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# retropilot-server
This is a lesser fork of upstream retropilot-server.
# Install
Docs for Debian stable (bullseye/11).
# Do as retropilot user
adduser retropilot
sudo su - retropilot
# Database / Postgres
sudo apt install postgresql
sudo -u postgres psql -c "CREATE DATABASE retropilot;"
sudo -u postgres psql -c "CREATE USER retropilot WITH password 'passwurd';"
sudo -u postgres psql -c "GRANT ALL privileges ON DATABASE retropilot TO retropilot;"
# Lookie:
sudo -u postgres psql
# As retropilot user
cat sql/create_tables.sql | psql -U retropilot -d retropilot
# take a look
psql -U retropilot -d retropilot
# pg commands, ala
# Install deps
sudo apt update
sudo apt install npm
# Clone fork
git clone
cd retropilot-server
# Build thang
npm install
# missing?
#cp config.sample.js config.js
# Perhaps:
cp -p .env.sample .env
vim .env
# Looks like this is needed ?
npm install esm
# In one term run:
node -r esm src/server
# In another term run:
node -r esm src/worker
# Firewall, open port 8080
# Use
Go to `` in your browser, using the
correct IP.
Create an account. Check `server.log` for the token, which appears
to be `verysecrettoken` by default. Then log in with that.
# Upstream
This is forked from RetroPilot:
See also ``.