
60 lines
2.4 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import configparser
import argparse
import subprocess
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Read commandline options
conf_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Plate solve FITS file' +
' and add WCS on header')
conf_parser.add_argument("-c", "--conf_file",
help="Specify configuration file. If no file" +
" is specified 'configuration.ini' is used.",
conf_parser.add_argument("-d", "--directory",
help="Specify directory of observations. If no" +
" directory is specified parent will be used.",
metavar='DIR', dest='file_dir', default=".")
args = conf_parser.parse_args()
# Process commandline options and parse configuration
cfg = configparser.ConfigParser(inline_comment_prefixes=('#', ';'))
conf_file = args.conf_file if args.conf_file else "configuration.ini"
result =[conf_file])
if not result:
print("Could not read config file: %s\nExiting..." % conf_file)
path = args.file_dir
extension = 'fits'
files = sorted((f for f in os.listdir(path) if f.endswith('.' + extension)),
key=lambda x: os.path.getctime(os.path.join(path, x)))
if files:
file_for_astrometry = os.path.join(path, files[0])
print("Found " + file_for_astrometry + " for astrometric solving.")
sex_config = cfg.get('Astrometry', 'sex_config')
no_sex = cfg.get('Astrometry', 'no_sex')
low_app = cfg.get('Astrometry', 'low_app')
high_app = cfg.get('Astrometry', 'high_app')
# Format solve-field command
command = "solve-field -O -y -u app -L %s -H %s --downsample 2 " % (low_app, high_app)
if (not no_sex):
command = command + \
2022-04-02 04:59:37 -06:00
"--use-sextractor --sextractor-config %s --x-column X_IMAGE " % sex_config + \
"--y-column Y_IMAGE --sort-column MAG_AUTO --sort-ascending "
command = command + \
2022-04-02 04:59:37 -06:00
"--no-plots -T -N %s/test.fits %s" % (path, file_for_astrometry)
# Run solve-field, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
2022-04-02 04:59:37 -06:00
print("No fits file found for astrometric solving.")