
1.5 KiB


  1. Provision a fresh Ubuntu 16 server (we use DigitalOcean's "Ubuntu 16 docker" image).
  • Make sure you have atleast 1gb.
  1. Install the latest version of Dokku (don't use that DigitalOcean image)
  2. Visit the server's URL in a browser. Follow the directions on screen to setup Dokku.
  3. git remote add my_server dokku@my_server_name:my_app_name
  4. Install mariaDB plugin: instructions.
  5. Create the Dokku app (if you didn't do it already). ssh dokku@my_server_name apps:create my_app_name.
  6. Give Dokku a place to store RSA keys: ssh dokku@my_server_name storage:mount my_app_name /var/lib/dokku/data/keys:/keys.
  7. Create a databse: ssh dokku@my_server_name mariadb:create my_db_name
  8. Link the DB: ssh dokku@my_server_name mariadb:link my_db_name my_app_name
  9. Set ENV vars like JS\_FILE\_URL to real values:
  • ssh dokku@my_server_name config:set my_app_name DEVISE_SECRET=$(rake secret) JS_FILE_URL=// API_PORT=1234
  1. Deploy the app: git push dokku@my_server_name:my_app_name master
  2. (optional) If that didn't work, do this on the server and try pushing again:
    • dokku trace on (sets dokku to debug mode).
    • dokku config:set --global CURL_TIMEOUT=600
    • dokku config:set --global CURL_CONNECT_TIMEOUT=30
  3. Migrate the database: ssh dokku@my_server_name run my_app_name rake db:setup
  4. Your API is ready to go! You probably need to deploy the MQTT server next.