Fork 0

153 lines
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Raw Normal View History

"""Class and methods to encode SSTV signal"""
from . import spec
from .common import log_message, progress_bar
import numpy as np
def calc_freq(lum):
"""Converts 0-255 luminance byte into SSTV pixel frequency range"""
freq = (lum * 3.1372549) + 1500
return 2300 if freq > 2300 else 1500 if freq < 1500 else freq
class SSTVEncoder(object):
"""Create an SSTV encoder that will encode a PIL image"""
def __init__(self, image, mode=spec.M1):
self.mode = mode
self._sample_rate = 44100
self._orig_image = image
self._sig_phase = 0
def encode(self):
"""Encodes image data into SSTV audio signal"""
log_message("Encoding SSTV image with mode {}".format(self.mode.NAME))
header = np.append(self.encode_header(), self.encode_vis())
image_data = self.create_image_data()
full_audio = np.append(header, self.encode_image_data(image_data))
return full_audio, self._sample_rate
def freq_to_samples(self, freq, length):
"""Creates an array of samples using a sine wave of given frequency"""
sample_count = round(length * self._sample_rate)
time_space = np.linspace(0, length, sample_count, endpoint=False)
mult = freq * 2 * np.pi
data = np.array(np.sin(time_space * mult + self._sig_phase),
self._sig_phase += length * mult
return data
def add_tone_data(self, data, point, freq, length):
"""Adds sample data of given freq to array at specified point"""
sig = self.freq_to_samples(freq, length)
data[point:point+len(sig)] = sig
def encode_header(self):
"""Returns audio data of the SSTV header"""
return np.concatenate((self.freq_to_samples(1900, 0.300),
self.freq_to_samples(1200, 0.010),
self.freq_to_samples(1900, 0.300)))
def encode_vis(self):
"""Encodes the VIS code into the correct frequencies"""
vis_value = None
for vis, mode in spec.VIS_MAP.items():
if mode == self.mode:
vis_value = vis
if vis_value is None:
raise ValueError("No vis code for mode: {}".format(self.mode.NAME))
vis_bits = []
for bit_idx in range(7):
vis_bits.append((vis_value >> bit_idx) & 0x01)
# Add even parity bit
parity = sum(vis_bits) % 2
data = self.freq_to_samples(1200, 0.030)
for bit in vis_bits:
freq = 1100 if bit else 1300
data = np.append(data, self.freq_to_samples(freq, 0.030))
data = np.append(data, self.freq_to_samples(1200, 0.030))
return data
def create_image_data(self):
"""Transforms image data into correct format to be encoded"""
log_message("Formatting image")
width = self.mode.LINE_WIDTH
height = self.mode.LINE_COUNT
channels = self.mode.CHAN_COUNT
image = self._orig_image.resize((width, height))
pixel_data = image.load()
image_data = []
for y in range(height):
for x in range(width):
if self.mode.COLOR == spec.COL_FMT.GBR:
pixel = (pixel_data[x, y][1],
pixel_data[x, y][2],
pixel_data[x, y][0])
return image_data
def encode_image_data(self, image_data):
"""Encodes the actual image data into array of samples"""
sync_length = round(self.mode.SYNC_PULSE * self._sample_rate)
porch_length = round(self.mode.SYNC_PORCH * self._sample_rate)
sep_length = round(self.mode.SEP_PULSE * self._sample_rate)
total_time = round(self.mode.LINE_TIME * self.mode.LINE_COUNT
* self._sample_rate)
data = np.zeros(total_time)
data_ptr = 0
height = self.mode.LINE_COUNT
channels = self.mode.CHAN_COUNT
width = self.mode.LINE_WIDTH
pixel_time = self.mode.PIXEL_TIME
for line in range(height):
for chan in range(channels):
if chan == self.mode.CHAN_SYNC:
self.add_tone_data(data, data_ptr, 1200,
data_ptr += sync_length
self.add_tone_data(data, data_ptr, 1500,
data_ptr += porch_length
last_px_end = data_ptr
for px in range(width):
px_pos = last_px_end
last_px_end = data_ptr + round((px + 1) * pixel_time
* self._sample_rate)
px_size = (last_px_end - px_pos) / self._sample_rate
freq = calc_freq(image_data[line][px][chan])
self.add_tone_data(data, px_pos, freq, px_size)
data_ptr = last_px_end # end of last pixel
self.add_tone_data(data, data_ptr, 1500, self.mode.SEP_PULSE)
data_ptr += sep_length
progress_bar(line, height - 1, "Encoding image data...")
return data