
85 lines
2.6 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import print_function
import subprocess
from stvid.stio import fourframe
from stvid.stio import satid
2018-07-22 01:36:20 -06:00
def generate_satellite_predictions(fname):
# Format command
2018-07-22 01:36:20 -06:00
command = "satid %s %s.png/png" % (fname, fname)
# Run command
output = subprocess.check_output(command,
2018-07-22 01:36:20 -06:00
return output
2018-07-22 01:36:20 -06:00
def find_hough3d_lines(fname, ntrkmin=20, dr=8):
# Read four frame
2018-07-22 01:36:20 -06:00
ff = fourframe(fname)
# Mask frame
2018-07-22 01:36:20 -06:00
ff.mask(10, 10, 5, 5)
# Compute selection mask
2018-07-22 01:36:20 -06:00
x, y, z, t, sig = ff.selection_mask(5.0, 40.0)
2019-04-22 08:11:46 -06:00
# Skip if not enough points
if len(t) < 2:
2019-04-22 08:11:46 -06:00
return []
# Save points to temporary file
2019-04-22 08:11:46 -06:00
with open("/tmp/hough.dat", "w") as f:
for i in range(len(t)):
2018-07-22 01:36:20 -06:00
f.write("%f,%f,%f\n" % (x[i], y[i], z[i]))
# Run 3D Hough line-finding algorithm
command = "hough3dlines -dx %d -minvotes %d %s" % (dr, ntrkmin,
2019-04-22 08:11:46 -06:00
output = subprocess.check_output(command,
except Exception:
2019-04-22 08:11:46 -06:00
return []
# Clean output (a bit cluncky)
2019-04-28 03:01:31 -06:00
cleaned_output = output.decode("utf-8").replace("npoints=", "")
cleaned_output = cleaned_output.replace(", a=(", " ")
2018-07-22 01:36:20 -06:00
cleaned_output = cleaned_output.replace("), b=(", " ")
cleaned_output = cleaned_output.replace(")", "")
cleaned_output = cleaned_output.replace(",", " ")
2019-04-22 08:11:46 -06:00
# Generate identifications
2018-07-22 01:36:20 -06:00
lines = []
s = cleaned_output.split()
for i in range(len(s) // 7):
2019-04-22 08:11:46 -06:00
# Extract points
x0, y0, z0 = float(s[1 + 7 * i]), float(s[2 + 7 * i]), float(s[3 +
7 * i])
dx, dy, dz = float(s[4 + 7 * i]), float(s[5 + 7 * i]), float(s[6 +
7 * i])
2019-04-22 08:11:46 -06:00
# Reconstruct start and end points
xmin = x0 - z0 * dx / (dz + 1e-9)
xmax = x0 + ( - z0) * dx / (dz + 1e-9)
ymin = y0 - z0 * dy / (dz + 1e-9)
ymax = y0 + ( - z0) * dy / (dz + 1e-9)
2019-04-22 08:11:46 -06:00
# Output line
line = "%.23s %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f %8.5f %s unidentified sunlit\n" %\
(ff.nfd, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, ff.texp, 99999-i)
2019-04-22 08:11:46 -06:00
# Store identifications
fp = open(fname + ".id", "a")
for line in lines:
return [satid(line) for line in lines]