👏 Remove custom i18n.d.ts file.

Rick Carlino 2017-07-05 15:45:38 -05:00
parent b55160fb46
commit 6267290cf9
2 changed files with 0 additions and 135 deletions

typings/i18n.d.ts vendored
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@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
// Generated by typings
// Source: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/1fb90278ce678b668e0bed069095b1920dc658ec/i18next/i18next.d.ts
declare namespace I18next {
interface ResourceStore {
[language: string]: ResourceStoreLanguage;
interface ResourceStoreLanguage {
[namespace: string]: ResourceStoreKey;
interface ResourceStoreKey {
[key: string]: any;
interface InterpolationOptions {
escapeValue?: boolean;
prefix?: string;
suffix?: string;
prefixEscaped?: string;
suffixEscaped?: string;
unescapeSuffix?: string;
unescapePrefix?: string;
nestingPrefix?: string;
nestingSuffix?: string;
nestingPrefixEscaped?: string;
nestedSuffixEscaped?: string;
defaultVariables?: any;
interface TranslationOptions {
defaultValue?: string;
count?: number;
context?: any;
replace?: any;
lng?: string;
lngs?: string[];
fallbackLng?: string;
ns?: string | string[];
keySeparator?: string;
nsSeparator?: string;
returnObjects?: boolean;
joinArrays?: string;
postProcess?: string | any[];
interpolation?: InterpolationOptions;
interface Options {
debug?: boolean;
resources?: ResourceStore;
lng?: string;
fallbackLng?: string;
ns?: string | string[];
defaultNS?: string;
fallbackNS?: string | string[];
whitelist?: string[];
lowerCaseLng?: boolean;
load?: string
preload?: string[];
keySeparator?: string;
nsSeparator?: string;
pluralSeparator?: string;
contextSeparator?: string;
saveMissing?: boolean;
saveMissingTo?: string;
missingKeyHandler?: (lng: string, ns: string, key: string, fallbackValue: string) => void;
parseMissingKeyHandler?: (key: string) => void;
appendNamespaceToMissingKey?: boolean;
postProcess?: string | any[];
returnNull?: boolean;
returnEmptyString?: boolean;
returnObjects?: boolean;
returnedObjectHandler?: (key: string, value: string, options: any) => void;
joinArrays?: string;
overloadTranslationOptionHandler?: (args: any[]) => TranslationOptions;
interpolation?: InterpolationOptions;
detection?: any;
backend?: any;
cache?: any;
type TranslationFunction = (key: string, options?: TranslationOptions) => string;
class I18n {
constructor(options?: Options, callback?: (err: any, t: TranslationFunction) => void);
init(options?: Options, callback?: (err: any, t: TranslationFunction) => void): I18n;
loadResources(callback?: (err: any) => void): void;
language: string;
languages: string[];
use(module: any): I18n;
changeLanguage(lng: string, callback?: (err: any, t: TranslationFunction) => void): void;
getFixedT(lng?: string, ns?: string | string[]): TranslationFunction;
t(key: string, options?: ResourceStoreKey): string | any | Array<any>;
exists(): boolean;
setDefaultNamespace(ns: string): void;
loadNamespaces(ns: string[], callback?: () => void): void;
loadLanguages(lngs: string[], callback?: () => void): void;
dir(lng?: string): string;
createInstance(options?: Options, callback?: (err: any, t: TranslationFunction) => void): I18n;
cloneInstance(options?: Options, callback?: (err: any, t: TranslationFunction) => void): I18n;
on(event: string, listener: () => void): void;
on(initialized: 'initialized', listener: (options: I18next.Options) => void): void;
on(loaded: 'loaded', listener: (loaded: any) => void): void;
on(failedLoading: 'failedLoading', listener: (lng: string, ns: string, msg: string) => void): void;
on(missingKey: 'missingKey', listener: (lngs: any, namespace: string, key: string, res: any) => void): void;
on(added: 'added', listener: (lng: string, ns: string) => void): void;
on(removed: 'removed', listener: (lng: string, ns: string) => void): void;
on(languageChanged: 'languageChanged', listener: (lng: string) => void): void;
off(event: string, listener: () => void): void;
declare module 'i18next' {
var i18n: I18next.I18n;
export = i18n;

typings/index.d.ts vendored
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@ -1,2 +1 @@
/// <reference path="i18n.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="react-redux.d.ts" />