
5.2 KiB

Run on a Local Machine (fast)

If you want to run a server on a LAN for personal use, this is the easiest and cheapest option.

Simplicity: ❤️❤️❤️ Reliability: 💔 Affordability: ❤️❤️❤️

  1. Follow the developer setup guide.
  2. Run rails s -e production -b (Set ENV vars accordingly).

Deployment to Dokku (cheap)

NOTE TO USERS: We no longer deploy the server using Dokku. Although we will make a best effort to support Dokku users, our ability to provide troubleshooting and documentation for Dokku setups is limited since we do not use it ourselves.

Simplicity: 💔 Reliability: ❤️❤️ Affordability: ❤️❤️

  1. Provision a fresh Ubuntu 16 server (we use DigitalOcean's "Ubuntu 16 docker" image).
  • Make sure you have atleast 1gb.
  1. Install the latest version of Dokku (don't use that DigitalOcean image)
  2. Visit the server's URL in a browser. Follow the directions on screen to setup Dokku.
  3. git remote add my_server dokku@my_server_name:my_app_name
  4. Install mariaDB plugin: instructions.
  5. Create the Dokku app (if you didn't do it already). ssh dokku@my_server_name apps:create my_app_name.
  6. Give Dokku a place to store RSA keys: ssh dokku@my_server_name storage:mount my_app_name /var/lib/dokku/data/keys:/keys.
  7. Create a databse: ssh dokku@my_server_name mariadb:create my_db_name
  8. Link the DB: ssh dokku@my_server_name mariadb:link my_db_name my_app_name
  9. Set ENV vars to real values (full ENV var list is in README:
  • ssh dokku@my_server_name config:set my_app_name DEVISE_SECRET=$(rake secret) API_PORT=1234
  1. Deploy the app: git push dokku@my_server_name:my_app_name master
  2. (optional) If that didn't work, do this on the server and try pushing again:
    • dokku trace on (sets dokku to debug mode).
    • dokku config:set --global CURL_TIMEOUT=600
    • dokku config:set --global CURL_CONNECT_TIMEOUT=30
  3. Migrate the database: ssh dokku@my_server_name run my_app_name rake db:setup
  4. Your API is ready to go! You probably need to deploy the MQTT server next.

Deployment Using Heroku (good)

Simplicity: ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Reliability: ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Affordability: 💔

  1. Deploy as you would normally deploy to Heroku
  2. Enable Dyno metadata: heroku labs:enable runtime-dyno-metadata --app <app name> (we need this to know the version number of the web app).

Don't forget to set ENV vars and run heroku run rake db:setup.

Setting up SSL

Before setting up SSL, setup your domain on Heroku.

Install Certbot.

Run sudo certbot certonly --manual

Wait until you see this message and DO NOT CONTINUE:

Make sure your web server displays the following content at before continuing:


Set the ACME_SECRET ENV var to the value shown above (yours will be different) and restart your API process.

Once you have restarted the API process, continue through the installer.

You should see this:

 - Congratulations! Your certificate and chain have been saved at

Heroku Users: Run the following snippet to submit the certs to Heroku:

heroku certs:add /etc/letsencrypt/live/ /etc/letsencrypt/live/

Heroku will then give you instructions on which DNS records you must create.

Dokku Users: FarmBot, Inc. no longer uses Dokku. As such, our ability to troubleshoot problems is limited. Please raise an issue to receive community support.

Renew SSL Certificates

  1. Run sudo certbot certonly --manual -d YOUR_DOMAIN_HERE
  2. Wait for this message:

Make sure your web server displays the following content at before continuing:


  1. Set the ACME_SECRET ENV var to the value shown above (yours will be different). Process restart may be required if you are not on Heroku!
  - Congratulations! Your certificate and chain have been saved at
  1. (Heroku users only) sudo heroku certs:update /etc/letsencrypt/live/YOUR_DOMAIN_HERE/fullchain.pem /etc/letsencrypt/live/YOUR_DOMAIN_HERE/privkey.pem

FILE / PHOTO storage

This is a work in progress. Please ignore this section

  • We use paperclip and the fog gem for Google Cloud Storage uploads.
  • You need to use an INTEROPERABILITY KEY to setup Paperclip/fog. You will be frustrated if you try to generate an API key.
  • INTEROPERABILITY keys can be found under the "settings" pane of the bucket in the INTEROPERABILITY tab.