def get_tle_sources():
Returns a list of (source, url)-tuples for well-known TLE sources.
sources = []
with open(SOURCES_LIST) as csvfile:
csv_reader = csv.reader(csvfile,
for row in csv_reader:
source, url = row
sources.append((source, url))
return sources
def fetch_tle_from_celestrak(norad_cat_id):
Returns the TLE for a given norad_cat_id as currently available from CelesTrak.
Raises IndexError if no data is available for the given norad_cat_id.
r = requests.get('https://www.celestrak.com/satcat/tle.php?CATNR={}'.format(norad_cat_id))
page = html.fromstring(r.text)
tle = page.xpath('//pre/text()')[0].split('\n')
if tle[1].strip() == 'No TLE found':
raise LookupError
return tle[1].strip(), tle[2].strip(), tle[3].strip()
def fetch_tles_from_url(url):
Downloads the TLE set from the given url.
Returns a dictionary of the form {norad_id1: tle1, norad_id2: tle2} for all TLEs found.
tleN is returned as list of three strings: [satellite_name, line1, line2].
r = requests.get(url)
tles = dict()
l0 = ''
l1 = ''
lines = r.text.splitlines()
for l in lines[:-1]:
if l[0] == '2':
norad_cat_id = int(l1[2:7].encode('ascii'))
tles[norad_cat_id] = (l0.strip(), l1, l)
l0 = l1
l1 = l
return tles