
61 lines
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# Configuration file
observer_cospar = 9999 # COSPAR number of observer's site
observer_name = Sample Name # Name of observer
observer_lat = 19.8956 # Latitude of location in decimal degrees
observer_lon = -155.2342 # Longitude of location in decimal degrees
observer_el = 100 # Elevation of location in meters
observations_path = /path/to/obs/ # Path for raw acquisitions
tle_path = /path/to/tle/ # Path where TLEs are stored (and updated)
results_path = /path/to/results # Path for results of processed obs
st-username = username # username
st-password = password # password
alt_sunset = -6.0 # Solar altitude at sunset
alt_sunrise = -6.0 # Solar altitude at sunrise
camera_type = CV2 # CV2 or ASI
device_id = 0
nx = 720 # Camera horizontal pixel count
ny = 576 # Camera vertical pixel count
nframes = 250 # Number of frames for each image
device_id = 0
nx = 1544 # Camera horizontal pixel count
ny = 1040 # Camera vertical pixel count
nframes = 100 # Number of frames for each image
gain = 300 # Camera gain
maxgain = 300 # Maximum gain (for autogain; starts at gain)
autogain = True # Use autogain
exposure = 100000 # Exposure time in microseconds
bin = 2 # Binning factor (1: 1x2, 2: 2x2 etc)
brightness = 10 # Target brightness of pixels
bandwidth = 90 # Bandwidth usage (percent)
high_speed = 0 # High speed mode (0 for False, 1 for True)
hardware_bin = 0 # Hardware binning (0 for False, 1 for True)
sdk = /path/to/ # path to the SDK library
sex_config = /path/to/
tracking_mount = False # Set to True for sidereal tracking mounts
no_sex = False # Set to True to use only
low_app = 18 # Arcsec per pixel low scale - Resolution of camera
high_app = 20 # Arcsec per pixel high scale - Resolution of camera
drdtmin = 5.0 # Minimum predicted satellite velocity (pixels/s)
trkrmin = 10.0 # Track selection region around prediction (pixels)
ntrkmin = 10 # Minimum number of points making up a track
trksig = 5.0 # Track selection sigma
nstarsmin = 10 # Minimum number of stars to attempt astrometric calibration
houghrmin = 10.0 # Hough3dLines: Track selection region around prediction (pixels)
nhoughmin = 10 # Hough3dLines: Minimum track points